Rooted in Faith Since 1923 August 30, 2020 | 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time I & &! % !$ & ) Monday, August 31N 8:30AM Albert R. Wilhelmy III Tuesday, September 1N 8:30AM Albert & Ruth Bennett Wednesday, September 2N 8:30AM Frankie Sweeney Thursday, September 3NSt. Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church 8:30AM Sandra Gilbert Friday, September 4N 8:30AM Jim & Jinnie Babitsky (50th Wedding Anniversary) Saturday, September 5N 8:30AM Lisa Dever 4:30PM John & Rosemary Eyerman Sunday, September 6N 7:30AM For the Parish 9:30AM Richard & Harriet DiBartolo 11:30AM Janet Acklin 5:30PM Joshua Lee Schwandt Please Note: There is no offertory collection during Mass. Parishioners are asked to drop their offertory directly in the baskets located at the Lorain Road entrance and the cross aisle of the church. or Donate online by scanning the QR code, which will take you to our online giving platform. Visit samparish.org/donateonline to learn more. 20970 Lorain Road, Fairview Park, Ohio 44126 | (440) 333-2133 | samparish.org ST. ANGELA MERICI PARISH FAIRVIEW PARK, OH S&. A M$ P$% FINANCIAL REPORTS C$+: The Rev. Michael J. Lanning, Pastor, [email protected] VV@C7``V` Q`7 The Rev. Donald Dunson, Parochial Vicar, [email protected] $5 The Rev. Robert Ramser, Parochial Vicar, [email protected] The Rev. Thomas V. O’Donnell, Senior Priest Retired J V1 $5 The Rev. Richard Hudak, Senior Priest Retired JC1JV The Rev. Mr. James L. Agrippe, Deacon Retired The Rev. Mr. Erick Lupson, Deacon, [email protected] P$% S&: %$% 5 Mr. Bill Shaffer, Head of Parish/School Music Ministries, [email protected] Mrs. Maureen F. Adler, Youth Minister, [email protected] VV@C7``V` Q`7 Mrs. Jennifer Fitzpatrick, Associate Youth Minister, [email protected] Miss Kathy Lynch, DRE, [email protected] Fr. Rob Ramser, Confirmation Sacrament Coordinator, $ 5 [email protected] Mrs. Patti Horner, First Communion Sacrament Coordinator, [email protected] J V1 $5 Fr. Don Dunson, RCIA Coordinator, [email protected] JC1JV Mrs. Therese Whitmore, R.N., Parish Nurse Ms. Suzanne Quinn, Development and Communications Manager, [email protected], [email protected]; [email protected] %$% 5 Bulletin / Insert Deadline: 10 days prior to publication S!!: Mrs. Lisa Whelan, Upper School Principal RJJ%:C ``V` Q`7 Mrs. Elizabeth Andrachik, Lower School Principal $5 5 Mrs. Christina Kutz, Preschool Director Mrs. Julie McGovern, Extended Care Director Mrs. Danyelle Anderson, Nutrition Services Supervisor As many are aware, vandalism occurred on the west steps to our sacristy and church. Fortunately, damage was minimal and did not impact any liturgies. Permanent clean up and repainting is in progress and will be completed $5 soon. Due to this unfortunate occurrence, the parish is looking into installing security cameras which will cover the perimeter of the church exterior. If you are able or would JJ%:C%R$V ``V`1J$ like to assist with this endeavor, please contact Fr. Lanning at [email protected]. School has started. Our students reported back on Wednesday August 26th, Kindergarten through 8th Grade. PreSchool will be starting on Tuesday September 8th. The parish has invested substantially in keeping our students, teachers, and staff safe during this Covid19 environment. Due to distancing requirements there will be more activity in our driveways and specifically our north parking lot as we accommodate recess and possible outdoor classes. We ask everyone to be extra careful as you drive through St. Angela Parish and School property. In addition, due to busing limitations more of our students will be walking and riding their bikes. PLEASE BE CAREFUL, as we all have a responsibility to protect these treasures. 2 22ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 30, 2020 Dear Friends, violence or lashing out in anger will solve any problem. It never does. So we don’t Happy End of August! It has been an unusual know much more than these barebones year, to be sure, and it continues to hold true to facts at this time. But we are grateful to that description for A.D. 2020! In case you haven’t God for keeping us safe and for the valor heard, we had a bit of an exciting moment Saturday morning, nd of so many who see to our safety here in August 22 . I received a call from our great fire chief telling the Best Location in the Nation. I me that someone decided to start a small fire at the top of the remember that St. Charles parish in stairs at the northwest entrance of the church. Now when I Parma had a serious fire in their church get a phone call on my cell that says “Fire Chief” on the some time ago that did a considerable display, it tends to direct my attention. As always, the amount of damage. It seems that firefighters and police and all Fairview Park safety personnel someone started a fire in one of the were beyond great in caring for our parish plant and confessionals. Again, we had nowhere community. near any damage like that sustained in THANKS BE TO GOD, THERE WAS NO our friends’ church in Parma. CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE. NO ONE WAS HURT. Thank the Lord, we are blessed with a THE DOORS ARE PERFECTLY INTACT. As of this courageous and talented fire writing, the fire was contained to a small area. And as of this department here right across the writing, we have not yet received the police or fire report on street. And a brave and lifegiving the incident. police force along with emergency LET ME REPEAT: THERE WAS NO CATASTROPHIC medical personnel in ambulance calls. DAMAGE. NO ONE WAS HURT. THE DOORS ARE No wonder we try to pray for them at all PERFECTLY INTACT. NO DAMAGE IN THE times during the year. God bless them all CHURCH PROPER. MASSES W I LL GO ON AS USUAL. ALL and keep them safe. THE BUILDINGS INCLUDING RECTORY, SCHOOL, GYM, AND So the dog days of August are never PARISH CENTER ARE PERFECTLY FINE. WELCOME BACK DAY dull. After w e had to put in a new WAS RIGHT ON SCHEDULE FOR THE NEXT DAY. ceiling some years ago, we’re ready for As pastors are supposed to do, I sent the anything. God bless you. Stay safe following email to Fr. Don Oleksiak, the diocesan yourself. And God bless the person who administrator, to keep him apprised: called 911. Oremus pro invicem. Soli Deo Gloria. Saint Florian and Saint “Hello, Don, Michael Lanning here. Just an FYI. In case you Michael, patrons of firefighters and police hear something on the news, it seems that someone started a officers, pray for us. small fire at one of the church entrances here at Saint Angela. It did not take off nor did it do catastrophic damage. And no Congratulations to all who one was hurt. Someone it seems set a small pile of materials helped make Welcome Back aflame. The church was locked. It happened about 11. Day such a positive success! Someone thankfully saw the smoke and called 911. The fire Let’s pray for all the young people chief is a parishioner and the fire house is across the street, so going back to school M either in we are very blessed indeed. The first responders around here person or online. And let’s not forget keep watch on us. Police and fire reports will be forthcoming. our teachers and our staff members who Like a lot of places, I’m afraid that we are on a busy street have worked so hard to make this possible and some of the people who walk by are troubled in some way and safe for everyone. It has not been an or another. Perhaps this anxiety prone time of the pandemic easy ride. In an atmosphere when issues can trigger something. But just thought you should know in change seemingly from day to day, we case someone mentions it or you see it on the news. applaud everyone’s readiness to follow the Everything is OK. Some smoke damage on the outside brick best paths possible, especially when we but no permanent damage. No damage on the inside of the hear at times some differing opinions in church either.” the world. So there you have it. All is ok. W e are having Over the past weeks and masses as usual. Thank God no one was hurt and the months, I have noticed with church interior sustained no damage whatsoever. A some alarm that some folks are not nonparishioner called Fr. Don Dunson to find out if we being as careful as they should while were still having mass after ‘the fire’. News M whether true or driving. P erhaps it’s because we were not, does travel fast. So again be reassured that all is well. cooped up for so long; perhaps our nerves are on edge; perhaps we have some As a partial remedy, I have asked the priests not to give deeper anxiety with the pandemic. BUT such tough penances in confession after this. LOL. SCHOOL HAS REOPENED IN MANY Seriously, I think that this pandemic time has PLACES. W E MUST, MUST, MUST TAKE perhaps affected people in more ways than one. EXTRA PRECAUTIONS TO STOP AT STOP Let’s keep everyone in prayer and ask God to help SIGNS, TO SLOW DOWN, TO WATCH anyone suffering from emotional or mental stress at this CAREFULLY FOR YOUNG ONES WHO HAVE time. And to guide anyone who may think for whatever BEEN RELEASED FROM THEIR reason that pulling a prank or resorting to some act of QUARANTINES AT HOME.
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