Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87134-1 - The Cambridge Companion to Benjamin Franklin Edited by Carla Mulford Index More information INDEX Academie´ Royale des Sciences 20 (see also Associators, Pennsylvania 123 Royal Academy of Sciences, Paris) Augustine 166–67 Academy of Philadelphia 4, 52, 105 Bache, Benjamin Franklin 18, 153 Adams, John 60–61, 80 Bache, Sarah (“Sally”) Franklin 117, 119, Adams, Matthew 52 125–29 Adanson, Michel, as author of Voyage to Bache, William 129 Senegal 16 Bacon, Francis 66, 71, 91 Addison, Joseph 37, 59 Banks, Joseph 63 as author of Cato 25 Barlowe, Arthur 145 as co-creator, with Richard Steele, of The Bartram, John 14 Spectator 38–39, 58 Batavian Society, Holland 57 Adorno, Theodor W. 87 Behrends, Johann Adolf 50 Aepinus, Franz Maria Ulrich Theodor Hoch Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology 72–73 138 Aitken, Robert 19 Bentham, Jeremy 82–83 Albany Plan of Union (1754) 4, 6 as author of Introduction to the Principles d’Alembert, Jean le Rond, as co-compiler of of Morals and Legislation 82 the Encyclopedia 134–35 Berkeley, George, Bishop 59 Almanac tradition 1 Bible 28, 32, 41, 47 American Academy of Arts and Sciences 20, as King James version 32 73 Bigelow, John 162–64, 166 American Philosophical Society 4, 14–15, Blackmore, Richard 33 20–22, 51, 52, 57, 72–73, 105 Blake, John L. 152 Transactions of 15, 73 Boerhaave, Hermann 17 American Revolution 9, 15, 30, 45, 63, 73, Bond, Thomas 14–15 80, 117–20, 123, 129, 135 Bowdoin, James 16 American Society, see American Bowle’s Moral Pictures; or, Poor Richard Philosophical Society Illustrated . 150 Andrews, Jedediah 32 Boyle, Robert 64 Aquinas, Thomas 134 London lectures by 64 Aristotle 134 Braddock, Edward, Gen. 4 as natural philosopher 66 Brientnall, Joseph 55 Art of Making Money Plenty in Everyman’s Brillon de Jouy, Anne-Louise Boivin Pocket, The 150 d’Hardancourt 60 Articles of Confederation 6 British Empire 9, 51, 124 Associates of Dr. Bray 59 Brownrigg, Mary 17 177 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87134-1 - The Cambridge Companion to Benjamin Franklin Edited by Carla Mulford Index More information index Brownrigg, William, as author of Art of Constitutions of the Thirteen United States Making Common Salt 16–17 of America 120 as co-author, with Franklin, of Of the Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third Earl of Stilling of Waves by Means of Oil 17 Shaftesbury 54, 92, 126 Bryan, William Jennings 142 as author of Letter Concerning Burke, Aedanus, as author of Considerations Enthusiasm 126 on the Society or Order of as author of Sensus Communis 54 Cincinnati . 127–28 Copernicus 66 Burke, Edmund, as author of Reflections on Covey, Stephen 168 the Revolution in France 81 Crockett, Davy 167–68 Burnet, Gilbert 11 Cutler, Manasseh 18 as author Rights of Princes 11 Dampier, William 68, 73 History of the Reformation 11 Dante, 11 History of His Own Time 11 De Quincey, Thomas 166 Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles Declaration of Independence 13, 43 11 Definitive Treaty between Great Britain, and Burnet, William 11–12 the United States of America . , The library of 11–12 120 Byrd, William 12 Defoe, Daniel 39 library of 21–22 Denham, Thomas 95 Dennie, Joseph 153 Calvin, John 132–33 as author of Prospectus of a New Weekly Calvinism, beliefs associated with 91–93, Paper . 153 95, 100–01, 132–33, 140 Desaguliers, Theophilus, as author of A Carey, Mathew 160–64 Course of Experimental Philosophy Carnegie, Andrew 132, 136–39, 142 69 as author of The Gospel of Wealth 136 Descartes, Rene´ 66–72 as Lord Rector, St. Andrews University as author of Principia Philosophiae 66 138 Descriptions des Arts et Metiers´ 20 estate at Skibo Castle, Scotland 138 Dewey, John 104, 110–14 Carnegie, Dale 168 Diderot, Denis, as co-compiler of Carpenter’s Hall 20 Encyclopedia 134–35 Case, Wheeler, as compiler of Poems Donne, John, as author of Poems 13–14 occasioned by several Dougall, Richardson 121–23 circumstances . 124 Dryden, John 14, 37–38, 59 Chaucer 11 as author of Discourses Concerning . Cincinnati,see Society of the Cincinnati Satire 38 Cincinnatus 119, 125–29 DuBois,W.E.B. 140 Clemens, Orion 151 Dufief, Nicholas Gouin 21–22 Clemens, Samuel (Mark Twain) 33, 151, Duke de la Rochefoucauld, see Franc¸ois VI 153 Dylan, Bob 169 as author of The Mysterious Stranger 33 as author of “The Late Benjamin Edwards, Jonathan 25, 112 Franklin” 168 Einstein, Albert 72–74 Clubs Eliot, Jared 56 in London 5, 59 Emerson, Ralph Waldo 110–14, 154–55 see also Franklin, Benjamin, Junto of Encyclopaedia Britannica 37 Cobbett, William 153 Everett, Edward 151 Colden, Cadwallader 56, 108, 112 Collins, Anthony 92 Farmer’s Road to Wealth, The 150 Collinson, Peter 56, 70 Farrand, Max 169 Communication networks 1 Federal Gazette 45–46 178 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87134-1 - The Cambridge Companion to Benjamin Franklin Edited by Carla Mulford Index More information index Felton, Silas 150, 167, 169 in London, England 64, 93 Ferguson, Adam, as author of An Essay on in Passy, France 2, 6, 60–61 the History of Civil Society 88 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 11: Ford, Henry 132, 142 General Magazine, The 58; Franc¸ois VI, Duke de la Rochefoucauld 160 Pennsylvania Gazette 3, 38, 41, 42, Franklin, Benjamin, Uncle 15 58, 65, 70, 117, 124, 147, 164; Poor Franklin, Benjamin Richard (yearly almanacs) 3, 65–68, and acquiring books 11–14, 17–18 85, 107, 110–11, 127, 147–48, 165 and slavery 7, 45–47 reprints Constitutions of the and women 1 Free-Masons 54 as author catalogue of library created by 18–19 use of pseudonyms 2 educational plans of 2, 80, 147 “character” writing 2 English School 4 as club member see also Academy of Philadelphia Club of Honest Whigs 59 importance of libraries to 52 Monday Club at the George and Junto of 3, 12, 52–55, 65, 85, 105, Vulture 59 164 the Thirteen 98 Libertas Americana medal by 129–30 as co-author, with William Brownrigg, of marginalia of 15 Of the Stilling of Waves by Means of Papers of Benjamin Franklin publication Oil 17 project 8 as co-author, with the Thirteen, of “A pseudonyms of Liturgy on . Religion and Abigail Twitterfield 2 Morality” 99 Alice Addertongue 2 as inventor Americanus 42, 59 bifocals 1 Anthony Afterwit 2 chair-ladder 18 Ephraim Censorious 2 flexible catheter 1 F. B. 59 Franklin stove 1, 109 Father Abraham 2, 134, 136 (see also glass armonica 1 “Father Abraham’s Speech” under lightning rod 71, 80, 109 Works of) mechanical hand, for reaching 1, 18 A Friend to Both Countries 59 as moral philosopher Historicus 46 Society of the Free and Easy 84–85 N. N. 59 as natural philosopher Old England 59 charts Gulf Stream 1, 72–73 Pacificus 59 experiments in electricity 1, 56–57, Richard Saunders 25, 59, 104, 107, 70–71, 80, 108, 165 110, 132, 134, 156 (see also Poor experiments in hydrography 72–73 Richard [almanac] under Franklin, see also American Philosophical Society Benjamin, as printer) as philanthropist Sidi Mehemet Ibrahim 46–47, 58, 105 fire company 1, 4 Silence Dogood 2, 4, 37, 39–42, 47, 58, savings association 1, 4 93, 96, 133, 170 insurance company 1, 4 Veridicus 53 lending libraries 1, 80 Works of schools for Africans 137, 138 Account of the New Invented see also American Philosophical Society Pennsylvanian Fire-Places 69–72 see also Library Company of “Address to the Public, An” 45 Philadelphia “Advice to a Young Tradesman” 147, see also Pennsylvania Hospital 150 as postmaster 1, 55–56 Art of Virtue 31 as printer 1–3, 11 “Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion” in Boston, Massachusetts 3, 7, 39 26, 31, 33–36, 95–96, 98–99 179 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87134-1 - The Cambridge Companion to Benjamin Franklin Edited by Carla Mulford Index More information index Franklin, Benjamin (cont.) “Rules by Which a Great Empire May Autobiography 1, 2, 26–36, 38, 78, Be Reduced to a Small One” 5–6, 43 83–87, 89, 92, 139, 147, 150, “Rules Proper to Be Observ’d in Trade” 159–70 147 Causes of the American Discontents “Speech of Miss Polly Baker, The” 42, before 1768 5, 105 107 “Conversation on Slavery, A” 43, 45 Supplemental Experiments and “Dialogue between Britain, France, Observations on Electricity 59 Spain, Holland, Saxony, and “Taking of Teach or Blackbeard the America” 45 Pirate, The” 58 Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Way to Wealth, The, see “Father Pleasure and Pain 35, 93–95, 100, Abraham’s Speech” 101, 106 “Witch Trial at Mount Holly, A” “Doct[rine]. To be Prea[che]d” 99 41–42 “Edict by the King of Prussia, An” 6, Franklin, Deborah Read 30 44–45, 105 Franklin, James 39, 52, 93 Experiments and Observations on as publisher of New-England Courant 39, Electricity 4, 5, 56, 70–73 52, 93 “Fable of the Eagle and the Cat” 125 Franklin, Sarah, see Bache, Sarah Franklin “Father Abraham’s Speech” 2, 107, Franklin, William 17 133, 138–40, 148, 150 Franklin, William Temple 18, 20, 161–64 Idea of an English School 38, 148 Franklin Society 151 Information to Those Who Would Franklin Typographical Society of Remove to America 104 Journeyman Printers 151 Interest of Great Britain Considered Frazier, E. Franklin 139–40 with Regard to Her Colonies . 5 as author of Black Bourgeoisie 139 “Light House Tragedy, The” 58 Frederick the Great 44 “Man of Sense, A” 107 Freemasonry 54–55 “Maritime Observations” 73 Lodges: 54–55 “Mock Petition to the House of St.
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