Catalogue of the Spiders Каталог Пауков

Catalogue of the Spiders Каталог Пауков

Mikhailov K.G. Ìèõàéëîâ Ê.Ã. Catalogue of the spiders (Arachnida, Aranei) of the territories of the former Soviet Union. Addendum 3. Êàòàëîã ïàóêîâ (Arachnida, Aranei) òåððèòîðèé áûâøåãî Ñîâåòñêîãî Ñîþçà. Äîïîëíåíèå 3. Moscow Ìîñêâà 2000 Mikhailov K.G. Ìèõàéëîâ Ê.Ã. Catalogue of the spiders (Arachnida, Aranei) of the territories of the former Soviet Union. Addendum 3. Êàòàëîã ïàóêîâ (Arachnida, Aranei) òåððèòîðèé áûâøåãî Ñîâåòñêîãî Ñîþçà. Äîïîëíåíèå 3. Moscow Ìîñêâà 2000 Mikhailov K.G. Catalogue of the spiders (Arachnida, Ara- nei) of the territories of the former Soviet Union. Adden- dum 3. Moscow: Zoological Museum, Moscow State Univer- sity. 2000. 33 pp. Ìèõàéëîâ Ê.Ã. Êàòàëîã ïàóêîâ (Arachnida, Aranei) òåððèòîðèé áûâøåãî Ñîâåòñêîãî Ñîþçà. Äîïîëíåíèå 3. Ìîñêâà: Çîîëîãè÷åñêèé ìóçåé ÌÃÓ. 2000. 33 ñòð. The third addition is compiled by the author to his book entitled: Mikhailov K.G. Catalogue of the spiders (Arachnida, Aranei) of the territories of the former Soviet Union // Archives of the Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University. Moscow. 1997. Vol.37. P.1416. + Alphabetic index 32 pp. This addition includes a short Methodology part, a list of 257 spider species belonging to 21 families (updated to July, 2000), and Bibliograph- ical index containing 59 citations, mainly of 19992000. Òðåòüå äîïîëíåíèå ê ìîíîãðàôèè: Ìèõàéëîâ Ê.Ã. Êàòàëîã ïà- óêîâ (Arachnida, Aranei) òåððèòîðèé áûâøåãî Ñîâåòñêîãî Ñîþçà // Ñáîðíèê òðóäîâ Çîîëîãè÷åñêîãî ìóçåÿ ÌÃÓ. Ìîñêâà. 1997. Ò.37. 416 ñ. + Àëôàâèòíûé óêàçàòåëü 32 ñòð. Äîïîëíåíèå âêëþ÷àåò êðàòêèé ðàçäåë "Ìåòîäîëîãèÿ", ñïèñîê 257 âèäîâ ïàóêîâ èç 21 ñåìåéñòâà (îáíîâëåí ïî ñîñòîÿíèþ íà èþëü 2000 ã.). Áèáëèîãðàôè÷åñêèé óêàçàòåëü ñîäåðæèò 59 èñòî÷íèêîâ, â îñíîâíîì çà 19992000 ãã. PREFACE This brochure is a third one in a series of annual additions to the Cata- logue of the spiders of the territories of the former Soviet Union. The basic structure of the main catalogue has not been changed in the present addition (for details, see the Methodology chapter). The checklist in- cludes only species with revised distribution data (given bold). Species being new to the list are underlined. Other novations, like generic affiliation of cer- tain species (especially in the former Lepthyphantes), new synonymy, are to be checked completely in the revised edition of the main catalogue. I am deeply obliged to my colleagues Drs. Yu.M. Marusik (Magadan), D.V. Logunov (Novosibirsk), S.L. Esyunin (Perm), A.V. Tanasevitch (Mos- cow), Mr. A.V. Gromov (Alma-Ata), Dr. S.V. Lukyantsev (Tomsk), Dr. N.S. Mazura (Syktyvkar) and to numerous other persons for supplying me with all necessary publications. 3 METHODOLOGY Each spider species included in the checklist is supplied with an attribu- tion both to main physiographical areas and to post-Soviet republics. The phys- iographical areas and republics are coded by Russian letters and abbrevia- tions, respectively. The sequence of references is as follows: Physiographical areas (see also Map 1). À Atlantic-Arctic insular area, Á Fennoscandia (Karelian-Kola area),  Russian Plain, Ã1 Novaya Zemlya and Vaigach islands, Ã2 Urals, Ä Carpathians, Å1 Crimea, Å2 Caucasus, Æ1 Armenian Upland, Æ2 Kopetdagh Mts, Ç+È mountainous Middle Asia, Ê deserts of Middle Asia, Ë Kazakhstan hills, Ì West Siberia, Í+Î Middle Siberia, Ï mountains of South Siberia, Ð northeastern Siberia, Ñ1 continental Far North-East (without Kamchatka), Ñ2 Kamchatka, Ñ3 northern Kurile Islands, Ñ4 Commander Islands, Ò1 continental Southern Far East (Amur-Maritime area), Ò2 Sakhalin and Moneron islands, Ò3 southern Kurile Islands. Republics: ÐÔ Russia, Ýñò Estonia, Ëàòâ Latvia, Ëèò Lithuania, Áåë Byelorussia (Belarus), Óêð Ukraine, Ìîëä Moldavia (Moldova), Ãð Georgia, 4 Ñ1 Ã1 Ð Ñ4 Á Ñ2  Ñ1 Ä Ì Ñ3  Ò2 Ã2 Í+Î Ò1 Å1 Ï Ò3 Â Ï Å2 Ë Æ1 Ê Ç+È Æ2 Ç+È Map 1. Physiographical areas of the ex-USSR territory (after Ãâîçäåöêèé, 1968, with some changes). Explana- 5 tions in text. Àç Azerbaijan, Àðì Armenia, Êàç Kazakhstan, Óçá Uzbekistan, Òóðê Turkmenia (Turkmenistan), Êèðã Kirghizia (Kyrgyzstan), Òàäæ Tajikistan. Families are arranged according to Platnicks catalogue. Synonyms are marked with a = sign, only names cited in the Russian/ Soviet arachnological literature are reported. Some old combinations not ac- cepted here are also incorporated without =. Valid subspecies are mentioned with a + sign. Nomina dubia are given in the main list, whereas nomina nuda are removed to the end of each family list. For nomina dubia, all available sources are reported. Doubtful identifications are marked with a ?, misiden- tifications with a ?? symbol. Species/generic names recorded in the former USSR territory with doubts or definitely erroneously are cited in figure brack- ets ({}) and in parentheses (), respectively. Species names hew to the list are underlined. New data entered hereinaf- ter are given bold. According to ICZN [1985], Article 33d, original species endings cannot be changed from -ii to -i. So, in theory a lot of traditionally accepted names of European spiders are to be changed: Maso sundevallii instead of M. sundeval- li, Pachygnatha degeerii instead of P. degeeri, etc. I am not prepared yet to applying this rule directly, so I have simply marked all such cases in the text of the current checklist by one asterisk (*). Please note that the spelling of some Russian names has traditionally been non-English, mostly German or Latin: Bachwalow instead of Bakhvalov, Chari- tonov instead of Kharitonov, Mcheidze instead of Mkheidze, Michailov instead of Mikhailov, Ponomarjov instead of Ponomarev (or Ponomaryov), Saveljeva instead of Savelyeva (or Savelieva), Tystshenko instead of Tyshchenko, Utotsch- kin instead of Utochkin, Wagner instead of Vagner, Zawadsky instead of Zavad- skiy. Yet in the bibliographical index all such names are anglified as opposed to their latinized (germanized) names used after their taxa in the main list. In the bibliographical index, all Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, etc. paper and book names are translated into English, in square brackets ([]). Authors name is transliterated into English, also in square brackets. An English, Ger- man, etc. name of Russian authors is given also in Russian. The journal, col- lective paper or newspaper names are given in the original language, mostly Russian, and can be easily transliterated, mainly according to the Science Ci- tation Index. Cyrillic letters should be written as follows: 6 à a; á b; â v; ã g, gh; ä d; å e; ¸ yo, e; æ zh; ç z; è i; é i,y; èé iy; ê k; ë l; ì m; í n; î o; ï p; ð r; ñ s; ò t; ó u; ô f; õ kh; ö ts; ÷ ch; ø sh; ù shch; ú to omit; û y; ü to omit; ý e; þ yu; ÿ ya. In the administrative divisions, the Russian oblast stands for Area, krai for Province, and rayon for District. Russian references to a certain year are given before the English ones of the same year, for example: Ìèõàéëîâ, 1995à, 1995á, Mikhailov, 1995a, 1995b, etc. Consecutive references to papers of one and the same Russian author with different foreign co-authors are given according to the Russian, not En- glish, alphabet: [Ëîãóíîâ, Âåñîëîâñêà] Logunov, Weso³owska is cited before [Ëîãóíîâ, Êàòëåð] Logunov, Cutler. In some cases, necessary remarks to papers and books are given in paren- theses () beginning a new paragraph. 7 ADDITION TO THE CHECKLIST OF THE SPIDERS OF RUSSIA AND OTHER TERRITORIES OF THE FORMER USSR Oecobiidae Uroctea limbata (C.L.Koch, 1843) Å2, Æ2, Ê. Àç, Êàç, Òóðê. Nesticidae Nesticus cellulanus (Clerck, 1758) Á, Â, Ä. ÐÔ, Ýñò, Ëàòâ, Óêð. Theridiidae Achaearanea riparia (Blackwall, 1834) Theridion riparium = Achaearanea saxatilis (C.L.Koch, 1835) Á, Â, Ã2, Ä, Å2, Ì, Í+Î, Ï, Ò2. ÐÔ, Ýñò, Ëàòâ, Óêð, Àç. Achaearanea simulans (Thorell, 1875) Theridion simulans Á, Â, Ä, Å2, Ì, Ï, Ò1. ÐÔ, Ëàòâ, Áåë, Óêð, Àç. Achaearanea tepidariorum (C.L.Koch, 1841) Theridion tepidariorum Á, Â, Ã2, Ä, Å2, Ç+È, Ì, Ï, Ò1, Ò2, Ò3. ÐÔ, Ëàòâ, Áåë, Óêð, Ãð, Àç, Êàç, Êèðã. Dipoena prona (Menge, 1868) Á, Â, Ã2, Ä, Ï. ÐÔ, Ýñò, Ëàòâ, Óêð. Dipoena torva (Thorell, 1875) Á, Â, Ã2, Ä, Ç+È, Ì, Í+Î. ÐÔ, Ýñò, Áåë, Óêð, Êàç. {Enoplognatha gramineusa Zhu, 1998} Ï? ÐÔ? Enoplognatha mordax (Thorell, 1875) = E. crucifera (Thorell, 1875), = E. schaufussi (L.Koch, 1882), = E. maritima Simon, 1884 Â, Ã2, Å1, Å2, Ç+È, Ë, Ò1? ÐÔ, Óêð, Áåë, Àç, Êèðã, Òàäæ. Euryopis flavomaculata (C.L.Koch, 1836) Á, Â, Ã2, Å2, Ç+È, Ì, Í+Î, Ï, Ñ2, Ò1. ÐÔ, Ýñò, Ëàòâ, Áåë, Óêð, Ãð, Àç, Êàç, Êèðã. Robertus ungulatus Vogelsanger, 1944 = R. paradoxus Miller, 1967 Â, Ï, Ò1, Ò3. ÐÔ, Ýñò, Ëèò. 8 Rugathodes aurantius (Emerton, 1915) Theridion aurantium Á, Ì1, Í+Î, Ï, Ñ1. ÐÔ. Steatoda bipunctata (Linnaeus, 1758) Á, Â, Ã2, Ä, Å2, Æ2, Ç+È, Ë, Ì, Í+Î, Ï, Ð, Ñ2, Ò1. ÐÔ, Ýñò, Ëàòâ, Ëèò, Áåë, Óêð, Ìîëä, Ãð, Àç, Êàç, Óçá. Òóðê?? Steatoda grossa (C.L.Koch, 1838) Teutana grossa Â, Ã2, Ä, Å1, Å2, Æ2, Ç+È, Ê, Ë, Ì, Ï, Ñ1, Ò1. ÐÔ, Ýñò, Ëàòâ, Áåë, Óêð, Ìîëä, Ãð, Àç, Êàç, Òóðê, Êèðã, Òàäæ. Theonoe minutissima (O.Pickard-Cambridge, 1879) Á, Â, Ã2, Ä. ÐÔ, Ýñò, Ëàòâ, Óêð. Ì?? {Theridion karamayensis Zhu, 1998} Ï? ÐÔ? Theridion montanum Emerton, 1882 Á, Â, Ã2, Ï, Ð, Ñ1, Ò2. ÐÔ. Theridion mystaceum L.Koch, 1870 = Th. neglectum Wiehle, 1952 Á, Â, Ã2, Å1, Ç+È, Ï. ÐÔ, Ýñò, Áåë, Óêð, Ìîëä, Êàç, Óçá?, Êèðã. Theridion petraeum L.Koch, 1872 Á, Â, Ä, Å2, Ç+È, Í+Î, Ï, Ð. ÐÔ, Óêð, Àç, Êàç. Theridion sibiricum Marusik, 1988 Ã2, Ï, Ð, Ñ1, Ò1. ÐÔ. Theridion tinctum (Walckenaer, 1802) Á, Â, Ã2, Ä, Å1, Å2, Æ1?, Ì, Í+Î, Ï. ÐÔ, Ýñò, Ëàòâ, Ëèò, Áåë, Óêð, Ìîëä, Ãð, Àç, Àðì?, Êàç.

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