Murshidabad Zilla Parishad I'anchzrnantala : Berhanrpore : \{Urshidabacl Phone- 03482 - 252839

Murshidabad Zilla Parishad I'anchzrnantala : Berhanrpore : \{Urshidabacl Phone- 03482 - 252839

--:-'ot" \ NIeT NO. 45/2020-21 Murshidabad Zilla Parishad I'anchzrnantala : Berhanrpore : \{urshidabacl Phone- 03482 - 252839. Far - 03482 - 250845 , i i r r....,,W]Wr.. r r .r ! r r.. r. r r r. r r., r t. NOTICE INVITING c-TENDER NO. 45/2020-21 Name of Schemes: Given belot' Class of [,stirnated Earnest Cost of Bid Contract Name of the rvorl< Conl ra ctors Cost Money Documcnt period (Rs') (Rs.) (Rs.) I (days) (t) (2) (3) (4) (s) -, i(.6)%qd (7) :"':!. f I{epairing of road fiom Irarajipara Bus-Stand 1'! n:::l to .latr-r Karural<.ar more via.lahangir Biswas ::.. ::'' de sr# Bonall ,u"4450.00 horrse uncler Ghoshpara C.P in Jalangi Blocli 415188,1.00 g9,098loo= 75 I Or.rtsiders t".;tt'.+" (tiepair'/ Maintenance of Rural Roacls other ig,,l'=' -i:i i:rn than LISCiY Funcl IIS- 1.1.00 Crore) Ilepairing ol' r oad 1t'ot-n Tairrudclir-r Sk's house to Mohosin more Lurder HLrrshi G.P in Ilaninargarl Blocl<(Reptrir / Maintenance of Bonallde \,2572277.00 2 51445.00 2s70.00 75 Ii.Lrlal lloads other than IISGY FLrnd RS- Outsiders i:1.00 Crorc) i: t, Rc'pairi ng ri'ioao tl'ffi- :,: .i1 MSI< School at Choshpara under RajapLrr i:, C.t) in I{aninagar-lI Blocl<(Repair / I-,,,, Bonafide ::.1ii 89099.00 4460.00 75 -) .rril Outsiders Maintenance of Rural Roads other tha4 r,1; "g 44549i4.00 tlSCi Y [rLrnd RS-14.00 Crore)"']ir, ,rli'r'i'':, i,...;l ILepailing o1'road fi'om tsagda,pga Idgha to Ila.jaranrpur Prirrary School at Alr-rgr'am C.P irr Blr:rr'.rtptrr'-l lJloLlit Re1r3i1' Mlitrtettattce Bona flde 86684.00 4330.00 75 4 4-r.l1ltiti.00 tr1'I{trlal Rrrrrls otlter tltatt BSCY l-urrd RS- OLrtsiclers 14.00 Crore) ,,i,,,,,, ,',,, ILepair & N4aintenan0e olroad from Souarundi l,lnhati Kabira.j's house to Swarbava PukLrr r-rnder Sirirtiulia G.P in [:]on a 1l de 1164 3 r 2.(X) 87286.00 4i60.00 75 -i 13haratpr-rr'-l I lllocli(t{epair' / Maintenance o1' Outsiders Rr-rra'l Roads other thar-r BSCY Fund RS- I4r00 Crore) Repairi ng & Strerrgthen ing of road fl-on-t Mathpara-Ninrtala to'fokia N4athbari under 3 l 58095.00 Macihupr-rr G.l' in No'uvda BIoclifPhase-l][0- Bonaflde 75 6 650rntrl (l{epeir / N4aintettance ol [lLrral OLrtsitlers 67162.00 3360.00 Itozrds other tlrau BSCY Iiund RS-14.00 Llrore) Page 1 of 16 .4 ' -'-* -^ Itepairing & lr.iatnterla nC. Ot ,o,"t t,:..i,ri Sarbangapur --Bridge to Asit Kha hclr-rse's r.rncler SarbarlgapLlr G.[' in Norvda Bonafldc i69 r53 1.00 7i 83 r .00 3690.00 75 '7 Outsiders Bloclt(Repair / Maintenance of Rurral Roads other than BSGY FLurd RS-14'00 Clrore) R"t*r rlq & ,'tlaintetlatlce of pitch road tl"orn 'l-al<ipLrr DLrcl< Bt.rnglow to Tokipr-rr Llnder Beldanga- e. Chowrasta Lrpto Sonabhata Bonaflde 1322532 00 86451 .00 4320.ofu 75 6 I I l3locli( I{epair' / NIai r-rterrarrce o1' Rural Outsiders 00 Rou,l> otllel tllall IJ5GY I-trnd RS-14 l=L.+ -',""-ri:r:*iti.. :i (l rore ) l,i$" -Rqlir[-g..t '"h "w.w ;rairrterrance of load 1'rom H/O 1 +i i.dS&" 'i M'' [.akshnran DaslBeside NI]-341 to tl/O Patal Chor.lclhr-r11, near Naidr-r road under Nilaspara !i .hnu \r., Bonallcle 75 () / 2944213.00 -&5888a]00 2950.00 Coal-1aan C.P irr Berhampore Bloch(Repair OLrtsiders than 1d l-1* N4aintenance ol Rirral Roads other '*" ' "d*q,''tuI!rs-.q :s BSGY Fr-rnd RS-14.00 Crore) H$iSl !d[ \,.:r,. n.1i-,ningl & rraintenance ol road fl'onl n"4 s", :"h.. 1- ' t ':t"*L.$ SattarpLrt' ntore to Pilkhana Fate Nagar under , t' .:-' 00- €;= \#' Beldanga-l 13locklPhase-llIChainage-0 a{rde 3.00 79378.00 3970.00 i5 l0 2.00K.N4 | Block(Repair / Maintenance of &*o3-96891 lLural Roacls othet'than BSCY F-Lrrrd RS- 1.1.00 Crore) Repairing & Strengthening ot'road trorr Bolihtrrpnla lrore to Manikyahar Highr : C.P in Belclanga-ll School Lrncler SaktipLrr Bonafide 69914.00 3 s 00.00 75 ll B locklPhase-l I (Repai r /-Maintep OLrtsiders 3,195699.00 p1 Rr,rral lloads other tharr B$G{'r l-1 00 Crorc t Repairing & road tronr Doulatabacl Police to Chr-ttipur nlore . Borrafide 15 i 8 r 4224.00 76284.00 I :e tO.0o t2 Outsiders ,-: R.p."irlg & lrlailltellallce of pitch road fi'om DadpLrr luore to Dadpur Bazar under Bonafide Beldnaga-ll Block(Repair / Maintenarrce 01) 4rsE<qr oo +lr,o.oo 75 l3 Outsiders J I Rr,u'al Roads othe'r than BSGY FLrnd RS- 14.00 Crorc) n.pai ,g A tnainteuance of road fi'om Maraclighi Railgate to I(arandighi Bakultala 36l4elsoo Bonafide zzoos.oo 15 l4 Utlarpara Masj id torvards Maradighi Outsiders I I,orr.oo Pry,school under Dadpurr G.P irT Beldanga- IlBlock(Repair / Maitltenance ol Rr'rral Page 2 of 16 no, nrt.l",-tharr BSGY Fr-rnd RS-I4'00 Crole);ng & trlairltetrarlce of celrrcllt conctete t'oad ll'otl-t IVlalalrch Hal tolr'alc1s Baltaragaohi"ri Durrga & Kali Mandir in SLrti Borraf rde 75 l5 Il Block(Repair / Mainterlance of Rr'tral Oirtsiders 4432721.00 88654.00 4430.00 Roacls other than BSCY Fund RS-14'00 Crore) tu " ri!., Repa".& Maintetrance of Erlbankrllellt alld i: 'r+a )tir, *.. 5 numbc:rs Box culvert lvork fl'orr Bahttra : I ':,f.,i Ghat to Ba.iitpr-rr Madrasha Barasl-rimr-rl C'P .is:ri. l::,, r- i:I Bonatrde 76521.db:'\ 3820iO'0 15 r6 Bloch(ltepair / i E26072.00 dt1 w '4:::::'' in li"aghr,rnathgani-lI Outsiders '":'. !. l'" ,:. " Roads other than Mztinlenalrce of RLrral fri: n ''tu BSCiY [rr-n.rd RS-14.00 Crore) P &l G:::. Repairing & t'traintetratrce of celllent 4. aY.+i:l road tl'om Adr-rrbari to Mirltleshar :Vf concrete ;Si: hor-rse via Statiotl unclct'.lagtai-ll G P in SLrti- Bonafide 80485.00 .+025.00 75 11 Il BlocklRepair / Mair-rterrance of Rural OutsidqXS. U0 l(ultl' otllcr tlrarr RSGY Ftrrrd RS-14 .e- \ . {e 'Efu. a Crole) *h '€" r{\E"$. a:$&, ': ::: t$i \:r Repairing & t.naintenauce of cenlent :: rI. ::. ::il', a$ ::]:. house to Firoz :::1. concrete road 1t'otn Isnlail ' I N4lstri hoLrse utrcler.lagtai-ll C.P irr SLrti-ll Borrhfide 6495i.00 12s0.00 75 lo t,::,Outsiders 3241626.00 Block(lLep:rir / Maintenarlce of Rr-rral Roads other than BSGY Funcl RS- 14-00 Croie) Iltir , ,: Repairirrg & traint Kashinagar N.FI to S gram UFll Barrk tlll\ler Beni-.'rant & B IG.P Bonaf-ide 75 4i-s791 6.0t) ,1360.00 l9 i n Faral<lia Bloch(1Lepairl /:Mg of OLrts iclcrs 87158.00 lLurral Roacls other *rar1 BSGY I:'urrd RS- 14.00 ('rt'r'e ) : . : rr. : i,,. :: of black top road 1r'onl -lmprovemerrt l(ulolpartt Pry.School to Ramrragar Farakka road at Cllatlapara via Bagrapara under N4sd--Iiagani Block[Part- Dahapara C.P in Bonaflcle 879 1 L00 4400.00 75 ,13 95 5 63.0t) 20 tlIKurolpara 0.00 to Katrala OLrtsidels Pr:shkaruni 1500.001 (Repair / Maintenance ol'Rrrrrl Rords otlte t tltan BSCY Itrrrt] RS- I 14.00 ('rorc) R.p*-i,-tg' & nlaintenance o1'blacli top l'oad i a ltamal cha I li lionr N attrn grat'n S tr r-tltal to ,141 2340.00 Bonafide 88247.00 4.+ 10.00 75 tl'tot'e under ll Pakurtala via I{asnabad Outsiders Baligrerm G.P in Bhagawangola- S i rn Lr ltal a0 I I B I ockI Part-l ] lN atLrn gram qltg Page 3 of 16 I(hagjana 1650.001 (Repair / Maitrterrarrcc ol' Rr,rral Roads other tharr BSGY FLrrlci I{S- 14.00 Cirore) Repairing & tnaintenance of black top road fronr Sahabad tor.vards Chorvapara Salteb under Bilbora C].P in Lalgola Bonafide ['ul<ur 4,+-525.13.00 89051 .00 4450.00 15 22 Outsiders Bloch(Repair' / Maintenattce ol- Rr"rral Roads otl,er than BS(jY Fund RS-14.00 Crore) rr\il. Repairing & nraintettauce of black top road tu Kaclanttala Sisatala nlore to Hausi h'om e m '{!-B Bonafide b- Ullah house r-rnder Nashipr-rr G.P in Lalgola 71446m0 S _-1 3572310.00 ''%"\ M57h.ffie#M 75 []lock(llepair / Maintenance of Rr-rral Roads Outsiders .Y :::1 f"*u "**fl other than BSGY Furncl RS-14.00 Crore) w *{ e .,t= - t{epairine & rnaiuteuance oI black top load sfu,-,'"&" rr:.:..-.,,6 fion'r'l'opiihillta t'nore to Azitnsarai tllore 1$!... F' '\ =", under Prasadpr,rr G.P in Msd-Jiaganj Blocl< ..9. i"ti' Bonafide :;is#," $ffi3971.00 3200.00 75 24 lParr-Al (Repair / Maintcr,ance of Rr-rral Outsiders 3 r e85)0+90 Roads other than BSGY FLrnd RS-l'1.00 s& Crore) Reparring & nraintenancc ol blacl< top roacl flonr Pilkhana rrore to Rattiitpara l-]lore Lurder I)rasadpr-rr G.P in Msd-Jiaganj Block. 25 35 r9538.00 70i91 .00 3520.00 75 (ltepair / Maintenance of Rural Roads other tlrrn BSCY Ftrrrcl RS-14.00 Crore) ai.i' Implovenrent of cerrtertt concrete road fr onl Char Salihaji para (Towerpara) to Rit'er uuder [.]:uruntalrtala Nagar C-F in Bonaflcle I 8,175 3 5.00 7695 r .00 3850.00 75 26 Bhagarvangola-I Blocl<(Repair / OLrtsiclers N4aintenance o[' Rr-rra] ':Rpads o-tlier tl-ran BSUY I'rrn.l l{S-14.00 C|o|e) Repairing & t.uaintenance of road fi'otll ShinrLrlia ntore to (Al<r-rrrba ntore) [{ohigratr unrier l(r-rli (i.P in But'rvittr Blocl<.

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