XBOX360_ Table of Contents Welcome to The Orange 80 2 ... .... Getting Started 3 ii8Izure!5 Halt-Ufe 2 4 Portal 8 Team Fortress 2 12 Credits 18 Xbox LIVE 20 Support I Warranty 21 C l ·1f)7V,liw(orPCU"tloo ~f It\t'SreSMfvcd VaM> ItlE'ViltYe o,HaI1- It V'%MJJf III 1Og<I, tfll.'l... '(Xl~ a.f\Jllal 11It- Pr.t,.,11 G'f'J 01 I"'am I rftrf''55 IP t' "(jp1'1lUl~~. "''; I~'f'fed Iradf'frl<tft~, Of Vrth"T! (1ll11I oilJlTlIr. 'l1ellf\n...j~ldlfS .n1IO· Ult\(1 CJ)1,1(JlIIl_ AII01t,{'f 11ollLlt:.m.JIlsftle O(l l'IOt t11e-f 1~~"'(:II\lt. (..Wl)€f\. A-..'S( It)Jed..-nd ~fall.XlIf'11tlC'lJ'.lA. Welcome Getting Started to The Orange Box. JV:AIN ~ ENU Controller Options WI,,:,n you launch Th Orange Box, you Will be presented With d set l lion of Look Type THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS FIVE (5) ITEMS. games 10 playa game, use the Le Thumbstick to higllllf)ht your selection Normal: Move the Thumbs Ick up to and rtJ n ress tile A but ton. Half·LI E <­ look up and move the Thumbstick As le<;e reh s ler,tiot Gor n FI "man, leclJlln E rll, hom the alien Infestalion you down to look down unleashed 1t Ihe Black Mes Re\Pd'(" riJ(ility OPTIONS MENU Inverted: (ontlol is opposite of the !-talf II "? rp ,,1- 0 E' You can ange game options and Normal type. FOl example, move AJlj hp human resistance in ~ OC';.perate balk dpa,ns Ihp 0 alilarian alien men~c controller COli figuration by selec1lng the Thumbstick up to look down. of the (ornblll . OPTIONS rom either the main menu tor any game or IrOIll the pause menu While Thumbstick HaifU p? [I' \OOE TI"II playing a g me Combine force you I"Vrrs,! th? Whll~ For 5110 rteliver crucial In ormation Bmll a Normal: Default controls for Look/ to an enclave at leilow reSl"tanre ,rlf'ntr~ s Game Opl10llS Move/Zoom/Crouch Portal,' ,.• " Difficulty - (I lOUse from three skill Southpaw: The Thumbstick actions You ilr J lest subjt'c I n "n ('xp"nnlentJltrainlng course sponsored by Aperture sellings. EASY. NORI'1AL and' lARD for Look/Move/Zoom/Crouch are SCience Labordtnnes (WWw.dIIPrllJl~S(ienee.cnrn) Plpilse perform eaell task to the (' lalf·lile 2 < E~li ode, One Jnd Two swapped bpst nf youl illl1l1tle" your ',u[vlval', Ihe key to quality data measurement only) Duck and Zoom: In "Toggle" mode, click the Thumbstick once to Te<11'11 1001 tress _ Audio - Adl,lstlTlusil and game volume activate the action, and click Join a team, lhoose a lIlll,l! Ipi cl'1'0;, and wUlk tog,>lIler to wrpak havoc on the again to deactivate It In "Hold" a p sing te In TV Mode - Display the bes picture for a teleVision or computer monitor mode. you must click and hold he Thumbstick to continue to duck or Video - AdJUSI bllg~lrn s'> for the best zoom. picture Look Speed: Adjust how fast your view changes in (he ver Ical and Captions - Choose 'Submles'to show horizontal directions when you only the game dialog. or choose "Closed move the Thumbstick. Captions' to show dialog and sound el1ecl5 Controls Commentary· Sf-I tillS to ON to play the game With commentary But ons on he controller can be Acll\evemen s CJnnol be earned While mapped to oil erent gam ac lions ove playing Will' commentary on. the Left Thumbstick to lughli hi to the lJu t [on YOlJ wi h to cI ,ange Pres A!O clear me lected a ,n and then press the bu on on Th e n roller t11dl you want mapp d to Ihat ,)(1Ion. Half-Life 2 + Episodes One and Two BASIC PLAYER CONTROLS To I odify the d fault ron rols, a to the MAIN MI:NU. Thpn ,elp(l CONT OlLER OPTIONS to ke yo r ch EW' Half-life' Illt'odlJ{ed me world I{ reseilrcll sCientist Gordon Freemon, dll unwitting partle'pantln an gover mer e pel fI1ellt Ih t wpnt homb y wront:: This inC oenr shredded II ~earn5 at our known dlmens'ons open,ng OUI world to creatures and wlldll e I lepor 'J I am nol i'( world Xcn mSecondary Attack II Primary Attack dfJ~ r---- ~ Toggle: GfilV'ty GUfll Sprin, 1. 1 La't Weapon - Flashlight f3 Use PLAVING THE GA'-IE r. drger e-tp,,:,,-,__ Q Reload ea th and SUit chargers can found 51,111 A New Game throllghoul the g me. race the o Jump Use the Lei1 Ttlumbstitk 10 highhght charger ancl h 1£1 the ActIOn Butt n dmJ pres. butt n (defaulted t II\e X utton) 0 boosl EW GA E 111 A .....~,L---- Pause I The Ilrs lime you playa game. only Ihe your health or defense, The chargers Menu hrst chapter wllIlJe unlocked As you Ilave a liml elJ sUPIJly, ,a play thrau'l1 tile Bame, more chaplers once a charger IS used up 11 Will no o G Look (Click to Zoam) willi, com ul1luckell Jnd (JU will be 10 gPI work o Weapon able to select Ihem when you w'sh to START Select s ilr anew game, Pew," S lower 's drained when you use your f1ashliRIlt, sp,int, or swim unde'water. Pay attenllon to tile power ~ Xbox Guide button rreter' when H\e p we< re 1', Z r . the Ii shlrg t turn, oft. splinting SlOpS, or you s ar 0 drown When suit power ,sn't being sed. I slOWly recrarges i self aut mallla!l . VEHICLE CONTROLS [fl r rfl~ se 1h environ en to your adVdn 1ge klrboat Au lloblh; ,-,-an~ Smaller object, can be moved and stacked to provide cover or act as 0 Acce!prat Turn 0 Ac,elelate. Turn m TUT ,'·11Yt. and IG\'IIef dllll ubstatle, Large obtects can be look G Look HELPFUL TIPS p hed 10 nd With the Gravity G n t 0 Look 0 bloc nr Inl re enemie, g[ Shvn a,ge gun (HL2 onlv) g[ Low---! m.'g'~ IImrno m T e H displays 110W mu 11 am a IS Alle~ Ileat:1h'lht g[ ShOOt (HI 2 onlv) left ,n 1 e current! < I ·ted all us Jlhes will loin au tI "oughOu t 4J Boost WeilpO() We pons have a limited supply he gam ., and I!>PY can help you of am o. but more can be greatly ,f you put th In to work for you Handbral.e OUI' by killing enemies and brea inB Co sider SE' drng them Into open su Diy crales. dangerous areas a ead of you, let ing you savE' 1110le of your health and ammo. HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENT (HEV) SUIT DISPLAY Health and Suit Charge Meters Ir e your ,,'tals Once Once you are outfitted 'n our HeV SUIt. thp suit's heads·up display (I IUD) is y<JUI lJedlli 11 re zero, you're ae ivated. Tile HUO is an on !,:oi g bar met .r of your health, availablp enPrgy, and de d A rhal eQ HEV SUIt helps rcalK d~ ge to yOUi body ,n ren lainlng ammo. The IIUD allows yo I to survey and ~elec Irom yoU! weapons Oar Ie. arsenal and Inventory items. It also , rts you wilen yo a'e sustaining environmental damage. 2 Ammunition Meter sIlows y rff ClIFr nt weapon', amm no hP am 0 left for reloading If your rurren wea nils aserondal Y Ife ha uses drfferen dntmo. Ih~ dlllmO 'lie rei WIll show ina as WPII 3 Weapon Selection HUD 111~IIII~hIS me 'IV apon chosen '."Ihen you SINI en INei:lpons by pres"ng any dire<: '00 00 Ihe O-pad 3a Selected Weapon ( 'tl lighted) 3b Out of Ammo (10 red) 4 Reticle lepleseJl Syour porn of allll and indICa es me tarE;€t oble( t VI n vau press r" Ac!lon or Altack but ons 5 Aux Power Meter ,splays 'emaning power when you p rform act,v,t~s I I dram energy, such as S\W'lm'Ow sprilltrll 01 uS'llg your Ilash;,ght 6 Squad Display shows w m,my memDeI Sor e 1\ vaUI S u~id Cf~~oIl)(Jicares that squad member 15 a mediC Portal BASIC PLAYER CONTROLS To modify the default controls, go to the MAIN MENU. Then select CONTROLLER OPTIONS to make your changes. PLAYING THE GAME advanced maps designed to tes t your skills. I Blue Portal ra Orange Portal :T RT" NE G ~ E Use the Left Thumbstick to highlight 'Iva n Mdr- NEW GAME and re>, tile A bu ton. Tile The Advanced Maps are SIX levels first time you playa game. Oilly the fir t from the main game that have been chapter will be unlocked. As you la specially redesigned to reqUire di fferent through the game. more chapters wIll solutions using unusual and speclillized become unlocked and you will be able techll,ques. Solving all SIX Advanced 8 to select them when you wiSh to starr Maps takes exceptional skill and. by ~ove ---'--1 a new game. doing so. you Will have proven yoursel fa true Portal Mas ter. 5A\lINC CiAMf<; "';;'"L--- 0 As you play through the game. you can Cho1IINIIlf'S swn Pause I save at any time by pressing the Starr After oompletlllg the game. the o o H "'J Button and seleCling SAVE GAME from Challenges will be unlocked Based on look the Pause Menu.
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