AGENDA Special Work Session City Council Meeting Council Chambers, City Hall April 17, 2017, 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/DETERMINATION OF QUORUM Council President 2. PUBLIC FORUM (3 Minute Limit) Individuals may address the City Council about items on the agenda or not included on the agenda. Speakers are required to state their name and address for the Council record and limit their remarks to three minutes or less. Speakers are requested to frame their comments around items that fall within the authority of the City Council. Generally, the City Council will not take official action on the items discussed at this time, but may place the item on file, take the matter under advisement, refer the matter to staff or a committee for a future report or direct the matter to be placed on an upcoming agenda. 3. BILLS DISCUSSION 4. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM DISCUSSION 5. COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL ONLY ITEMS a. Sale of Bonds, Series 2017A and 2017B David Drown b. Little Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau Update Kris Vonberge c. Friends of Linden Hill, Storage Area FOLH d. Other 6. CONSTITUENT COMPLAINTS City Council 7. ADJOURNMENT Council President IF YOU NEED ANY TYPE OF REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING, PLEASE CALL CITY HALL (320) 616-5500 AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. Established in 1849 “Where Minnesota History Begins” AGENDA ITEM LITTLE FALLS CITY COUNCIL Special (Work Session) Agenda: x Consent Agenda: Regular Agenda: X Meeting Date: April 17, 2017 ============================================================ TITLE OF THE ITEM FOR CONSIDERATION: Resolution 2017-28 and 2017-29, Providing for Sale of General Obligation PIR Bonds Series 2017-A and General Obligation Refunding Bonds Series 2017-B ============================================================ BACKGROUND: On March 6th, the City Council adopted a resolution authorizing the negotiated sale of bonds to fund the 2016 Petition Projects. At the recommendation of David Drown, the Council also authorized the negotiated sale of bonds to refund the 2009-A, and 2009-C bonds. Bids will be opened on April 17th and David Drown will be present at the work session to review the results of the bids. ACTION REQUEST: The City Council adopt Resolution 2017-28, Providing for the Sale of General Obligation PIR Bonds, Series 2017-A and further adopt Resolution 2017-29, Providing for the Sale of General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2017-B. ============================================================ FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: BUDGETED: YES x NO ============================================================ DEPARTMENT/COMMITTEE: STAFF PERSON REQUESTING: Lori Kasella DATE: 4-12-17 AGENDA ITEM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Special (Work Session) Agenda: x Consent Agenda: Regular Agenda: TITLE OF THE ITEM FOR CONSIDERATION: Purchase of Mower, Linden Hill BACKGROUND: The Friends of Linden Hill are in the process of purchasing a new lawn mower to maintain the Linden Hill grounds. They received a quote from Midwest Machinery in the amount of $14,750 for the purchase of the mower. Linden Hill is requesting the City purchase the mower, and they would reimburse the City for the cost of the mower. The Friends would like to make quarterly payments over the next 5 years. Jim Weiss, a Board member of the Friends of Linden Hill will be attending the meeting to explain the request ACTION REQUEST: The City Council consider the request from Linden Hill. STAFF PERSON REQUESTING: Lori Kasella Please Join Us….. Habitat for Humanity of Morrison County & the Abigail Marts Family Invite you to the Dedication Ceremony for our Habitat Home Thursday, April 20th ~ 4:30 pm 14486 Oak Ridge Drive Little Falls, MN (320) 616-2084 [email protected] ... \ . '! •. RECEI\/·ED cnYOFUI'TJ.BFALLS 4;_]:.-/J . DATABEQUlBr · . ·Cl1:.0i!UTI�FAU.Sj�AT&_ -_. COSTCALCOl.AT.IONFORM ,. ·. FeeschargedaxeinarmrdmawithY-mnesata�a1,tJelS-03, Sllbdlviaion$ .• Date-ofRsquesl:: 'i- :7 -/ 7 - - ::: CoslB:for_drq,licationQf sbmdionmsbritls-.,e���t]leatysl'ee&hemile. · ·Meaae:use tbisseetionto<WenJem�hatmrdabLJ.WIDSBf&..-· _ ... · · · .· . �. \.JJstimated . A.r,m,al r: . tlJst. : - .(}Jst .f - .. :.... Hourlg�· .. - ... �� -- B.- P/wlrJcopy .. B.- .08.er . a.ts . .L .2. �- 3- -r.• � 1.mALCHARm!S ·. - Am u. JU.NI l'O BE - PREPAID{50% ofEGtimatedmbllif fl'ffl!MS $50) - -- ... - . AGENDA Regular City Council Meeting Council Chambers, City Hall April 17, 2017, 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/DETERMINATION OF QUORUM/PLEDGE OF Information ALLEGIANCE Council President Found On: All individuals are asked to either silence or turn off all cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices that may disrupt the meeting. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA City Council Approve the agenda as posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law and herein place all agenda items on the table for discussion. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES City Council A copy of the minutes for the special work session meeting of April 3, 2017; the regular meeting of April 3, 2017, are enclosed. Pages 1-5 4. APPROVAL OF BILLS City Council Checks 96127 through 96240 totaling $551,110.42 – approve Pages 6-13 5. AWARDS, DONATIONS, PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Council President/Others a. Presentation 1. 2017 Annual Training Schedule, Economic Impact and Environmental Briefing – None Colonel Scott St. Sauver, Garrison Commander 2. Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training, Police Department – Page 14 Mayor Zylka 6. CONSENT AGENDA City Council a. 2016 Consumer Confidence Report, Water Treatment Facility – receive Pages 15-17 b. Animal Control Report, March 2017 – receive Page 18 c. Certified Local Government Report, Fiscal Year 2016, Heritage Preservation Commission – accept Pages 19-22 d. Display of Fireworks, Pyrotechnic Display, Dam Festival, June 17, 2017 – approve Pages 23-26 e. Fire Department Report, March 2017 – receive Pages 27-28 f. Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes, April 2017 – receive Pages 29-30 g. Investment Recap dated March 31, 2017 – receive Pages 31-32 h. Outdoor Event, West Side Bar, May 13, 2017 – approve Pages 33-35 i. Outdoor Smoking Area Location Amendment, On Sale Liquor License, West Side Bar – approve Pages 36-37 j. Planning Commission Minutes, February 2017 – receive Page 38 k. Police Department Report, March 2017 – receive Pages 39-46 l. Public Works Department Report, March 2017 – receive Pages 47-48 m. Reviewed Financial Statement, Little Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau, December 31, 2016 – receive Pages 49-58 n. Reviewed Financial Statement, Morrison County Animal Humane Society, December 31, 2016 – receive Pages 59-70 o. Sale of Fireworks, Temporary Structure, TNT Fireworks, Wal-Mart Parking Lot – approve Pages 71-77 p. Taxi License, Camden Scott, LF City Cab LLC – approve Page 78 q. Water Treatment Facility Report, March 2017 – receive Page 79 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND LETTINGS a. Public Hearing 1. Resolution 2017-30, Order in Public Improvement 376, Seventh Street Southeast – consider/adopt PW Director Pages 80-81 Agenda, 04/17/17 page two 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND LETTINGS b. Lettings 1. Resolution 2017-28, Award Sale of $885,000 in General Obligation Permanent Improvement Bonds, Series 2017A – adopt David Drown Page 82 2. Resolution 2017-29, Award Sale of $3,275,000 in General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2017B – adopt David Drown Page 82 3. Clubhouse Reroof, Golf Course, Matt Hartung Construction – award PW Director Page 83 4. Pavement Marking, Linescape Linestriping – award PW Director Page 84 5. Zoo Buildings Reroof, Pine Grove Zoo, Matt Hartung Construction – award PW Director Page 85 8. OLD BUSINESS None 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Accept Recommendation of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Ordinance No. 95, Sixth Series, Authorize and Direct Sale of Property, Patriot Investments and Management LLC – accept/authorize Finance Officer Pages 86-88 b. Accept Recommendation of the Planning Commission, Variance Request, Antoinette Wetzel – accept/approve PW Director Pages 89-91 c. Resolution 2017-31, Approve Plans and Specification, Public Improvement 376, Surface and/or Utility Improvements [Seventh Street Southeast], and Call for Bids – adopt PW Director Page 92 d. Resolution 2017-32, Supporting Local Government Aid Funding – adopt City Administrator Page 93 10. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS ON CITY AUTHORITIES, BOARDS, BUREAUS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES City Council 11. ANNOUNCEMENTS City Council/Others 12. ADJOURNMENT Council President IF YOU NEED ANY TYPE OF REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING, PLEASE CALL CITY HALL (320) 616-5500 AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. City of Little Falls SPECIAL WORK SESSION CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~ APRIL 3, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER The special work session City Council meeting of the City of Little Falls was called to order by Council President Hanfler on April 3, 2017, at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Councilmembers Hircock, Gosiak, Lundberg, Liljegren, Knafla, Council President Hanfler, and Mayor Zylka were present. Councilmember Hanson was absent. It was determined there was a quorum. 2. PUBLIC FORUM None. 3. BILLS DISCUSSION No questions. 4. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS DISCUSSION No questions. 5. COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL ONLY ITEMS a. Rental Fleet, Golf Carts – City Administrator Radermacher reviewed the bids received on the proposed replacement and trade-in of the golf cart rental fleet. This item is on the regular agenda for consideration. b. Garbage Update – City Administrator Radermacher updated the City Council on the garbage program. No action taken. c. Other 1. City Administrator Radermacher reviewed a new program at the Golf Course, “Hook a Kid on Golf” that Golf Course Manager Frey will be starting. 4. CONSTITUENT COMPLAINTS 1. Mayor Zylka stated he received a complaint regarding the garbage on the City owned lot leased by Larson Boats. 5. ADJOURNMENT Council President Hanfler adjourned the meeting at 7:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lori Kasella City of Little Falls REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~ APRIL 3, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER The regular City Council meeting of the City of Little Falls was called to order by Council President Hanfler on Monday, April 3, 2017, at 7:30 p.m.
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