, (Slip O laiiis iS m trii Your Hometown Newspaper Since 1881 ;VQL.110/NO. 1 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1991, CADIZ, KY. 1 SECTION/16 PAGES 500 Cunningham enters circuit judge race By David Blackburn County Courthouse that he is made Cadiz his last stop of the (their yard)," he said. "(I) "That knowledge only comes Staff Reporter seeking the office of circuit day. He announced his can­ saw the human side of people from dealing with people over judge of the 56th Judicial Dis­ didacy in Smithland and Ed- who commit crimes. a long haul." CADIZ, KY - Former trict, which includes Trigg, dyville. "I think judges have got to As Commonwealth Attor­ Commonwealth Attorney Bill Lyon, Crittenden and Cald­ Cunningham said his do that. You’ve got to look at ney, he said, he had to make Cunningham has announced well counties. experience makes him the crime and ... at the person that decision on a day-to-day his candidacy for the position The 46-year-old Kuttawa uniquely qualified for the job who committed it." basis. "I think that experience now held by Circuit Judge resident, who was Common­ of circuit judge. To be a good circuit judge, is very critical to being a cir­ Willard Paxton. wealth Attorney for the 56th "Not many kids grow up on Cunningham said, a person cuit judge.” Cunningham, with the his Judicial District for 11 years the banks of the Cumberland has to be tough at times and Pointing to four of his five family and some friends at and a public defender at the River with a penitentiary in compassionate at times. sons, Cunningham quipped, his side, said in a Dec. 27 Kentucky State Penitentiary (their) front yard and with "The chief qualification is "I've had a lot of experience Bill Cunningham news conference at the Trigg for nearly three years before, inmates running across to know when," he said. Please See JUDGE onPageA-4 Retired Cadiz civic leader, businessman dies at home Dec. 24 Mr. James ^ keeper employee at Chapell and Cowherd. When Mr. Chappell died in Cadiz busi- U _ ^ f 1927, he joined with William nessm an ; r . H. Rawls Sr. and Julian S. and civ ic Roberts to buy half of the gro­ leader, died JL cery, and the name was unexpectedly changed to J.W. Cowherd Co. at his home JjjjjjjnW v - The firm retained the J.W. here Mon-lBllll S Cowherd Co. name after the day, Dec. 24, death of Mr. Cowherd in the 199Q James A Tuggle mid-1940's. ^ A Trigg County native, Mr. Throughout his career Mr. Tuggle was bom Jan. 8, 1903, Tuggle was a very active son of the late Leslie C. and civic leader. He served as city Mary Randolph Tuggle. He treasurer, school board mem­ married Nina Thompson ber and hospital board mem­ May 25, 1932. Mrs. Tuggle, a ber. As a charter member of teacher in the Cadiz and the Trigg County Planning • Trigg'County School sy stems, . and Developm ent •Asso'cia- now retired, survives. tion, he led the way to help en­ l Following the death of his large Elk Brand, a local W father, Mr. Tuggle came to clothing manufacturer, now ^ Cadiz, with his mother, to at­ Trigg Mfg. Co. tend Cadiz High School. He He also helped establish -worked during his teen-age Trigg Knit, a Princeton, Ky.- years at Chappell and based hosiery manufacturing .’Cowherd, a Cadiz grocery. firm. He was a member of the CLEANING OUT: Tommy Hanberry (far left) and Johnny Skinner watched Thursday morning, Dec. 27, as James Hughes used a snow blade After high school graduation Cadiz Water and Sewerage to clear snow and slush off the Cadiz Baptist Church parking lot. The men were working to clear the lot in time for James Tuggle's funeral ser­ he Attended Bowling Green Commission during a period vices. The snow, which was the second in less than a week, turned to freezing rain and later melted as a steady rain fell. Weather forecasters were Business College before re- calling for weekend temperatures to reach near 60 degrees followed by another cold spell. turning to Cadiz as a book­ Please See TUGGLE on Page A-4 Commercial driver’s license now required in Kentucky By Larry Young demonstrated ability to drive A road test will also be re­ license examiner at 522-6270 Staff Reporter heavy vehicles before a li­ quired, according to Wallace. on Mondays from 8:30 until cense is issued. A new li­ "The road skills test is re­ noon for an appointment," she Testing times change ■ > Drivers of heavy trucks and cense, called the Commercial quired unless the driver has a said. busses in the state of Kentucky Driver's License (CDL), is driving record free of serious Before taking the. knowl­ Changes in the times for The new times for the will flow be required to meet replacing the chauffeur li­ traffic violations for two edge test, applicants must driver's license testing are written driver’s exam will minimum standards for an cense for many drivers," she years before applying for a present the examiner with a being made to implement be changed to Monday ail new Commercial Driver's said. CDL as they may be Test History Form which can the new Commercial Driver morning anytime between Licehse. Beginning Jan. 1, 1991, 'grandfathered'. The testing be obtained at the Circuit Licensing tests with the 8:30 a.m. and noon, while According to Trigg Circuit persons will be able to apply for the CDL's will begin in Clerk's office. To obtain the least inconvenience to ev­ the road test time will ; Clerk Pat Wallace, new fed­ for a CDL through the Circuit Jan., 1991, however, no Test History Form, applicants eryone and will begin as of change to Monday after­ eral standards for testing and Clerk's Office and will be re­ Commercial Drivers Li­ must present the following: a January 7, 1991, according noon between 1 p.m. and licensing heavy truck and quired to take a knowledge censes will be issued until completed license application, to Circuit Clerk Pat Wal­ 2:30 p.m. ; bus operators are now law in test, either written or oral. April, 1992," she said. Employer/Applicant certifi­ lace. "The biggest change in Kentucky. The test will be based on the She went on to add that all cation, a D.O.T. Medical Time changes will occur the testing will be that you |k "These minimum stan­ "Kentucky Commercial road tests must be taken by Certificate, and a valid Ken­ in the areas of written must have an appointment dards. will guarantee the fit­ Driver License Manual" appointment only. "To take tucky license. driver's testing and road to take the road test. To do ness; Of commercial motor ve­ which are available in the the road test, you must have an Whether you are required to tests. Please See TESTING on Page A-4 hicle-operators by requiring Trigg Circuit's Office. appointment. Please call the Please See DRIVERS on Page A-4 Ice responsible for Christmas Planning commission Day accident votes to recommend P ; A 72-year-old Linton rezoning to city council woman was injured Christ­ inas Day when the vehicle she By David Blackburn The land — which includes was driving hit a patch of ice Staff Reporter all of Stallons Hillview Sub­ and went down an embank- division, part of Lincoln Av­ tnent. CADIZ, KY - The Cadiz- enue and West End Street - is According to Trigg County Trigg County Planning currently classified as Multi- Sheriff Randy Clark, Mae Commission will ask the Family, Low-Density Resi­ Byrd lost control of the 1982 Cadiz City Council to rezone dential (R-l). If the city coun- • Ford which she was driving part of Cadiz to allow only cil votes in its Jan. 3 meeting jj f east on KY 164, 1/2 mile west single-unit, low-density to accept the recommendation, i| of KY 139, when she hit a patch residences. it will be reclassified as Sin- of ice running down an em­ Following a Dec. 27 public gle-Unit Dwelling, Low- ill bankment. hearing in which over 40 peo­ Density Residential (R-1S). - '*M Mrs. Byrd was extricated ple crowded into the Cadiz Most of the residents at the 1”| from the vehicle by Trigg City Hall, the planning com­ hearing were in favor of re- (il County Rescue. Squad mem­ mission unanimously voted zoning, saying they did not (Ig bers who utilized the "Jaws of GETTING HIS POINT ACROSS: J.B. McCloud spoke his mind at the Dec. 27 Cadiz-Trigg County Planning to make a recommendation to want any more low-income, Life" rescue tool. She was Commission's public hearing. McCloud, who owns about a 30-acre triangular section of land near Third Street, the city council that a government-subsidized resiJ|§B * treated and transported to Powerline Drive and Hillview Street, which is under consideration for rezoning, was in the minority during the triangular section of the city dences built in the surround- .$ " Trigg County Hospital for hearing. He asked the commission not to let a few people talk them into doing something over an issue - the north of Third Street be re- ing neighborhood. Several^! multiple injuries. rebuilding of more low -income homes - that "might not even happen." zoned. Please See REZONING on Page A-4 (. 1 L A A-2, The Cadiz Record, Wednesday, January 2,1991 ©pinion Women celebrities should be allowed# to visit U.S.
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