1. Traditional Kurdistan Mωaw

1. Traditional Kurdistan Mωaw

.Ank.r • TURKEY IRAN Mediterranean Sea • Cuy ,l town 4队也 Mountain range EGYPT o 200 m.les SAUDI ARABIA MMWU 1. Traditional Kurdistan MωAW Lake Urmiya • Ushnavia .Miandoab Mt. Dalanpur \ .Mahabad A. Mt. Handrin Ga!ala I \ Ruwanduz 4 1\111. Zoz;c 、.I':II HaiOmran A Betwahta. _町'飞、 3mya、飞 Jebal Sinjar • t1 • Saqqiz • Arbif ~. Oaia-Diza • Baneh Dukan ,I • .Mahvout_ Malouma ~ ~ • Pishdar ..时, Cha 卧 Razan" Chwarta. • .l IRAQ IRAN • ~anjwin .Kirkuk Suliemaniyeh .Sanandaj …… h回 rnational boundary Kifri 阳wn • C;ry I . 050miles Khanaqin ∞ kilometres o 1 . 2. Northern Italy • Erzurum .Sivas .Erzincan .Agri TURKEY .Dersim 也飞鸟 .M 副 atya Md?" Tabriz D,varbaki,• / 气、 . .Siirt Marash Batman Mardin • Urfa .::m6!f1 Ulnll 飞 '..J J 、 ,•----- ~因..‘ b IRAN SYRIA IRAQ 3. South-eastern Turkey Mω Mω ∞ . Sírnak -Hakkari ∞ . Sírnak -Hakkari • Erzurum .Sivas .Erzincan .Agri -Amadiya TURKEY-Amadiya Dersim . Oohuk ..Oo huk 也飞鸟 IRAN IRAN .M 副 atya Md?" KAR KAR Tabriz D,varbaki,• / 气、 . .Siirt Marash Batman 0 Mardin 360 PARALLEl 36 PARALL • Urfa .::m6!f1 Ulnll 飞 '..J El J 、 ,•----- ~因..‘ b IRAN Non-Kurdish Territory Non-Kurdish Territory International houndary …-International houndary SYRIA …-• Clty I lown • Clty I lown I(irkuk 川同叼圳 I(.i rkuk C=J KAR 刷刷h 阳阳n . 刷刷h 阳阳n川同叼圳 C=J KAR IRAQ 01∞ k , lometres 01∞ k , lometres Halab,a Ò sO miles Halab,a Ò sO miles 3.4. SouthKurdish-eastern Autonomy Turkey Region 4. Kurdish Autonomy Region 可 Bibliography The following works are among 由e many 1 have read with profìt and pleas­ ure, and 1 would like to record my thanks to the authors, editors or com­ pilers. Where material has been used in 由 is book, due acknowledgement is made within the text. Adamson, Da由1 (1964) The Kurdish 阴'ar (London: Allen & Unwin). Arfa, H孤鼠n (1 966) The Kurds (London: Oxford University Press). Bois, Thomas (1965) TIIe Kurds (Beirut: Khayats). Bull时h.John and Harvey Morris (1993) NoFriends Imt the Mωn刷刷(London: Penguin). Chalia时, Gerard (1993) People luithout a Countη( London: Zed Press). Dann, Uriel (1969) Iraq Under Kassem (New York: Praeger). Eagleton, WilIiam (1 963) TIIe Kurdish Rψublic 011946 (London: Oxford Uni- versity Press). Ghassemlou, Abdul Rahman (1 965) Ku呻stan and the Kum.s (London: Collets). Guest, John S. (1 989) The Yez.idis (London: KPI). Kinnane, Derk (1964) The Kurds and Kurdistan (London: Oxford University Press). Kurdish Library, Kurdish Life (periodical - New York, USA). Kutschera, Chris (1979) Le mouvement 110tional kurde (Paris: Edition Harmattan) . McDowall, Da'功d (1 985) TIIe Kurds, Minority Right~ Group, Report No. 23 (1ρndon: Minority Rights Group). Mauries, René (1967) Le Kurdistan ou le Mort (Paris: Robert Laffont). Schmidt, Dana Adama (1964) 10u m。仰umg Brave Mm (Boston: Little, Brown). The following periodicals, news agencies and so 011 were also cOl1sulted. UK: Guardia饵 , Daily TelegmPh, Middle East Economic Digest, ObserueJ", Reuters, 缸nday TelegraPh, TIIe Sunday Times, The Middle East, TIIe Times. USA: Inηt阳er仰m阳111削t Nelll.ω'sd彼4α句JY , Nelll Y0忱1:k ηm阳eJ民, 阴也旬伽u矶hin~♂伊严阳0佣n PO:ω冒吮t, US扭:A Today, Time. France: Agence France-Presse, Le Monde. Turkey (extracts in translation): Anatolian News Agency, Gunaydin, Huniyet, Milli如't, Q喀U1. Gundem. Iran: Islamic Republican News Agency. Knyall, Tehmn ηη'tes. Iraq: Bnghdad Tim肘, Iraqi News Agency. Radio Baghdad, Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan. 239 Index Note: the following are omitted 豁出ey appear on most pages - Kurd(s)­ (ish) (s田吟, lran(ian) (吟, Iraq(i)(s) and Turkey(ish) (s) Abdul Hamid, Sultan 9 Amsterdam 165 Acikyol 162 Anatolia 1, 6-7, 10, 14-16, 19, 44 Adamson, Da'功d 61 Anglo也nerican 29 Adiyamen 117 Anglo-lraqi Treaty (1930) 20 Aegean 222 Anglo-Russian Entente 9 Mghanistan 3, 107, 119, 120, 182 Ankara 45, 80, 104, 106, 146-7, Mrica 188 151-2, 154, 157-8, 167, 173, Ahmad, Ibrahim 36-8, 40-3, 49, 181, 194, 202, 204, 206, 217, 74, 85, 87, 90, 92, 99 221-4, 227, 229, 232, 234 Ahmad-Talabini-KDP 84-8, 90, Antalya 46, 215, 222 103 Apocular (Apocus) (Apo) 106, Ain zallah 60 146, 207 Ajina, Rajim 1 佣 Aqrawi, Hashim 100, 102, 135 Akbulut, Yùdirm 156 Arab(s) 1, 3, 12, 18-19, 36, 39, Akda 40 43, 51 , 59, 63-4, 68, 73, 75-6, Akra 27, 66, 230 85, 90, 92, 110, 121-3, 141-2, AlA 118 153, 176, 184-5, 188, 202, 207 Albania 147 'Arabisation' 129 Aleppo 25 Arab-Israeli War (1967) 85 Alexander the Great 5 Ararat, Mount 15-16, 34 Algeria(n) (s) 71 , 97, 104 Atas, river 34 Algiers 97 Arbil 3, 23, 35, 40, 58-60, 66, 69, Algiers Agreement (Treaty) 97-8, 75-7, 85, 88, 90, 96-7, 104, 123 129-30, 137, 143-4, 172, ‘Ali Firkat' 151 185-6, 189, 191-2, 195-6, Alinak, Mahmut 209 200, 202, 205, 229, 231 Ali归,Karim 140 Aref, Abdul Rahman 82, 84-5 Allied(s) (Alliance) 10, 12-14, 19, Aref, Abdul Salem 64斗, 68-70 , 21 , 36, 182-3, 185-6, 190, 73, 76-7, 82 196-9, 202-4, 208, 212, 219, ARGK 154-7, 159, 162-4, 166-8, 229-30 173, 178-83, 203-4, 206-7, Alvand, Mount 33 210-25, 227-8, 231-2 Amadiya 50 Arkou, tribe 42, 47, 49 America(n)(s) 12, 14, 19, 30, 48, Armenia(n) (s) 3, 8-10, 12-14, 64, 93-5, 97, 114, 118, 128, 17, 118, 226, 234 152, 174, 182-3, 190, 192, Armenian Massacres 7, 165 200, 215, 219, 222, 224, 231-2 Asian 179 Amir Khan 29 Asian毛aucasian-European 228 Amnesty Intemational 117-18, Askari, Ali 99, 103, 106 1 钊, 145, 157-8, 164-5, 206 A部ad , Hafez 121, 212, 218, 227 241 242 Index Assyria(n) (s) 1, 3, 8, 10, 17, 20, Barzan 20, 24, 26-7, 33-4, 47, 47, 58, 199 57, 66, 84 ASU 73, 76 Barzani, tribe 20, 27 ,钮, 31-5 , Ataturk (Mustafa Kemal) 14-16, 42, 47, 78, 132, 141 , 187 19, 44, 167 Barzani, Ahmad, Sheikh 20, 33-5, Athens 165 37, 39, 43, 57, 68, 74-5 Australia(n) (s) 215, 221-2 Barzani, Idris 90, 103, 115, 137, 144 Austria(n) (s) 10, 128-9, 189 Barzani-KDP 143, 169-70 Axis Powers 21 Barzani, Lokman 43, 74 Azsai, newspaper 23 Barzani, Masoud 90, 103, 115-16, Azerbaijan 3, 10, 32, 110, 114-15, 137, 143-4, 172, 186-7, 191-2, 234 194-200, 202, 207-8, 131 Azir, newspaper 23 Barzani, Mohammed Khalil 35 Aziz, Othman Abd al 199 Barzani, Mullah Mustafa 20, Aziz, Said 75 23-4, 26-8, 30-2, 34-8, Aziz, Tariq 100 40-3, 47-68, 70-9, 81-100, 102-3, 108, 111 , 115, 132, B抽出 (ist) (Party) 64, 69, 73, 76, 137, 187, 208 85, 92, 97, 129, 134, 139, 177 Barzani, Obeidullah 95, 100, 132 Baba, Ali 37 Barza时 i , Mahmoud, Sheikh Badinan 98-9, 103, 137, 141 19-20, 35 Baghazasi, tribe 125 Barzani-PRF 39 Baghdad 9, 18, 20-1, 23-4, 34-6, 'Basque-lype' 224 38-9, 41-3, 47, 49, 51-2, 57, Basra 38, 117 62, 64-6, 68-9, 72-4, 76, 78, Bayar, Celal 44-5 81 , 83-6, 90, 92, 94, 96-100, Batman 223 102, 105, 108, 116-17, 123-6, Bazyan 47 129-30, 134-5, 137-40, Beirut 55 142-3, 155, 15~ 162, 170-5, Bekaa, valley 146, 151 , 154, 157, 185-6, 189, 191-2, 194-200, 167-8, 179, 208, 210, 212, 203, 205, 208 224, 226-7 Baghdad Pact 46, 64 Berlin 172, 178, 228 Baker, James 194 Berne 221 Bakhtaran 169-70 'Besir' 158 Bakhtiar, Shahpour 107, 126 Betwahta 56 Bakr, Ahmad Hassan 85-90, 97 Bingol 164, 173, 215, 219 Baku 37 Biroki, Said, Sheikh 24 Balisan 172 Bitlis 9, 16, 216, 220, 222 Balkan(s) 3, 203 Blackhawk, helicopter 230 Baluchi(s) 110 Bokan 43, 124-5, 127, 131 Balourian, Abdul Ghani 126 Bonn 164, 181 , 215 Baneh 30-1, 74, 110, 127, 132, Bosnian 203 140-1 Bosphorus 208 Baneh, tribe 75 Boumedienne, President 97 Bani-Sadr, Abdol Hassan 114-15, Britain(ish) 9-10, 12, 17-20, 23, 123, 126 27-8, 34, 48, 60, 78, 93-4, Baniyas 60 128, 138, 175, 186, 188-92, Baqer, Mohammed 139 200-1, 204, 214-15, 221 , Baradosti, tribe 27-8, 39, 42 230-1, 233 lndex 243 Brussels 193, 215 Cyprus 117-18, 206, 231 'buffer zones' 189 Czar(ist) 14, 17 Bulgaria(n) 140, 208 Czech 117 Burkay, Kemal 105 Burda 46 Dalanpur, Mount 25, 34 Bush, George 184, 188-90, 193, Damascus 9, 103, 146, 151 , 153, 205 157-8, 163, 179, 183, 212, 227, 231 Cairo 76 Dardani Khan, Dam, lake 135, Cape Malc,ω208 169 Carter, President 128 Dawa 132, 139, 142, 229 Catak 181 DDKD 105, 147, 156 Caucasus(ia) 10, 17, 179 DDKO 80, 105 CENTO 64, 88 Declaration of Neutrality (Iran) Central Powers 10, 12 107 Cetin, Hikmet 209, 221 de Cuellar, Ja讯er Perez 170 Cevizsali 216 de Gaulle, President 73 CDKPR 63-4, 71 Dehbokri, tribe 29 Chaldean(s) 3 Delgaii, Imam Mohammed 175 Chaldiran, Battle of 1-2 Demirel, Sulieman 118, 203, Chami Razan 56, 65, 69, 85 208-11, 213, 218-20, 225 Chemical warfare, weapons 145, Democratic Party (Turkey) 44-5 169-72, 174-6, 186-7 Denmark 158 China(ese) 65, 139, 141 , 147, DEP 223, 229 230 Dersim, revolt 16 Chouman 89, 98 Dev Genc 106 CHP 210 Dev Yol 148 Christian(s) 8, 10, 12, 14, 18-19, Dicle, Hatip 223 140, 199 Diyana, ambush 24 Christopher, Warren 221 Diyarbakir 9, 15, 79, 104, 117-18, Chwar Chura 29, 33 124, 148, 153, 166, 173, 211 , Chwarta 56, 74, 77, 85-6, 141 214, 224 CIA 93, 96-7, 101 , 121 , 183, 194, Doab, pass 113 228 Dohuk 50, 66, 90, 137, 141 , 144, CiIler, Tansu 220-5, 227, 229, 172, 186, 192, 204 231 'Dr Baran' 181 Cizre 210 Dutch 19, 138, 165 Clinton, President 224, 227, 229 Durji, valley 210 Cobandere 164 阳明akya 181 C..ode of Media Ethics 45 DW 208, 218, 220, 225 Cold War 64, 117, 120, 206 Cologne 150-1, 165 East Europeans 139 Communist Party (French) 128 Eastern RevolutionarγCe l1 tres 80 Cossack(s) 7-8 'Eastism' 44, 62 Cossack Force 7, 11 , 17 EC 160-1, 165, 170, 181 , 189, Council of Europe 165-6 197, 221 Crusade(s) (ers) 1 Ecevit, Bulel1t 116-18 Cudi, mountain 213 EEC 117, 152 Cukurca 155, 173, 190, 192 Egypt(ian) (5) 64, 72, 76, 176, 183 244 /ndex Elmali 215 German(s) (y) 10, 175, 189, 197, 'Emperor of Oil' 94 222-3, 226, 228, 230, 232 ERNK 150, 165-6, 221-2 Ghassemlou, Abdul Rahman Eruh 154 108-9, 111-15, 125-7, 131 , Erzerun 7, 9 139, 142-3, 177-8 Erzincan 220 Ghotbzadah,

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