BY ANTHONY PADGETT • ASST. SPORTS EDITOR At the annual "Pack the Stands event ThUIsday, a UPS worker wheeled Out a large black box marked 'UPS fa center court during half time. Over a.microphone he then stated that a signature was needed to deliver the packag€. Curtis Coonrod, vice-provost for Student Affa.irs, answered the request walking to center court amidSt waving and screaming fans. 2;2- alumni and currem studemsfilled the M ark Twain bu.ilding for the e\ em in anticipation for the unveil- . g of the new University of ~1issouri-St. Louis mascot. ~ Chancellor Thomas GeorQ.e also 'Ji alked our ro ce nter court for the mascot's unveiling: He ia.rer said that he ' couldn't be mo~e pleased" wim the number of people that turned out. It vas ~ e biggest crowd yelrrus 'ear t.o attend a home game for eimer team. Throughout the night. orb the \\ om~n >s and men's basketball [ e~ pIa; e against t. J s h .., .In addition to a ne\\ mascot, M- t. Louis al inrroduc d thcir brand n seven- mber cheerleading squad for· the event. 'Both the ne Ch .... rl ading squad and ilie un 'led ascot iValked around the stands and mingled it.h fans. Yet it was the mascot:s unveiling thet as is'( d in Hterall "acking th. stand . Afrr the U P box was v heeled our, much of the crowd stood up from thei.t: seatS in ] clpari n. Lrh all eyes on the package something began to break our of it. Red furS wim gold naus fir t punch d rhrough the sides of the box ;md then ripped up the from before emerging. Whar did emerge was a red Triton \i ith golden e es fins and palms. • Since 1966, i-Sr. Louis sporrs teams ,. re known a the Rivermen,' but due to th ne's exclusion of women athletes it was. chang d to the Tritons in 1007. After the name -hange. tridems were displa. ~d on all uni 'ern . 1erchandise but the uni erir:y till did Il,Ot ave a physical mascot to represent the name or symbol- thar is until Thursda . In ancient Greek mythology:. Trjton , as sea. messenger born of Poseidon and Amphitrite the god and goddess of the sea. Today at U1\1-$t. louIs me Triton is an amphibiQ us red "creature who shakes i~ tail at sportS games and bares no resemblance to me mythical Triton, After the unveiling of the mascot Chancellor George said that he thinks it is "terrific. ... '-'It captures everything that we are about here, and I think that makes it exciting because it s not the same old, same old ,~ George said. "\'Qhen you say, Triton, people always ask what it is ... We are one of the very few universiti with the Tritoh as our mascot." . See MASCOT, page 2 JENNIFER MEAHAN / THE. CURRENT \ \ \ \ ~ , ' .' , , , \ , \ \ \ \ \ , , \ 'r ~ . \ \', '. \ \ \ \ , '. " . 2 'UtIle [Urrcnt JANUARY 25, 2010 ~ EDITORIAL NE MASCOT UNVEILED Al PACK T ESTANDS Editor-in-Chief ........ ..... ....... ........................... ..., ........ ......... Jessica Keil Managing Editor..... ,.... .. .......... ...... :.. .......... ... ....... .......... Matthew Hill Mark Masella, jLlllior, accollllting re­ News Editor........... ......... ............. ... ........ .......... .... Anne Ma rie Curran cently transferred ,to UM-St. Louis and Features Ed itor.. ... ... .... .................................................... Sequita Bean said that he is pleased with s!=hool spirit BusinessfTech Editor ............ ... ........ ...... ........ ... .. ...... ~ .. ..... Andy Phipps. here, as \vell 'as with die new mascot. Sports Editor. ... ... ...................................... ....... .......... Cedric Williams "I was very impressed," Masella said. Assistant Sports Editor.. .. ..... ... ...... " .. ............. .......... .. Anthony Padgett A&EEditor ...... ....... ........... ...... ........... ............. ....... .. ...... Cate Marquis "There w-as a lot of school spirit [at the . Asst. A&E Editor. ................................ ...................... .: .. .Joe Schaffner game], which I didn't think UMSL had, Opinions Editor ........................... .. ........... ..... ... .......... ..... And rew Seal but they definite!. do now. I come from Copy Editors ... .......... ........ .......... Stacy Beckenholdt, Rebecca Nuckolls a big see school and I was excited to Proof r~ a d e r. .. .. ............. ... ............. .................................. ( hera Meyer see what UMSL had to offer. Staff Writers .......... ...... .. " ........ ..... .......... .... .. ........ .. Aa ron Holdmeyer, Some srudems however were still atthew B. Henry, Jen O'Hara, confused by the mascot even wer it Kevin Korinek, Chris Stewart was unveiled. Even after eeing the new IDaSGot DESIGN , . I'm still not sure what a Triton is Rob­ Design Editor......... .... .... .. ....... .. .... .......... ..... ........ ...... ...... Gene Doyel Photo Editor. .. .... ... ........ .... ..... ... .. .... ....................... Michelle KaufmBn ert Morgan, junior general srudies said. Assistant Photo Editor. .................... .... ... ............... ... Jennife r e'ahan GraceMarie Ritter president of SeA. Page Designers .... .... ............. ......... .Za chary Ja mes Kraft, Phil Freema n assisted in the design phase of the mas­ Staff Photog ra phers ........ .Ahmad Aljuryyed, Eri n Sturg uess, Riki Tanaka COt and gave insight on the thought pro­ JENNIFER MEAHAN / THE CURRENT Web Editor.... .. ........ ..................... ..... ....... .. .. .: .... Zachary James Kraft cess involved. Fans start to fill in the seats during Pack The Stands Night on Thursday in the Mark IlIustrators ... .. .. ............ ... ........ ....... ...........Pau l Magu ire, Cody Perkins "If we had pursued the idea of King Twain Building. Triton,' we would h e looked similar . the confusion of students, faculty; and although the new mascot has not been BUSINESS to other mascots like Trojan Warriors Staff is coming from.'" given a name yet, a contest will be held Business Manager. ....... ....... ... ...... ............. .... ................ ... ...Oan PryOf et ," Ritter said. ~ [1he mascot] i.s differ­ H owever the new UM-Sr. Louis mas- later this year to do just that. Advertising Director.. .. ... .. .... .............. ...... ... ..... .... .... .. ...... ..... Dan Pryor ent and that s ms ro b where most of COt, like it or not. js here to stay. And Distribution Manage r.. ............ ..... ........................... ..... .E rin Sturguess Tra ining Dir& tof.. ... .. ....................... ........ .. ......................Andy Phipps Ad v· ser. .. ..... ... ... .. .......... .. .. .. ...... ................. .. ..... ......... .Charlo e Petty the M' uri Public rvic "1£ , absolutely the in­ man - of the topics brought omm 'on a gr up h d­ (egral part of the Public up led to complicated 'eco­ ed. by five commi -jon.ers Commission to www.thecurrentonline.com ,eIvice get nomic o.r.logistical. explana- y-h o receive multi- 19led, this input' Tim Fox, Com­ . tions. non-part' - n adv-jc::- from a muni d OllS E - ~cucive for The final question in the MC MA ff of some 200-odd taw- Am {"en UE, id. opening Q&A time was l~J)JJ ers, economists and other 'It' been im sdng to the only point at which the pro ionals. 11le PSC has see the differ at que dons meeting approached the it­ The Currentis the student newspaper at the University of Missouri -St. el n month to d iJe and verall tones ar each dif­ ~ i o l that manr associdT vtith louis, printing weekly through the fa ll and sprin g semesters on on­ • on the merits of an_ given ferent meeting we' d ne. [Own hall meetings based on days. Advertising rates are available ~p on re ques ; ter ms, conditions, proposat and with their Up here in North County I t 6J1' spiteful forums on and restrictions apply. Th e CurrefT" fi na nced in part by student activi­ n(rea e Jlme deadline approaching, for instance, mere .. er some health care. ties fees, is not an offidal publication of UM- St. Louis. Th e University Ameren has begun a e.ries issues hvith] bla kouts 11 "H w do .we know there is not responsible for the content of The Current and/or its policies. All ~ CH RIS STEWART of Town Hall meetings in couple of years ago, so some isn't di aster lurking and we materials contained in each printed and online issue are property of Staff Wrffer order to give the public rh ~ir of those issues are probably won t ha~ to bail you Out The Current and may not be reprinted, reused, or reproduced without Last July; St. Louis' elec­ side of the story. on people' minds." come next spring?" an audi~ the prior, expressed a0d written consent of The Current. tric utility provider meren These meetings have The question and answer ence member asked. The Current accepts letters to the editor. All letters should be brief, and UE requested penni ion to been preceded. by canvass­ portion of the meeting was Ameren's spokespeople's those not exceeding 250 words will b~ given preference. The Current increase their rates enough . ers passing out information fairly mannered, ~d the method for dealing with edits letters for clarity and length, not for dialect, correctness. intent or to collect $4 02 million ex­ in prot~st of the rate hike. 30 minutes allotted to open the protesting canvassers in grammar. All letters must be signed and must include a daytime phone tra in annual revenue. Such The canvassers arrived at Q&A allowed for four or the hallway (where Ameren number and, where applicable, student number. The Editor-in-Chief an increase would translate UM-St. Louis earlier this five topics to be addressed. had a table of pamphlets on . reserves the right to respond to and to deny any letters. to 18% additional charges week, looking
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