QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT (QR I) (FY2019) October – December 2018 Cooperative Agreement No: AID-522-A-15-00002-00 AOR Name: Jesús Nuñez Submitted by: FUNADEH This document was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development Mission (USAID/Honduras) USAID-FUNADEH GENESIS Quarterly Report FY2018 Q1- ME&L 1 Content I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................. 6 II. RESUMEN EJECUTIVO .................................................................................................. 11 III. COUNTRY SITUATION ............................................................................................... 16 IV. RESULTS AND ACTIVITIES OF THIS QUARTER ....................................................... 17 Outcome indicator: Increase protective factors for at-risk youth and former gang members in the selected municipalities ............................................................................................. 18 Ind I: Number of sustainable Outreach Centers: .................................................... 18 Ind II: Number of small business and self-employment ventures created by at-risk youth ........................................................................................................................................ 21 Ind III: Number of at-risk youths employed .............................................................. 22 SO1: Consolidate the Outreach Centers network through multi-sectorial alliances to increase protective factors and promote a culture of peace ................................. 24 Result 1.1: Outreach Center sustainability increased ............................................ 24 Ind 1.1.1: Percentage of Outreach Center partners that meet the acceptable empowerment criteria .................................................................................................. 27 Ind 1.1.2: Number of volunteers that support OCs programmatic activities ....... 29 Ind 1.1.3: Number of beneficiaries served through OC programmatic activities .......... 33 Result 1.2: Sensitized target populations towards a culture of peace ................. 40 Ind 1.2.1: Number of community and stakeholders-oriented campaigns to prevent violence ......................................................................................................................... 40 Ind 1.2.2: Number of beneficiaries exposed to campaigns oriented to promote a culture of peace ......................................................................................................................... 42 Ind 1.3.1: Number of agreements with stakeholders interested in supporting the OC methodology. ................................................................................................................ 44 SO2: Income generation opportunities increased for at-risk youth and former gang members through capacity building and mentorship ............................................. 47 Result 2.1: Income generation and employability opportunities increased for at-risk youth ........................................................................................................................................ 47 Ind 2.1.1: Number of at-risk youths benefited from income generation and employability ........................................................................................................................................ 50 Result 2.2: Income generation opportunities increased for former gang members 51 Ind 2.2.1: Number of former gang members benefiting from tertiary prevention services ........................................................................................................................................ 51 USAID-FUNADEH GENESIS Quarterly Report FY2018 Q1- ME&L 2 SO3: Strengthen FUNADEH´s institutional capacities through standardization and consolidation of organizational processes ............................................................... 52 Result 3.1: Enhanced leadership of personnel conductive to an effective implementation of the 2018-2020 strategic plan. ................................................................................ 52 Indicator 3.1.1: Accomplishment score of FUNADEH´s human talent professional development plan. ....................................................................................................... 52 Result 3.2: Improve adoption and implementation of ISO and PMO ................... 53 Standards ...................................................................................................................... 53 Indicator 3.2.1: Number of completed processes to secure the yearly ISO certification ........................................................................................................................................ 53 Indicator 3.2.2: Number of agile principles and approaches incorporated in FUNADEH to manage project............................................................................................................. 54 V. PROJECT MONITORING AND EVALUATION REPORT .......................................... 56 VI. PROJECT MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................ 61 Remarkable activities .................................................................................................. 61 VII. COLLABORATIONS WITH OTHER USAID AND USG IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS68 VIII. CHALLENGES AND MITIGATION PLAN ................................................................... 69 Challenges Overcome ................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido. IX. EARNED VALUE ANALYSIS FROM OCTOBER TO DECEMBER 2018¡Error! Marcador no definido. NEXT STEPS PLANNING FOR JANUARY TO MARCH 2019................................................. 71 ANNEXES ...................................................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido. Financial Summary ......................................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido. GENESIS Project Leverage ................................................. ¡Error! Marcador no definido. TABLE INDEX Table 1 Performance of monitoring and evaluation plan. Elaborated by M&E GENESIS. ........................ 60 Table 2 Challenges and mitigation plan ................................................................................................ 70 FIGURES INDEX Figure 1 Work Break-down structure ........................................................................................................ 17 This report and related information was produced for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are responsibility of FUNADEH GDA: AID-522-A-15-00002-00 and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. USAID-FUNADEH GENESIS Quarterly Report Q1 FY2019- ME&L 3 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AHM Asociación Hondureña de Maquiladores AJH Alianza Joven Honduras AMCHAM Cámara de Comercio Hondureño Americana AMDC Alcaldía Municipal del Distrito Central AOR Agreement Officer’s Representative CADERH Centro Asesor para el Desarrollo de los Recursos Humanos CANVAS Metodologia para estructura un modelo de nuevo negocio CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (International NGO) CASM Comisión de Acción Social Menonita CASW Central America Spinning Works CCIC Cámara de Comercio e Industrias de Cortés CCICH Cámara de Comercio e Industrias de Choloma CCIT Cámara de Comercio e Industrias de Tegucigalpa CDA Centro de Alcance CDRH Comité de Desarrollo Rivera Hernández CEMEFI Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía CEPUDO Capacitación, Educación, Producción, Unificación, Desarrollo, Organización CEUTEC Centro Universitario Tecnológico CODEL Comité de Emergencia Municipal COMVIDA Comunicación y Vida CONATEL Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones CONIBAH Cuarta Iglesia Bautista COP Chief of Party COPEITSA Comité para la prevención de embarazos y las ITS en los adolescentes CRS Catholic Relief Service DCOP Deputy Chief of Party DINIS Dirección Nacional de Intervención Social ESCA Estrategia de Seguridad de Centroamérica FHIS Fondo Hondureño de Inversión Social FOPRONH Formación Profesional No Formal en Honduras FUNADEH Fundación Nacional para el Desarrollo de Honduras FUNIBER Fundación Universitaria Iberoamérica GENESIS Generando Emprendedores y Sinergias Sostenibles GESI Gender and Social Inclusion GIZ Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GREAT Gang Resistance Education and Training IAVE International Association for Volunteer Effort INFOP Instituto Nacional de Formación Profesional INJ Instituto Nacional de la Juventud USAID-FUNADEH GENESIS Quarterly Report Q1 FY2019- ME&L 4 INL International Narcotics and Law INTUR Industrias Turísticas IPC Instituto Politécnico Centroamericano JCI Junior Chamber International MESCLA M&E Support for Collaborative Learning and Adapting OC Outreach Center OCAD Organización de Cooperación Ayuda y Desarrollo ODECO Organización de Desarrollo Étnico Comunitario ODS Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible PEC Project Executed by the Community PMI Project Management Institute PNUD Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo PREVENIR Programa Regional Prevención de la Violencia Juvenil en Centroamérica PROJOVEN Formación Profesional para Jóvenes en Riesgo de Exclusión Social RDS Red de Desarrollo Sostenible SENAEH Servicio Nacional de Empleo en Honduras SICA Sistema de Integración Centroamericana
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