Initial Environmental Examination July 2012 BAN: SASEC Road Connectivity Project Joydevpur-Chandra – Tangail - Elenga Road Subproject Prepared by Roads and Highways Department, Ministry of Communication for the Asian Development Bank. ii CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 11 July 2012) Currency unit – Taka (BDT) BDT1.00 = $0.0122226975 $1.00 = BDT81.815000 ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank AASHTO American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials AADT Average Annual Daily Traffic BWDB Bangladesh Water Development Board BOQ Bill of Quantity BOD Bio - Chemical Oxygen Demand BMD Bangladesh Meteorological Department CBR California Bearing Ratio CNRS Centre for Natural Resource Studies CEGIS Centre for Environment and Geographical Information Systems CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora COD Chemical Oxygen Demand DEM Digital Elevation Model dB(A) Decibel ( measurement of noise) DBH Diameter at Breast Height DBM Disaster Management Bureau DG Diesel Generators DO Dissolved Oxygen DMB Dhaka-Mawa-Bhanga DOE Department of Environment DOF Department of Fisheries DPR Details Project Report DSC Design and Supervision Consultant EA Executing Agency ECA Environmental Conservation Act ECR Environment Conservation Rules EmoP Environmental Monitoring Plan EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan FB Faridpur-Barisal FGD Focus group discussions FD Forest Division GHG Greenhouse Gas GIS Geographical Information System GOB Government of Bangladesh HDM Highway Development & Management Model HFL Highest Flood Level HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle IECs Important Ecosystem Components IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IWM Institute for Water Modelling IRC Indian Road Congress JCTE Joydevpur- Chandra – Tangail - Elenga iii JARP Jamuna Access Road Project LD Litre/day LGED Local Government Engineering Department IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature LHS Left Hand Side LRP Location Reference Point MOEF Ministry of Environment & Forest, Bangladesh MIS Management Information System ND Non Detectable NDEM National Digital Elevation Model NWRD National Water Resource Database NGO Non Governmental Organization N - xxx National Highway Number Nox Oxides of Nitrogen PRP Prority Road Project PCU Passenger Car Units PRA Participatory rural appraisal PIU Project Implementing Unit PC Precast concrete PWD People Works Department RAS Rapid Assessment Survey RCC Reinforced Concrete Cement REA Rapid Environmental Assessment RHD Road and Highway Department RHS Right Hand Side RMP Road Master Plan RP Resettlement Plan ROB Railway Over Bridge ROW Right of Way RSPM Respiratory Suspended Particulate Matter RUB Railway Under Bridge SAARC South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation SMVT Slow moving vehicular traffic SFP Social Forestry Project SIA Social impact Assessment Sox Oxides of Sulphur SPM Suspended Particulate Matter SPS Safeguard Policy Statement SW South West TA Technical Assistance TDS Total Dissolved Solids TWG Transport Working Group VOSD Voluntary Organization for Sustainable Development WHO World Health Organisation WARPO Water Resources Planning Organization WEIGHTS AND MEASURES dB (A) decibel (A-weighted) masl meters above sea level kl kilolitre km kilometre km/h kilometre per hour m meter iv m3 cubic meter sq.ft. square foot NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Contents Executive Summary vii I. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1 A. Background............................................................................................................ 1 B. Purpose of the Report ............................................................................................ 1 C. Extent of the study ................................................................................................. 1 D. IEE Content ........................................................................................................... 2 E. Methodology .......................................................................................................... 2 II. Description of the Project and legal framework ............................................................... 5 A. Rationale ............................................................................................................... 5 B. The Joydevpur-Elenga (JCTE Road) ..................................................................... 5 C. Road Components and Project Design Details ...................................................... 5 D. Alignment and ROW .............................................................................................. 7 E. Details of Rail Over Bridges (ROBs) and Flyovers: ............................................. 14 F. Relocation of Utilities ........................................................................................... 15 G. Construction Material and Sources ...................................................................... 15 H. Existing Traffic and Forecast ................................................................................ 16 I. Project Schedule .................................................................................................. 16 J. ADB‟s Environmental Categorisation ................................................................... 16 III. Legal and Administrative Framework ........................................................................... 22 A. Regulatory Requirements for the Projects ............................................................ 22 B. International Treaties ........................................................................................... 26 C. Asian Development Bank Policies ........................................................................ 26 D. Project Category .................................................................................................. 26 E. Administrative Framework .................................................................................... 27 IV. Description of the Environment .................................................................................... 28 A. Background.......................................................................................................... 28 B. Physical Environment .......................................................................................... 29 C. Water Quality ....................................................................................................... 49 D. Air quality and Noise Levels ................................................................................. 52 E. Terrestrial Ecosystem .......................................................................................... 52 F. Forests and Floral Species .................................................................................. 57 G. Tree within RoW .................................................................................................. 59 H. Aquatic Ecology ................................................................................................... 67 I. Socio-Economic Environment .............................................................................. 67 V. Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures ....................................... 73 A. Impacts on Physical Environment ........................................................................ 73 B. Impact on Biological Environment ........................................................................ 91 C. Impact on Socio-Economic Environment .............................................................. 93 VI. Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Grievance Redress Mechanism ............. 96 A. The EMP .............................................................................................................. 96 B. Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) ............................................................. 100 C. Institutional Capacity .......................................................................................... 102 D. Mitigation, Monitoring and Institution Strengthening Cost ................................... 103 VII. Information Disclosure, Consultation and Participation ............................................... 105 A. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 105 B. Public Consultation Milestone ............................................................................ 105 C. Information Disclosed ........................................................................................ 105 D. Compliance with Relevant Regulatory Requirements ......................................... 106 E. Major Comments Received ................................................................................ 106 F. Integration of comments....................................................................................
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