* TODAY: MALARIA CLAIMS 27 LIVES * ANGOLANS STIL.L STREAMING INTO NAMIBIA * SUPER SPORT * Bringing Africa South R1 .00 (GST Inc.) Friday April 30 199j In today's The Weekender ... You can win .R 200! DON'T: miss your ac­ In Our History -' the THIS Friday you can run every Friday. Full tion-packed Weekender Kasslnga massacre · Is R150 In The Namlblan's details on page 3 of The today. remembered, 15 years new Spot-the-Word Weekender. Apart from all the regu­ on. competition, or RSO In There Is no entry fee and lar Items, Movers and Plus, of course; music our regular music you can send In as many Shakers this week fea­ reviews, ' J'a'ckson competition. entries as you want to. tures central bank dep­ Kaujuea - back with a All In this week's Week­ So Join In the fun and uty governor Tom AI­ new album, arts and en­ ender. 9heck the details In The Spot-the-Word Is being Weekender. Tom Alweendo weendo. tertainment, TV, etc. 'r i Huge hike in Axe set to fall at •. Trade Ministry sabotage. STAFF REPORTER Outraged potential investors who TOUGH ACTION is expected against have had to deal with the official hospital fees have complained he suggested they at least one 'go-slow' senior white official at the Ministry of Trade and should rather invest in South Africa. IndustrY. following this month's At many points, delicate issues to patients, treated for the count," Iyambo said do with the First National Develop­ CHRIS NDIVANGA appointment of Hidipo Hamutenya first time, will be R24, The Minister also as minister. ment Corporation were also report­ edly leaked to their staff, with whom THE Minister of Health and Social Serv­ and R9 for patients who announced that hospitals A key figure has attracted many have been treated before. had now been classified complaints over the years since in- . the man is believed to have close ices, Dr Nickey Iyambo, yesterday announced Iyambo said a deci­ into categories, ranging dependence for an attitude that some contact. massive increases in the fees for treatment at sion to raise hospital fees from classes A to F. suggest has amounted to deliberate To page 2 State and Government-subsidised hospitals. had been taken because Iyambo said they had II-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~il The new admission fee into effect tomorrow, the government could no been graded according I I, .1 for State in-patients at May 1. longer cope with sub­ to the nature of their ac­ Windhoek Central hos­ At the Katutura hos­ sidising present tariffs. commodation, ameni­ Previously the Gov­ ties, services and facili­ --' UGGtJ0 ". pital goes up fourfold, a pital, State in-patients whopping 300 per cent, will now have to fork ernment subsidised up ties and running costs. L- ~~p .. from R9 to R36, out R24. Previously the to 50 per cent of private He added that the Private in-patients will fe e was R8. Private in- patients' fees and up to Windhoek Central Hos­ COMPION· now have to pay R500, . patients at Katutura will 80 per cent for State pital was the only hos­ p. ~ a r m ace u t i_c~~ a R300 increase on the have to pay R 120 com­ patients. "It is time to pital classified in the A COMPION PHARMACY old fee . pared to R45 in the past. evaluate activities and lEl (061) 229260 Andre Complon (B.Pharm.) FAX: (061) 231161 The new fees come Fees for State out- take reality into ac- To page 2 A pharmacist available 24 hours per day for medic ation. Just phone Radlopage at 52222 in dn emergency and we will op en Malaria ill ,.111 Pins the Pharmacy within ten minutes at NO EXTRA CHARGEI kills 27 GUARANTEE OF EXCELLENCE! We print T-Shirts for all your special NAMfBIAN health.,au­ occasions. Baby Beef .. whole \half carcass R5.99 p/kg thorities have warned The best news is that Fat Goat .. whole/half carcass Compion Pharmacy in Gustav Voigts Centre guarantees tourists and residents to we have eight colours from R100 .OOeach take precautions against quality T -Shi rts in stock you the best service a pharmacy can possibly offe r you · , Nice Fat Sheep whole/half a malaria epidemic and could execute your which ha') already killed order in 3-4 days' time. q carcass from R100.00 each • Open every Saturday and Sunday - Mornings and Afternoons Isn't that the type 27 people thiS year. 11 Mince (Pure m~at no additives) R7.99 per kg • Open until 7 oIclock every night! " We are facing an of service you • Deliveries of your orders untill19hOO anywhere and absolutely deserve? epidemic and it seems Juicy BoerewOl's R10.99 per kg Next time your Church. FREE! to be quite a' bad strain School or Youthgroup Mutton Stew Meat . R7.99 per kg • The best selection of perfumes for ladies and gents in Namibia! of mal aria whi ch is rela­ plans a special day - see Game Alllts (Eland, Kudu, • Open an Account and let us claim your payment for your tively resistant to exist- ­ us first for a quotation. Gemsbok) only R15.99 per kg medication direct from your Medical Aid - We are contracted in iug treatment," Health And remember we also with all possible Medical Aids! . Ministry in ternal medi­ print invitations. posters Fat Beef Rib· Only R6.99 per kg ci ne department head and raffle tickets ... Tribe + Trotters(Skaap afval) only R13.S0 per kg Indeed your Professor Ockie Oost- SO IF YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE THE BEST SERVICE YOU huizen said. "One-stop Printing Shop". CAN GET FROM A PHARMACY, However, toursil<; were TEL 32887 OR 36446. PHONE 229260 RIGHT NOW, OR COME SEE FOR YOURSELF safe if they took-precau- FAX 226883 - -"~!!"lt WHAT WE CAN OFFER YOUI To page 2 ~'!:.'::' H~t; '2 .2 .f~ipa~ ~Rr1 1 39r~ . 993 "J:HE .NAMIBIAN Malaria BeBopaFu~kaDiscoCalypso! ~~WAREHOUSE URGENT!!! Open nightly except tuesdays! 8 tltllale From page 1 tions agaillst malaria. Bussiness for Sale. Strains of the disease had developed a resi stance to traditional dn'gs and labo­ Secondhand furniture shop up for sale, ratories were diagnosing cue to owner's illness Reggae lip to 60 new cases every this must be a quick sale. day. On Wednesday, 57 people were admilted In Windhoek hospiL1ls surfer­ ing from the disease, Good Price Oosthuizen said. The death toll for thi s year could Monday 3rd May. 8 till late Tel 221129 a/h 52831 the WAREHOUSE Entrance R 5 exceed that of 1991 when close to 2 000 people had died from the disease. Malaria has also been diagnos~d in several areas of the country where it was not usuaHy found. Experts thought mosquitoes carry­ ing the disease were trans­ !'Iamibia Bev,erages pOlted from endemic ar­ eas in t1lJcks and cars. wishes to congratulate- Becau se of the advent of . r dlUg-resi stant strains of malaria, health authorities the owners Mr Mario Jose have warned that it is not good enough to just take and Mr Antonio Marques~ and malaria tablets. People liv­ ing in endemic areas have been warned to use insect the manager Mr Jose Castelo repelllants on their bodies and to sleep under mos­ on the 1st Anniversary of Club Latino. quito nets. The most effective pre­ cautionary drugs against malaria are paludrine and chloroquine, but paludrine is not yet legally available in South Africa or Namibia because it is not yet li­ cenced by SA's Medical FAY UK 534-485071 Control Council. However, N(!m"? the Council has given Namibian authorities per­ mission to import the dlUg to deal with the latest epi­ demic, and Paludrin is expected to be licenced in the next few weeks. Quinine and chloroquin on their own are no longer HIS WEEK'S SPECIALS a safe preventative. - Sapa. Fee hike C!'T~ page 1 --] {j*~ class and as it had facili­ ~o ties for both private and b State patients. .-£i Katutura Hospital falls .~ into the B class. All dis­ V trict hospitals fall into the 5 piece Panelite Set C class, health centres with a pennanent doctor or which are visited by a doctor are D class. ~<f Iyambo explained that ~:\tti after discussions with pri­ vate practitioners it was 0-tti thought wise to classify ~"Q hospitals in classes ami (Jfli come up with the new tar­ ~ iffs. Pineware Trade axe Single Compactum Electric Iron Frompage 1 Robe + 1 Blanket FREE Vinyl 10m2 Many aspects of devel­ oping business and indus­ . d S\oc\(S try in Namibia have been \,.\t1\\\e ' R79' held up for several years, according to sources CASH within the Ministry. Another key figure who has achieved very little since independence is unlikely to have a con­ tract renewed when it Prices valid while stocks last expires ill September. However, other white officials at the Ministry are said to be working hard BUXMANN and constructively, earn­ ing the respect of newer . The prDfessiDnal colleagues for their expe­ rience, skill and dedica­ WINDHOEK BRANCH FURNISHERS GST excl. tion. • (c. J rfH~" N 'iNIIEJIA N , 'Friday 'April 3b 1 9~3 3 TWO men were yesterday given a combined sentence of 21 years after they were con­ victed of murder. Leon Bock, 18, originally regarded as a minor, was sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment, while his co-accused, Conrad Jansen,. was given eleven years' imprisonment. , , They were found guilty of murdering Jan Pieters " at Gibeon on July 22 by stoning him to death. ACROSS THE TABLE ... at the f'lfst conciliation board since the Labour Act came into force.
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