NEWSLETTER OF AFIO NATIONAL AND CHAPTER ™ PERISCOPE EVENTS, PLANS & NEWS Association of Former Intelligence Offi cers olumeV XXVI, Number 1, 2003 Boston Pops Meets the Men in Black Special AFIO Evening Hosted by Albano F. Ponte FIO recently held a ground-breaking event in Boston at The Changing Face Symphony Hall on of Intelligence Tuesday,A July 2, 2003. The Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra performed AFIO’s to a sold-out performance including one hundred AFIO members and National Intelligence supporters and AFIO President Gene Symposium 2003 Poteat, all of whom enjoyed a program titled An American Salute. at The National Reconnaissance Office, The Central Intelligence Agency, and other locales 1 - 4 November 2003 — Tyson’s Corner, VA Backstage post-concert were [L to R] AFIO Board member & ave the date! And make plane Symposium 2003 will be com- Endowment Fund Director Albano Ponte; Boston Pops conductor bined with the AFIO Convention and Keith Lockhart; AFIO President Gene Poteat, and AFIO Member and hotel reservations NOW. and Chairman of Boston Pops Event Committee Gary Wass.. The AFIO National Intelli- Awards Banquet again this year, but the gence Symposium 2003, 1 Banquet will start the event. The AFIO Conductor Keith Lockhart, led Sthrough 4 November 2003, will be Convention runs 1 and 2 November at the Boston Pops in a stirring patri- one of our best ever, with distinguished the Sheraton Premiere Hotel on Lees- otic program of American favorites speakers from the intelligence commu- burg Pike in Tysons Corner, Virginia. with guest performers soprano Indra nity, law enforcement, and homeland The Sixth Annual AFIO Awards Ban- Thomas and Pianist Michael Lewin. security talking about the incredible quet will be held on Saturday evening, changes taking place in the way we 1 November, after a day full of interest- Ms. Thomas sang the Star-Span- do business. We will also look at intel- ing speakers, the General Membership gled Banner; Ebbed, ne andro Lon- ligence lessons learned in Iraq and in meeting and the Chairman’s reception tana from La Wally (Catalani) with the War on Terrorism. at The Capitol Club. We will also be an encore Ride On King Jesus (Trad. visiting the International Spy Museum -Floyd) and pianist Michael Lewin And the event—for the first and “Spy Touring” in the Washington, performed Rhapsody in Blue (Gersh- time—will be held at two different D.C. area. win) with an encore The Flight of the Agencies. On Monday, 3 November, Bumblebee (Rimsky-Korsakov). our host will be the National Recon- For room reservations, call the naissance Offi ce (NRO) in Chantilly, Sheraton Premiere at (800) 325- 3535 The Pops performed Hoe Down, Virginia. Tuesday, November 4, will or (703) 448-1234 and ask for the from Rodeo (Copland); Letter from place us all day at the Central Intelli- AFIO group rate. home (Copland); A Salute to our gence Agency at Langley, Virginia. Symposium Agenda & Registration on page 16 Boston Pops continues on page 3 2003 • ASSOCIATION OF FORMER INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS PERISCOPE NEWSLETTER • PAGE 1 after 9/11—and valid concerns the public PERISCOPE has about maintaining their privacy and ISSN 1044-3819, in 2003 freedom. It will come as no surprise to you is published twice per year by the President’s that AFIO would like to take a “closer to Association of Former Intelligence Officers home” look at these issues. Thus the 6723 Whittier Avenue, Suite 303A, Message theme for this year’s symposium will be McLean, VA 22101-4533 Voice: 703-790-0320; Fax:703-790-0264; The Changing Face of Intelligence. By now, you are all probably well aware that e-mail: [email protected] S. Eugene Poteat Web: www.afio.com this year’s symposium will include a day Editors — at the National Reconnaissance Office and Senior: Roy K. Jonkers ost of us another at the Central Intelligence Agency, Managing: Elizabeth Bancroft in AFIO for an inside view of these critical ques- Copy: P. Stephen Minor h a v e Robert E. Redding M tions and issues. © 2003, AFIO, All Rights Reserved been asking ourselves, “Is the Intelligence Community well postured to deal with the We expect to have a stellar, unprec- A F I O P UBLICATIONS post-9/11 world?” While the Intelligence edented slate of intelligence officials from WINs – Weekly Intelligence Notes—News, Issues, Com- mentaries, Book Reviews, delivered by e-mail. Community has responded well to 9/11 the expanded, and new, Intelligence Com- e-BBNs – e-Bulletin Board Notices—Upcoming Events, munity to address these subjects for our Career announcements, Requests by Researchers/ and subsequent attacks, the aftershocks Authors for assistance—delivered monthly by continue with each new attack or warning members and corporate partners. We have e-mail. Website – www.afio.com – Fast-Breaking National and For- we receive. At the same time our Intel- not ignored the other important AFIO con- eign News, Events, Scholarships, Legislation, WINs, vention activities; they will take place over Careers, Store...and more. Updated daily. ligence Community must also adjust to a Periscope – AFIO Newsletter for National and Chapter more demanding, integrated and support- the weekend, with the grand banquet on news and internal Association issues and policies of interest to members and donors. 2x/year. ing role with our military during wartime, Saturday evening, November 1. Equally Intelligencer – Journal of U.S. Intelligence Studies— important, we look forward to meeting AFIO’s flagship publication—substantive articles both strategically and tactically. ranging from historic surveys of intelligence prac- again with our AFIO friends. tices, to current cutting-edge concerns and direc- Much has already been said, and will tions. Includes book reviews, essays, reprints and columnists. 2x/year. continue to be said, by the media about the changing face, roles, mission and indeed C O N T E N T S the mistakes of intelligence before and National Intelligence Symposium 2003 ....1 Boston Pops Special Event Evening - in the quality of our programs, including by Albano Ponte and Gary Wass ............1 the greatly valued steadfast support from What’s New in AFIO by Roy Jonkers..........2 Mrs. Maria Ransburg’s Foundation as well President’s Message by Gene Poteat.........2 as her personal generosity, and your sup- Mercyhurst College Intelligence Colloquium What’s New port in donations large and small. They are by Bob Heibel .......................................... 4 crucially important in providing the means CiCentre’s “SpyMoscow” Intelligence to continue to enhance AFIO and its mis- Conference and Tour by Andre Martino 4 in AFIO Congressional Proceedings - Legislative sion in support of an effective US Intelli- gence Community. We are also updating Updates by P. Stephen Minor ................6 Roy K. Jonkers Letters - Clandestine Case Officers our records to note the intelligence back- & The new TTIC by Thamm, Rustmann Executive Director ground of our members – an astounding and Briggs ................................................ 8 variety of rich contributions to national Chapter Activities in Recent Months ........10 FIO National Intelligence Sym- security. E-Bulletin Board Selections ........................12 posium 2003 planning is in full Current AFIO Chapters ..............................13 AFIO is humming, busy, growing swing. Letters of invitation have Composition of AFIO Membership ...........14 A in impact. The membership is steadily Corporate Partnerships gone out to the Intelligence Community increasing. AFIO is built on membership by Robert Redding ..................................15 leadership, and to experts for addressing participation in a National mission. It has AFIO Corporate Partner List ......................15 the crucial issues confronting intelligence. been, is now, and will continue to be, a Symposium/Convention 2003 We expect we will cover them all, achieve- worthy cause. We invite you to be active, Agenda ....................................................16 ments, challenges and problems, and pro- to become part of the AFIO Legion of Registration Form ....................................17 vide our members and other conference Board Affairs: Merit for 2003 by sponsoring a colleague attendees with an updated idea of US intel- for membership, and to participate in your Ballot for 2004 Board ligence in transformation – the changing and Current Board ..................................19 local Chapter. See you at the Convention face of intelligence - terrorism, technol- AFIO Organization and Positions .............20 in November! Current Organization of CIA and NRO .....21 ogy and policy - as part of our educational WIN Selections by Roy Jonkers ..................22 mission. Book Reviews ............................................32 I also want to express our immense Quiz by Dwayne Anderson .........................35 appreciation for old and new Foundation Intelligence Community Needs .................36 and donation support, reflecting confidence PAGE 2 • ASSOCIATION OF FORMER INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS PERISCOPE NEWSLETTER • 2003 2003 • ASSOCIATION OF FORMER INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS PERISCOPE NEWSLETTER • PAGE 3 arships to students interested in the Intelligence Fields. We are pleased to announce that the Second Annual AFIO “Night at the Pops” will take place on 19 June 2004 with a host of activities that may include an awards banquet. Fund Director Albano Ponte and AFIO member and Chairman of Boston Pops Event Committee Gary Wass attended a backstage post-concert private meet- ing with a relaxed Conductor
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