Annual Report NLB Group is the largest international fi nancial group in 2005 Slovenia, consisting of 58 members in 16 countries all over the world. Focusing on the wishes and requirements of our customers, we have established strong relations based on confi dence, security and mutual respect. We are aware of the fact that perfection is hidden in details. The smallest wishes of our customers and associates may be the most important ones for them. We strive, therefore, to meet their demands in every detail, to investigate thoroughly every possibility, to fulfi ll even the smallest needs that create the feeling of complete satisfaction - one of the essential things in life. Over 3 million customers and associates know why they have entrusted the NLB Group with their banking, fi nancial and insurance matters. We are convinced that we will justify their confi dence and exceed their expectations, so we are headed for the future with a new motto, concentrating all our efforts Annual report 2005 NLB Group in one simple and strong sentence: I know why. NLB d.d., Ljubljana, Trg republike 2, 1520 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Telephone: +386 1/ 425 0155, 476 3900, Telefax: +386 1/ 425 0331, 252 2422, E-mail: [email protected], Internet: http://www.nlb.si, SWIFT: LJBA SI 2X, Reuter: LB LJ, IBAN: SI56 Account number: 01000-0000200097, VAT identifi cation number: SI91132550 Production: Studio Marketing JWT Ljubljana d.o.o., Art director: Matjaæ TomaæiË, Designer: Aleπ Oblak, Text: NLB d.d., Photographs: Mitja BoæiË, Getty images, Printed by: Tiskarna Schwarz d.o.o. Ljubljana, Edition: 900, June 2006 Annual report can be found on web site at http://www.nlb.si Copyright: NLB d.d., Ljubljana, Slovenia 1230 Domžale 1000 Skopje, 44a, 81000 Podgorica NLB Vita, življenjska Key fi nancial highlights Directory of P: 01 724 53 00 Macedonia Serbia and Montenegro zavarovalnica d.d., F: 01 721 68 21 P: + 389 2 310 56 01 P: +381 81 667 655 Ljubljana NLB Group www.banka-domzale.si F: + 389 2 310 56 81 F: +381 81 667 656 Trg republike 3, Andrej Flis, www.tb.com.mk Director: Milan MarkoviÊ 1520 Ljubljana NLB d.d., Ljubljana President of the First general manager: Slovenia Trg republike 2 Management Board Gjorgji JanËevski Optima Leasing d.o.o., P: 01 476 58 00 SI-1520 Ljubljana, Slovenia Mirjam ©tebe, Zagreb F: 01 476 58 10 NLB Group NLB P: +386 1 425 01 55 Member of the NLB Montenegrobanka Savska 41, Miran ViËiË, F: +386 1 425 03 31, Management Board a.d., Podgorica 20000 Zagreb. President of the 252 24 22 Ivan Pirc, Member of the Bulevar Stanka DragojeviÊa Croatia Management Board E: [email protected] Management Board 46, 81000 Podgorica P: +385 1 61 77 225 Hugo Rene Jozef www.nlb.si Montenegro F: +385 1 61 77 228 Verschaetse, 2004 2005 2004 2005 Banka Celje d.d., Celje P: + 381 81 402 000 Director: Bojan MajiÊ Member of the SIT EUR SIT EUR SIT EUR SIT EUR Marjan Kramar, Vodnikova ulica 2, F: + 381 81 402 194 Management Board President of the 3000 Celje General Manager: LHB Finance d.o.o., Key Income Statement fi gures (in million) Key Income Statement fi gures (in million) Management Board P: 03 422 10 00 »rtomir MesariË Ljubljana Skupna pokojninska F: 03 422 11 00 Slovenska 54, družba d.d., Ljubljana Net interest income 58 633 245 64 559 269 Net interest income 37 928 158 38 147 159 Andrej Hazabent, Member of the www.banka-celje.si Continental banka a.d., 1000 Ljubljana Trg republike 3, Net non-interest income 49 770 208 52 141 218 Net non-interest income 38 000 159 37 775 158 Management Board Niko KaË, Novi Sad - NLB Group T. 01 244 70 00 1000 Ljubljana Pierre Van Keirsbilck, President of the Trg Mladenaca 1-3, F: 01 244 70 00 Slovenia Total costs 70 130 293 78 062 326 Total costs 47 915 200 51 087 213 Member of the Management Board 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia Director: Zoran Bizjak P: 01 470 08 40 Management Board Dušan Drofenik, P: + 381 21 422 078 F: 01 470 08 53 Profi t before tax 19 215 80 19 747 82 Profi t before tax 13 790 58 15 021 63 Matej Narat, Member of the F: + 381 21 452 477 Prvi faktor d.o.o., www.skupna.si Minority interest 1 211 5 2 146 9 Net profi t 6 881 29 11 634 49 Member of the Management Board www.cont.co.yu Ljubljana Aljoša UršiË, Management Board Viktorija Svet, General Manager: Slovenska cesta 17, President of the Net profi t 8 666 36 11 913 50 Borut StaniË, Member of the Zoran –uroviÊ 1000 Ljubljana Management Board Member of the Management Board P: 01 200 54 10 Peter Krassnig, Key Balance Sheet fi gures (in million) Management Board NLB Tuzlanska banka d.d., F: 01 200 54 20 Member of the LHB Internationale Tuzla www.prvifaktor.si Management Board Key Balance Sheet fi gures (in million) Balance sheet 1 864 772 7 778 2 231 301 9 314 Erik Marcel Hugo Luts, Member of the Handelsbank AG, Maršala Tita 34, Director: Ernest RibiË Balance sheet 2 366 567 9 871 2 946 206 12 298 Loans to non-banking sector 900 389 3 756 1 140 207 4 759 Management Board Frankfurt/Main 75000 Tuzla Nov penziski fond a.d., P.O. Box 10 14 35, Bosnia and Herzegovina Prvi faktor d.o.o., Zagreb Skopje Loans to non-banking sector 1 247 968 5 205 1 632 011 6 6812 Deposits and borrowing from non-banking sector 1 188 191 4 956 1 221 793 5 100 London 60014 Frankfurt/Main P: + 387 35 251 200 Savska cesta 41, T.C. “Paloma Bjanka” Representative Offi ce Grosse Gallusstrasse 16, F: + 387 35 251 414 20000 Zagreb Dame Gruev 16, Deposits and borrowing from non-banking sector 1 473 074 6 144 1 660 236 6 930 Total equity 121 098 505 130 520 545 65/66 Queen Street 60311 Frankfurt/Main General Manager: Croatia 1000 Skopje, Total equity 117 174 489 126 804 529 London EC4 1EB Germany Almir ©ahinpašiÊ P: +385 1 617 66 29 Macedonia Great Britain P: + 49 69 21 060 F: +385 1 617 66 34 P: + 389 2 3236 985 Minority interest 20 760 87 22 060 92 Key performance fi gures P: +44 (0)20 7 329 2828 F: + 49 69 21 06 201 NLB Leasing d.o.o., www.prvifaktor.com F: + 389 2 3236 988 F: +44 (0)20 7 489 0166 www.lhb.de Ljubljana Director: Valentin ViËiË First general manager: Return on average equity before tax (ROE) 11.6% 11.9% Director: Doroteja Žerjal Boris Zakrajšek, ©martinska 130, Kristijan Pavlovski President of the 1520 Ljubljana Prvi faktor - faktoring Key performance fi gures Return on average assets before tax (ROA) 0.8% 0.7% Moscow Management Board P: 01 586 29 10 d.o.o., NLB Skladi, upravljanje Return on average equity before tax (ROE) 14.2% 13.8% Costs to net income (CIR) 63.1% 67.3% (62.7%)* Representative offi ce Nikola MrkiË, Member of the F: 01 586 29 40 Kralja Petra br. 45, Belgrade premoženja, d.o.o., 31, Novinsky boulevard Management Board www.lbleasing.si Serbia and Montenegro Ljubljana Return on average assets before tax (ROA) 0.8% 0.7% Market share in total assets 32.7% 32.0% Offi ce 8 - 14 Borut SimoniË, P: +381 11 628 050 »opova ulica 3, 123242 Moscow, Representative offi ces: President of the F: +381 263 4633 1000 Ljubljana Costs to net income (CIR) 64.7% 66.9% (63.9%)* Capital adequacy 11.7% 10.2% Russia Zagreb, Beograd Management Board Director: Miloš SmiljaniÊ Slovenia Capital adequacy 10.8% 9.0% P: +7 095 589 23 02, Samo Turk, P: 01 476 52 70 589 23 03, 589 23 04 West East Bank a.d., Member of the Prvi faktor d.o.o., Sarajevo F: 01 476 52 99 Key fi gures under IFRS F: +7 095 589 2305 Sophia Management Board Ul. Zmaja od Bosne www.nlbskladi.si Director: Ernest Zvar Dragan Tsankov Blvd. 36, br. 14 c/1, Sarajevo Robert Kleindienst, Key fi gures under IFRS Profi t before tax (in million) 13 252 55 15 224 64 Sofi a, Bulgaria NLB Leasing Bosnia and Herzegovina President of the Murska Sobota d.o.o P: +387 33 612 087 Management Board Profi t before tax (in million) 22 157 92 25 250 105 Profi t after tax (in million) 9 310 39 11 403 48 Prague P: + 359 2 970 24 15 Representative Offi ce F: + 359 2 970 24 42 Ul. ©tefana KovaËa 12, 9000 F: +387 33 612 088 Igo Gruden, Profi t after tax (in million) 13 643 57 16 973 71 Return on average equity before tax (ROE) 10.4% 10.7% Palac Blanic, www.westeastbank.com Murska Sobota Director: Nedim RizvanoviÊ Member of the Vaclavske namesti 56 Dušan ValenËiË, P: 02 515 4184 Management Board Return on average equity before tax (ROE) 11.8% 12.4% Return on average assets before tax (ROA) 0.8% 0.7% 11326 Prague President of the F: 02 515 43 82 NLB Factoring, a.s., Czech Republic Management Board Director: ©tefan ©Ëap Ostrava Prospera Plus d.o.o., Return on average assets before tax (ROA) 1.0% 0.9% Capital adequacy under BIS 15.6 % 13.4% P: +42 02 24 032 870 Nabil Khalil Issa, Gorkeho 2, 70200 Ostrava Ljubljana Capital adequacy under BIS 15.8% 13.2% F: +42 02 24 032 874 Member of the NLB Leasing Maribor, - Moravska Ostrava ©martinska cesta 132 Director of the representative Management Board d.o.o.
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