REPUBLIC GF VANUATU REPUBLIQUE DC VANUATU PARLIAMENT PARLEMENT THIRD PARLIAMENT SECOND ORDINARY SESSION 16TH DECEMBER - TOTH DECEMBER 1988 TRO IS LTMl LEGISLATURE DU PARLEMENT DCU XIC ME SE SS 10 N 0 R LJIN AIRE 10 DECEMHRE - 20 DECEMHRE 19U8 SIJMMARJ.SI L'J PROCEED CUES PRIJCLS VI.RiJAL CL'HTIFICATILIN The flinutos of Proceedings which appear in the following book have been established by tho Clerk of Parliament and have been amended and confirmed by Parliament in accordance with tho provisions of Article 10 of the Standing Orders of Parliament. Onneyn Pl. TAHI Lino BULCKULI dit SACSAC Speaker of Parliament. Clerk of Parliament. AUTHCiJTU'IACTILJN Les Proems-vorbriux qui Pirjurunt dins le present rtjcuuil ont Pte dtablis par Lu Secrutairt G6n6ral du Pariuinunt ut coni'orrudniunt aux dispositions de I'Articlo 1(3 du Hugloment Inturicur, 11$ ont ctd corrigds et confirmds par lo Parlainejit. Onneyn *i)» TAHT Lino HULEKlJl. I dit SACSAC President Seer c t a ire L’i d neral du Parlomunt„ du Par j ornrij it. PARLIAMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF VANUATU ME MB: RS PRESENTS SECO D ORPIN RY SESSION OF THIRD PARLIAMENT 25iy_?^CFIBER_-_2OTH^DECEP1BER_1988 ABBIL Johnson Iolu, MP For Tanna, BAET George, MP For Banks / Torres, BOE Roger Berry, MP For Maewo, BOULEKONE Vincent, MP For Pentecost, BULEWAK Gaetano, MP For Pentecost, ENNIS Simeon, MP For Malekula, HOPA Pack Tungon, MP for Ambrym, IAMIAHAM Daniel, MP For Tanna, IAUKO Jack, MP For Tanna, IOUIOU Henry, MP For Tanna, JIMMY Noanikam, MP For Tanna, JACOBE Joseph, MP For Port-Vila, KALPOPKAS Donald, MP For EFate rural, KARIE David Robert, MP For Tongoa / Shepherds, KATH Daniel, MP for Santa, Malo / Acre, KOTA Gideon, MP For Tanna, LINI Hilda, MP For Port-Vila, LINI Walter H., MP For Pontecost, MAHIT William, MP For Paama, MATASKELEKELE Kalkot, MP For Port-Vila, METO Jimmy Chilia, MP For Efato rural, MOLISA Sela, MP For Santo, Malo / Aore, NATAPEI E. Nipake, MP For other southern islands, NATO Daniel, MP For Malekula, NIAL J. Kalo, MP For Luganvillc, QUALAO C. Harold, MP For Ambae, RANTES Ailah, MP For Malekula, REGENVANU J. Sathy, MP For Malekula, SARKI Robert, MP for Santo, Malo / Aore, SAWIA Kalanga, MP For Port-Uila, TA8I Basil, MP For Pentecost, TAHI Onneyn, MP For Ambae, TANARANGO T. Oavid, MP For EFate rural, TARI SEVUTI Wilson, MP For Ambao, TAUN Tele, MP For EFate rural, TAUI John Wesley, MP For Malekula, UUTI James, MP For Santo, Malo / Aore, WASS Kavcor, MP For Santo, Malo / Aorb, WELWEL Andrew, MP For Ambrym PARLEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU DEPUTES PRESENTS TROISIEME LEGISLATURE DU PARLEMENT DEUXIEME SESSION PROINAIRE IS _DECEMBRE_ „2O_DECEMBRE_19BB ABBIL Johnson Iolu, Ddputd de Tanna, BAET George, D6put£ de Banks / Torres, BOE Roger Jerry, D^put^ de Ma6wo, BOULEKONE Vincent, D^putg de PentectJte, BULEWAK,Gadtano, Ddputd de Pentecflte, l ENNIS Simeon, Ddputd de Mallicolo, HOPA Jack Tungon, Depute d'Ambirym, IAMIAHAM Daniel, Depute de Tanna, IAUKO Jack, Depute de Tanna, IOUIOU Henry, Ddputd de Tanna, JIMMY Noanikam, Depute de Tanna, JACOBE Joseph, D^putd de Port-Vila, KALPOKAS Donald, Ddputd d'Efatd rural, KARIE Robert David, Ddputd de Tongoa / Shepherds, KATH Daniel, Ddputd de Santo, Malo / Aorn, KOTA Gidoon, Ddputd de Tanna, a LINI Hilda, Ddputd de Port-Vila, LINI H. Walter, Ddputij do Pcntucoto, MAHIT William, Ddputd do Paama, MATASKELEKELE Kalkot, Ddputd de Port-Vila, METO Jimmy Chilia, Odputd d'Efatd rural, MOLISA Sela, Ddputd de Santo, Malo / Aord, NATAPEI E, Nipake, Ddputd des autres lies du Sud, NATO Daniel, Ddputd de Mallicolo, NIAL J. Kalo, Depute do Loganville, QUALAO C. Harold, Depute d'Ambad, RANTES Aileh, Ddputd de Mallicolo, REGENUANU Sethy, Ddputd de Mallicolo, SARKI Robert, Ddputd de Santo, Malo / Aord, SAUIA Kalanga, Ddputd do Port-Vila, TABI Basil, Ddputh ds Pentecote, TAHI Onneyn, Depute? d’Ambae, TANARANGO T. David, *Depute d'Efatd rural, TARI SEVUTI Wilson, Ddputd d'Ambae, TAUN Tele, Ddputd d’Efatd rural, TAWI John Wesley, Ddputd do Mallicolo, VUTI James, Ddputd de Santo, Malo / AortS, WASS Kavcor, Depute de Santo, Malo / Aord, WELWEL Andrew, Ddputd d’Ambrym. PARLIAMENT OF "THE- REPUBLIC OF VANUATU * SECOND LEGISLATURE OF PARLIAMENT # SECOND ORDINARY SESSION OF PARLIAMENT FRIDAY 161'11 DECEMBER 1988 SPEAKER : The Hon. Onneyn TAHI , Member for Ainbae, PRESENT : 2 3 VACANCIES : 23 1. Ihe firsi sitting u | the Second Ordinary Session of Parliament fOr 19R8 onened ar 8.AS am. 2. The Hon. Robert KARIE said Lhe prayer. 3. The Hon. Speaker read our tin- agenda. He made an announcement to request the consent of the House co allow diplomatic correspondants • from the ABC and a photographer from Vanuatu Weekly to take pictures in the Chamber. 4. The Parliament agreed unanimously. 5. The Clerk of Parliament read out Che results of the By-Election of |2ch December 1988. PARLEMENT DE LA REPU8LIQUE DE VANUATU DEUXIEME LEGISLATURE DU *PARLEIIENT DEUXIENE SESSION ORDINAIRE DE 1908 VENDREDI 16 DECENBRE 1988 PRESIDENT : *i.( Onneyn TAHI, D6put6 d'Ambad, PRESENTS : 23 DSputds SIEGES VACANTS : 23 Ddput6s 1. Le President du Parlement, l*i. Onneyn TAHI, ouvre la deuxifeme Session Ordinaire du Parlement de 1988 & 08H45. 2. M, le Ddput6 Robert KARIE dit la priere. 3. Le President souhaite la bienvenue aux Ddputds et annonce l’ordre du jour. Le President demande l1accord 2 3 4 5 des ddputds pour qu'une Equips de tdl^uision australienne puisse filmer les ddbats. 4. Les Ddputde acceptent & .1 ’ unanimity 5. Le Secretaire G^ndral du parlement, 1*1. 8ULEKULI dit SAC5AC Lino, lit les nom9 des nouvoaux ddputds dlus la 12 D^cembre, 1988, 6. The newLy elected members of Parllamenttook their oath of office. 4 ELECTI0N 01- FIRST DEPUTY SPEAKER OF PARLIAMENT 7. The motion to nominate lion. Tele TAUN us 1'Lrsc Deputy Speaker was moved by Hon. Robert KARIE and seconded by Hon. Roger Boe. 8. The Hon. Tele TAUN accepted Che nomination and was then elected unanimously. He the” took •’he oath of allegiance. 9. The sitting was suspended at 9.35 am. 10. The sitting resumed at 0940. 11. The President of the Republic made his speech in Bislama (Speech appended). 12. The sitting adjourned at 10.06 am. 13. The sitting resumed at i 1 .00 am. The Hon. Prime Minister replied to the President's address by congratulating Lhe newly elec Led MPs and by explaining that he was happy for the President to make his speech alter the by-elections but that he had not allowed it to be broadcast on Radio Vanuatu before the elections since it spoke about general elections. He added that he was very disappointed with the President's attempt to dissolve Parliament since he has no powers to do this and went on to say that the President should not take political stands since to do so is unconstitutional. He confirmed that Parliament would continue to conduct its business since the attempted dissolution was invalid, since the President may only dissolve 3/ Parliament after 4 years or if requested to do so by 4 of all MPs or by the Council of Ministers. He declared that the President was ar tempting a political coup and chut his intention of forming an interim Government was totally illegal. He considered that the President had disgraced his office and that he was perhaps trying to obstruct the passage of the Appropriation Act in order to destabilise the country. He concluded by stating chat Lhe Electoral College could now meet and ask the President to resign. 6 Lbs Nouueaux Deputes blus preterit serinent. ELECTI0N_OU_PREI¥IIER VICE-PRES lDENl _L)U_PARLEPl£N T. 7. fl. le Depute Hubei t KARIE, appuyc pur fl. lc Ddputd Roger Jerry BOE, propose la nomination du 11. lu Depute Tula TAUN ou poste de Premier Vice-President du purlcmcnt. 8. *ll. le Depute Teld TAUN accepte la nomination . Il prete serment, une fois dlu & l'unanimitc. 9. La Session est suspenduc a D9H3E. 1D. La Session reprend a D9H40. 11. Le President du la Riipubliquu, S.E. Cuorge Ati SOKOMANU lit son discours en bichelamar. 12. La stance est suspundue a 101106. 13. La Session roprond a 11H00.. 14„ H. Io Premier NinisLrn, Walter H. L1N1 riSpond uu discours du President du la Ru-publlquu uL declare utru rani de suuoir qua le President de la Rdpubliquo a fulicltu les nouveaux dlus. Il fait savoir que lui-mema est ravi sur ce point et il fblicitu les nouveaux ddputds. Il indique qu'il est satisfait aussi, que lu President de la Rdpublique ait fait son discours au Porlement juste aprds les elections partielles car il lui avait interdit de fairs un communique de presse sur les ondes de Radio Vanuatu avant les Elections vu qu'il voulait parler d’^lections ginerales. Il a declare qu'il est navrd de voir que le President de la Rdpubliquo a ossuyu do dissoudre lc Porlement car la Constitution ne lui donne aucun pouvuir du lc fairs duns ces conditions, il poursuit en disant que le President a adoptf; uno oosition politique, ce qui est contraire a lo Constitution, ce qui est antidfimocratique, Il indique quo le Parlomont continuora auuc sos trauaux car le prononcement de la dissolution du Parlomont n'est pas valido. Il ajoute que le President ne peut la fairs qu'aprbs 4 ans de mandat ; ou si 3/4 dea membres acceptent la motion ou si lo consail des ministrea lui demands de le fairo. Il ddcleru quo lo President projuLte do fairs un "coup politique" et son idde de former un gouvernement par interim n’est pas ldgalj Il continue en disant que pas son discours, le President se disgracie 15.
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