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CALL CENTER DESTEĞİ 444 0 830 Üyelik için: [email protected] Sayı 335 Mayıs 2013 Issue 335 2013 May TÜRSAB TÜRK‹YE SEYAHAT ACENTALARI B‹RL‹⁄‹ taraf›ndan ayl›k olarak yay›nlan›r Published monthly by ASSOCIATION OF TURKISH TRAVEL AGENCIES ISSN 1300-3364 Milas Rumeli Hisarı Yerel Süreli Yay›n Milas The Rumelia Fortress Local Periodical TÜRSAB ad›na Sahibi ‹çindekiler Owner on behalf of TÜRSAB Contents Başaran ULUSOY Sorumlu Yaz› ‹şleri Müdürü Managing Editor 4 Feyyaz YALÇIN 19 Mayıs Kutlu Olsun Happy May 19th TÜRSAB ad›na Yay›n Koordinatörü Publication Coordinator on behalf of TÜRSAB 13 Arzu ÇENG‹L Farkedilmeyi bekleyen sakin ve huzurlu ülke: Ürdün Yayın Kurulu A calm and peaceful country that awaits Editorial Board Başaran ULUSOY, Arzu ÇENGİL, to be noticed: Jordan Hümeyra ÖZALP KONYAR, Ayşim ALPMAN, Avniye TANSUĞ, 18 Özgür AÇIKBAŞ Milas’ın rüzgarı bir başka The wind blows differently in Milas Görsel ve Editoryal Yönetim Visual and Editorial Management 24 Hümeyra ÖZALP KONYAR 19 Mayıs Kutlu Olsun Ürdün Fetihin sembolü Rumeli Hisarı Happy May 19th Jordan Haber ve Görsel Koordinasyon The symbol of The Conquest Rumelia News and Visual Coordination Fortress Özgür AÇIKBAŞ 30 Grafik Uygulama Eski toprakların yeni ülkesi Kosova Graphical Implementation The new country of old land Kosovo Semih BÜYÜKKURT Çeviri 34 Translation Türk Hamamı Nazlı DOĞUOĞLU Turkish Bath Harran Evleri Double Tree by Hilton Baskı Printing 40 Harran Houses Double Tree by Hilton Harran Evleri MÜKA Matbaa Harran Houses Bask› Tarihi Print Date 46 Mayıs/May 2013 Double Tree by Hilton Double Tree by Hilton TÜRSAB Tel: (0.212) 259 84 04 50 Faks: (0.212) 259 06 56 Şeylerin tarihi Esentepe Mah. Villa Cad. No: 7 History of things Şişli-İstanbul/Türkiye www.tursab.org.tr 54 e-mail:[email protected] Not defteri Notebook TÜRSAB DERG‹, Bas›n Konseyi üyesi olup, Bas›n Meslek ‹lkeleri’ne uymaya söz vermiştir. TÜRSAB DERG‹’de yay›nlanan yaz› ve fotoğraflardan kaynak 56 gösterilmeden al›nt› yap›lamaz. TÜRSAB Haberler TÜRSAB MAGAZINE is a member of the Turkish Press Council and has resolved to abide by the Press Code of TÜRSAB News Ethics. None of the articles and photographs published Kosova Türk Hamamı in the TÜRSAB MAGAZINE maybe quoted without mentioning of resource. Kosovo Turkish Bath Geleceğimizin The day our future was Bayramı determined Gençlik bir ülkenin geleceği demektir. Umudu Youth is the future of a country. It is its hope. The fact that Great Leader Atatürk dedicated May 19th to youth means demektir. Büyük Önder Atatürk’ün 19 Mayıs’ı exactly that. May 19th is the first stop on the strenous journey gençlere armağan etmesi, işte bu anlama ge- towards the Independence War and the Republic of Turkey. lir. 19 Mayıs Kurtuluş Savaşı’na ve Türkiye Atatürk explains why and under which circumstances he under- took that journey in his “Speech” in following terms: Cumhuriyeti’ne uzanan o meşakkatli yolculuğun “Ottoman Empire was completely dismantled. There was just ilk durağıdır çünkü. a piece of land left in the middle where very few Turks lived. The last thing left for them to do was to complete the partition Atatürk, o yolculuğa hangi şartlarda ve neden of that land and to decide how they would share it between Başaran Ulusoy çıktığını, Nutuk’ta şöyle anlatır: them. Ottoman State, its independence, the Sultan, the Ca- “Osmanlı ülkeleri tamamen parçalanmıştı. Ortada liphate, the government, all these were emptied words. There TÜRSAB Yönetim Kurulu Başkan› was just one decision to be made under these conditions. That The President of TÜRSAB bir avuç Türkün barındığı bir ata yurdu kalmıştı. was to establish a completely independent, new Turkish State Son sorun, bunun da paylaşılmasını sağlamak that is based on national sovereignty. That was the decision we için uğraşılmaktan başka bir şey değildi. Os- made before we left İstanbul and we started executing it, once we set foot on Anatolian land at Samsun.” manlı Devleti, onun bağımsızlığı, padişah, halife, What happened in Samsun is a seldom seen event in the hükûmet, bunların hepsi anlamını yitirmiş birtakım World. After that, what was tought to be impossible was achieved. From a country at the brink of total destruction anlamsız sözlerdi. Bu durum karşısında bir tek a motherland was created. Atatürk declared May 19th to a karar vardı. O da ulus egemenliğine dayanan, holiday for the young people of his country to commemmorate tam bağımsız, yeni bir Türk devleti kurmak. İşte, and always remember the beginning of that journey. However this holiday is also a responsibility, a duty. daha İstanbul’dan çıkmadan önce düşündüğümüz Well, how does one implement the requirements of this parti- ve Samsun’da Anadolu topraklarına ayak basar cular responsibility? Of course, first and foremost, by adequately basmaz uygulamaya başladığımız karar, bu karar fulfilling our duties wherever we stand in social life... By follo- wing and learning about the truth in our country and having a olmuştur.” share in the shaping of our future... And most importantly, by Dünya tarihinde benzerine pek az rastlanan remembering that May 19th is not just any day but that it was “The Day” that brought us to the present-day... bir adımdır Samsun’da atılan. Çünkü o adımın sonrasında imkansız denilen başarılmıştır. Yok oluşun eşiğindeki bir ülkeden bir vatan yaratılmış- tır. Atatürk de gençler o yolculuğu hiç unutmasın diye 19 Mayıs’ı bayrama dönüştürmüştür. Ancak bu bayram aynı zamanda bir sorumluluk, bir görevdir. Peki, o sorumluluğun gerekleri nasıl yerine getirilir? Elbette öncelikle, toplumsal hayata katıldığımız yer her neresi ise orada görevimizi layıkıyla yerine getirerek... Ülke gerçeklerini takip edip öğrenerek ve geleceğimizin şekillenmesinde pay sahibi olarak... Ve en önemlisi, 19 Mayıs’ın herhangi bir gün değil, bizi bugünlere taşıyan “O GÜN” olduğunu hep hatırlayarak... TÜRSAB DERGİ | MAYIS 2013 3 Herşeyin başladıgı gün… 2 Elif Türkölmez Rasim Konyar 4 TÜRSAB DERGİ | MAYIS 2013 19 Mayıs 1919’da başladı Türk ulusunun kurtuluş hikayesi… Mustafa Kemal o günden üç gün önce Bandırma Vapuru’na binerken, Boğaz’ın karanlıklarında görünen düşman gemilerine bakarak “Geldikleri gibi giderler” dedi. Gerçekten de geldikleri gibi gittiler… 19 MAYIS KUTLU OLSUN TÜRSAB DERGİ | MAYIS 2013 5 Samsun’daki Bandırma Vapuru Müzesi, açıldığı günden beri büyük kalabalıkları ağırlıyor ve kentin önemli anıtlarından Atatürk Onur The 19th of May is the day when the step was taken of the road leading to the The day Anıtı (sağ sayfa). independence of the Republic of Turkey... The day when the Independence War everything began and the future of the Turkish nation began to brighten up... But do you know what is the essential importance of May 19th? It is the adopted birthday Rasim Konyar began... of Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. During an interview he said “I was born in May 19th!”. This is why we celebrate May 19th every year as Youth HAPPY and Sports Day but also to commemorate Atatürk, we remember of him at his th MAY 19 second birthday with yearning and gratefulness. In fact we do not know the real birthday of The Great Leader. Hence his official birthday is May 19th. 84 years ago, when Mustafa Kemal took the road in order to give the chance to choose their own future for this nation, he had nothing but his faith. He did The story of the not have high technology artillery, nor big battleships, tanks or submarines... independece of Turkish The enemy forces had all these. However Atatürk trusted the Turkish nation. th nation began in May 19 He was not afraid of the enemy navy and he said “When I saw Samsun and 1919... When Mustafa the people of Samsun I firmly believed that all my ideas and decisions about Kemal took the Bandırma the country and the nation could be executed. The patriotism and devotion I boat three days before, saw in the people of Samsun’s state and position was enough to take my hope he looked at the enemy and thinkings to a positive belief...” Saying “They are based on iron, steel and navy anchored at the dark armed forced. The only thing they know is material. They do not understand sea of the Bosphorus and the force of people who decided to die for freedom. We are not taking arms or said “They will leave as ammunition to Anatolia, we are taking ideals and faith”, he stated that the real they came”.
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