![EPA Glossaryof ____-O Environmental Terms](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
UnitedStates Officeof Decembert989 EnvironmentaProJ tection CommunicationsAnd 191<-1002 Agency PublicAffairs(A-107) _EPA GlossaryOf ____-o Environmental Terms _. a-_3 And Acronym List ] % / ' printedan Recited paper Introduction Thisglossaryofenvironmentaland acronymlistreplace"sCommon EnvironmentaTlerms," published by tile EnvironmentaI Protection Agency in 1974and revised in 1978.It is designed to givetheuseran explanationofthemore commonly usedenvironmentaltermsappearingin EPA publications, news releases and other Agency documents available to the general public, students, the news media, and Agency employees. The terms and definitions in this publication were selected to give the user a general sense of what a term or phrase means in re at ve y non-techn cal language, although it was obviously necessary to use some scientific terminology. The terms selected for inclusion came from previously published lists, internal glossaries produced by various programs, and specific suggestions made by many Agency programs and offices. The chemicals and pesticides selected for inclusion were those most frequently referred to in Agency publications or which are the subject of major EPA regulatory or program activities. Definitions or information about substances or program activities not included in this glossary may be found in EPA libraries or scientific/technical reference documents or may be l obtained from the various program offices. ,* ; I The definitions do not constitute the Agency's official use of terms and phrases forregulatory L purposes. Nothing in this document should be construed to in an,,,way alter or supplant any : other federal document. Official terminology may be found in the haws and related regulations as published in such sources as the Congressional Record and the Federal Register. Users with suggestions for future editions should write to the Publications Division, Office of • I Communications and Public Affairs, A-107, USEPA, Washinglon DC, 20460. i L t L A Admlzflstrarive Order On Consent: A legal agreemenl signed by EPA and an individ.al, business, _r o_her e,l[ty tJlr_L;_Jlwhich the vgflator agrees to }_ay Abafelrlent: I_ed Llcjn_ tile d_srue _lr []llell_ly o(. or u[jnlinatgl_. _lOIJLiliL_ji1 J'or¢_lrru_gon o{ vlola_lllns_ hike the r_'Lltlirut¢orJ ru¢live or ¢[uan'Lfp action_, or A ba_dollud '*_]]' A wei_ Wllllse Ll_ehas I uen _urnlan_nll_, dl_,_Ollgl_led lit refrain fronl _n *lctivgy. It describes ri_e_¢lions to b_jiakurl_ may h_ _tlblect toa ' " " • ¢omI31utri pur[o_ appIJ_t; Io ¢ivJ__¢gons_ _l¢lL_¢_n be enforced iN court. _LIrp_lse. Adminl!;trarive Proceihtres _¢L; _%lal_'Ihat :,J_ell__l F_roce_hlre_a,nti relll_Ire- ._,_EL: J_:I_A'_cnlnpLller Iill_el for an.ri_,'zinS a violahl_'_ .ibilJty to pay a ¢il'JJ m_r_ts reJalefl IL_rile _l_LllllL_lg,l_i_Ofr_ wSl_laLiOrl:_. penalty, ,_.d_o.*.a_Ion: I. /_flhe_ion iri tnLileelg¢_ of _as, Ih Lfifl,or riJ_,_aJv_'dsolk_s to a Ab_orprion: Th_ _a_;t;_Suof 0nu SLJb!;lalICL'In_o lit Ih rotl,,_halloriler; e.g., an _lLrhlce. _, t%na _l_',_rlcednlurinl_[_lf trualin_ i_',lsl_.t;in ivhl¢ i ,l_li_,.ite_l ca rilo_l o_uca_lon _n _'Jrich one o_"nlor,.' •_;i)l_lLi¢ole nl_orlelll_, o( a _,ts nlJx(Lire a_ rulno'¢et; organic n_a_Lerfrnnl w,l_lewaler. c[_;s J_udl _EiqLnd, Adulter._l_:CheJiricaJiJn_lLiritie_L_r_ll[_larlce_t_l.ll[ly_awdono_[_lkln_ina .a.cce_.]lo_: [l_ radiation 5¢iur1¢..',a _[L'ViC_rilat _flee_s Lip ¢_large_Jilarli¢le_ fn_ L_rin a i_e_;li¢iLJe. such _s electrons Lh"_rolnnt;. Advanced Wa_;t¢waler "rrea_nl_nl: .amytre,_rllen_ o{_elvagu Ihal Sou_;beyond A_¢identSite;Th_lo_rioNofallul_expe¢[_dllccLirrellce_ilLiruorhl_s, eilhur Iht__;uc°nd'lrY°r I_i°inSl¢_] _vat"r _ruatrllenl _hlge '1nd incJude_ [h_ rernLw_i °f a[ .1 p[_nL or _lonl_ _1tran_Floi't_tinn roLile, re!,tLItinS in a rel_'a_e of ha._arLlntl_ nut_t_nt_ s_ ._s })h_phoru_ an_ nrirog_ft an_J ._ Irig_l percentage of stls- m_e_i_ts, podded _alids. (_ee: pfimar./, _econdary trealrllent.) A_llm_izatlolt: The pJlysJo]ngl_'al an_ [leh_vglr,l_ a djLz!,lnlent_ ofarl ol'gan. _ _ vit;ory: i_,no J1.regLilatn_' dOCLlIIlUlllril_lt L'_:3111_til_i¢_lte _ ri_kill f_rrnatJon hi ism to C_lan_e_;in it_ environment. pe_t;Llns _'ho rrl,l_' have _l_iThl_;u ri_k Jnarlagelllutlt deci_iL_ll_. Acelylcholtn¢: i'_ :;ubs_a_ce in file hLinlan bo_y havJrl S irll_l_lrLalLI Aerati_n:_%Pr_)_es_i¢_l_r_:l1L_t_sL_i_I_gi_1_IL'gr'1_]`_tiL1r_*_c_r_`1nj¢_v_`r. _uro_t'.ltl_llLil_er effu_t _ or]v_ rllll_t;lnterr]a[_ysLen_s;_lftel_u_.ed a_ a brol_cho- "[']lUproce_ nlay _le la!,_ive (a_ i_'_lvr]i_'._le J_e_ _o:_e_lh7air), or acg _'_(_s ¢Ol'_lTi_:lOT* Ivh_n ,1nli_Jn_ iir [llrilbJ_rlS de'_ice ifltr_l_Llces file .gr). Acid Oupositln_t: a e_lm_llex Chumi_'ai arid _tnlos_huri¢ plLUllllnlell_ln ri_a_ Aura_ion Tank: _. ch,iJilller LI_¢_[tO hljecL air in[L_waler. oc_Llrs _'_hen _t_is_lon_ of s_rfur _fld ililrOgerl ¢_nipt_Lin_ts an_ other !,lril- Aerobic: Li_enr _'ocus e_ rilal _lLlire L_r._e io_l_':_troyeL_y Ihe_re_e_¢uof sta n¢_5 _lTe_r_n_formed by ch_rlri¢_l pcncesse_ ifl Ihe _[rnos_rileru, LIfturl f_r llx_¢_,*.n,(S_e: _lnaerobi¢.) from Ihu ori _in.l[ _otl¢¢_s, nnd lhun depo_Jled on _!art_lill I'irilur a _l'ulor dry Aerobic "l'_eatmenl:. I_roce_, _ , ivhich rlricrobe__ecllJIl_ll_e• corn Ir_,xii1"_.1_1i¢ _orm. Thu _v_[ form_;, )OpLll_ly ¢_]IUL_'_¢Jd raJn_" Can f_lJ_1_r.; li]l, _;n_)lv,or ¢onlpotJnd_ Ir_ the ._esencu k)f o_.yg_rl alibi u_..' Ihe Ji_era_e_l unersy f(ir fo_. Th_ _ry forms _Tt_,1¢i([ c g_e_ or partlculate_, tu_od _t¢fillnand Sro_l'LII.Ty_es of _lerobi¢ p_ocessus illChlde e',Le_l_Jedaera- Acid Rain: (gee: acid deposifiol_) gor_ trickling fi[tr,lli_Ji, ,1rid rotagr_g biological co._aclor:;, Action Luvelm..I. I,_egulatory I.-'ve[s recommerlded _y F]_/_.for en forcenl,_tll,b_' Aerosol: A SLIs_etlsi_ll of gqLIJLIor solkl partJ¢le_ in a ga_, I_D/" _nd LISDA _*¢hun}_esScide resi_lLt_!;°¢_u r_ _°_d °r fecal ¢°nlMOdit_e!; far Afief burner, h_ i_l¢[n.:_afor tecilrlLllog_,r.i LILirrlefrocatell so ril,li fiLL'¢onlbLLs- rea_;on_;o_her fllan rile dl_e¢_ a_ Iicalion _f file pesfi_'i_e. As op _ose_l LLI "toJ_r_n¢_" _vh_¢hare _abli_lu_for rt.'_;_dtle_ _¢Ll_'ring a_ .1_[ir..'_'rtu_,Lfllof og_lL)rs.InSa It_;ema_,;tr_e benlaLaflt*e tlochep,lS,J _to;Lhlit_ollbeghseparil_ agamtede f_oill llorLl IIl_rle IJrn lrcjejlrller,O_l_ll'_srnprlokopev l.1*,nil _'o_r u!;agu, acgon ]_'ul_ _r..*set lot ina_lv..*rlenl ru_idLles ru,_ltlflnS fr_ln_ pre'c]ou Sluga] Ll_eor _¢_-'id_n l.lJ¢ont_ nlilla[ion, _, ]¢1the SLIpuTfLInd_lro_raln, /;.gt_n! Orange; A ILI_.I¢Ii_l_icJLte.Ir]LIde fll[[arlt which iva_ Ll:;u_JI111_eVielnallL tlleexl_tenceofaconlan_inallt concullLratiL_nini_lee_vir_r_entllig_lelloltg_l conflict. I_ corliairl_ 2,4,_-IrichJor. _heno',yacJti¢ acifl (2,.t,5-'[') an,_ --.-I dl- to _',lrr_nt ,_cLion_¢ Irlg_u¢ ,1ruspon_e Uil_er SAR_ and rile N_lillnaJ Oil an_[ ¢ _ oropheno_yacuge _ci_J(.,4-[_) Ii'iih lracu *_nl_ll_rltsof _.1i_l,_i11, H_zardou_ Sub,lances ConiJngency _J_n. The term ¢_ln [_uLineals[nlilarJy In _.ggl nlnerallon- ....The proce_;s b _'_1i¢11_recJ rilalhln i ]rgcJe _grl_l_ I,l_,gerby o_h_r Tegu]_lory prosr_ms, (S_t_:lolur_ncus,) ¢oll _;io;1or ¢Ollac _v h ChlLid_l_t_i¢[us nr OLlet _l_e¢_ a nn Jlarl ¢ et;. Activated Cai'bon_ _ highly acl_t)rber_t form of ¢_l_0n I_sefl to rernol'e _)dor:; Agg[ u:t_Jnoagflfilm', . The _roce.,s. _),fLtlligng. ,1rair.tics _. c_ale_ wiril a Lhlll ) erof and toxic _ub_ance_ from Ik Llidor Sa!;el_u_umi_loll!;. It1waste Iru,ltlllun[ it I_ a_[ge!;l'.'urn,l(erla]orLifar_e_tmg_lll_d lartitles Ily Jrlllact on _ !;l_rface coaled tf_dtoTt, mDvt!dt;_ov_do_s,_ncm,_ltL'ffroJllwa_l.2walt_r. _ _OLL_,.'d n Vct_l_[_l iL'_v_. molar vehicle evaporarive control sy_lems. .a._;ricultural Pollution: Tile Iiquill and solid _'.'._:_e_from. fanning, i_cludlns: Activated Shldg¢: Sludge rilat results; when primar_ efflLleJlt is oil',eft _'*_ith runoff and [ea¢lring of pesticides anti _er_flizers; er_sion an,_ dLISLfrom plan bacLerta-lad_rl _ludge and Ihe_ agiLaled an_l ,1eraSed to ,oror.ote bloh_gical wing_ animal n_alLure and carcasses; and cro_ ,'esidue_ and debris. tre,it m_n_, Thi!; t;_eed _;br._kdol_'n of llrg_ hie nlatler'Jl_ ra_* sue'cage Ulld_,rgo- Airborne Pargculatus: TL)hi]:;u_p_llL[e_ _arlicLllale nlafler fllLll_l In ill..'a_nlOS. in S _;uco_ld;)ryw.15_u Lre,_llllerlt. _lle_u as _olill _articJut;or lil Llkld_L_[e[_. Che_lli¢,_l ¢orllpo_ltiorl of lariicLi- Ac_l¥_ ]ngr_dlenL: In any p_ticid_ prod 11¢_ the ¢ii111pon_n I _*¢hichki[[_, lit late_ '._ Ti_,, wi_ely,, depell_[ing on location., and gllle, of yU_l_',g,irLIorJit_rfi¢_f at ]1_'¢l_ ¢onti'nl_ _ars_[ _e_;. I_(_tJc_(e_a_ucog ulat L'dp_'irll_rilyOn glu [1_sl_; Jalet; irlcJndu; _vlJid_Ji)wn dLl_t, enll_Sioll'; f_onl IIldL_St_l_Jp_'_]¢e_e_, snloge Of _rive Ir_grl.'dlL'n_. from the bLl_ninS i_"I'¢llL_dand ¢l_al_anL_IJle e_h.lLl_Lof n_i]tllr I'ehicJt_t;. .a.cule Exposure; A _lrlg]_ uxpo_Te to ,_tn_.lc_L_stan_u which rusLIg_in se_,u_e Al_borneJ_ul_a_e:[_u_*:asellf_n'i, chenliCaJinlo_he_Jr. blolaglcal harm or death.._cu_e exposures are LIsLlallycharacteri..ed as la:_gns Air Changes Per Hour (ACFII: The movement of a v_Itnne of air in il given no longer tha n a day. period of time; if a house has _ne ajr ¢har_gepet hOLtr, li mea n_ _ha_all of rile air .a.¢ule "l'oxtclt)'; The ability ofa s_tbst_lElc__o cause pois_ll(_u_ effects resulLing in rile house will be ,'ep_aced In a one-hour period. in _u_'ur_ D[ologi¢,_l harm or de_lh _oo_ _fier a single uxpo_lJre or _n_e. _Jso, .a.lr Contantl_nl: i_lly }largcLii_tu nl_Lter, ga_, or ¢onl_!inat_iir__heruof_ o_J_er _b _ny _'¢ er._ poisonoLl_ u/feeL re!;_ll[inS (roll1 a t;lngi_ :;hort-t..'_-ll_ex]_o_ure tll a than _'¢afur V_ljlOror rla_Lir_lair, (See; .gr F_olJLILalI[,) tOXIC_ubsLa_ce. (gee: chront¢ to_icity, tnxiciLy.) Air Curtain: _. nl_fllo_ of ¢onhrirll.g oil spJll_. Air _)_Jl_bllrl_IJlrL_L_IIa _e_" i_ /'.da;_lallon: Chan_es in an organism's _ruc_ure or habi_ _ha_help il a_)_Jsl _n fora_'d pi _eca.
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