.~ ~i:t','~: I~;~ , E u c 5 D Connerly Proposes Mystery Admissions BERKELEY, ali 1'. - Regent Ward onnerly wants to remove the name ~ from application~ hefore they arc processed to hide all clues to an applicant's race. Connerl , who pushed ahead the university 's repeal of affi rmati ve action two UC AN DIEGO THUR DAY, MARCH 13, 1997 years ago. claims that campus admission~ offices will use any method to promote diversity - induding deriving a person's Student race from thei r name. UC Berk eley's admissions director said it is almost impo sible to Conduct create a completely anonymous Brother, admissions system. and th at people will make as umpti ons Can You Code Revised - correct or not. Other regents derided onn erl y' proposal UPDATE: Modi fied code and said people should be enti ­ tiled to thei r names. spells out students' rights and - Th e Daily Californian are re~ pon sibi l ities Student Charged By Adam Nichols With Arson Staff Writer MI NEAPOLIS, Minn. - ADime. Following three yea rs of intense discu sion, Minnesota University freshman U SO 's Student onduct ode has been Ryan Evan on was charged with revi ed to spell out in more exact detai l both arson in connection with a fire at yp STAGNANT BUDGETS student ' rights and penalti es for mi sco nduct. a university residence hall late The new code. whi ch is pending approval Saturday ni ght. In vestigators are AND SPIRALLING by Chancell or Robert Dynes, was developed by pursuing a first -degree arson the tudent Regulati ons Review Committ ee. charge agai nst Evanson Occause COSTS ARE FORCING ick Aguilar, director of SO s tudent of the severity of setting a fire in Policies and Jud icial Affairs Office and chair­ a building with 500 resident . THE UCSD LIBRARIES person of the committee, was the driving forcc TIle fire wa~ the fifth incident in behind the revisions. the residence hall since Feb. 15, TO TAKE A LONG , One of the mmt sig nificant c hange~ hut police have not made any II1vlllves the univer~tty 's usc of mandatory stu ­ arrests in connection with the HARD LOOK AT dent fees for re li gious ends. In the past. stu­ other four fires. dents have compla ll1cd that their fee~ were u~ed - The Minnesota Daily VITAL BUT EXPENSIVE to furt her ~ uch ca u~es through guest lecture~ and other activi ti es. Protesters Storm RESEARCH JOURNALS "S tudent fees may not be used for rcligiou~ Regents Meeting lorl ideo logical purposes," Aguilar said. "Each MADISO , Wi s. - More than lUdent has the right not to have I theirlmanda­ 60 hostile members of Ihe The co t of the tory sludenl fees used for rcli g iou~ purposes." Alliance for Democracy UC 0 librari , 7,000, Although Aguilar sa id sl udenls are entitled stormed the University of to a refund of Ihe portion of their fees used for such purposes, refunds arc prorated and some­ Wisconsin Board of Reg e nt~ dd r earch journal meeting on Friday, calling for tllnes amount to little more than 0.25. the universi ty to se ll its interest ha finally bec m The new code specilies thi s ri ght. in Texaco hecause the company unbearabl , forcing th Oth er changes ha ve Ocen made to the way operates in Burma. Student. the uni versit y handles all egati ons of student carried posters and banged on librarie to shay a mi sconduct. Previously, student s' ri ghts were the doors of the room where much as 20 percent off not clea rl y spell ed out in the code. Under the the regents were holding a pending revisions, each stage of the discipli ­ closed meeti ng. The regents f the collection bud, nary process is outlined to ensure fair and eq ui ­ appoi nted a private review ser­ g t for th upc mlng tahle treatment. vice to look into the matter, but "Students have the right to the due process Ihe protesters said a review was year. provisions in th e tudent Conduct Code," not enough . The niversity of " om of the journal Ag uil ar said. Wisconsin currently has The new code will ignificantl y affec t stu ­ $250,000 invested in Texaco c t $500 a year for a dents li ving in university housin g. stock. ub cription. The e are Although the revisions will standardize di s­ - The Badger Herald ci plinary proceedings across all fi ve co lleges, the cheap journal ," res ident deans will no longer have the di sc re­ tion th ey cu rrent ly enjoy in dealing with viola­ See LIBRARY, Page 3 tions. For instance, Mudent s accused of alco hol violations in the residence hall s will no longer Story by Eric Brace he discipli ned so lely for Violating their housi ng contracts. and wi ll in~tcad he referred to the Graphic by Brendan Cahill See CODE, Page 8 . UCSD Officials Release Final 1997-98 Admissions Figures FIELD: Pro pec ti ve tant vice chancellor lor enro llment (earning Ie.,s than 1>29.000 annual ­ were accepted. Last year. 344 were management. ,aid hl\ oillee admit ly). accepted out of 729 who applied. Fall 1997 cia .. i: ted approxllnately 13 , 100 studcnh ThiS year, 3X.2 percent or stu­ The numher of Mexican ­ PEZ larger, more diverse and anticipate, that "hout ). 100 dents admitted come I rom high­ Amencan ( hi cano ) \wdents \~I" ultimately I.: nro II L'C D Income lamille,. whi Ie 18.2 per­ applYll1g lor admi\slon fell lrom HIATUS: The Guardiall By Julia Kulla-Mader admitted 11.942 sludent\ lor lall cent arc rrom low-incoille families . 1,841 10 I.X 19, hut the number or 1,,1"\ 10 Florida \ka band Staff Writer 19%. 2.X26 01 whom acceptcd. With the cxceptlOn or Arncan­ tho,e \tudent~ acccpted ro. e from 1.('\\ ThUll Jake 9 UC D\ fall 19l)7 freshman Thc aver., 'C SAT lor the IlJlJ7 American,. the numhcr of undcr­ 1.060 to 1,140. cia" ... corcd higher on the admlltcu clas~ I'> 1.270, up lour repre,ented-ll1lnonty \tudent, The rank., or prospecti' e Lalll10 OPINION: A move to Standardl/ed Achlevcment Tc,t pOint, lrom 1.272 thIS yea r. applYll1g to L SJ) lor f,III 19lJ7 .,tudent, counteu Sl parately (' Olvl ... ion II would he (SAT!. IS largcr, wealthlcr ,IIlU L, ... t ycar. \5 .7 percent 01 adnllt­ .,dI111'siol1 dropped. Ilowcvc r. the lrom CllIcalill studcnt., uropped it good thing all around 4 morc et hni ca lly and gcographlcall) ted tudents l<lllle from hlgh ­ nUl11hCI 01 ,uch applicants ,Ictuall) I rom 75 to 6lJ I However. 2M dlvcr,e than the ICJlJ6 cnterlng II1come ral11ll1e~ (1 IKOllle greater admitted wcnt up. werc ,Idl1l1tted tim )car c )mp,Ired SPORTS: GlIlIrd/{/11 ... taiT cia.,.... than 7JX)O J yc,Ir) and 20 perccnt Thl' \oCM. 70() Alncan- to 254 la\t \ CM dchheralC\ the IlJ97 Richard B,lcJ...er. CCSD\ ,I\'>IS- \Vcrc Irom low - IllCOIllC 1.1IU1 lie ... Amcn '.111 tudcnt applilu and \64 See ADMISSIONS, Page men ', h,l. kctballtollmey 14 LOR 2 NEWS The UCSD Guardian Thursday, March 13, 1997 Thursday. March 13, 1997 The UCSD Guardian EWS 3 LIBRARY: This latest round of cuts will be subscribe to the print version of 1ROU..... N PARADIS. Herbert York Talks ETCETERA ... even more comprehensive than the any journals acquired electronical­ Cuts are scheduled last, which took place in 1990-91 , ly. Lowell's plan ca ll for cancel­ Spiralling costs without corresponding budget Increases to begin in 1998-99 resulting in the eliminati on of ing print subscriptions the year have forced UnIversity LIbrarian Gerald Lowell to cut the About His Life, Times 1,465 largely unread journals - 17 aftcr electronic versions bccomc UCSD LIbraries' journals budget by 20 percent for 1997-98. Continued from page 1 percent of the libraries' total ,ub­ availahlc. The budget has already been cut 17 percent since 1990-91. niversity Lihrarian Gerald sc ription,. LEADER: UCSD's first chancellor helped shape Lowell's plan i, ha,ed on th ' Number of Total cost Average cost Lowell .,<Iid. "There arc others thm 1990 91 American nuclear policy in the latter 20th century According to Lowell. average assumption tbm hy 200 1-02 , prinl - paid journals: of journals: per journal : enter into the 11Igh thousand, of Journal price increases have aler­ I1lllll:nal, will account lor.fO per­ SSH 4.476 $510,000 $U3 By Leena Shankar nary amount to UCSD," Schake dolla r~ per year, and Ihere 1\ no aged between 12 and l.f percent cent of the Journal budgct :lIld eke­ ha,i, to hope lor :1 repril:~e :' annually. while the co llect ion, hud­ Staff Writer ~aid. " He is very generou~ with his tronlc ler,JOn, \~ill taJ..e up the Science 4,385 $1,870,000 $383 In hi, Octoher 1996 Not many men are so highly time to studen ts - you ca n very tloJ 8ALI,THE.RE.'S SOME (.00t... ge t\ annual growth ha~ a\eragl'd rcmaining 60 pen:ent. respected that aftcr a hean attack easi ly call him up or e-mail him HELLO, PEOP~E , A"')O STuFF loJT~E. ReSTAURANTS, "Programmatic Prinritic, onl) 3.3 percent ovcr thc la,t \1\ The cost of purch;hJng nl'\\ Total 8,841 $2,1.80,000 $246 WEL.COME. TO TI1E. SPECIA L NOT L\~ IN At.IIER.
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