Alternative Provision Hub Budget by School THE LA HELD A CONSULTATION ON ALTERNATIVE PROVISION (AP) FUNDING DURING THE PERIOD 30TH NOVEMBER TO 25TH JANUARY 2019. AT THE POINT OF ISSUING AP BUDGETS (28 FEBRUARY 2019) FURTHER ELEMENTS OF THE PROPOSALS NEEDED DEVELOPING. WITH THIS IN MIND AP BUDGETS FOR 2019-20 HAVE BEEN ISSUED BASED ON 2018-19 FUNDING METHODOLOGY. FURTHER WORK WILL BE CARRIED OUT WITH THE RELEVANT PARTIES TO FINALISE THE NEW MODEL, WITH THE INTENTION OF INTRODUCING A NEW FUNDING MODEL FROM SEPTEMBER 2019. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR 2019-20 SHOULD BE BASED ON THE BUDGETS ALLOCATED AS AT THE 1ST APRIL 2019 69.3075111 488.204354 751.736904 479.696529 69.3075111 488.204354 751.736904 479.696529 Data Funding (£) KS3 Funding KS4 Funding Overall Total DfE School Name Delegated or Devolved KS3 KS4 Total Pupil KS3 KS4 KS3 KS4 KS3 KS4 KS3 IDACI LAC EAL London Total KS4 IDACI LAC EAL London Total Number Numbers IDACI IDACI LAC LAC EAL EAL Fringe Funding Fringe Ashford district 8864246 North School, The Devolved to school 520 360 880 74 51 4 2 18 12 £35,148 £35,158 £2,767 £8,913 £0 £81,985 £24,333 £24,340 £1,915 £6,171 £0 £56,759 £138,744 8864528 Norton Knatchbull School, The Devolved to school 579 332 911 31 18 0 0 7 4 £39,136 £14,609 £0 £3,515 £0 £57,260 £22,440 £8,377 £0 £2,016 £0 £32,833 £90,093 8864092 Highworth Grammar School Devolved to school 616 423 1,039 33 23 1 1 7 5 £41,637 £15,772 £949 £3,581 £0 £61,939 £28,591 £10,831 £652 £2,459 £0 £42,533 £104,472 8864196 Towers School and Sixth Form Centre, The Devolved to school 624 322 946 73 37 4 2 11 5 £42,177 £34,537 £3,438 £5,324 £0 £85,476 £21,765 £17,822 £1,774 £2,747 £0 £44,108 £129,584 8865408 Homewood School and Sixth Form Centre Devolved to school 1022 666 1,688 57 37 7 4 11 7 £69,079 £27,128 £5,131 £5,473 £0 £106,811 £45,016 £17,678 £3,344 £3,566 £0 £69,605 £176,415 8864007 Wye School Devolved to school 269 184 453 11 7 5 4 3 2 £18,182 £5,182 £4,123 £1,495 £0 £28,982 £12,437 £3,545 £2,820 £1,022 £0 £19,824 £48,806 8866919 John Wallis Church of England Academy, The Devolved to school 590 378 968 117 75 9 6 15 9 £39,879 £55,852 £7,060 £7,340 £0 £110,132 £25,550 £35,783 £4,523 £4,703 £0 £70,559 £180,690 8864015 Lenham School, The Devolved to school 295 185 480 11 7 4 3 1 0 £19,940 £5,080 £3,183 £311 £0 £28,513 £12,504 £3,186 £1,996 £195 £0 £17,881 £46,394 Total Ashford district 4,515.0 2,850.0 7,365.0 406.6 255.7 34.5 22.0 71.4 45.5 £305,177 £193,318 £26,651 £35,952 £0 £561,098 £192,637 £121,561 £17,025 £22,879 £0 £354,102 £915,200 Canterbury district 8864091 Community College Whitstable, The Devolved to Simon Langton Boys 413 272 685 39 26 7 4 3 2 £27,915 £18,431 £5,121 £1,517 £0 £52,984 £18,385 £12,138 £3,372 £999 £0 £34,895 £87,879 8864534 Simon Langton Girls' Grammar School Devolved to Simon Langton Boys 511 327 838 26 16 1 1 4 3 £34,539 £12,169 £952 £2,154 £0 £49,814 £22,103 £7,787 £609 £1,378 £0 £31,877 £81,691 8865412 Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys Devolved to Simon Langton Boys 380 261 641 16 11 2 1 8 6 £25,685 £7,391 £1,350 £4,171 £0 £38,597 £17,641 £5,077 £927 £2,865 £0 £26,510 £65,107 8865426 Archbishop's School, The Devolved to Simon Langton Boys 389 266 655 46 31 7 5 14 9 £26,293 £21,780 £5,224 £6,865 £0 £60,162 £17,979 £14,893 £3,572 £4,694 £0 £41,139 £101,301 8865446 St Anselm's Catholic School, Canterbury Devolved to Simon Langton Boys 556 367 923 63 42 7 4 8 5 £37,581 £30,056 £5,185 £3,938 £0 £76,760 £24,806 £19,839 £3,423 £2,599 £0 £50,667 £127,427 8865421 Canterbury Academy, The Devolved to Simon Langton Boys 676 453 1,129 97 65 6 4 8 6 £45,692 £46,157 £4,908 £4,235 £0 £100,992 £30,619 £30,931 £3,289 £2,838 £0 £67,676 £168,668 8865444 Barton Court Grammar School Devolved to Simon Langton Boys 466 277 743 28 17 1 0 1 1 £31,498 £13,518 £492 £632 £0 £46,140 £18,723 £8,035 £293 £376 £0 £27,427 £73,567 8865448 Herne Bay High School Devolved to Simon Langton Boys 793 506 1,299 69 44 24 15 5 3 £53,600 £32,592 £18,709 £2,456 £0 £107,357 £34,201 £20,796 £11,938 £1,567 £0 £68,503 £175,860 8866911 Spires Academy Devolved to Simon Langton Boys 357 223 580 69 43 8 5 7 5 £24,130 £32,669 £6,166 £3,744 £0 £66,709 £15,073 £20,407 £3,852 £2,339 £0 £41,670 £108,379 8864242 Abbey School, The Devolved to Simon Langton Boys 638 333 971 106 55 7 4 6 3 £43,124 £50,362 £5,409 £2,977 £0 £101,872 £22,508 £26,286 £2,823 £1,554 £0 £53,171 £155,043 8865449 Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School Devolved to Simon Langton Boys 453 284 737 28 17 2 1 2 1 £30,619 £13,133 £1,436 £941 £0 £46,129 £19,196 £8,234 £900 £590 £0 £28,920 £75,049 Total Canterbury district 5,632.0 3,569.0 9,201.0 585.3 366.9 71.1 45.3 66.8 43.3 £380,677 £278,257 £54,952 £33,630 £0 £747,516 £241,235 £174,423 £34,998 £21,799 £0 £472,455 £1,219,971 Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley collaboration 8864026 Dartford Science and Technology College Delegated to PRU 438 244 682 45 25 1 1 16 9 £29,605 £21,365 £1,050 £8,082 £2,188 £62,290 £16,492 £11,902 £585 £4,502 £1,219 £34,700 £96,990 8865411 Dartford Grammar School for Girls Delegated to PRU 540 319 859 59 35 0 0 21 13 £36,500 £28,257 £0 £10,759 £2,749 £78,265 £21,562 £16,693 £0 £6,356 £1,624 £46,234 £124,499 8864001 Ebbsfleet Academy, The Delegated to PRU 335 225 560 59 40 1 1 24 16 £22,643 £28,219 £967 £12,045 £2,325 £66,199 £15,208 £18,953 £649 £8,090 £1,562 £44,462 £110,661 8866914 Longfield Academy Delegated to PRU 528 356 884 47 32 9 6 1 0 £35,688 £22,545 £6,639 £301 £2,372 £67,545 £24,063 £15,201 £4,476 £203 £1,599 £45,542 £113,087 8866920 Wilmington Academy Delegated to PRU 716 388 1,104 50 27 6 3 12 7 £48,396 £23,988 £4,777 £6,214 £3,035 £86,410 £26,226 £12,999 £2,589 £3,367 £1,645 £46,825 £133,235 8865400 Wilmington Grammar School for Girls Delegated to PRU 447 267 714 42 25 1 0 4 2 £30,214 £19,843 £501 £1,904 £1,910 £54,371 £18,047 £11,852 £299 £1,137 £1,141 £32,477 £86,847 8865403 Wilmington Grammar School for Boys Delegated to PRU 447 288 735 36 23 0 0 2 2 £30,214 £17,205 £0 £1,226 £1,771 £50,415 £19,466 £11,085 £0 £790 £1,141 £32,482 £82,898 8865406 Dartford Grammar School Delegated to PRU 550 334 884 56 34 2 1 13 8 £37,176 £26,812 £1,487 £6,652 £2,625 £74,752 £22,576 £16,282 £903 £4,040 £1,594 £45,395 £120,147 8866910 Leigh Academy, The Delegated to PRU 726 458 1,184 84 53 9 5 10 6 £49,072 £39,940 £6,729 £4,955 £3,665 £104,361 £30,957 £25,196 £4,245 £3,126 £2,312 £65,836 £170,197 8864012 Leigh UTC, The Delegated to PRU 269 129 398 42 20 1 1 2 1 £18,182 £19,826 £852 £1,080 £1,454 £41,394 £8,719 £9,507 £409 £518 £697 £19,851 £61,245 8864040 Northfleet School for Girls Delegated to PRU 498 279 777 88 49 3 2 17 10 £33,661 £41,669 £2,634 £8,744 £0 £86,708 £18,858 £23,345 £1,476 £4,899 £0 £48,577 £135,285 8865407 Thamesview School Delegated to PRU 528 286 814 97 53 9 5 18 10 £35,688 £46,310 £7,300 £9,176 £0 £98,475 £19,331 £25,085 £3,954 £4,970 £0 £53,340 £151,815 8865456 Northfleet Technology College Delegated to PRU 507 318 825 86 54 4 3 20 12 £34,269 £40,684 £3,330 £9,899 £0 £88,182 £21,494 £25,518 £2,089 £6,209 £0 £55,309 £143,491 8865461 St John's Catholic Comprehensive School Delegated to PRU 583 364 947 118 74 2 1 15 9 £39,406 £56,304 £1,462 £7,437 £0 £104,609 £24,603 £35,154 £913 £4,643 £0 £65,313 £169,923 8864004 Meopham School Delegated to PRU 465 195 660 38 16 7 3 4 1 £31,430 £18,255 £5,618 £1,771 £0 £57,074 £13,180 £7,655 £2,356 £742 £0 £23,934 £81,008 8865467 Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend Delegated to PRU 549 316 865 54 31 1 0 2 1 £37,108 £25,450 £525 £960 £0 £64,043 £21,359 £14,649 £302 £552 £0 £36,863 £100,905 8865404 Saint George's CE School Delegated to PRU 569 340 909 71 43 5 3 3 2 £38,460 £33,977 £3,500 £1,575 £0 £77,512 £22,981 £20,303 £2,091 £941 £0 £46,317 £123,829 8865465 Gravesend Grammar School Delegated to PRU 531 348 879 59 38 1 1 2 2 £35,891 £27,812 £942 £1,222 £0 £65,867 £23,522 £18,227 £617 £801 £0 £43,167 £109,034 8864031 Orchards Academy Delegated to PRU 308 207 515 60 40 3 2 4 2 £20,818 £28,644 £2,372 £1,799 £1,952 £55,586 £13,992 £19,251 £1,594 £1,209 £1,312 £37,358 £92,945 Total Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley collaboration 9,534.0 5,661.0 15,195.0 1,192.9 712.8 65.5 38.2 190.3 113.4 £644,421 £567,106 £50,685 £95,801 £26,046 £1,384,058 £382,637 £338,857 £29,547 £57,097 £15,846 £823,984 £2,208,042 Maidstone and Malling collaboration 8864522 Maidstone Grammar School Delegated to PRU 615 362 977 23 14 0 0 3 1 £41,569 £11,028 £0 £1,270 £0 £53,867 £24,468 £6,491 £0 £748 £0 £31,707 £85,574 8864523 Maidstone Grammar School for Girls Delegated to PRU 546 353 899 27 17 1 0 2 1 £36,905 £12,798 £481 £918 £0 £51,103 £23,860 £8,274 £311 £594 £0 £33,039 £84,141 8865432 St Simon Stock Catholic School, Maidstone Delegated to PRU 540 330 870 41 25 6 3 9 6 £36,500 £19,461 £4,400 £4,686 £0 £65,048 £22,305 £11,893 £2,689 £2,864 £0 £39,751 £104,799 8865401 Maplesden Noakes School, The Delegated to PRU 575 353 928 38 23 6 4 11 7 £38,865 £17,987 £4,436 £5,596 £0 £66,885 £23,860 £11,042 £2,723 £3,435 £0 £41,061 £107,946 8864000 St Augustine Academy Delegated to PRU 456 246 702 42 23 2 1 11 6 £30,822 £20,142 £1,676 £5,582 £0 £58,223 £16,628 £10,866 £904 £3,012 £0 £31,410 £89,633 8864058 Invicta Grammar School Delegated to PRU 725 441 1,166 37 22 1 1 9 5 £49,004 £17,508 £1,019 £4,393 £0 £71,924 £29,808 £10,649 £620 £2,672 £0 £43,750 £115,674 8864249 Valley Park School Delegated to PRU 810 519 1,329 43 27 5 3 6 4 £54,749 £20,355 £3,840 £3,068 £0 £82,012 £35,080 £13,042 £2,460 £1,966 £0 £52,548 £134,561 8865422 Oakwood Park Grammar School, Maidstone Delegated to PRU 487 295 782 20 12 1 1 4 2 £32,917 £9,501 £982 £1,883
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