Front. Archit. Civ. Eng. China 2011, 5(4): 405–414 DOI 10.1007/s11709-011-0136-4 REVIEW Michael CH HUI, Doris YAU Major bridge development in Hong Kong, China—past, present and future © Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 Abstract The first “modern” type of vehicular bridge (the then British Foreign Secretary) had disparagingly was built in Hong Kong China in the 1920s. The need for described as “a barren island, with hardly a house upon it”. an efficient transportation system to cope with population Subsequently, Hong Kong started to develop into an growth and enable economic development has demanded industrial and manufacturing center after the Second World the construction of more and more bridges since the middle War. Transportation networks were also developed to cope of the 20th century. By 2007, Hong Kong had a total of with ever-increasing economic and social activities. More about 1300 vehicular bridges. Four of these bridges, and more bridges have since been built. To transform Hong including the Tsing Ma Bridge, Kap Shui Mun Bridge, Kong from an industrial city to an international financial Ting Kau Bridge, and the cable-stayed bridge on the Hong center in the late 1990s, Hong Kong was in need of a Kong- Shenzhen Western Corridor, are considered to be world-class international airport and an efficient transpor- major bridges supported by cables. Currently, the Stone- tation network to connect the airport with the various parts cutters Bridge on Route No. 8 is under construction and is of the city. A number of major cable supported bridges expected to be completed in late 2009. At the same time, were built on the airport access routes as a result. the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will be in its Upon completion of the airport project, the focus of road detailed design stage soon. While efforts have been made transport projects was transferred to cross boundary by bridge builders to construct these giant structures, the crossings and the improvement of the local strategic road upkeeping of these valuable assets at a high standard and network. The Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western Corridor ensuring their continuous functioning and performance (HK-SWC) was completed 10 years after the territory’s during their intended lifespans will be another important return to the Mainland. Meanwhile, the Stonecutters task for bridge engineers. Wind and structural health Bridge on Route No. 8 is currently under construction monitoring system (WASHMS) will play a key role in this and is expected to be completed in late 2009. respect. Looking to the near future, the mega Hong Kong- Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will soon enter its detailed design Keywords Tsing Ma Bridge, Kap Shui Mun Bridge, Ting phase for target commencement in 2010. Experience Kau Bridge, Stonecutters Bridge, Hong Kong-Zhuhai- gained in constructing the earlier major bridges will Macao Bridge, wind and structural health monitoring definitely contribute to building this mega bridge. system (WASHMS) 2 Bridge building in Hong Kong 1 Introduction 2.1 Early days Looking back in history, Hong Kong, China began in the middle of the 19th century as a fishing village where one Hong Kong has a steep and hilly terrain. In the old days, could hardly find any bridges on what Lord Palmerston most of its inhabitants could only cluster along the northern shore of Hong Kong Island and on the Kowloon Received September 2, 2011; accepted September 28, 2011 Peninsula. Throughout the 19th century, sea transport was ✉ the only means of transport in Hong Kong. All movement Michael CH HUI ( ), Doris YAU of goods within or outside the territory had to be done by S15/F, Civil Engineering and Development Building, 101, Princess Margaret Road, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China sea as all warehouses lay along a 5 km stretch of the E-mail: [email protected] Island’s northern shore. The first motor car was delivered 406 Front. Archit. Civ. Eng. China 2011, 5(4): 405–414 to Hong Kong in 1915, but it was not until the 1920s that service-based economy in the 1980s and then matured to steps were taken to cater for motor vehicles specifically. become a financial center in the 1990s. This was the time when the first “modern” vehicular bridge From the 1980s to the late 1990s, Hong Kong was at its (Kwong Fuk Bridge) in Tai Po was built (Fig. 1) [1]. Even golden age of bridge building during which a number of in the immediate post-Second-World-War years, Hong world class bridges were built. In the late 1980s/early Kong had very few local industrial and economic 1990s, Hong Kong decided to move its airport from the activities. Apart from railway, the most common types of city center of Kowloon to Chek Lap Kok on the Lantau land transport at that time were rickshaws and sedan chairs. Island. The new airport necessitated the construction of a Bridges were usually built using primitive materials like major new strategic highway of approximately 34 km in timber, stone, or cast iron. length between the western part of Hong Kong Island and The situation changed in the 1960s when Hong Kong the airport. This was the first physical connection between experienced a sudden surge in population growth due to the Kowloon Peninsula and Lantau. The key part of the the influx of immigrants from the Mainland. As industry connection is the spectacular 4 km long Lantau Link, developed and population began to multiply, Hong Kong comprising the 1377 m span Tsing Ma suspension bridge was faced with the urgent task of providing homes and and the 430 m span Kap Shui Mun cable-stayed bridge. infrastructures for its people. An ambitious program was These two bridges carry both road and rail traffic. implemented to provide new homes in the new towns of Shortly after the commissioning of the Airport Access the New Territories for about 1.8 million people in mid Links, the Route No. 3 (Country Park Section) was 1980s. One of the foremost items in this program was to commissioned in 1998 to connect traffic from the north- provide better transport connections among these new west New Territories to the Lantau Link. The 1177 m long towns. As a result, more and more bridges and viaducts Ting Kau cable-stayed bridge forms part of this route. It is were constructed as part of the program. With such a boom a unique and visually impressive structure, which in the bridge construction industry and advances in continues to attract world-wide and local interest. construction technology and material science, bridges The Airport Core Programme was an extremely complex were usually designed as reinforced/prestressed concrete and fast tracked program. To ensure successful implemen- structures. Moreover, the precast segmental construction tation of this ambitious program, Hong Kong looked for method was introduced to Hong Kong in the 1980s for imported technology including different levels of expatri- constructing bridge viaducts over busy roads or above the ate personnel from experts down to construction super- sea near the shoreline. visors and skilled laborers. As a result of the technology transfer, Hong Kong has nurtured a number of experts in bridge construction and project management. The quality and standard of the local construction industry have also been improved significantly. The following major bridges were constructed during the golden age of bridge building history in Hong Kong. 2.2.1 Tsing Ma Bridge [2] Tsing Ma Bridge has a main span of 1377 m and an overall length of 2160 m (Fig. 2). Obviously, a bridge of this span length would be extremely flexible and wind sensitive. The following discussions will focus on this aspect. As the Tsing Ma Bridge will be the only road/rail link to the airport, it is essential that this access be maintained in all but the most severe weather conditions. This “all-weather” capability is achieved by locating the Fig. 1 Kwong Fuk Bridge in Tai Po two railway tracks and two protected roadways in the lower deck, where they will be protected by stainless steel 2.2 Hong Kong’s new airport cladding. The final design uses a double-deck steel box construction with truss stiffening and non-structural edge China started to implement its open-door policy in the late fairings (Fig. 3). 1970s. As a result, industrial activities in Hong Kong were Learning from the experience of the Tacoma Narrows gradually shifted northwards to areas in the Pearl River Bridge collapse in 1940, the deck of the Tsing Ma Bridge Delta such as Dongguan. Hong Kong underwent a rapid was streamlined. Extensive wind tunnel tests confirmed transition from an industrial and manufacturing center to a that the adoption of a streamlined deck section with faired Michael CH HUI et al. Major bridge development in Hong Kong, China—past, present and future 407 Fig. 2 Elevation of the Tsing Ma Bridge 2.2.2 Kap Shui Mun Bridge [2] The Kap Shui Mun Bridge has a main span of 430 m and an overall length of 750 m (Fig. 4). Like the Tsing Ma Bridge, it carries a six-lane highway on the upper deck and twin railway tracks plus two sheltered road lanes on the lower. It is supported by two planes of stay cables. The bridge is a record-breaker in its own right, but is often overshadowed by its giant neighbor on the same link. There are a number of unique features on this bridge. It is one of the stiffest structures ever to be incrementally launched, and has perhaps the most heavily-loaded cable stay towers ever built.
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