'U#15$166& R#X58"8 doi: ;;{X8 http://folia.paru.cas.cz Research Article A new genus and species of proteocephalidean tapeworm [ [ Tocantinsia piresi (Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae) from Brazil Philippe Vieira Alves, Alain de Chambrier, Tomáš Scholz and José Luis Luque4 ##_= $&5}!RI5 5I5$'] qU!+5~<1@5=!5'] U#15$166'&155% $DJ!56'+] 4q#&5}!RI5 5I5$' Abstract: Frezella gen. n. is proposed to accommodate Frezella vaucheri1%5Tocantinsia piresi @+5>!5+&'!$'H +#+15!11^ 5!U1^5 ^'"51%%551 zone. Frezella can also be differentiated by having the internal longitudinal musculature hypertrophied laterally on both sides, the pres- !^15_1 canals situated slightly dorsomedian to ventral canals. Frezella vaucheri[T. piresi, which &'H!+$' Keywords:^1515#5^5&'!+5>!5~ The Neotropical region hosts the highest diversity of Q RH[+Glanidium piresi by [ @+3 @!5 [[ 5I!5HJ! !! (one of the principal southern tributaries of the Amazon "#- ! @ 5 @ 3M; 5 cephalidea). The highest diversity of tapeworm species was Tocantinsia Mees, to accommodate his new species T. de- recognised in large pimelodids such as Brachyplatystoma pressa @ H !5 ! Bleeker, Phractocephalus Agassiz, Pseudoplatystoma +&'!<!5 Bleeker and Zungaro $%&'# @ 3Q; 11 Tocantinsia ! + 1 depressa with Glanidium piresi, which actually does not many as 7–9 species of proteocephalideans (de Chambrier belong to Glanidium Lütken. Therefore, a new combina- 2333533356+ tion, T. piresi5+1@3Q;- 85;5&5;<!5- 1 ! R #1 ; teocephalidean cestodes also parasitise other groups of H[+&'H! siluriforms, such as auchenipterids, in particular species + $ 5 + of Ageneiosus Lacépède (see de Chambrier and Vaucher proteocephalidean cestodes are absent. 3335=#3 Morphological evaluation of the cestodes found in During studies on the parasitic helminths of freshwa- T. piresi >!!1- [>!+1 resent a new species, which is described herein. In addition, &' ! $'5 the new species cannot be allocated to any of the known [ genera of proteocephalidean cestodes. Therefore, a new ge- Tocantinsia piresi @ +5 1 % nus is proposed to accommodate this new species. &"H'5U#15$166'&15$!%5MX5% $DJ!56'+#"\;QMMMX;]R^"\;QXQQ]_"'`' ZooBank number for article:""'+%"+"83&_88_;_$Q_;Q3;qRQ38q This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ";;{X8 &!"&# MATERIALS AND METHODS Type and only species: Frezella vaucheri sp. n. R +1 [ % ! +^ 11"H2 [++- UR'55+1- tory and then immediately dissected. Cestodes found were placed tematics and biology of proteocephalidean cestodes. The 5!^ name should be treated as femininum. hot 4% neutral formaldehyde solution and subsequently stored M6+;& Differential diagnosis. The new genus belongs to the the posterior end of the four remaining specimens was cut off # + 1 _ 38M33 5 !1 + ^ Q~&15& 5! For morphology, specimens were stained with Mayer’s hydro- 3Q8533;H5+18- chloric carmine solution, dehydrated in an ethanol series, cleared era parasitising vertebrates of several groups (genera from !6+# ~ [ +1 %5 1 ++[^5 Barsonella 6+5 '5 $ @^5 MX35R^1- 3] Brayela 5 3Q;] Cangatiella #! $+16- @ 5 33] Euzetiella de Chambrier, + 25 333] Glanitaenia de Chambrier, Zeh- R @ +!5 52@^5;]Margaritaella Arredon- scoleces of the new species were prepared by the method de- = #5 ] Proteocephalus5 + +1 +! 3; QXQ]PseudocrepidobothriumU!!5] ~<1@5=! Scholzia 6+5 = #5 X5 II@8MRU ] Cairaella Coquille et de Chambrier, #15$66&55% $DJ!56'+@- Q] Crepidobothrium @5 3] Deblocktaenia ^16!13& 538]MacrobothriotaeniaR'538X]Ophio- are given in micrometres unless otherwise indicated. Abbrevia- taenia 5 3] Tejidotaenia R'5 38X5 "^M]M+ +]Thaumasioscolex &1"6<U6M<- 6_='56+'55 6U6'5I5 of the black-eared opossum Didelphis marsupilis Linnaeus $'] U#6& M U #15 5% $DJ!5 @ 33;5 6_=' 5 6'+]@<~=_#&HM~<1@5=- &=# !5' Frezella gen. n. differs from the above-mentioned gen- 1^5- RESULTS cal part with a muscular apical organ followed by a metas- Frezella gen. n. ^'"51 wrinkled part posterior to uniloculate suckers, and poste- ZooBank number for genus: 5%R5 ""'+%""38qR_6q&_ 5 3 Frezella can also be distinguished from the other ;&;_3$6Q_&M&&; proteocephalidean genera by the distribution of bundles +5 Diagnosis"#5#5#- with their conspicuous concentration on the lateral sides of @_'5 + + - RMM5+1 5!+'&^ !+^RX5 ^^- additional pair of tiny, thin-walled osmoregulatory canals ']1%5 1!R % % uniloculate. Internal longitudinal musculature well devel- Frezella vaucheri gen. n. et sp. n. RMQ 5++ concentrations on lateral sides of proglottids. A pair of tiny, ZooBank number for species: thin-walled osmoregulatory canals situated slightly dorso- ""'+%""Q6333866_Q6&_;RR_$3R3_;3XQ;XM !H155 [M1215 Description + 3 " #- +2_] 5#H5! !=- 1]!1151 larly, pre-equatorial. Ovary medullary, slightly folliculate, ^ H +1 M bilobed, with a few lobes on dorsal side penetrating to cor- 5^Q+- ^}1}!1 5 15 + XMMX sensu 6+ ; # "XMQ- # ~ [ '!5M (Auchenipteridae). 5XMM! R#X58"8 # ";;{X8 &!"&# Figs. 1–8. Frezella vaucheri gen. n. et sp. n. from Tocantinsia piresi$'Fig. 1. ^$> 8XM@<~=_#&HQ8MQ5!! Figs. 2, 3.^5!5!1]1$>8X1MU#6& 6_88][Figs. 4–7. 6[^5 %5^'%5!1$>8XMU#6&6_88Fig. 8. Acicular !$>8XMU#6&6_88 %]! ^+1!- isolated pieces of strobila. Immature proglottids wider than %5 MXX R 5 5 "M5! 3]@M3%5XMMX "M8 5!1 ^MXMX;M5 + R ] much wider than neck (width of scoleces studied using R @MMQX]RM5^ #^+1^ & M3XM88 short, slightly folded, with subspherical muscular apical R553~%'! 5 XXM3 & 8XM3 5 58;XMXR53&^^5% %1R@- !5^' ^;% ![ R#X58"8 # doi: 10.14411/fp.2015.006 Alves et al.: A new cestode genus (Proteocephalidea) Figs. 9–11. Frezella vaucheri gen. n. et sp. n. from Tocantinsia piresi from Brazil. Fig. 9.^5!!]1$> 65f – CHIOC 37979a); note the presence of two distinct parts of the metascolex. Fig. 10.^5]1$>8X'M @<~=_#&HQ8M]+%Fig. 11. Pregravid proglottid, !!]1$>8X'M@<~=_#&HQ8MAbbreviations: ao – apical organ; cm – circular musculature; gc – glandular cells; lm – longitudinal musculature; mg – Mehlis’ gland; oc – osmoregulatory canals; od – oviduct. and density (Figs. 4–7). Proglottids covered with acicular _!R"[ RQ ;XM5[XXMQX Inner longitudinal musculature well developed, formed [M3M8H +1++ gravid proglottids. and ventral side, with conspicuous concentration of bun- Vas deferens strongly coiled, with loops forming elongat- dles on lateral sides of proglottids (Figs. 13–17). Ventral [5+5- osmoregulatory canals thin-walled, wide, median to lateral tid (Figs. 11, 14). Cirrus-sac elongate, thin-walled, slightly bands of vitelline follicles, slightly sinuous (Fig. 11). Dorsal widened towards distal (terminal) part (Fig. 12), 395–505 osmoregulatory canals thick-walled, relatively wide, sur- long and 100–160 wide (n = 31), its length representing rounded by vitelline follicles (Figs. 12–17). Another pair of MM^Q5 tiny, thin-walled canals situated slightly dorsomedian to ven- (internal vas deferens) strongly coiled (Fig. 12). Cirrus mus- tral canals, ventral to lateralmost lobes of ovary (Fig. 12); cular, occupies up to 60% (n = 30). Common genital atrium +!51 narrow, deep (Fig. 12). Genital pores alternating irregularly, Testes numerous, spherical, small, 50–70 in diameter, markedly pre-equatorial, situated at 23–41% (x = 31, n = 31) in 3 irregular layers (Figs. 13, 14), 279–420 in number of proglottid length from anterior margin (Fig. 11). ^XQ53H[ Ovary medullary, bilobed, follicular, with some dorsal by median line of proglottids (uterine stem) and vaginal ca- follicles penetrating between bundles of inner longitudinal Folia Parasitologica 2015, 62: 006 Page 4 of 10 ";;{X8 &!"&# Type locality: >!&5#5$- ']X H1 "<1 6<U6 M3MQM M 5 X 1 6<U6 M3M3M5 M3QM] U#6&6_88]@<~=_#&HQ8M "& #!"[^& ]+5 8XM;+ 11"[625- '5^1+1- atics. @"&X8+ Fig. 12. Frezella vaucheri gen. n. et sp. n. from Tocantinsia piresi Q~&H $'H5!]1$>8X' !+=$%+@QM33 M @<~=_#&H Q8M Abbreviations" M ] !M1+_%!1!]M] Remarks. Frezella vaucheri is the only species of the M_]M1]M monotypic Frezella and thus it is characterised by the fea- ]!M!1]!M! tures listed in its Differential diagnosis (see above). This ++1[Tocantinsia piresi, a poorly %[H- ^RX]!1 ture of the new species and the new genus is the pres- ;MM^585 ^%1 8XMMM^M5] 5#U^ R@R+MM5- morphology, F. vaucheri somewhat resembles species of ;MM !! Brooksiella 5 6++ #!5 3335 '6++X' %^- mature and pregravid proglottids. rounding the suckers (predominantly posterior to the suck- 21^5 5+^! 58Q;+- in Frezella[356+;+ served) with asymmetrical chamber-like cavity near geni- In addition, Brooksiella praeputialis5- R5]!pars !53M;+1Mvs M copulatrix vaginae) surrounded by chromophilic cells, 5%1_!- ! R 2 J6+ M 8 ;+ Peltidocotyle lenha 5 3 ];_2 ^1 15515 [;6+2333- +1!!R5 + [ 6+ +Q;M3M^3 'Q5++% Q;M3Q ^ 3 ++15#1- 5!1R 53; }15!1 Among the proteocephalideans that parasitise aucheni- 6+;5- [H+5Nupelia tomasi de Chambrier gated longitudinal median concentration of chromophilic 25333+Trachelyopterus galeatus cells in immature proglottids, with lumen appearing in last (Linnaeus) and Trachelyopterus cf. striatulus- immature proglottids. In mature proglottids, uterine stem #1+F. vaucheri in the possession of thick-walled, with median lumen and short diverticula. In ++- pregravid proglottids, uterine diverticula (lateral uterine culature concentrated on the lateral sides of the body (see branches) thin-walled, lined with few chromophilic cells. [QQ;6+2333 } 1 1 +1 5 !^ slit-like pore. [Q;6+2333<!5N. 5!8X]+- tomasi5 + +1 ~ #- 1+18MM53M !53333; 5+1%8MM subfamily), differs from the new species by numerous fea- Type host: Tocantinsia piresi @ + - 5+^5 "&5!Q R] %1+;;MQvsM3M; 1^&3 in F. vaucheri) and the smaller size of the body (total length ] ;MMvsM]^+X vs Q6+2333 R#X58"8 #X ";;{X8 &!"&# Fig. 13–18. Frezella vaucheri gen. n.
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