Modern Elegance Meets Jerusalem's Timeless Beauty flnally, an impeccably designed luxuiy residential complex that meets all of the exacting standards of upscale Orthodox families and investors who wish to live in Jerusalem's most breathtaking building. located in the dtYs spiritually charged Romema section, Jerusalem Heights leaves nothing to the imagination! Elegant terraced apartments designed according to your own specifications• Spectacular lobby with 24 hour security and concierge service• On premises shul • Private simcha haJJ, business lounge and restaurant • Spa, mikvaos, fitness center &. swimming pool Jerusalem Sales office on site: Toiah M'tzion 16, Jerusalem Tel. +972-2-5378853 Fax. +972-2-5378859 lntema\ion21"'""'""' Heights E-mail• [email protected] Holdings ltd N ASIS Of 5TA131LITY IN AN CEAN Of TUR13ULENCE w DARKAH is a non-profit H 0 WE ARE organization that provides a unique opportunity for young women who are challenged with anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder. DARKAHs aim is to equip these individuals OUR MISSI with the necessary skills and emotional self-sufficiency to progress towards an independent and productive lifestyle within 1-2 years. WHAT WE DO DARKAH provides a supervised private residential facility for a structured group living setting. Our professionally trained house parents assist clients in managing their daily schedule. An experienced social worker monitors each participant's progress in coordination with their treatment team. The broad range of training and instruction includes: ·Self-advocacy/assertiveness ·Budgeting/money management · Stress management ·Home management ·Social skills/relationships ·Shopping · Communication ·Meal planning/preparation ·Personal hygiene The group home setting is specifically limited to frum young women aged 1'7 - 22 suffering from anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder. WHO IT'S fOR Individuals whose challenges are complicated by additional factors such as religious incompatibility are not candidates for the program. COST Fees are determined on an individual basis. ---=-i ~········ THE IN THIS ISSUE I ewish LETTER FROM JERUSALEM /BSEltvER 6 READERS' FORUM THF.JE\"t'ISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 002.!-6615 IS l'llBl.!SllED SUKKOS INSPIRATIONS MONTll!T. EXt.:FPr J111x & l\~;(;lJSJ •\ND•\ COMBINJCD ISSPF. FOR 0,'IJ\JCE WITH JANlJARY1Fn11rnAHY. BY TME 9 Ar;UDAT!J !SRAF.t OF l\MER!C/\, 42. BIWAf)\\IAY, N1;w YOll!C NY J0004. THE SuKKAH or THE WORLD, Goldson J'EJHODICAl.S POSTAGE l'AJD JN NEW 13 Rdhhi Yon0son YOl{K. NY. SuuscRJPnoN S2.5.00/\'ICAR: 2. YEAHS. S4B.OO; 3 YEARS. $69.00. 16 THEY NEITHER WITHER NoR FADE: ()111srnE OF THE l i"lnED S'tAJf:S {US !'\!'-IDS DHA\\'N ON A l;S BANK ONLY) THE Mnzvos or SuKKOS, Yoss1 f-futlif't St5.00 S\IHCH,'1lGI': l'Ul YEAR. SrNGu-: !'OPY S:;.50: OUTSIDE NY AIH·:.A S3.95: FOHFIGN S4.50. 17 THE STORY BEHIND THE E.5ROG, POSTMASTER: ;:\ri Z /\ND Ari Greenspan SEND ADl)HFSS C!IANGFS T(): rF1. 212-797-9000. F .... x 646-2s4-1600 l'RlNTED IN Tiff. IJSA 23 FOOD FOR THOUGHT-·" A TiSHREI PERSPECTIVE, Cit Gld.SCI RABBI N!SSON \X.'(JJ.P!N, !:'di/Ill tilttoria/ Hoorrl 27 "WHY AP.tN'T Au_ RELIGIOUS JEWS VEGETARl/i,Ns?" RABBI JoSF.l'!I EU.'\S, C/10inn11n RAIHH AlHlA BRUDNY ,\1!1rrarn i\ostncH! JOSEP!-1 FRJFDENSON RABBI Y!SIHHCL MEIR l\:l!U.Nl':ll R"'IUH NossoN Sc11ERMAN LETTER FROM JERUSALEM l'ROI'. AARON TWEJ~SKI founders 31 SEPARATE SWIMMING AND Hi>.RVARD AND Us, Du. ERNST L BoDENl-l!C!Mf:R Z~L Yonoson H.osenb!un1 R".B1J1 MosHt·: S11un:R z~1 ,\Janaqcmc11/ /3oard 34 DIALOGUE IN HARMONY, NAFTOl.l ll!RSCH, !SA1\(; K!!lZNFll. RABHJ SU LO MO Ll·:SIN. f'v'frs. Arn1fpe Jakobovits AND Flabhi Yoe! Schonfeld Mns. LEAH ZAGfOl.Bt\UM. 38 OF PUBLIC RECORD Adrcrlisi1J!f Marmycr Pt:111.1SHFD HY 39 IF TRUTH BE YouR LODESTAR: i\GlillATll i.SRAEI. 01-· AMEHICA THE Ltf-E OF RABBI SHA88ESAI HAKOHEIN, U.S. THADt: Ul~J"llllU!TOfl i\abbi f-fil!e! c,Ac'!JE-m F!iLDHEIM PlrB!.lSllEJlS 208 Airpor/ h:crntivc Jtwh N1m11c1 •.IVY 1o_<):)4 u" 1R1•H<>l<>.\).;l>li«or1>r ptmm,, YEl!Ul)A HOlTSHAUSER Bl{!f]SI! REf'HESf:NTATIVE M.T Bi BU.MAN Grosvrnor 1h11hs Mou111 J>lcmo111 Ifill /.ol!(/oH F5 .<11\·E UVG/.A_,\'!) CORRECTION nn:NC!-1 lU:P!U:SicNTA'l'IVE The caption for the photograph that appeared on page 11:.1\BB! BAMBEHGUl 21 Houlnwd ll!M1m1\' 36 of the September Jewish Observer was incorrect. It ·>;:-Pr10 Mrtz. IRA\'C/:' should have read: "Rabbi Borchardt with Rabbi Nachum JSHAEl.l m-:Pru·:SENTAT!VI-: Mordechai Perlow'>"~!, late Novominsker Rebbe:' IKTNL. MEDIA Pl.Al'EMl·.NT 1'013 ;:-1.<J.'> I .97 _!a/fi1 Road _/er115a/cm U4.140. 15RAFI. STATEMENT OF POLICY l~F!.(ilAN !U-:PHJ-:St:NT.AHVE MR. E. APTf:R THE JE\VISli 01\Sf.llVER Jj.\,<, OEVO-il·:D "'GRE,\1 IJLAL OF '>PACE rn Umqt Kir"l'ils/r. 2.<J n-11-: l'ERll.S OF THE INTER1';Er AND TO nn: NEED FOii EVERYONE ro 20111 Antu~vrp. 13/IG/l l/'vf BE EXTllFMl\LY Vl('IJ.ANT lN ITS 11.Sf:. WF HAVL EC!!OEO TTH_ l'l.J-:AS SO!JTH Al·RlCAN ll.E!'IU:<;J-:N·IArJV!·: o~ O\JR (;/·:DOI.JM THAT IT SHOtil.IJ NOT BE IN USE. \INL~:-ss IT IS AN Tt\llACK Mn. V. \fNAVOIDc\1,1.E NFCESSIT\, AND TH\":N ONI.Y WITH ALI. S1J!TAllLF 1"0 Box 515:)2. !'1-IF.Jl':WISH OllSERVER OOES NOr ASSll."IE Riwrlrnc. }olm111icslmry SA!-"f-;GlJc\Hf)S. Wllll.E !TS DANGEHS MU,ST llF lU:COGNJZED ,\ND CON­ RES!'O'.'ISJJl!l.ITY f"OR THE KASHHtlo;, OF ANY PROD! 'CT. 2124 SOI/lit 1\FRICA J HOLLE!) TO t:VERY i'OSS!lll.f·: DICGREE, OUH (;EDOLll\t 1n;c(J(;;\;(7.f': THA'\ l'UBLICAHON, OR SERVICE ADVEKl"JSJCD IN !TS l'AGFS MANY 1'1-:0PLI\ ANO llUSJi"FSSl:S IU.QU!HE ITS us~.• ANO THEflEF()IU; n A!ISTllAJ.IAN l~l:.f'Rf·;_Sf".NTAT!\'J:.' DK A. DINNEN © (OPYRJGHT 2008 HAS !';OT BEEN llANNED. THIS !S WHY WE ACCEPT AOVEllTISF.ME"ITS 77 /lirriqa Rood LISTING WEHSITE ADDHJ'.SSES. BUT IN NO WAY DOES THIS IMPLY f!IAT /Jr·l/n-11c Ifill. NS\V 202;;. AU~'/RAUA THE GFDOL!M OR 'fHr·: JEWISH OnsER\/U{ CONDO;\'~. CASllAL \)SF. OF OCTOBER 2008 VOLUME XLI l"Hl·: l'.';TEH:>i"ET. NO. 7 I L--·---··------ ----·------~-- ---~ 0CTOHER 2008 REMEMBERING RABBI AHRON KREISER, 'n11 I recall in wonder the time when I durl g Simchas Torah of my first year To the Editor: spent a Shabbos with them. I got up in the in yeshiva. In his engaging article, "Miner Image" morning for davening and, what did I see? The Mirrer Yeshiva at that time was (Apr. '08), Yaacov Polskin devoted special Reb Abron, who is kulo Torah, bringing housed in a rented shul on Ashford Street, space to Rabbi Ahron Kreiser, 7"lll. I cake and coffee to his wife in bed! East New York. It was a baalebatishe shul would like to add that Reb Ahron Kreiser As I said, we were in a yeshiva in with fixed benches and there was almost was an outstanding member of an eJite France where Reb Abron taught. The no space for dancing except in the aisles group of Mirrer talmidim. Most of that yeshiva was housed in a solitary villa, in between the benches, or in back of the group became roshei yeshivas. These were the middle of a steep hill. It was the only bima. Reb Abron had a chavrusa by the Reb Nachum Partzovitz, Reb Nachum building around. One day, a ferocious name of Yidel Dikstein, who had taken Lesman, Reb Osher Lichtstein, Reb Zvi storm broke out. Lightning and thunder in more than his ordinary share of spirits Shalom Shapiro, Reb Shmnel Berenbaum, can1e in quick succession, and torrents that bring joy. All of a sudden, Reb Yidel Reb Nachum Nachamchik, Reb Reuven of water flowed down the hill, giving the pulled Reb Ahron into that space and Fine, Reb Boruch Rosenberg and many impression that it would not take long danced in front of him (similar to the others whose names I no longer remem­ until the mighty flood would wash the manner in which Reb Elchonon danced ber. They could not attain what they did building, together with us, to the bottom before the Chafetz Chaim) and then start­ without being masmidim, but Reb Ahron of the hill. To aggravate matters further, ed yelling" Va'anachnu kor'im umishtacha­ was a super-masmid. Nothing existed in the power lines fell down and the building vim umodim lifnei Reb Ahron:' This was his world except for learning. It is against was enveloped in darkness. We were 25 obviously in recognition of Reb Ahron's this background that his gemillas chessed teenage boys, mostly Holocaust orphans, gad/us in Torah, of which his chavrusa was should be judged. Nothing existed except and the others far from family - alone 1nore aware than anyone else. for learning, as long as it applied to him. in the world. Not a single staff member Dov LEDE!Uv!AN The most wondrous thing is that the min­ happened to be there except for Reb Bnei Brak ute it applied to others, he would leave Ahron. He got a candle out of nowhere, the world in which he was engrossed and sat us down at the dining room table and WHOM AND WHERE REB which was his entire life, and try to help regaled us with stories about Shanghai, AHRON TAUGHT others, as outlined in that article.
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