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II iFORDll^niil Simply visit your local Ford or Mercury dealership or call 1-800-321-1536 for more information. D CONTHNTS maniacs carnival bands Ritter Ice Arena meets A Photo Essay. RIT music and more. 10,000 Maniacs. Mil) •/ iiiii;i News page? Night Rally page 10 Sports page 22 Commentary page 24 Simone page26 Tab Ads page 29 Toons page 29 Editorial page 30 »'Pf;:~>i Cover Photo By Aris Economopoulos Contents Photo By Jon Rogers mill M/l B pubkshed weekly duhng the acaderruc year by students at Rochester Instrtute o( Technology, One Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, New York 14623. Editorial and produc• tion faciMies are located In Room A-426 ot the Student Alumni Union,Voice/TTY (716) 475-2212. Subscriptions: $7.00 per quarter. The opinions expressed in mill do not necessarily reflect those of the Institule. RfT does not generally review or approve of the contents of IFllll and does not accept responsibility for matters contained in MB. Letters may be submitted to the MB in person, or through RIT e-mail, send letters to: IPBIII. Letters must be typed and double spaced. Please limit letters to 250 words. IBIIII reserves the rigM to e<*t lor libel and clarity. No letters win be printed unless signed and accompanied by a phone number mill takes pride in its membership in the Associated Collegiate Press and American Civil Liberties Union. • 01993IBIIIIMKM. Al rights reserved. l4o portion of this magazine may be reproduced without prior written permission from mill niPOiiiiR HR) 1 m 3 LETTHRS Volume 74 • Number 8 • May 7 1993 ably to drown out the chanting. No big deal, we Wrong Call thought. The march continued through the dorm quads, and eventually turned to head toward the EPS area from the SHG quad. We were heading back I am writing in response to ttie letter "Anonymous" toward Perkins, so we parted company with the that was printed in the April 30, 1993 issue of marcfi—and were treated to something that most of REPORTER. Ttiat letter should not have run for two the marcfiers missed. When tfiey were almost out of very good reasons. Ttie first is ttiat the wriler of ttie earshot, someone on a balcony in the SHG quad letter was too scared to sign his/tier name to the letter shouted "Shut up, you Peking whores!" My fiancee and REPORTER has a policy ttiat they will not print replied. "It's people like you that make tfiem march!" an anonymous letter. Second is ttie fact that I work in Indeed. the COS and there is access to the building and We continued on toward the Perkins appart- almost every other building on this campus. All the ments, a little shaken, and both (as it turned out) EDITOR-IN-CHIEF buildings that I have eittier used or am using have at regretful tfiat we didn't stay with tfie ralfy. I regretted Timothy McManus least one door with a ramp leading into ttie building all the more that we hadn't been tfiere from the begin• MANAGING EDITOR and an elevator inside to take a person to every floor. ning, because obviously some people on campus did Robert N. Wescott Most of these elevators are operated by a key that need their consciousness raised on the issue of vio• any person with a physical handicap can get. lence against women—myself among them. Perfiaps EXECUTIVE EDITOR If you change your policy on printing anonymous it's good that we didn't stick with the marchers, JuUe Billings letters the least you can do is ctieck the information t>ecause as it happened I learned something. Maybe, ART DIRECTOR that the letter contains to make sure it is accurate. on the off chance, the guy on the balcony did, too. Kristin Foley But I wouldn't count on it. TH6O0OR GROSS The message of our experience is tfiat violence DESIGNER PPHT-4 against women on campus is not just a practical prob• Gary R. Peters lem, to be approached like any otfier crime, with prac• SENIOR EDITORS tical methods. It's a problem of values and philoso• Editors note: The auhor of the letter in question did, DanaK. Tumquest in fact, submit their name and requested it not be printed. phy, as well—a problem about which people do need As such, this letter could have more accurately been to have their minds opened—to recognize that the PRODUCTION MANAGER Gary T. Mack labeled: name withheld by request. This does not conflict devaluing of women in our culture runs far deeper than the outward signs of rape and abuse. Tfie mes• with our current letters policy, a full copy of which was COPY EDITOR sage of the march itself is that this community is last printed in the January IS, 1993 issue of Shannon D. Maltby REPORTER. capable of uniting against such deep-set cultural dis• ease, and I am proud to have t>een a part of that, if DEPUTY EXECUTIVE EDITOR only for a brief time. Dan Axelrad The Opening of a ASSOCIATE EDITORS MICHAEL J. CROGHAN Carlos Brando, News FOURTH-YEAR COMPUTER SCIENCE (ICSG) Aimee Zakrewski, Sports Male Mind Kerstin Gunter.Features WRITERS As most of us know, on Wednesday, 30 April, a Take BITCH! BITCH! Tamara Moxham • Mark Natale Chris Gates • Zahra Khan Back tfie Night" rally and march was field on campus Philip Balzer • Aileen Pagan to "unite the community to protest violence against BITCH! SeanAryai* Jeffrey Gamtkes women." I was aware in advance that the rally was taking place, and I seriously considered joining it, but PRODUCTION STAFF I didn't make a serious commitment, because my That's all Ive seen REPORTER do tfie four years I've Christine Koenig Brent Posthumus • Christine Barie thoughts were these: What's the point of a rally when been here do. BITCH about every damn decision there isn't going to be a group on the otfier side of a made on this campus if it was done witfiout tfieir con• ILLUSTRATORS police barricade trying to shout you down? Isn't this sent. Or the rest of the student body. Jason Snape • Ed Cox Michael Mamrosh • Jack Latorre an issue tfiat we are all in agreement on? Aren't prac• The neat thing about college is that it puts this tical action and practical solutions in order, as weird sense into people—that you can take cfiarge of PHOTO EDITOR opposed to getting together and chanting and march• your life and do what you want. You don't have to lis• Kellie McCann ing? Next we'll have a rally protesting murder, or ten to anyone else (esp. your parents) because you arson, or other violent crimes. I mean, nobody really are free. Well, let me tell you something. I grew up in PHOTOGRAPHERS Brian Thomas 'Aris Economopoulos needs their consciousness raised on this subject, a household where it was made quite clear when I Mike Forman • Max Schulte right? f'cked up, and because of tfiat, I know how not to. I Jon Rogers • Cedrick Galbe Wrong. was told to respect my elders because they have As it turned out. I fell asleep after dinner that something tfiat I don't have. The Life Experience. ADVERTISING MANAGER Barttara Weathedy Wednesday night, and didn't bother to go over at 7:00 You can be 25, have a PhD in Human Relations, to join tfie rally. At 8:00, my fiancee had to do some and still not know shit. Tfie reason? You're 25. YOU BUSINESS MANAGER work in the microbiology lab in the College of have been taught how to deal with people, but Holly Wilcox Science, and I walked over with her, as neither of us havent' actually done it. My grandfather who's 86, is comfortable with her t>eing alone on the academic drove a taxi for a living and was so poor, that for DISTRIBUTION STAFF side at night. After she was done, we were walking Christmas one year, could only afford to get my dad a Michael Lahetta • Michael Dunn back and met the tail end of the march as it fieaded little matchfxix car. But he's the smartest guy in the SECRETARIES down the quarter mile toward the dorms. I observed world. So, what's my point? Robert DiFranco • George German that the wfiole reason I was there was the same rea• If the students were running tfie school, it would ADVISOR son tfiey were marching, and since we were going the be absolute chaos.
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