Chemical UVR Absorbers

Chemical UVR Absorbers

Chemical UVR Absorbers The names given in bold and used Diisopropyl methyl cinnamate Glyceryl ethyihexanoate dimethoxy- throughout this handbook are those of Empirical formula: cinnamate the International Nomenclature of C 6H22O2 Chemical names. Cosmetic Ingredients. Glyceryl octanoate dimethoxycinnamate; Chemical names: 2-propenoic acid, 3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-, 2-Propenoic acid, 3-12,4bis(1 diester with 1 ,3-dihydroxy-2-(2-ethyl-1 - methylethyphenyl-methyl ester; 2,5- oxohexyl)oxypropane diisopropyl methyl cinnamate _ lsoamyl-para-methoxycinnamate Ethyihexyl methoxycinnamate Empirical formula: Empirical formula: C151-12003 C 8H26O3 Chemical names: Cinnamates Chemical names: Amyl4-methoxycinnamate; isopentyl-4- 2-Ethylhexyl-4-methoxycin nam ate; methoxycinnamate; isopenlyl-para- Cinoxate 2-ethyl-hexyl-para-methoxycinnamate; methoxy-cinnamate; 3-(4-methoxyphenyl)- Empirical formula: para-methoxycinnamic acid, 2-ethylhexyl 2-propenoic acid, isopentyl ester Ci4HieO4 ester; 3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-2-propenoic acid, 2-ethylhexyl ester; octinoxate; octyl Trade names: Chemical names: methoxycinnamate; 2-propenoic acid, 3- Neo Heliopan type E 1000; Solarum AMC 2- Ethoxyothyl-para-methoxyci n nam ate; (4-methoxyphenyl)-2-ethylhexyl ester 2-propenoic acid, 3-(4-methoxyphery- para-A minobenzoic acids (PA BAs) 2-ethoxyethyl ester; 2-ethoxyethyl-4- Trade names: methoxycinnamate AEC Octyl Methoxycinnamate; Escalol Amyl dimethyl FABA 557; Eusolex 2292; Heliosol 3; Empirical formula: Trade names: Jeescreen OMC; Katoscreen OMC; Nec C14H21 NO2 Giv Tan F; Phiasol Heliopan, Type AV; Parsol MCX; Solarum OMC; Uvinul MC 80 Chemical names: DEA-methoxycinnamate Amyl para-N, N-dimethylaminobenzoate Empirical formula: Ethyl methoxycinnamate C14H21NO Empirical formula: Trade names: C12H1403 Escalol 506; Padimate A Chemical names: Diethanolamine salt of para-methoxyhy- Chemical names: Ethyl dihydroxypropyl PABA droxycinnamate; 2-propenoic acid, 3-(4- para-Methoxycinnamic acid, ethyl ester; Empirical formula: methoxyphenyl)-, conpd with 2,2'-imino- 3-(4-methoxyphenyl) -2-propenoic acid, C15H23N04 bis (ethanol) ethyl ester Trade name: Nipasorb D 175 IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention, Volume 5: Sunscreens Chemical names: PABA Chemical names: Benzoic acid, 4-[bis(2-hydroxypropyl)- Empirical formula: Benzoic acid, 2- hydroxy-2 -ethyl hexyl amino]ethyl ester (mixed isomers); ethyl- C7H7NO2 ester; 2-ethylbexyl 2-hydroxybenzoate; 4-bis(2-hyd roxypropyl)ami no ben zoate, 2-ethyihexyl salicylate; salicylic acid, 2- mixed isomers; ethyl dihydroxypropyl Chemical names. ethyihexyl ester; octisalate; octyl salicylate para-aminobenzoate, mixed isomers; N- Acid (PABA); aminobenzoic acid; 4- propoxylated-ethyl-4-aminobenzoate aminobenzoic acid; para-aminobenzoic Trade names: (mixed isomers) acid; aniline-4-carboxylic acid; benzoic Dermoblock (OS); Escall 587; Eusolex acid, 4-amino-; para-carboxyaniline; OS; Halibrite OS; Heliosol 2; Katoscreen Trade name: para-carboxyphenylamine OS; Neo Heliopan, Type OS; Neotan L; Amerscreen P Solarum OS; Sonnelan UV; Sunarome Trade names: WMO; Trivent OS; Uvinul 0-18 Ethyihexyl dimethyl PABA Amben; Pabacidum; Pabanol Empirical formula: Homosalate C17H27NO2 PEG-25 PABA Empirical formula: 1 Empirical formula: G16 ­12203 Chemical names: C59H111 N027 Benzoic acid, 4-(dimethylamino)-, 2-eth- Chemical names: ylhexyl ester; benzoic acid, 4-(dimethyl- Chemical names: Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy- 3,3,5-trimethyl- amino)-, octyl ester; 4-(dimethyl- 4-Bis(poJyelhoxy)-4-amino.izoic acid cyclohexyl ester; cyclobexanol, 3,3,5- amino)benzoic acid, 2-ethyl-hexyl ester; polyethoxyethyl ester; ethoxylated ethyl- trimethyl salicylate; homomenthyl salicy- 2-etliylhexyl-4-(dimethylamino)benzoate; para-aminobenzoic acid; ethoxylated late; metahomomenthyl salicylate; 3,3,5- 2-ethyihexyl para-dimethylamino ben- ethyl-4-aminobenzoate trimethylcyclohexy 2-hydroxybenzoate; zoate; octyldimethyl PABA; octyl 3,3,5-trimethyl cyclohexyl salicylate dimethyl para-aminobenzoate Trade names: Lusantan 25; Uvinul P-25 Trade names: Trade names: Eusolex HMS; Filtrosol A; Heliopan; Arlatone UVB; Escalol 507; Eusolex Salicylates Uniderm HOMSAL 6007; Katoscreen ODMP; Padimate O; Sunarome PLUS; Uvasorb DM0 Dipropylene glycol salicylate lsopropylbenzyl salicylate Empirical formula: Empirical formula: Ethyl PABA CH1804 C1 H16O2 Empirical formula: C9H1 NO2 Chemical names: Chemical names: 2-Hydroxybenzoic acid dipropylene gly- 4-lsopropylbenzyl salicylate; 2-hydroxy- Chemical names: col ester; 2-(2-hydroxypropyl)-1 -methyl- benzoic acid 4-isopropylbenzyl ester Anesthesin; ethyl para-aminobenzoate ethyl salicylate Trade name: Glyceryl PABA Ethylene glycol salicylate Megasol Empirical formula: Empirical formula: C10H13N04 C9H1005 Methyl salicylate Empirical formula: Chemical names: Chemical names: C8H803 1 -(4-Am inobenzoate)-1 ,2,3-propanetriol; 2-Hydroxybenzoic acid ethylene glycol 4-aminobenzoic acid glyceryl ester; glyc- ester; 1 ,2-ethanediol salicylate Chemical names: eryl-para-amirobenzoate; glycerol 1-(4- Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, methyl ester; aminobenzoate); PABA monoglyceride; Ethyihexyl salicylate betula oil; ortho-hydroxybenzoic acid, propanetriol 1 -(4-aminobenzoate) Empirical formula: methyl ester; 2-(methoxycarbonyl)phenol; C1 5H2203 methyl ortho-hydroxybenzoate; methyl 2- Trade name: hydroxybenzoate; oil of wintergreen; sali- Escalol 106 cylic acid, methyl ester; teaberry oil 1 76 Chemical UVR absorbers Phenyl salicylate Camphor benzalkonium methosulfate Ethyihexyl triazone Empirical formula: Chemical names: Empirical formula: C1 H10O3 Methyl-N,N,N-trimethyl-4-[(4,7,7-trmethyl- C49 H 96N90 3-oxobicyclo[2.2. 1 hept-2-ylidine) - Chemical name: methyl]anilinum sulfate; 3-(4'-trimethy- Chemical names: 2-Hydroxybenzoic acid phenyl ester ammonium berzylidene)-1-bornan -2- Octyl triazone; 2,4,6-tranilino-( para- one methyl sulfate; N,NNtri-mefhyl-4- carbo-2'-ethylhexyl- '-oxy)- 1,3,5 triazine Trade names: (2-oxoborn-3-ylidene methyl)-an] liniu m Salai; UVSAM-2142 methyl sulfate Trade name: Uvinul T-150 TEA salicylate Trade name: Empirical formula: Mexoryl SO 5-Methyl-2-phenylbenzoxazole C13H2106N Empirical formula: 4-Methylbenzylidene camphor C13H11N30 Chemical names: Empirical formula: Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, compd with 01 8H 220 Chemical names: 2,2',2' -rlitrilotris[ethanol] (1:1); 2- 2-(2H-Benzotriol-2-yl)-para-cresol; 2-(2'- hydroxybenzoic acid, compd with Chemical names: hydroxy-5'-methylphenyl)benzotriazole 2,2 ,2"-nitrilotris[ethanol (1:1); trietha- 3-(4-Methylbenzylidene)borran-2-one; nolanine salicylate; trolamine salicylate 3-(4'-methylbenzylidene)-1 camphor; 1, Trade name: 7,7-trimethyl-3-(para-methylphenylmeth- Tinuvin P Trade names: ylene)-bicyclo[2.2.1 ] -heptane-2-one Katoscreen TES; Neo Heliopan, Type TS; Octocrylene Neotan W; Sunarome G; Sunarome W Trade names: Empirical formula: Eusolex 6300; Neo Heliopan, Type MBC; C24H27NO2 Camphor derivatives Parsol 5000; Solarum MBG; Uvinu MBC 95 Chemical names: 3-Benzylidene camphor 2-Cyano-3 ,3-diphenyl acrylic acid, 2-eth- Empirical formula: Polyacrylamidomethyl benzylidene ylhexyl ester; 2-ethylhexyl 2-cyaro-3 3- C17H190 camphor diphenylacrylate; 2-ethylhexyl 2-cyano- Chemical name: 3,3-diphenyl-2-propenoate; 2-ethylhexyl Chemical names: Polymer of N-(2 and 4)-[(2-oxoborn-3-yli- 2-cyano-3-phenylcinnamate; 2-propenoic 3-Benzylidenebornan-2-one; 1 ,7.7-trimethyl- done)methyl]benzyl]-acrylamide acid, 2-cyano-3,3-diphenyl-, 2-ethylhexyl 3-(phenylmethylene)bicylo-[2.2. 1 ]hep- ether tan-2-one Trade name: Mexoryl SW Trade names: Trade names: Escalol 597; Eusolex OCR; Nec Mexoryl SD; Ultracyd; Ultren BK Miscellaneous Heliopan, Type 303; Parsol 340; Solarum OCR; UV Absorber 3; Uvinul N-539T Benzylidene camphor sulfonic acid Diethythexylbutamido triazone Empirical formula: Chemical names: Phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic acid 1 Benzoic acid, 4,4'-[(-6-{[(1 ,1-dimethyl- Empirical formula: C17 ­1 1904 ethyl)-aminocarbonyl]-phenylamino}- C1 3H10N203S Chemical names: 1 ,3,5-triazine-2,4-diyl)-diimino]bis-, bis (2- c-(2-Oxoborn-3-ylidene)-foluene-4-sul- ethylhexyl) ether; dioctylbutamido triazone Chemical names: fonic acid; 3-(4 -sulfobenzylidene) camphor 2-Phenylbenzimidazol-5-sulfonic acid; 2- Trade name: phenyl-5-su lfobenzimidazole Trade name: Uvasorb HEB Mexoryl SL Trade names: Ensulizole; Eusolex 232; Neo Heliopan, Type Hydro; Novantisol; Parsol HS 177 ARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention, Volume 5: Sunscreens Urocanic acid Benzophenone 3; Katoscreen B-3; Benzophenone-8 Empirical formula: Marsorb 24; Neo Heliopan, Type BB; Empirical formula: Protaphenone-3; Solarum B ZP3; C14H1204 C6H7N202 Spectra-Sorb UV-9; Syntase 82; Uvasorb MeT/C; Uvinul M-40; Uvistal 24 Chemical names: Chemical name: 2,2'-Dihydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone; 3-(ImidazoI-4-yacryIic acid Benzophenone-4 dioxybenzone; (2-hydroxy-4-methoxy- Empirical formula: phenyl)(2-hydroxy-phenyl)-methanone; 014H 2068 methanone, (2-hydroxy-4-methoxy- phenyl) (2-hydroxyphenyl)- wil' Chemical names: Benzenesulfonic acid, 5-benzoyl-4- Trade name: Benzophenones hydroxy-2-methoxy-; 5-benzoyl-hydroxy-2- Spectra-Sorb UV-24 methcxybenzene-sulfonic acid; 5-benzoyl- Benzophenone-1 4-hydroxy-2-methoxybenzene sulfonic acid; Benzophenone-9 Empirical formula: 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone-5- sul- Empirical formula: C13H1003 fonic acid; 1-phenol-4-sulfonic acid, 2-ben- C15H1201132.2Na zoyl-5-methoxy-; sulisobenzone Chemical names: Chemical names: Benzoresorcinol; 2,4-dihydroxybenzo Trade names: Disodium-3,3'-carbonylbis4-hydroxy-6- phenone Aduvex 112; Escalol 577; Jeescreen methoxybenzenesulfonate];

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