\I=r<rcrr€. qrrftrT ++; (r*ws: qr.frq +e +5) s Uttarakhand Grarnin Bank (Sporrsor.ed by State Bank of IDdae) II qqr< +rqtq+ ISqt-s, +E<IAT, 24aoot €-tq : ugb_gpo(a)rediff'mail.com q)<:-or gs.zz 1 cr,6c..27 1cle;6r *m 01 3s-22 1cr;62 t'Jttarakhand Gramin Bank, Head office, l8- New Road Dehradun invites VeI1dorSforofComputerHardwareItemsinstalledatdilterentsealed tender on item rate basis fi.om intc.rc-stecl Branches & Offices across Uttarakhand state (Annexure-C). Details of tender are as under. 0l' The oftbr will be in Two Parts i.e. Technical bid, containing Technical information & Commercial bid. containing commercial information as under: - i) First part i,e. technical bid. Should be submitted in separate sealed envelope duly super-scribed as,,Teqh,nigaltrid lirr AMC of Qomputer. Hatdryare I as per Annexure A.B.C.D enclosed. ii) Second i'e. commercial Part bid, Should be submitted in separate sealed envelope duly super-scribed as ,,Corgmercial bid Por AMQ of FgmnFfgf Hardryare" as per Annexure E enclosed. Both the bids shall enclosed be in another sealed envelope super-scribed as "Tender for AMC of Copputer Hardware., & the address of the should Bidder be mentioned in the teri bottom side of each of the envelope with phone number & valid Email ID and it must reach to- arV 02. Scone ofwork: J'he. on-site Cornppheqsive AMC shall consist of preventive and corrective maintenance of the Computer Systems/ machines at the different Branches and offices of the Bank located in l3 districts of Uttqrakhand from 01.0g.2021 t,.r 3l '07 will Computer '2022.11 cover Hardware, Printers, Scanners, Software/o.S. installaiion, existing LAN setup and other peripherals etc' The vendoronce in a quarter will perform preventive maintenance of ail machines ind the service reports will be duly signed by concerned Bank officials. At the time of submitting invoice for payment, the copy of t5e service reports are to submitted. be The estimated quantity of hardware items are mentioned in Annixure -8, it may vary from g to lUYo at the time of contract or even during the period of AMC which may be included or excluded tiom the list anC the location of the computer hardware may also be changed. The AMC vendoi shall include or exclude these items under the AMC on being infosmed by the Bank. 03. Amendpgnt Tg Tq{dpI DosFlnents: l'he Bank rnay modify any of the terms & conditions at its sole discretion. The amendment/ corrigerrclurn. il';urv vrili he displayed on bank's website' In case of any amendment, the Bank at its discretion may extend the cutoff clate lbr subnrission of bid. 0{. Technical Offer/ Bi4 The Techrrical bid (Annexure A,B,C,D) must be made in an organized & structured manper, duly indexecl rvith each page se|ially numbered appropriately & binded, keeping check list at the top. It should be completed in all aspects & c6ntain all the inlbrmation asked for. ETcept price Information. 05. Cornqc.rcial Offer/ Fid The conrnrercial (Annexure bid E) should contain relevant price inlormation & the rates should be quotecl in Ipdian rlrpeer, 'Ihe )"" ''" only. Rates quoted should be Excludine Tax. (,;..,uo tl6. Erasures r'.: 06. 0rOr Alterations: t-{f Itlsertiotls. post scripts additions & alterations shall not be valid unless cont'irmed by the Vendor's sig,ature a{Sia,rp. )A\ l{r 07. AuthorizedSisnatorv: l'he selected bidder shall indicate the authorized signatories who would correspond with Bank i, regard to the obligations under the contract' The selected bidder shall submit at the time of signing the agreement a certified copy of the resolutiorr of their board' authenticated by the company secretary. authorizing an official(s) of their to discuss. sig, agreements, raise invoice. accept payments & also to correspond. 08. in providing Covernment i -ri'n rio*'"lroi,".i"'Ji"tlJIl services. - three years' Audited Annual Financial Statement/lncome tax returns - to be enclosed;. The Bank shall be under no obrigation to accept the rowest s1 any other offer received in response to this tender notice & shall be entitred to reject any or a[ offers withoui assigning any reason whatsoever. Bank will not be obliged meet to & discuss with any bidder &/or listen to any representations once their offer/ bid is rejected' Any decision of Bank in this regard shall be final, conclusive & binding upon the bidders. Maintenance work should be carried out once in a quarter at each site & the same recorded -'should be properly under authentication of the Bank's Branches in tne fo.m of a ,,service-rrp*;, Beqide preventive paintenance, any breakdown call for suppolt shall have to be attended by the selected vendor within 0l (Response time). day The defective hardware (except server) if any, should be on site repaired / replaced & the hardware should be put back to operation wit-hin.o: days of ieporting the defects (Resolution time). ! f lai Ni If the selected Vendor does not commence the rectification either by repair or replacemcnt o{. suclr hardware & puts back the hardware into regular operation within 03 days, penalty at the rate of Rs. l00i- per day hardware from the date Per of reporting of defect will be imposed & the same will be declucte{ from the AMC charges. Non availability of spares/ components will not be accepted as a reason tbr waiving of penalty towards delay in rendering prompt service. The selected Vendor will not outsource the maintenance work to any third party & will arrange atterndir-rg all complaints through its own service/ support infrastructure. The components/ parts/ accessories repraced in computer hardware shall have to be original, new & no duplicate/ second hand components/ parts/ accessories shall be accepted by the Pase 2 ol'16 hundted) OR submit Bunk guutant"" of eqrul urnornt f.orn a l"udirg Gnk *ith uulidity,,o t,, "ornrn".ciul "P The Bidders are also advised to examine all the instructions, terms & conditions and furnish the required i nformation unambiguously. acceptance of the terms & condition. 1'heBidder(s)mustsubmitearnestmoneydepositintheformofdemand draftl payorderforapanrountofRs2.5.000,- (Rs' Twenty Five_ Thousand only) drawn in favour of Uttarakhand Cramln-Bank Dehradun. Head office lg, Nerv Road The EMD of u,successful bidders wilr be retumed to them. The EMD of successful bidder may lrowever be forfeited under the following circumstances: i) tf the bidder pakes any statement or encloses any documents that turns out to be false. incorrect &ior rnisleading at any time prior to signing of contract &7 or conceals or suppresses material informatio,. ii) ln case of successfll bidder fails to Sign the contract in the form & manner to the satisfaction of the Bank 10. Technical And ComUrercial evaluation The Technical Bids wiil be evaruated as per eligibirity criteria. The decision of the Bank with regard to the pre- qualification criteria will be final. The Financial blds of only those vendo4s; who qualify in the Technical bid shall be opened. The date of opening of financial bid will be informed to rhe vendoru tt,rough phone call. After opening of tlnancial bid of the Bidders' if any difference "_mail/ is found in the price in figr.e a'frii* i. words then the price quoted in words will prevail, I l. RgiecJion,gritelifl a) Conditional offer. b) If any Bidder quotes price in technical bid. c) Bidder does not fulfill any of the eligibility criteria. In d) case of non-adherence to the format or partial submission of tender. e) If apy information/ document fumished with the bid found to be false & fabricated, Bid not f) accompanied with relevant annexure enclosure or incomplete enclosure. g) Tender not accompanied by demand draftlpay order of Rs 25,00)01-( EMD) The Bank may waive any minor informality. non-conformity, or iregularity of a tender which does not constitute a material deviation&suchwaiverdoesnotprejudiceoraffecttherelativerankingofanyBidder. 12. Asreement From the date of receiPt of the offer" within l5 days, selected vendorwill have to enter into an agreement r,r,ith Banks standard fonrat. Tender documents together with offer letter will form paft of tender docurnents. Urrtil a fi,al agreenlent is executed, the accepted copy of offer letter. together with tender documents shall constitute a binding contract between Vendor & the Bank. 13. TerminatioJr of ggEtragt l'he Bank reserves the right to cancel/ terminate the contract & recover expenditure/ Ioss incurred by the bank under the fbl lor.ving circumstances: - i) ln case of breach of the terms & conditions of this tender by the selected Vendor & its failure t, rernedl,such breach within a period of two (02) weeks from the date of receipt of default notice from the Bapk. ii) The Ve,dor goes into riquidation, voruntariry or otherwise. iii) The Bank releJYe: the right to.recover any dues payable by.t_he selected Vendor (including the peralries it' anv) from anv amolrnt ouistanding to thsciedii i.i"-"tdd V;*i;;, irir.iaiiiE "?filJ tr",i'li"iroiiisfbi'l'ir.'''"' l.f. Insurance l-he selected Vendor shall at its cost & expense, purchase & maintain during AMC period necessary, including but not lintited to the followings: _ i) Vendor's all risk insurance. ii) Workmen's cornpensation insurance. iii) comprehensive third party riabirity insurance incruding injury or death to personnel who may enter the Branch & Offlce premises of the Bank. iu) Arry other insurance that may be necessary to protect the Bidder, its employees & its assets (agailst loss. dalnage or destruction at replacentent value) inciuding all natural calamityihat are insurable & .ot otherlvise covered above. 15. Jurisdiction 'llte contract arisirrg out of this tender shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of lndia. The juris<Jiction of the courts shall be Dehradun (Uttarakhand) only.
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