TELFED APRIL 2001 VOL.27 NO. 1 A SOUTH AFRICAN ZIONIST FEDERATION (ISRAEL) PUBLICATION W H AT H A S H E G O T T O B E O V E R T H E MOON ABOUT? NUPTIALS, ARRIVALS, KEREN TELFED AND MORE WHY TRELUDOR? Trellidor offers a variety of decorative and fashionabie security bars, designed to give you tfie best security solution to your fiome. Treilidor folding bars provide you secijirty when locked, and can be easily fold^ away when not required. 'Aim ! Ij;.' fellas m I Head Office: 03-9030030 TLV&Hasharon: 09-7408308 Haifa & North: 04-8400805 Hasfela: 03-9513139 ■m£lilD©R Jerusalem: 02-6481199 T H E C R I M E B A R R I E R Beer-Sheva: 08-6288266 CONTENTS N O T T H E 9 O ' C L O C K N E W S INTHEMAIL 1 Whatwith and first MouthMad hoggingCow, and our now nightlyFooi TV PEOPLE 6 screens, who can blame us if we feel a perverse sense of relief at the world media focussing on SPORT SHOTS 18 other peoples tzoris for a change. Don't we ART SCENE 20 deserve some time outl TELFEDTIDINCS.... 77 A hot new phenomenon has taken root in Israeli N O T I C E B O A R D 74 society - news fatigue. While the sfiuk may still remain a highly audible arena of political BETH PROTEA 79 discourse replete with expletives and lavatorial NEW ARRIVALS 30 categorization of our revered politicians, for the rest it's currently the case of turning rather B U S I N E S S B R I E F 37 than tuning in. People are skimming rather than FEATURE 34 scrutinizing their newspapers - and who can CONDOLENCES 40 blame them! Expressed in traditional South African parlance, people are 'gatvoL' NUPTIALS 47 A friend of mine who avoids the news these KEREN TELFED 44 days says she only knows when bombs go off CLASSIFIED 47 here when her pal phones from New York. "Where this time?" she anxiously screamed when PRODUCTION she heard her friend, Lisa's voice on the line the other day. "Jeepers, I only phoned to say hallo," Editor: Becky Rowe the voice from America innocently replied. In Correspondents: David Kaplan, Becky Rowe Israel there are so many competing issues, who Editorial Committee Chairman; David Kaplan needs covv^ to drive one to madness. Design and Layout; Becky Rowe David Kaplan Business Manager: Lena Nulman Chairman. Telfed Editorial Committee: Sharon Bernstein, Chairman of the Editorial Board Debbie Chitiz, Janine Gelley, Hilary Kaplan, Sidney Shapiro, Michelle Wolff South African Zionist Federation (Israel) Cover and Artwork: David Kaplan 19 Schwartz Street, Ra'anana 43212 Advertising: Lena Nulman tel.: (09)7446110, fax: (09)7446112 Proofreading: Sharon Bernstein, Debbie Chitiz, email: [email protected] Marvyn Hatchuel, Lucy Jacobson, Harriet Levin, web: www.telfed.org.il Solly Kaplan Joint Counselling Services Offices: Tel Aviv: 76 Ibn Gviroi Street Extra or back copies ofTelfed Magazine are available at tel: 03-696-5244 fax: 03-696-8696 NISI5 per magazine. Contact Lena. e-mail: [email protected], employment: [email protected] To advertise in Telfed Magazine, Jeru.salem: 13 Ben Maimon Boulevard phone Lena: (09)7446110 tel:02- 5634822, fax 02-5663193 e-mail;[email protected] The views and comments expressed in articles in this publication arc Karmiel: Merkaz Klita Kanniel not necessarily those of the South African Zionist Federation (Israel) tel:04- 9989940 fax:04-9980939; or of the Editorial Board. The organisation is not responsible for the adveni.sers and the insertions in this magazine. email:[email protected] PLEASE NOTE: The date on the right comer of your mailing label indicates the date of your last payment for Telfed Magazine. If no date appears, we have not yet received payment from you. 1 N T H E M A I L HAILINO HARRY AT80 In 1973,1 made aliyah with my late husband, Dear Editor, The first time I laid eyes on Harry Sandler, I Leon, his sister Sally, and our five children. thought , "What is Alec Guinness, doing at a Tnuat Aliyah meeting in Johannesburg?" But, Harry and his wife, more than just handsome, Harry, who turned out Drora, have been like a to be the shaliach, radiated sympathy, dedica shining beacon for my family. Every single Fri tion and charm. day evening, for 28 years, they have never failed to call and wish us a Shabbai Sltalom\Their love Harry served in the SA Air Force during WWII. After qualifying as an en and support for our late son Robert during a long illness,was a pillar of strength. gineer. he came on aliyah in 1955. In Israel, Harry Harry's efforts on behalf of the SAZF have been tremendous and now on his 80th birthday helped to establish the Timna Copper Mine, after we wish to pay tribute to him and wish him good which his family moved health and happiness for the future. from Eilat to Haifa, where Leala Zimmerman, he served as chairman of family and friends the Haifa Regional Com Haifa m i t t e e o f t h e S A Z F f o r THOSE WERE THE DAYS m a n y y e a r s . Dear Editor. He has helped many I enjoyed reading your feature on Prof. Leslie families settle in Israel and Shanan. It also sent me hunting for a recently organized wonderful Yom Ha 'atzmaiit picnics for discovered photograph of participants in the former South Africans living in the north. Balfour Park c/w/it/zcamp - December 1943/Janu- He was vice-chairman of the Israel-South Africa Chamber of Commerce and served on its ary 1944. Sure enough, there was the esteemed Professor, standing tall among the campers, and executive for 15 years. Obtaining a leave of ab known to me at that time as likeable Les Shandei. sence from his work in the oil refineries, Harry Details of the persons photographed, exactly as served as a shaliach in Johannesburg from 1971 I jotted them down nearly sixty years ago, are to 1974. r r r r Harold Jankelowitz Insurances ) 2 Keren Hayesod St. Ra'anana 43305 Tel: 09-7440387, 09-7420456 Fax: 09-7440293 The Professional Name in Insurance For The Kind of Service You Expect Services in all branches of Insurance CAR, HOUSE, BUSINESS, TRAVEL, LONG TERM HEALTH CARE, LIFE INSURANCE We are as near to you as your telephone 2 ■ The balance is payable at very attractive rates ■Luxury specifications, complete with enticing perks ■2, 2.5 and 3-room apartments For more details, contact our sales office; 09-742-48-48 Opening hours: Sunday - Thurs. 10:00- 18:00 Friday: 10:00- 13:00 www.lsraelihomes.com/raanana 3 N T H E M A I L noted on the photograph. Julius Kopelowltz, Rehovot [Julius added his recollections of the same pe riod. ed.] Some time ago, my progeny, to mark my birthday, came up with an inexpensive, but seductive gift: an album of nostalgia, or the photographic record of the milestones and other gaps in their father's life. In the process they somehow made the archeological find that forms the subject of this ramble; My story starts in one of those characteris tic sleepy Free State dorps (Frankfort), scene of my youth. In the early 1940s the commu nity barely mustered a minyan of Jews, all Zi onists for sure, but lacking the numbers to sus tain any organised Zionist activity, let alone a youth movement. Little wonder then, that a notice in the Jewish press concerning the holding of a summer camp at the Balfour Park Chalutz Farm fired the im agination of a 15 year old 'plattelander.' Here was the opportunity for making closer acquaint ance with practical Zionism and the resurgent drive for Jewish statehood. Somewhat ill-equipped in Labour Zionist ideology, 1 arrived at Balfour Park, which at the time was at the edge of civilization. Ur ban Johannesburg ended abruptly at Highlands North, from where the continuation of Louis Botha Avenue, with Balfour Park off to the right, became a sprawling highway to Preto ria. The camp was frequented by a steady stream of visitors, all of them, it seemed, bent on propa gating to anyone within earshot, his or her own infallible brand of Zionist cure for the ills of the Jewish people. Also at Balfour Park were some colourful individuals whom I took to be permanent ha bitues of the place, until I learned they were on a formal, if unhurried, liach.sharah program, Since the identities of most of the persons in 4 N T H E M A I L the photograph will be known to many Telfed Towards evening the generally readers, some of them constituting household slumberous atmosphere and leisurely pace of names in the annals of South African Zionism, things gave way to an air of expectancy, as the and in modern Israeli life, I must be chary of campers honed their arguments for the invari singling out individuals for special mention. But able lively, yet protracted debates that were to I cannot help recalling the names of two frequent ensue, night after night, between the proponents ers of the camp, whose personal bearing and quali of the different Zionist viewpoints. These debates, ties of leadership exercised a pervasive influence and the camp in general, showed a distinct Zi - I refer to Norman Lourie and Chummie onist Socialist leaning. Hirshchmann, both of blessed memory.
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