Yanks Isolate Aachen NO NEED TO GO OUT WAITING AND HOPING IN BAD WEATHER +m ¦ a» ' m MM On/v Detroit Newspaper Carrying CYaJH!!?.® §W THE TIMES DETROITa^TIWESBoth International Newt Service and United Preaa star Order |* 8 Home-Delivered 45th Year, No. 10 C Detroit 31, Mich., Tuesday, Oct. 10, 1944 5 Cents COMPLETE WANT ADI ... % % mimlmmmm . ft' 4 , By CORMTH FILLS. J + ?4y%rmJM iH' T%«i tv nKJnfIH IL nr gKriS&i&wl&g.$ IkMm ¦§ BpgmotmiMriT JaWS^Sl®# JSSBmI jftft OWE ON inns p; jg.» \iaJ - . T VI ./ ¦ Jury Set Posses Moscow Hv jlflt v» fian Reds Close in 'Aachen Held Evacuation |U TP u • ?^JB| In Child Trail Parley »^mgr .^yß|^^^ : * _'Tl| On Memel so In American Of Nazi Aides Death ("onvirts Opens ! ftprriaj u mr nrrwoiT timss wHb,;- ? t An inquest jury of four house- Trap 100,000 Ring j LONDON. Oct 10 (INS*—The | ALBION, of Reported * -* v Oct. 10—Armed Steel *.*«s iak AltlkWa j*ft- wives and two men was sworn new series of conferences on plans i Tim** Pfcoto ;ls rifles, in today to hear testimony re- MOSCOW Oct. 10 (CP* Rus- with shotguns and SUPREME AEF.,Oct. for the complete defeat of (INS)— Mr*. Clarence King; of 11431 Minden, drawn and hag- HQ.. Ger-J ROME. Oct. 10 garding the fatal injuries suffered sian* closed in on the Baltic jiorl posses of Albion citizens (INS) siege mam* is under way between gard from 10 day* of constant worry, staring forlornly out 10 —American The Allied campaign to by 4-year-old Charles Dalton of Memel today, virtually com- today joined with state and Prime Minister Churchill and window as waits for the return son forces, forging a ring of steel Peloponnesus the she of her infant while he was in a home where he pleting the entrapment of 100.000 Premier Stalin in Moscow, with liberate the who a county officers in blocking communi- disappeared from home with maid, Helen Rosman. had been the Children s or more German troops about the German , area of southern Greece was placed by roads and searching the Amencan Ambassador Harriman Aid Society. The Russian thrust from cap- cations center of Aachen, "ppr*»s#*tjng the United States. brought to a climax today of vicinity Members of the jury are: Mrs. tured Veraiciai, 12 miles ea>t of woods this after beat back repeated counter- Soon after it was announced with the capture of the hi§- pinned 10 battered the capture near here i 3d Palau Ethel Hogan. 7963 St. Paul: Mrs Memel. to 15 last attacks today. Yanks of the that Churchill, Foreign Secretary toric city of Corinth. [Genevieve Stoetzel, 1514 Seybum; enemy divisions agamat the *ea in Anthony Eden their high mil- Comb night of the second of seven First Army smashed out a and of the to Parents city Fall Allied land [Mrs. Ruth Grow, 3421 W. Chicago; a vast pocket stretching to Riga Jackson itary adviser# had flown to Mos- escaped Pnson con- gain of 600 yards in the cow to join force# of the Adriatic presaged [>lrs. Virginia Stinson. 5129 £. Bed plane* have sunk 18 enemy Harriman. the Mos- victs. cow* radio disclosed that Churchill the imminent liberation of Island Jefferson; the Rev. James Becker, vessels attempting to evacuate vicinity of Ofden, north of Athens. | TTie first was captured the had already met Stalin and that Operations quarters 6141 Thaddeu.*, and. Albert G troops from the pocket, the Soviet on Aachen. head for outskirts of Faen began discussions with Rus- Clue Albion that Past Sunday night. reported the Germans Kunt/, 2146 Baldw*d. high command today reported. An official spokesman at Gen. sia's foreign commisar. were evacuating key army personnel Invaded By VERA BROWN IS TO pj? QUESTIONED Gen. Chemiakhovsky s Third ALL ROAD* BLOCKED Eisenhower’# headquarters said High on the agenda, ft Is be- lieved. is the question of from Athens by air in the face of The ring of the telephone, a White Russian army pushed to Roth raptured men told deputy an escape gap of a mile and one- Allied The -f** witnesses to be ques- control and occupation of the swift advance of the Allies fc| w’ithin six mile* of the border of prison warden George Francis a PEARL HARBOR. Oct. 10 knock on the door rule the life of tioned today by Assistant Wayne I. half still remained open to the beaten Nazi Reich, and co-operation with Greek Patriot East Prussia with the capture of they had nothing to eat the con-, (INS l—The American campaign Mr. and Clarence E. King of County Prosecuior Frank Valenti had ex- enemy, although the city was fen es also are forces. Mrs. Jurbarkas. cept a few apples they had taken expected to pave In neutralize the strategic Palau 11411 Minden. included Mrs. Martha Muggelberg considered virtually sealed off the wav for a meeting of the In an efTort to frustrate tho in orchards. guns ’’ miles the of near Marine City at whose l BATTLE FOR VISTULA since American commanded 'Big Three possibly before the evacuation of key army men, the Islands. 500 east' of With each sound of tTie hell the injured. Four more of the fugitives are whole home the child was Soviet the area. end of the year, to seal final vic- Mediterranean air force sent me- Philippines, was extended today house drops, otto complete silence Children fA new offensive in belipved hiding near here, and all Charles died in s Hos- 1 the Vistula River bend COUNTERATTACKS tory in Europe. dium bombers over Athens during from Peleliu and Angaur to Gara- as listens hop- Sept. afier being rushed south roads, including busy Highway VAIN the night. everyone tensely, f.ital. 21. of by the j Mrs. Mugglelsberg* Warsaw as broadcast l'S-12. have b**en blocked off. w ith Aflor Lt. Gen. Hodges’ Yanks Capture kavo Island, where beachheads ing. praying that this time there •here trom German radio was reported to- of Corinth was expected home. The woman told officers the citizen posses aiding in man- pressed ahead at Ofden. the Ger- lo be followed by an immediate already have been secured might be some word of four- day by INS. ning ?ne boy was injured when he ran, the road blocks and in mans launched a futile counter- Allied march across the Corinth Meanwhile, no further reports month-old Robert, with whom a tA Stockholm dispatch said searching nearby’ woods, fields ! from the kitchen and fell against of Gotland Island attack. headquarters said. Ameri- Isthmus to the northern mainland mysterious nursemaid calling her- inhabitants and buildings. advancing east of Aachen Gl deserted Armed were released on the activities of a chair. cans •of Greece and an eastward push self ‘ Helen Rosman" vanished in- off Sweden reported flashes against Adm Halsey's Third Fleet. which The bruises on his body, she heavy held their positions sev- in the direction of Athens, about to the night 10 days ago. from caliber gunv and CAUGHT IN SPOTLIGHT bombarded Marcus Island. 1.100 insisted, were incurred when he glare burning eral German counterattacks near 50 air miles distant. the red of a ship night, caught in the spot- Verlautenheide. miles southeast of Tokyo, in a RECALL* HAPPENING* Sniggled while being bathed in the of Last The Allied entry into Corinth visible from direction light beam a patrol day-long raid Sunday. a stationary wash tub a few days Monday night. They of sheriff's Canadians and Rritish in the metj no opposition, headquarters As the mother waits she goes car. Martin Slivinski, 45, sen- Flees MPs Headquarters said that so far as he died. speculated Leopold Canal bridgehead en- said. over and over again the happen- .before that Russian war- tenced to life from Genesee was known, no enemy aerial oppo- ships may have intercepted gaged the Germans in hard fight- Pvt. David Rhodes. 25-year-old ings on that fatal Saturday night PLACED IN POUR HOME* County for robbery armed. *ur- ing. Negro, a fugitive ettion hindered the continued German units to and beat down a Nazi at- prisoner from when she kissed her baby and attempting rendered to bombardment by American war. The inquest was ordered after troops leading Albion Police Chief tempt to eliminate the bridge- the stockade at Camp Edwards. Tito Captures waved to him as the Rosman girl evaruate hv sea, MeAuliff. Mass., ahips and that coastal batteries an autopsy performed in Detroit • Harry head. last night escaped from get him to sleep. to a naval battle riding silenced by naval gunfire. tried to hy Wayne County medical MeAuliff was in n patrol custody after he drew a revolver were the exam- j Key Rail City (The Tokyo radio Said mother: inert*. 19 MILES car with t'ndershenff Ray Purcell LANDING PROGRESSES on throe military policemen as admitted “I keep trying to think of ADVANCE of he Muggelberg's home Calhoun County and Calhoun Amphibious units which was being booked at the MP LONDON. Oct. 10 (UP) — that American warships bombed something which will help." Mrs. was Far to the south. Marshal Mali- landed Tht Sunday the fourth in which Charles had Deputy Harold D Behling. both on the south shore of the Schelde station in police headquarters. Marcus and claimed Shp got up wearily, went into novsky’s Second Ukrainian army Free Yugoslav radio reported to- sunk been placed since the of whom aided in the capture. estuary, headquarters said, re- 1300 Beaubien. that Japanese forces had the empty nursery and brought Children.* swept to within 53 miles south- day that Marshal Tito's Partisans one American destroyer Aid Society ordered taken About 9:30 last night as the of- lieved pressure on the bridgehead.
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