News from around the South Korea, Sri Lanka, India, Zambia, Ukraine, Tanzania, Brazil, South 2 J V U 1 Africa, Russia, USA, England, Taiwan, Peru, Ivory Coast, Poland, Colombia, Australia, Kenya, Burkina 0 , 1 L Faso, Vietnam, Philippines, Argentina, Portugal, Cuba, Venezuela, Italy, Malawi, Congo 9 Y I S / S A M T U U E G H I U 9 S E S T S P I O A W N L S L M e O O T F T i A I s S N U E r s M M i e o E R n A 0 3 05 06 08 India Brazil Ukraine Malawi 09 11 12 14 Brazil Zambia Russia Tanzania 15 17 18 20 USA/ENGLAND SOUTH AFRICA T AIWAN UKRAINE 22 24 25 26 USA/PERU INDIA IV ORY COAST POLAND/INDIA 27 28 Colombia/Brasil #CoveringTheContinents... Australia, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Italy, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Argentina, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, Portugal, Burkina Faso THE MISSION IMPULSE! BUILDING A CHURCH IN INDIA'S NORTHEAST K I M I N , I N D I A + T H E Y O U T H O F F R . S H Y J E S H G E O R G E S A C If the rule of St. Vincent was the life of daring and holy adventure, fulfilling the Jesus Christ, then it was a life of love and words of Pope Francis in his encyclical service, sacrificed for those where He is Evangelii Gaudium: “if the whole Church wanted and needed. The extent to which takes up this missionary impulse, she has we live by this, is the extent to which it is to go forth to everyone without no longer us living, but He in us, and the exception.” extent to which we carry out the A S T H E F A T H E R H A S O P E N E D H I S fundamental rule of our holy Founder. A R M S T O U S , W E M U S T O P E N As it be so, then the Pallottine family in O U R S T O A L L O F T H O S E W H O Kimin, Northeast India, is a beacon of K N O W H I M A N D A R E Y E A R N I N G , Pallotti’s Spirit in the Himalayan foothills. T H O S E W H O D O N ’ T A N D A R E Fr. Shyjesh George SAC- accompanied by S E E K I N G , A N D T H O S E L I K E T H E many youth- journeyed to the inset village P R O D I G A L S O N W H O of Boda, where they began to build a U N D E R S T O O D A N D A R E church for its villagers. It was a R E T U R N I N G . page | 02 For 9 years Kimin’s doors have been pushed open by our Pallottine Fathers, shepherding 259 families across 9 village churches, building a school in 2014 which just recently opened hostels to accommodate a future growth of enrollment. It’s a testimony of prudence and risk, complete distrust in oneself and complete trust in God, and full abandonment to the way of Divine Providence. Prayers and blessings, our brothers and sisters in St. Vincent! You ever remain our spiritual family God has shaped by His hands, to remind us that the grandest miracles begin with the tiniest beginnings; lest we forget the multiplication of the loaves and fish. P H O T O S O F T H E C H U R C H B L E S S I N G ! RIO'S MAJOR STEP, MAJOR SEMINARY Let us give thanks to the Lord with our hands outstretched as the city’s Redeemer, in praise for the new Major Seminary for our Pallottines in Rio de Janeiro. Surely, our Society is on an impelling pursuit to share all of God’s divine goodness with its country; after all, Brazil has the largest Catholic population in the world. It’s blessing by Fr. General Jacob one week ago- during the South American Meeting of Superiors- not only inaugurated a new beginning of evangelizing the country’s 126 million Catholics with Pallotti’s Spirit, but it also prompted a milestone administrative change. Rio’s youthful Region of the Mother of Mercy has now become autonomous to Poland’s Annunciation of the Lord Province; truly signifying that through its accompaniment and care- in a very natural way- its child has spread its wings to independence. “Because mission,” as Pope Francis said in an off the cuff speech to seminarians last year, “is something that the Spirit impels us to do: to go out, go out, always go out; but if there is no apostolic horizon, there is the danger of making mistakes and going out not to bear a message but to ‘take a stroll’, that is, to go out ineffectively…. Please, allow yourselves to be shaped. What the formators propose are not passing fancies. If you do not agree, talk about it. But be men, not children, courageous men. This is important, to say what you feel. In this way your character can be shaped, in order to be truly a vase full of grace…. Take courage!” UKRAINE "VERSO L'ALTO!" TO THE HEIGHTS! B E R D Y C H I V , U K R A I N E + P H O T O S A N D I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M F R . V A L E R I Y D U B Y N A humanity, pouring the balm of “ E V E R Y D A Y T H A T consolation amongst the poor; for P A S S E S , ” “ T H E R E I S N O T H I N G M O R E wrote Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati, “I fall more desperately in love with the mountains… I B E A U T I F U L T H A N L O V E . ” am ever more determined to climb the Surely, then, with St. Vincent, he was mountains, to scale the mighty peaks, to protecting our Pallottine youth on high, feel that pure joy which can only be felt in as they- led by Fr. Valeriy Dubyna SAC- the mountains.” pressed onward for a 3-day pilgrimage. The young outdoorsmen from our Northern Italy’s beloved Blessed was a Ukrainian parish traversed the trails to young, adventurous mountaineer himself, Berdychiv, the country’s National whose Spirit certainly flew in the Sanctuary; sown together in unity by the pureness of God’s air at great heights. Mass, the Rosary, and song. Born to a wealthy family, he excelled in page | 02 As we now welcome them home, let us all never forget, “ T H E H I G H E R W E G O , T H E B E T T E R W E S H A L L H E A R T H E V O I C E O F C H R I S T ! ” P H O T O S # U K R A I N E MALAWI NEWS Being holy together. God loves cheerful givers; and for those who give freely and in faith, He sends down His blessing a hundredfold more. During the summer harvest at our mission in Kaphatika, Malawi, parishioners have been offering their crop gatherings in abundance. Fr. John Welos SAC shares that the total yields have been 900 bags of maize, each weighing 50kg. And as the soil prospers with new life, so, too, do the faithful upon Pallotti's young mission land. In the far right photo above, men- longing to have structures to the parish- are moulding bricks, as the little ones participated in a choir festival. DO ALL THAT YOU DO WITH LOVE. ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX BRAZIL PALLOTTI & PELE S T . V I N C E N T P A L L O T T I S O C I A L A N D C U L T U R A L C E N T E R , B R A Z I L + G U I D A N C E O F F R . V A N D E R L E I C A R G N I N S A C Brazil is synonomous with football. No and the family. As we watch these young greater legends of the game have been athletes be accompanied into noble born elsewhere, and to kick the ball is not pursuits of adult life, perhaps there's no only a right of passage, but a way of life. better message than that of our Holy At St. Vincent Pallotti Social and Culture Father in Brazil for World Youth Day, only Center, our Society's future Peles had an months after his election as Pontiff. indoor friendly match. As all the Popes will tell you, sports not only strengthen " T H E F I E L D . B E Y O N D B E I N G A the body, but forms morals to the mind, P L A C E O F S O W I N G , T H E F I E L D I S and persistence to the soul.
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