RESTRICTED FI: DP/NIR/66/524/16 June 1975 NIGERIA PLANNING OF AQUARIUM FACILITIES AT KAINJI LAKE RESEARCH CENTRE A report prepared for the Kainji Lake Research Project by Edward J. Peterson Aquarium Consultant FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome,1975 This is one of a series of reports prepared during the course of the UNDP project identified on the title page. The conclusions and recommendations given in the report are those considered appropriate at the time of its preparation. They may be modified in the light of further knowledge gained at subsequent stages of the project. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United Nations or the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United rations concerning the legal or constitutional status of any country, territory or sea area, or concerning the delimitation of frontiers. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Terms of Reference 1 2. THE AQUARIUM PROJECT 1 3. GENERAL SUGGESTIONS OF AQUARIUN DESIGN 1 3.1 Water Supply 1 3.2 Operations Area 4 3.3 Public Area 5 Appendix 1 KAINJI LAKE RESEARCH PROJECT - PROPOSED AQUARIUM 7 Appendix 2 REFERENCES 11 LIST OF TABLES 1. Possible Display Fish 12 2. Display Specimens 13 3. Display Fish 14 4. Display Fish 15 5. Display Fish 16 6. Display Fish and Holding Unit Criteria (Non—Predatory Species) 17 7. Display Fish and Holding Unit Criteria (Non—Predatory Species) 18 8. Display Fish and Holding Unit Criteria (Predatory Species) 19 9. Air Lift Pump from West's Calculation 20 10. Determination of Water and Filter Requirements 21 11. Glass Thickness in Inches when Used in Aquariums 22 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Block Diagram of Water Supply 23 2. Air Lift Pump 24 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 TERMS OF REFERENCE The Government of Nigeria, assisted by the United Nations Development Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has been engaged on a project concerned with research in the Kainji man made lake. The purpose of the Kainji Lake Research Project was to assist the Government in the comprehensive development of man made lake resources through research and purveys, the results of which will be made available to all regions of Nigeria, Research was conducted in the fisheries, agricultural and socio-economic aspects. It also studied Public Health problems and means of developing the Borgu Game Reserve into a national tourist attraction. The long range objective of the project as far as fisheries in concerned in described as follows: "To establish a fishery research programme that will enable the fullest utilisation of the lake's and downstream river's fish crop on a maximum sustained yield basis. This will require limnological and biological research, also trials and demonstrations of now fishing boats, different fish catching, processing and marketing methods." As part of the project operation, FAO assigned an Aquarium consultant Mr, Edward J. Peterson, for a short assignment to advise on planning aquarium facilities at the Kainji Lake Research Centre, mainly for endemic species. This would function both an a public aquarium to help stimulate tourism and also house a research aquarium facility. 2. THE AQUARIUM PROJECT When the Consultant arrived at his duty station, the Director of the Kainji Lake Research Project, Dr. Sagua, had not yet selected the site for housing an aquarium which was to be part of a new building complex and which would have the dual functions of public display combined with research, The public display section was intended to complement the area tourism concept, including wildlife observation trails in the Borgu Game Reserve, The size or number of the aquarium tanks was not determined and the use of lake water presented infiltration problems. ( fells were inadvisable owing to the annual heavy load of colloidal clay.) It was decided to compile a list of species, numbers and weights of display fish no that the number and size of the tanks could be estimated. In turn this would give the basic data required for calculating water volume requirements, pumps and water line sizing and filtration systems design. In the meantime, the Consultant examined reports dealing with the Lake Kainji area, thus obtaining details of the chemical, physical and biological factors which might influence aquarium design criteria. He selected several taxonomy keys for fish of the area along with reports dealing with fisheries and fish populations at the lake (Tables l-5). Selected representative species from these tables were used to develop data, for other tables containing calculated tank volume, filter sizes and water turnover rate (Tables 6-8),The latter indicated that about 12 000 gallons of display area, 3 000 gallons of quarantine area, 5 000 gallons for research tanks and a 5 000 gallon supply reservoir would be required. The Consultant had a meeting with Mr, H.W. Obinya and his associate Mr. Omotoska architects from Lagos, for discussions on general aquarium design. The concept of an aquarium complex at the Centre of the new headquarters building was reaffirmed. An "Outline of Aquarium Design Criteria" was then developed, forming the basis for a questionnaire, later distributed to the staff members concerned (Appendix 1).This was the initial vehicle for their input and ideas regarding their needs. The Consultant then visited the installation at the Shaguna substation which is situated half way up the western lake shore and is operated in conjunction with the Kainji Lake Research Centre and the University of Ibadan. Discussions were held on the monitoring of electrical characteristics of Mormyrids. Lake Kainji has a considerable population of several species of Mormyridae. All have the capacity to give off electrical impulses of varying intensity and frequency. These charges are probably used somewhat like radar or sonar or locating food and avoiding enemies in the turbid waters. The Consultant had previously monitored several species of African and South American fish possessing this ability. In these experiments, two carbon electrodes 6 inches by 12 inches in 30—100 gallon tanks were connected to the high impedence jack of a 25 watt audio amplifier. The output of the amplifier went to an 8 inch 8 inch speaker. There appeared to be no reason why, with proper impedence matching, an amplifier output could not be connected to a pen recorder. The basic closed system aquarium with its air lifts and filters was described by the Consultant and discussions took place on feeding problems of some specimens at the substation. Several fish had adapted their feed from the natural chironomid larvae to maggots. Others however refused to accept ouch a large and rather tough feed. Bottom fauna in the Kainji mud is very scarce and no tubifex were available locally. The Consultant suggested fruit fly larvae as there is an abundance of these diptera. During the regular weekly seminar, the architect Mr. H.W. Obinya requested the return of the completed questionnaires, passed out the previous week. 3. GENERAL SUGGESTIONS ON AQUARIUM DESIGN 3.1 WATER SUPPLY Lake Kainji is very turbid from August through December. Though the drinking water is treated with alum and pressure filtered through sand by the National Electric Power Authority plant, it remains milky. It would seem that only diatomaceous earth filters could' provide clarity for an aquarium. This hypothesis should be checked experimentally with a small portable swimming pool filter which uses diatomite. If the test is successful a large stationary unit should be used on the raw water. This could be done in an under-the floor storage reservoir. A 5 000 gallon reservoir could supply an adequate margin of safety. In emergencies two of the largest tanks could be dumped and quickly refilled. A D.E. filter such as a commercial swimming pool type, capable of recirculating the reservoir water at least twice per hour, while removing particles above 3-5 microns might be used. Provisions for D.E. disposal must be included in the design. Diatomite should not be discharged into a septic system, A block diagram of a possible system is shown in Figure 1. A description of D.E. filter - operation and drawings of typical units arc included in manual "Aquarium Management" compiled by the Consultant which he left at Kainji (7). A turbid water supply also means that a closed tank system would be the logical choice. Cloned system aquariums have no continuous fresh water flow from an external source. Each fish tank has independent filters with no water contact between tanks. Closed systems are also advantageous because they reduce chances of spreading disease or parasites through the aquarium complex. Display tank volumes from tables 6-3 total 10 420 gallons. An additional 35 each 10 to 40 gallon aquaria plus 20 each 50 to GO gallon units should be included. This would furnish space for the numerous species of small tropical fish. For example the Genus Barbus has over 280 reported species in Africa. Many of these arc endemic to Kainji and the Niger River. Examples of these and other local small species or even juveniles of the larger varieties could be worked into, pleasing displays. The sizes and numbers of research tanks can be adjusted to the needs of the Project at a later tine. Space for the wot lab tanks however should not be overlooked. Quarantine holding tanks, with a total volume of 1/3 the display tanks, would be desirable. It would be foolish to introduce disease or parasites in incoming fish, into tanks containing prize specimens. ?7ew specimens should be isolated, observed and treated if necessary prior to being put on display, Airlift pumps should be used wherever possible (Fig.
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