36180 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 12, 1975 schools; to the Committee on Education and from such facility; jointly to the Commit­ on International Relations to begin imme­ Labor. tees on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, diate studies of the relationship of the Unit­ By Mr. UDALL: and Ways and Means. ed States with the United Nations and to re­ H.R. 10715. A bill to establish a Voter Reg­ By Mr. CONLAN: port, within 3 months, to the Speaker of the istration Administration Within the General H.R. 10719. A bill to reduce and limit U.S. House of Representatives recommendations Accounting Office for the purpose of admin­ contributions to the United N91tions; to the with respect to whether the manner and istering a voter registration program through Committee on International Relations. nature of such relationship should be the Postal Service; to the Committee on By Mr. CORNELL (for himself and changed; to the Committee on Rules. House Administration. Mr. OBEY): By Mr. JACOBS: By Mr. VIGORITO: H.R. 10720. A b111 to amend the Menomi­ H.J. Res. 724. Joint resolution designating H.R. 10716. A bill to amend title XX of nee Restoration Act; to the Committee on National Ski Week; to the Committee on the Social Security Act to provide that no Interior and Insular Affairs. Post Office ,and Civil Service. State shall be required to administer individ­ By Mr. JONES of Tennessee (for him­ ual means tests for the provision of educa­ self and Mr. HUBBARD): tion, nutrition, transportation, recreation, H.R. 10721. A bill to amend the authoriza­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS socialization, or associated services provided tion for the West Tennessee Tributaries thereunder to groups of low-income individ­ project; to the Committee on Public Works Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private uals aged 60 or older, and to limit the fre­ and Transportation. bills and resolutions were introduced and quEmcy of recertifications of eligibility for By Mr. ROONEY: severally referred as follows: services under such title; to the Committee H.R. 10722. A bill to provide Federal as­ By Mr. DOWNING of Virginia: on Ways and Means. sistance to the Commonwealth of Puerto H.R. 10724. A b111 for the relief of Alberto By Mr. BEDELL (for himself, Mr. Rico for the construction of a youth recre­ de la Vega-Ripol; to the Committee on the BAUCUS, Mr. BLANCHARD, Mr. BOWEN, ation center. in honor of Roberto Clemente; Judiciary. Mr. · D'AMoURs, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. jointly to the Committees on Interior and By Mr. LITTON: HALL, Mr. JENRETTE, Mr. LoNG of Insular Affairs, and Government Operations. H.R. 10725. A bill for the relief of Chao­ Louisiana, Mr. McKINNEY, Mrs. By Mr. WOLFF (for himself and Mr. Hsiung Chang; to the Committee on the MEYNER, Mr. 0BERSTAR, Mr. PATTER­ BURKE of Florida) : Judiciary. SON of California, Mr. PATTISON Of H.R. 10723. A bill to suspend U.S. partici­ By Mr. POAGE: New York, and Mrs. SPELLMAN) : pation in the activities of the United Nations H.R. 10726. A bill for the relief of S. Sgt. H.R. 10717. A bill to require committee re­ General Assembly until the Congress ap­ George L. Easterwood, U.S. Army (retired); ports on proposed legislation to contain proves renewal of snch participation and to to the Committee on the Judiciary. statements of the reporting and recordkeep­ cut off all U.S. payments in support of the ing requirements which will be imposed on General Assembly; to the Commit~e on In­ private business as a result of the enactment ternational Relations. of such proposed legislation; to the Com­ By Mr. SCHULZE (for himself, Mr. PETITIONS, ETC. mittee on Rules. ARCHER, Mr. DERWINSKI, Mr. EMERY, By Mr. BURGENER (for himself, Mr. Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. KEMP, Mr. Mc­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions BEARD of Rhode Island, Mr. BEDELL, DONALD of Georgia, Mr. MooRE, and and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk Mr. HARRINGTON, Mr. JENRETTE, Mr. Mr. WINN): and referred as follows: KETCHUM, Mr. LITTON, Mr. RINALDO, H.J. Res. 725. Joint resolution directing 297. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the Mrs. SPELLMAN, Mr. STEPHENS, Mr. the Attorney General to conduct an investi­ Bo-ard of Commissioners, Kalamazoo County, VAN DEERLIN, Mr. BOB WILSON, and gation of the finances of New York City to Mich., relative to revenue sharing; to the Ms. PETTIS) : determine whether any violations of Federal Committee on Government Operations. H.R. 10718. A bill to guarantee to every laws have contributed to that city's financial 298. Also, petition of Evelyn Karfiol, New resident of any long-term care facility re­ crisis; to the Committee o~ the Judiciary. York, N.Y., and others relative to defining ceiving .Federal assistance, or providing care By Mr. RYAN: education as an essential service in the event to federally assisted patients, a fair admin­ H. Res. 862. Resolution to direct the Com­ of a default by the city of New York; to the istrative hearing prior to his or her removal mittee on Appropriations and the Committee Commtttee on the Judiciary. E ~XTE , N. SIONS OF REMARKS WILLIAM T. PECORA AWARDS erals, Materials, and Fuels of the Senate ence is taking him seriously, and wtten they SYMPOSIUM Interior Committee, to devise a mecha­ cease to take him seriously, he isn't going nism to make sure the Nation's minerals to last long. So, let me get on with some seri­ and mining policy is effectively imple­ ous speculation and some hard facts. HON. LEE METCALF mented. First, the facts. OF MONTANA For the better part of two days we have I commend Senator DoMENICI's speech heard from some of the foremost scientists IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES to my colleagues and hope that his in the field of satellite technology and geo­ Wednesday, November 12, 1975 warnings are heeded by Government logic surveying, exto111ng the virtues of our policymakers. I insert the full text of LANDSAT program. ' Mr. METCALF. Mr. President, I was Senator DoMENICI's speech to the Pecora And, I agree, as a member of the Senate pleased to see the exceptionally large Awards dinner to be printed in the REc­ Aeronautics and Space Sciences Committee, turnout of sdentists, technical experts, ORD. the LANDSAT has not only been a majqr and Government and agency officials at breakthrough for the present, but holds the There being no objection, the address promise of an even greater future as we try the recent William T. Pecora Awards was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, Symposium, cosponsored by the U.S. as follows: to solve the energy, materials, and minerals Geological Service, the American Min­ crises we confront. ing Congress, and many professional ADDRESS BY U.S. SENATOR PETE V. DOMENICI The facts are clear. More than 121 nations groups, in Sioux Falls, S. Dak. last week. I am honored to be here today with you have used data gleaned by the satellites. This intense interest in the successful all and especially at this awards ceremony in Private enterprise has composed about 40 honor of Dr. W111iam Pecora. My congratula­ percent of users. Data from the satellite has use of LANDSAT program of the Gov­ tions to Dr. Bockmann and Dr. Nordburg on ernment to seek out energy and mining become an important part of the research their outstanding work and their awards. effort by energy companies. sources should encourage all Americans Winston Churchill once joked, "I always We can truly point to the LANDSAT pro­ concerned about self -sufficiency for the avoid prophesizing because it is much better gram as a great example of space-age tech­ Nation in these areas. to prophesy after the event has already taken nology working to solve an earth-bound prob­ This success shows that proper use of place." lem. And the American people need to be told some space-age technology can help I am going to break the Honorable Mr. this. They need to know that the mi111ons solve Earth problems. Churchill's rule today and engage, 1f not they have sent to Washington to support I was especially interested in the re­ in a little prophecy, at least in a little specu­ the space program are returning dividends lation, With you all. If I sound a little serious, to the nation and to society. marks of my colleague from New Mexico, or a little grim, I hope you excuse me. You But, they need to know something else. Senator PETE DoMENICI, who has shown know, Will Rogers warned that "a comedian They need to know that this nation's failure great interest in the field of mineral and can only last till he either takes himself to implement the Mining and Minerals Policy mining policy for the country. He and I serious or his audience takes him serious." Act of 1970 threatens to undo all the benefits have coauthored legislation, now pend­ I turn around W1ll's comment by saying that our advanced technology promises us. ing before my Subcommittee on Min- a politician can last only as long as his audi- This nation begs for a coherent minerals November 12, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 36181 policy. Failure to devise this national pollcy the Interior for Energy and Minerals. At the This research has been financed by the has put us in the position of being prey to American Mining Congress' own Mining Con­ government. Our Congress has appropriated potential minerals embargoes of greater vention, Dr. Carlson warned that cur de­ monies for the Los Alamos work. It is not threat to our economic security than even pendency on foreign sources for critical min­ a secret project.
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