Effects of Aquaculture on World Fish Supplies Nature 405, 1017-1024 (2000) BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Aquaculture Environment Interactions Direct Effects Indirect Effects trailer BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Issues to Cover Genetic interactions Fish Oil/Fish Meal Capture Based Aquaculture Extra considerations: Global vs Local trends Fishery sustainability BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries What are the industrial fisheries? What are the issues? 1. Availability - Globalization 2. Sustainability of fisheries 3. Impact on trophic web BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Increase in global aquaculture in relation to capture fisheries Source: SOFIA 2012 FAO BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Using wild fish for aquaculture feed What are the answers we need? Skretting Whole fish vs By-products % FI-FO «Trash fish» use BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries How much fish is needed? Summary totals for fed species and aquafeed production (million tonnes) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 Production, Million Tonnes Million Production, 10 0 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014 2019 YEAR Total fed aquaculture production Total feeds used Source: Tacon et al 2011 FAO BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries What species use the most feeds? (Tacon et al 2011) BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Example: Fish production in Norway from both wild fisheries and aquaculture in 2000, together with the amount of wild fish used to produce farmed fish BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Conversion of Wild Fish to Farmed Fish: the efficiency argument 5.16 4.69 2.81 3.16 2.46 1.41 0.94 0.84 0.75 1.90 BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Wild fish inputs used in feed for the ten most common farmed fish and shellfish: What does it cost to produce 1 kg in aquaculture? Total % Ratio of %fishmeal in % fish oil in Average Species Production produced wild:farmed feed feed FCR (k tonnes) with feed fish Marine fish 754 50 50 15 2.2 5.16 Eel 233 50 50 10 2 4.69 Marine shrimp 942 77 30 2 2 2.81 Salmon 737 100 45 25 1.5 3.16 Trout 473 100 35 20 1.5 2.46 Tilapia 946 35 15 1 2 1.41 Milkfish 392 20 10 3 2 0.94 Catfish 428 82 10 3 1.8 0.84 Carp Fed 6985 35 8 1 2 0.75 Filter-feeding 5189 0 Molluscs 7321 0 FIFO explained, as pdf or click here BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Fishmeal demand by sector in 2002 and 2010. BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Fishmeal demand 1995 - 2010 BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Demand for fish oil by sector in 2002 and 2010. BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Variation in yields of fishmeal and fish oil from different species On average, roughly 6 kg of fish is needed to produce 1 kg of fishmeal, and roughly 12 kg of fish is needed to produce 1 kg of fish oil. According to EWOS (2001), ‘for every 100 kg of fish that are caught, 5 kg of fish oil, and 18 kg of fishmeal is obtained .’ BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Who does the fishmeal and fish oil come from? BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Global fishmeal and fish oil production: where does it come from? (Tacon et al 2011) BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Catches of the three important ¨industrial ¨ fish species in the SE Pacific, 1970 - 2000. BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries South American pilchard - Sardinops sagax The South American pilchard feeds mainly on planktonic crustaceans such as copepods, and phytoplankton. South American pilchard is an important prey for various large fish, birds and marine mammals. While some of the pilchard catch goes to human consumption, most is utilised for fishmeal and fish oil production. Dramatic decrease in catch. Following the first catches in 1961, the harvest increased from the 1970s, and peaked in 1985 at 6.5 million mt. Dramatic decline due to El Nino and over-fishing - total catch in 2001 was 60,406 mt. Maximum exploitation. BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Anchoveta (Peruvian anchovy) - Engraulis ringens The anchovy is a plankton feeder, and is completely dependent upon the rich phytoplankton created by the upwelling nutrient-rich water. Lives for 3 years and grows up to 20 cm. The anchoveta is an important prey for many seabirds. Anchoveta is caught to produce fishmeal and fish oil, and is one of the most heavily exploited fish in world history. After peaking in the 1970s (> 13 million mt), catches declined dramatically due to overfishing and a strong El Nino in the 1980s. During the 1990s the stock recovered until the strong El Nino in 1997-1998. The catch in 2001 was 6,443,000 mt. Maximum exploitation. BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Chilean jack mackerel - Trachurus murphyi Chilean jack mackerel feeds primarily on crustaceans and shrimps, but also small fishes and squid. Chilean jack mackerel is caught commercially using trawls, purse seines or long line. Can grow up to 60 cm, and is canned for human consumption as well as being used for fish meal production. Decrease in stock since 1996. Total catch in 2000 was 1,540,494 mt. BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Stock catches of the main ¨industrial ¨ fish species in the North East Atlantic, 1970 - 2000. ICES fish stock status reports BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Atlantic herring - Clupea harengus The Atlantic herring can grow up to 40 cm, but is usually 20-25 cm, and matures at 3-9 years. The herring feeds mainly on planktonic copepods, but eats other zooplankton (amphipods, euphausids) and small fish. The Atlantic herring is one of the most numerous fish, and has been traditionally exploited in northern Europe. Stocks have collapsed in the mid-1960s and again in the mid-1970s due to over exploitation. Norwegian spring-spawning stock and autumn-spawning stock is OK. North Sea spring-spawning stock is exploited outside safe biological limits. Total Atlantic herring catch in 1990 was 2,400,000 mt, most of which was used for human consumption, but the surplus was used for fishmeal and fish oil production. Important food for many fish species (salmon, cod) and is probably the most important prey for killer whales. BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries European sprat - Sprattus sprattus The European sprat grows to 12-16 cm, and feeds on planktonic crustaceans. The European sprat is important in the North Sea, the Baltic and the Norwegian coastal waters. In 2001, catches of 340,000 and 200,000 mt was reported for the Baltic Sea and North Sea respectively. Most sprat is used in fishmeal and fish oil production, although a small amount is used for human consumption (sold as ¨anchovy ¨). The state of sprat stocks is assessed together with herring. BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Capelin - Mallotus villosus Capelin may reach a maximum size of 23 cm, and feeds on small planktonic crustaceans (copepods, amphipods, euphausids) and small fish. Capelin is a key species in the food chain of the circumpolar waters, as it forms a major part of the diet for cod, haddock, seabirds (e.g. puffin and guillemot), cetaceans, and its larvae is feed for herring. Stocks are fully exploited , but within safe biological limits. However, the Barents Sea stock collapsed in 1986 due to over fishing, and stocks were expected to decrease in 2003. In 2001, the Barents Sea catch was 568,000 mt, while the Iceland-Jan Mayen catch was 1,125,000 mt Main countries catching capelin are Iceland, Norway and Russia. BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Norway pout - Trisopterus esmarkii The Norway pout reaches 25 cm, but is typically 13-19 cm. This species feeds on bottom living crustaceans (shrimps and amphipods) as well as small fish. The Norway pout is an important prey species for many larger demersal fish species (cod). Present stocks within safe biological limits. Total catch in 2001 was 65,600 mt. BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Blue whiting - Micromesistius poutassou The blue whiting can reach 50 cm, but is normally in the range 15-30 cm. Feeds mostly on small crustaceans, but will also eat small fish and cephalopods. Blue whiting is an important prey for larger fish such as ling, cod, haddock and also marine mammals such as pilot whales and common dolphins. Maximum exploitation . Presently, stocks harvested outside safe biological limits. The total catch in 2001 was almost 1.8 million mt. Most of the catch was landed for industrial purposes (fishmeal and fish oil production), although increasing quantities are sold for human consumption. Principle countries: Norway, Iceland, Russia and the Faeroe Islands. BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Small sandeel and Lesser sandeel - Ammodytes marinus & A. tobianus The small sandeel can reach 20 cm and the lesser sandeel can reach 25 cm. Sandeels feed on small planktonic crustaceans, fish eggs and larvae. Small sandeel is an important prey for many larger fish such as cod, and many sea birds (e.g. puffin). Maximum exploitation , although stocks are presently within safe biological limits. During the last decades, the sandeel has become increasingly important for the fishery industry due to the decline of other more traditional species such as the herring and mackerel. BIO 208 - 2016 Impact on Wild Fisheries Atlantic horse mackerel - Trachurus trachurus Atlantic horse mackerel can grow up to 60 cm, but is generally in the range 15 - 30 cm.
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