...What's where... News 3 International 7 Opinion 8 Feature 12 Sports 14 Entertainment 18 Classifieds 22 NSK 23 "The tie that binds since 1926" the cord VOLUME XXXVI • ISSUE NINETEEN • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1996 WLU STUDENT PUBLICATIONS GCCreferendum nixed LORI DYSIEVICK AND WLUSU President Scott unmatched in the Waterloo area. KATHERINE HARDING McCormick was among the first to According to Marc Xuereb, Cord News voice his opposition to the G.C.C.'s G.C.C. representative, the Centre is The Global Community Centre s pro- proposal. McCormick argued that used mainly by WLU Arts and posal to add a fee of $5.00 to WLUs allowing the G.C.C. to pose the ques- Science students and professors; annual tuition was defeated at the tion through a referendum was "set- however, it is increasingly being last BOD meeting. After a lengthy ting a dangerous precedent" for used by business students as well. debate among the members of BOD, other charities and organizations Xuereb said he was "incensed when 311ly four members voted to support who might also approach WLUSU McCormick said that we didn't fol- he extra fees. for student funding. McCormick low the proper protocol," when it The future looks grim for the went on to state that the G.C.C. had was McCormick who suggested they jlobal Community Centre, located not yet received approval from the approach the Board that way. it 89-91 King St. It has already lost Ancillary Fee Protocol Committee. "The Board obviously didn't look wo thirds of its funding due to fed- McCormick reprimanded the mem- into the issues surrounding the ref- eral cuts. bers of the G.C.C. for prematurely erendum because they were still BOD member Sean Wilde made approaching the Board, saying the asking the same questions," Xuereb the proposal to the Board during procedure should have been to said. He encouraged the students last week's Thursday evening approach the Ancillary Fee Protocol who signed the petition to push the meeting. To indicate the amount Committee first. issue further and approach their of support at WLU, Wilde pre- BOD member Stewart Wong also BOD members. sented the Board with a petition opposed the proposal, pointing out At the meeting, Xuerub told the containing 670 signatures from "the fact about the petition [is]... I BOD, "What you are voting on is WLU students and faculty. am sure students didn't know about putting the proposal to referendum, Members of the Global the 15%increase in tuition." not if it (the proposal) is a good poli- Community Centre were also in "Students will sign anything," cy." He later accused BOD of being attendance at the meeting. agreed BOD member Bil Huk. "fundamentally undemocratic." However, procedures for debate BOD Member Virginia Parker "Funny how they reject some- at BOD meetings only allowed said she would support the proposal thing important like the Global the representatives of the G.C.C if the G.C.C. became affiliated with Community Centre, yet they are to answer questions posed by WLU or WLUSU. Some other mem- blindly putting ail this money into BOD members; they were not bers reminded the Board that the something like the paperclip team," given the opportunity to speak Centre is used a great deal by WLU commented one spectator at the end on their own behalf. students, and that their services are ofthe meeting. Turret posts Hoopsters downed record sales KATHERINE HARDING uted to many factors. The most sig- ager Rob Cresswell went beyond Cord News nificant is the change in music for- usual tactics early last fall to attract Against all odds, on January 11, the mat. Schouela said that the definite a Friday crowd. Turret generated sales over split between dance music on "The Turret is a close place $11,000. YVLUSU Prograxnming and Thursdays and alternative on where all your friends are," Services Director Dan Dawson com- Fridays has attracted two different Macauley added. Dawson is "happy mented that even though historical- (but faithful) crowds. Dawson com- to see that the students have ly January has always been the mented that "the DJ's have definite- responded to the changes that have highest sales month, last Friday was ly developed a rapport with their been made." the "biggest night he has ever wit- audiences due to their consistency." Second year Laurier student nessed" - in spite of the twenty Kathleen Macauley, a student Christine McArthur said she likes minute false fire alarm. manager at the Turret, thinks the the TUrret on Fridays because ofthe Last year, "you couldn't get three success can be attributed to a "com- "good crowd and music." people in here on a Friday night," bination ofwinning factors," such as Newly renovated and expanded said Turret DJ Jamie Schouela. cheap drinks before 10 p.m, an for 95-96, the Turret is a campus The reason for the dramatic enthusiastic team effort by the run bar operated by the YVLUSU. increase in popularity can be attrib- Turret staff, and the fact that man- News Sports Even more Ezra fallout - a lawsuit How long 'till football season? ZEEMAN RON Opinion Entertainment Students for the GCC have their say rusty and hHead at Fed PICTURE: Features NSK Saturday saw the men's basketball team fall to McMaster by a score of 102-89. Taking a look a mysticism and the occult No sex with animals this week! Who knew? see Sports, page 14 Blackwater Yj&whe^rctiri^^ tin Australia Draw live I or Great Britain v£VQ. 9pm-lamr Byor One Kear I /v w 2 for 1 Nachos every Sunday W .Primary and Secondary that allow you to 77 King Street North Qualifications P§ta teaCh ol,ta"°- Kggj Waterloo * Tel: gSfelMO 3 or 4 > ear B™<>»ates may aPPIj ! "/ : I! nittU""' . $9500 i Fax ' gB6-6870 rJ 'Approximate tuition fees # # fl 3UY SELL tßade join the hundreds of JCO.M. S 4/ \*y students who have travelled overseas # 112 ' j"j J Representatives: \ %3E± j J I; I [w I K.O.M. CONSULTANTS \ U6ol / P.O. Box 60524 \ Mountain Plaza Postal Outlet r 0* \ A. '>y LARGEST SELECTION in K-W B^ \ V flOllA /402 KING ST. N., WAT. 884-7376 Phone or Fax: (905) 318-8200 Email: [email protected] (BETWEEN HARVEY'S AND BURGER KING) STANLEY PARK MALL 748-0912 | //vr/ </v aI'l-n ytn 36? 1 112 Last Call For All Grad Photos | | has been chosen official | | jjSk®» Graduation Portrait | | Mnßlli Photographer | I RfViniPfllPl for all 1996 Undergrads | P GRAD PHOTOS g I r—~^T~/ \ will be taken at 202 Regina Street, 1 Ip \ -H) 71°:AA Room R226 - Second Floor. I| I campus I - &JOSTENSltd. I January 15 30, 1996 W'-'Canada g gigigigigiSISISISIBMSISISISMSMSISMSISISISISMSMSISMSMSIBISISISMSMSISISIBISISIaB NEWS WLU, WLUSU, WLUSP Sued Since WLU and UW claim juris- aland cognitive impairment, psy- diction in the policing and control- chogenic trauma, reactive depres- ling of student functions, both on sion and personality change. and off-campus, and were fore- Silva had to pay for medical warned that their students would be expenses due to her injuries and will attending the Ezra Street Party, Silva have to continue to do so for an is suing them for not properly taking unknown time. action to prevent the party from According to practitioners, she occurring. may experience further damages The complaint entered by her such as seizures and other maladies lawyer, James E. Pitcher, also that could result from her undeter- charges WLU for not organizing or mined brain injuries. authorizing an on campus, post In reference to the City of exam, year-end student celebration Waterloo, Silva charges the with restricted student entry, beer Honourable Mayor for failing to bottle restrictions, parly boundaries compel YVLU to organize an on and internal security. campus year end celebration. Silva claims the Cord and the Finally, the plaintiff claims legal Student s Union are at fault because action against the Waterloo representatives actively promoted Regional Police because of their the party. Specifically, last year's "sweep maneuver" of Ezra St. At December's Board of Governor's meeting, a question was raised about whether Laurier would be president, Ralph Spoltore, provided which dispersed the crowd and liable for its students' behaviour if it had off-campus jurisdiction. That question now seems prophetic. inflammatory comments to the brought the party to an end, after Kitchener-Waterloo Record when which Kwok walked by the King St. SABRINA SACCOCCIO Publications, UW, the Corporation of control, Silva suffered a blow to the speaking of the anticipated party. residence where Silva had sought Cord News the City of Waterloo, the Regional head from a piece of concrete. Kwok According to the suit, the Cord print- refuge. The sweep maneuver WLU is a facing civil action because Municipality of Waterloo, Waterloo threw the fist-sized piece ofconcrete ed "promotional material" in rela- allegedly caused some party partici- of the Ezra Street Party and the Regional Police, and the Ministry of towards the house where Silva was tion to the party. pants to become moreriotous. Code of Conduct. Third year WLU Education for the Province of waiting for a ride home after people Silva alleges in her lawsuit that The suit wasn't entirely unfore- co-op student linda Silva has start- Ontario. in that general direction had thrown she has suffered several physical seen. At last month's board meeting, ed nine separate civil suits in search Against the defendants, Silva is peanuts or candy at his group of and mental disorders since the inci- concerns were expressed over the of compensation for the damages claiming general damages in the friends.
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