Index of Articles and Authors for the first Twenty-four Numbers MARCH 1923 — NOVEMBER 1935 0 THE HYDROGRAPHIC REVIEW The Directing Committee of the I nternational H ydrographic B u r e a u will be pleased to consider articles for insertion in the Hydrographic Review. Such articles should be addressed to : The Secretary-General, I nternational H ydrographic B u r e a u Quai de Plaisance Mo n te -C arlo (Principality of Monaco) and should reach him not later than 1st February or ist August for the May or November numbers respectively. INDEX OF ARTICLES AND AUTHORS for the First Twenty-four Numbers MARCH 1923 - NOVEMBER 1935 FOREWORD This Index is in two parts : P a r t I. — Classification of articles according to the Subjects dealt with. P a r t II. — Alphabetical Index of the names of Authors of articles which have been published in The Hydrographic Review. NOTE. — Articles marked (R ) are Reviews of publications. Articles marked (E) are Extracts from publications. When no author’s name is given, articles have been compiled from information received by the Interna­ tional Hydrographic Bureau. Reviews of Publications appear under the name or initials of the author of the review. Descriptions of instruments or appliances are given in the chapters relating to their employment, in Chapter XIV (Various Instruments), or occasionally in Chapter XXT (Hints to Hydrographic Surveyors). CLASSIFICATION OF ARTICLES ACCORDING TO THE SUBJECTS DEALT WITH List of subjects I . — H ydrographic Offic e s a n d o th er Mar itim e a n d S c ie n t ific Organisations (Patrols, Life- saving, Observatories, Institutes of Optics)...................................................................................... 5 II. — S u r v e y in g V e s s e ls an d B o a t s ..................................................................................................................... 6 III. — Hydrographic Work (Expeditions, Surveys, E. D. and P. D. Dangers, Progress, etc.).............. 7 IV. — Echo Sounding (Equipment, Velocity of Sound, Correction of Echo Soundings, etc.)..................... 12 V. — U se o f A ir c r a f t and A e r ia l P h o to g ra p h y f o r S u r v e y in g ................................................................ 15 VI. — T r e a tis e s on H y d r o g r a p h y ........................................................................................................................... 16 VII. — A stron om y and N a v ig a tio n ............................................................................................................................ 16 VIII. — B a d io te le g r a p h y an d P h o n o te le m e tr y .................................................................................................... 18 IX. — G eographical P ositions (Longitudes, Meridian of Origin, etc.).......................................................... 20 X. — G e o d e s y (Ellipsoid, Pendulum, Method of the Least Squares eto.).................................................... 21 XI. — T id e s a n d Cu r r en ts (Tide-gauges)........................................................................................................... 22 XII. — L igh ts, Sig n al s, B u o y a g e (Aids to Navigation).................................................................................... 28 XIII. — M agnetism, M e te o r o lo g y , O cean ograph y.................................................................................................. 29 XIV. — Various Instruments (Sextants, Chronographs, Chronometers, etc.).................................................... 32 XV. — Cartography (Projections, Symbols, Use of Original Charts, Air Charts, etc.)................................. 36 XVI. — Nomenclature and Units (Terminology, Notations, etc.)....................................................................... 38 XVII. — E n g ra v in g and R ep ro d u ctio n o f C h a r ts .................................................................................................. 39 XVIII. — H isto r ica l, P erso nal a n d Ob it u a r y N o tic e s.......................................................................................... XIX. — I n te r n a tio n a l H y d ro g ra p h ic B u re a u - W o rk , C o n fe re n c e s .............................................................. 42 XX. — Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................................................................... 42 XXI. — P r a c t ic a l H in ts to H y d ro g ra p h ic S u r v e y o r s ........................................................................................ 43 XXII. — B ib lio g r a p h y ........................................................................................................................................................ 45 XXIII. — E r r a t a to t h e H yd ro g ra p h ic R e v ie w ........................................................................................................ 45 CLASSIFICATION OF ARTICLES ACCORDING TO THE SUBJECTS DEALT WITH AUTHOR TITLE Tear Vol. Page I. Hydrographic Offices and other Maritime and Scientific Organisations (Patrols, Life-saving, Observatories, Institutes of Optics) R o l let d e l ’I sl e .... The Archives of the Hydrographic Office of the French Navy 1924 1-2 145 P a r r y (Sir John F.) The Destruction of the Offices of the Japanese Hydrographic Department by the Earthquake of 1st September 1923... 1924 1-2 167 J. F. P. (R) The Japanese Hydrographic Office, Tokyo, 1923 1924 1-2 185 H. B....... (R) Hydrographic Office of the Imperial Japanese Navy, Tokyo, 1926............................................................................................. 1927 IV-2 23 J. F. P. (R) The Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, 1923............... 1924 1-2 195 (R) The United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, its work, methods and organisation (1928)....................................................... 1930 VII-1 255 B a ss e t (F. B.)............ The Hydrographic Offioe of the U. S. A....................................... 1924 II-l 147 G. S. S........................ (R) The Hydrographic Office of the U. S. Navy. (G. A. W e b e r ) . 1927 IV-1 231 Cr o s sle y (W. S .)..... The Hydrographic Office of the U. S. N avy............................... 1928 V-l 43 Gh e r a r d i (W. R.).... The Hydrographic Office of the U. S. N avy............................... 1931 VIII-1 202 P a r r y (Sir John F.) A visit to the Dutch Hydrographic Office................................... 1924 II-l 29 L u y m e s (J. L. H . ) .... The Netherlands Hydrographic Service........................................ 1926 III-2 14 G. S. S........................ The Department of Hydrography and Navigation of Chile..... 1925 II-2 13 P h aef (J. M.)............. The Italian Hydrographic Institute............................................... 1925 II-2 19 (E) The activities of the Hydrographic Institute of the Royal Italian Navy........................................................................................ 1932 IX-1 127 P a r r y (Sir John F.) The Spanish Hydrographic Service.......................................... 1925 III-l 25 Royal Decree concerning the Reorganisation of the Hydrogra­ phic Service of the Spanish N avy.................................... 1928 V-l 55 Organisation of the Spanish Hydrographic Office.................. 1929 VI-1 11 P a r r y (Sir John F.) The Portuguese Hydrographic Service.................................... 1925 III-l 27 N ib l a c k (A. P.)......... The Norwegian Hydrographic Office........................................ 1927 IV-1 11 B jö r se t (E.).............. The Norwegian Hydrographic Office (History and Organisation). 1931 VIII-1 39 - do - The Norwegian Hydrographic Office (History and Organisation) (note)...................................................................................... 1931 V III-2 203 K ja e r (R.). The Norwegian Service for the Scientific Exploration of Svalbard and the Polar region (1906-1932)........................................... 1933 X -l 46 AUTHOR TITLE Tear Vol. Pag« NrRT.AOK (A. P.)...,............. The Swedish Hydrographic Service....................................... 1927 IV-1 15 - do - The Royal Danish Hydrographic Office........................................ 1927 IV-1 19 Regulations governing the Organisation of the Hydrographic Service of the Argentine Republic........................................ 1927 IV-2 17 Akhm atov (V.)................... (7?) Tb« Hydrographic OflfW, TiPm’ngrn.rl, 1927 ............................. 1928 V-l 67 The Hydrographic Office of the Estonian Republic.................. 1928 V-l 73 The Hydrographic Department of the Navy of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats & Slovenes............................................ 1928 V-l 77 Organisation of the Maritime Hydrographic Service in Poland. 1933 X-2 9 Regulations concerning the Organisation of the Hydrographic Service of the United States of Brazil.................................. 1933 X-2 12 D a G r a ça A r a n h a (H.)... The Directoria de Navegaçâo da Marinha do Brasil.................. 1933 X-2 17 L u an g Sam ruat V it h i Sm udh. The Hydrographic Service of the Royal Siamese Navy............ 1933 X-2 20 Creation of the Hydrographic Service of the Navy of the Repu­ blic of Ecuador........................................................................ 1933 X-2 26 Regulations concerning the Organisation of the Hydrographic Office of the Republic of Ecuador.......................................
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