

'V'lA 'ouroJ 't0I 'o'd z9I9 xog ]u:ttreSeuej{pus.I pue uorle^resuoJJo lusurtJ€daQ eql ,tqPeqsllqnd 066r s!/v\a"lauuerJen :rol!p3 'f Irlrled uesns dq suollertsnlly uosqou sel enqSouoq,g a44 raddog'q ueqderg proJreHu?I saleoJ 'f pr ec ,{114;'g euuy uoFau fsarof,urorlfroN aql uI uollralord lBlradsJo peaNu! sluBldreqlo puBsrold aruu perulJeo s'oN hMucoud INSI IscvNvLI sdI'IC'ILlt NvI'tYuIsnY NuflJ,ss { Departmentof Conservationand l,and Management WesternAustralian Wildlife ResearchCentre P.O.Box 51.Wanneroo. W.A 6065 O Departmentof Conservationand l-and Management, WesternAustralia 1990 ISSN0816-9713 Cover illustratiorl Thomasiasp. (York) A.S. George8075 by SusanPatrick Editor................... ..........Marianne Lewis lllustrations.......... ..........S.J. Patrick, unless stated otheMise Maps.................... ..........CALM Mapping Productionand distribution........................ CALMPublic Affairs 'uorluslls Jo poeu ut ,{pueEmlsou sercadso1 potprolp eq u?J ser.rnoserpue g;e1sptueulrudaq 'sluawarmbsr eseql JoJ rapro dlrroud ul sarceds sql ?urluer dg 1e,u,rrnspenuluoJ rleql eJnsueot fusssrJeu uopce paureEuuuurpup rlJJpeseJroJ suorlBpuauruor?r sqetu pue uor8ag lserog uJaquoNs.I ITyJ ur "Jolc orsll perzpaq eql Jo snlelsuone resuoJ 'uopnqulsrp 'acuzruodde puB lBtlqeq agl ;o uogdpcsap ;ar.rq u sapnord uru-6o-rdsrq; '(eaIJuI 'sooruiue; .6.a) I esog egt pue prrq-qrua5dsro11 sercsdspara8uupue ro pelroldxe u.rcUeJJo uopcalo.rd puu lueua8uueu oql JoJeruspm6 prru uortsruroJurpelelep epr.rordo1 suu16gaua3euetr41 1uuo6a11 o1 uoqrppe ur pe.reda.rd 'tuoua?uuu;41 are sue.6ord aq; pu?1 pue uorle^resuo3go luarulredaq eqt dq pecnpord suorlerqqnd Jo saues u sru sue:3or6 paueEuue;41 eJllpll1\ u"rIeJ$nV ruelse1\ ouo&\truod ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to S. van Leeuwenwho providedcontinual assistarceand adviceand L. Talbot for help in the field. R. Sokolowski,A. Brown, K. Dixon, B' Dixon, D' Hogg' S. Moore, J. Tippett, A. Hopkins,R. Underwoodand J. Marshall are thanl<edfor their invaluable information and help. R. Sok6lowski and M. Lewis are thanled for their help in preparing the final manuscript and competeut tlping and considerable assistancein manuscriptpreparation by Jan Raynerand RaeleneHick aro mostappreciated' ABBREVIATIONS D Dwellingup District VCL Vacant Crown Land w WannerooDistrict SEC Statc Energl Comnission J JarrahdaleDistrict MRD Main Roads Department M MundaringDistrict MPA Managcmcnt Priority Area CALM DcDartmcnt of Conscrvation and Land Managgment ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' g6 suoguJndod.raglo ;o uonzcol (l " " " "' 96 .. suotpeqrnoser puz peuaEeuell .Z 16"""" " segForr4Eurururaleg 'I " " " " 16 JNAI IACVNVI/I dod Nrrld gL :UnOd ruvd ' 98' NOICAU J,StIf,Od NUAHIUON IIHJ NI A3NVIdOdI tr dO SAICSdS dgHJO :A!nIHJ JUVd ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '''' I8 rrpuournJp "aqrlrJn \ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'S'V 'ds LL' 94gga?roag ({ro1) urseuory ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' s, Dl?IleF ?Jtru pqJ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' €1, '''' suoJseqru"reupre8o4d5 " " " " "' 69'" " " " " urnlpsnduuasoqcdl4 " " " L9" suewrpd enpuuaqeal ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 99 '''''"trt uq m{mueqcs-I " " " " "' 19 seprouualoydpcorp,{11 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1,9 " " "' "lEcr€sBalIraeJC ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' SS '''' ' ' ' ' ' ' eJIolIsr.DBellr arC " " " .' "' "' 'ds IS 80gEreloorg'H'I'W (deqcuel) sn1d,(prng ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .ds 6t (ms1q sn1d,(pcng,nou)9rg65 ra4oorg'g'1;4 (lserogurelsee) m1d,{eang St"""' " ' srl?luepl'JoeJasoJq """"""" 8 rapmdqm16 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 6€ qfqdorcru ersor,req " " " " " " L9" "''erepcrdu qu.r,rruq t€"""""' ' PsoJaosBrurr$J"q " " "' I€ " " " u.6epr emepqe3 " " " " " " L2" ruerJJopBmepBIBJ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' SZ " gr66g.raddo11'q'S (lseroJq?u?f) 'ds eruepup3 I2"""""' " " "' "e^ru"rs?IoJels'V 6I""".'' ''''' urogpuu-ferseloralsy 9I""".'' "[dqd" ulc?ty fi""..' '''''' ?puoueBITBTV " " " " " " II' NOTCCruISlIdOd NIIAHJUON qHJ NI VUO.I|I SU\/U CIrruV-rCA(I :OA\J JuVd " " " " " ' .g L" uo6eg tsorod utaql.ro5l aql go d-ro1sr11Imruulog ,... '....'... S.. uo6e111seroguraquoN aql .g ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " "'. t 1ueulrede11erp uq1rr srqllqrmodsag .b " " " " " " "' € plen? ro; seugepmf pue uonqsdq urog arul 'E ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I " ' tuu.6or4 aq1;o eapcefqg 'Z " " "' . '... I luewe?uuu141roJpeeN eql .I "' r"""""""' NOnSnqouJNI:qNO J,lM AI' ' suoq?r sJqqv AI' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' speua8peprou4cy m pJoaaJod ebPd SINSINOJ,f,O g'If,VI ii) Liaison with landowners . ' . ' . 93 iil Research '.... '..........94 rt) Protectionfrom fire .. .... ........ .. .. .. .94 v) Protectionftom accidental destruction .......... ............. '. '. '..95 vi) Linearmarking ...........95 vii) Propagation ...............% viii) Seedcollection and storage . .. -..........96 ix) Installationof permanentmonitodng quadrats ...... ' . , . 97 t Protectionfrom recreationaldar:rage ...... -E1 xi) I-andacquisition ... ..... -. -........97 xii) Phytophthoraspecies (dieback) hygiene -... ..... ........ - 98 xiii) Protectionfrom grezing .... '.... .. '.......98 xiv) Re-establishrnentin suitable habitats in thewild .. -...... ... ..........'. '...98 xv) Conholof competitive weeds ......... '..........'98 xvi) Possiblefuture threats ............ '.... '. .... ....99 3. Other plantsin needof specialprotection . ' . ' .99 4. Termof theManagement Program -..........99 REFERENCES ..................1m GLOSSARY APPENDICES I Section23F of theWildlife Conservation Act .......... -.107 II 1988Schedule of DeclaredRare Flora . .....-109' III CALM'sPolicy Statement No.9 .......... - 111 TABLES: 1. PresumedExtinct Speciesof the Northern Forest Region . ' . ' . - . 84 2. Poorly known speciesin the Northern Forest Region consideredfor declaration but in need of urgent further survey . 85 3. Speciesin the NorthernForest Region requiring monitoring ' '.. '.... '.. '. '. ... - ' 87 4. Specieswith significant outlying populations in the Northern Forest Region . - . ' ' 87 5. GeographicallyRestricted Species of theNorthern Forest Region . '........ "88 6. Declared Rare Flora in the Northern Forest Region scored (1-3) according to the degreeof threator urgencyfor managementand research action. -.... '.. '....,""E2 7. Northern Forest Region Declared Rare Species(as at July 1988)ranked in priority order for protection alrd managementaction .. " " ' 93 FIGURES 1 CALMRegions . ............. ......." " "2 2 TheNorthern Forest Region '....'..'.""6 3 Distribution of DeclaredRare Flora populationsin the NorthernForest Region. '.. '....... " " ' 10 'uoqcelord prceds go paeu ur spqd reqlo pue urold are11pe'reJraq Jo .lueue8?upru suorlupdod yo plr/'\ aql uI p^rams penuluoJ eql aleudo.rddu,(q ,aeuuquopII? amsu, oI :sr uor8e; lserog urequoN oW roJ uru.6ord sJqlyo a,rpratqo aql ue-6or4 aq1lo a,r;pafqg .Z .e1e15 eq1;o suo6a11luerueEeuu141 ;41173 reqto oql ol uorplar ur uor8all ureq oN erp .uere lseJog Jo uorycol aql saoqs 1 ernSrg uullodorlau eql pue leuuosred qcreesar o1 ,{lruntord pue s1 sercedseJBd perepoq Jo Joqumu alquaEeueu slr Jo esn?raq pulap m pelpnls sq ol uo6e1 egl .uorlcelord lsnJ su uesoqJsea uo6eg lseJod uJeqUoN aq; pneds ;o peeu ur uo6e6 oqt qqlr,n sarcedsreqto Jo slsq sepuord pue uofag 1serogur€q oN s.I I-IVJ ur erold er"ll peJul.eq oql uo uoq?uroyn luaue8eueu puz Jec6olorq olqe1r?^"oql seleloc ue-6o.r4 lueura8euu141aJIIpLl( s.nII 'suoqnlqsm qrJsaser puu sercue8uperuura,roE 'sarlJoqme .sleunaop'Bl ,lueulredeo pu' senqs I'rol ele,rud aql uae,qeq aJrr?lsrssepue uoquredo_m qSnorql pe,rolqce eq fpo uee ar"r aq ol peruyeapsercads ssorll Jo uort"A:osuo, Fqss"rrns loqrppu u1 'peluerualdur aq ol ere sa€ep4s uorpelord pue luaueEuuenrapr.rdo-rdde y Jequessosr uoq"rruoJur 'serceds qcn5 paueleanp pu€ er"r Jo IBN^lns eql Bunuengrn sJopegpue {Eolorq uorlepdod ,uoqnqr4srp ',(uouoxel .s,rua,( aql noqs luJ?el aq ol gJnu Jlrls s ereql luaJoJ m ssa,6o.rdalqe.raptmoc alrdssq 'uoqp JssuoJ BJoICere1 psrEIJoC roJ soqlepmi puu ,(cqod Jelueuuudaq pue uoqulsdel oql seurnno (11 xpueddy) pll^\ eqt q u.ro1gparaEuupug uorl?NesuoC - oN .(l Jo 6 1ueue1ets,{rqo6 xpueddy) ?rold eJ"d perepaq ss pe$s$I, era,truxel 9ZZ uI 'orBJ aq ol peJspap 886I "rolJ Jo sess?p esoql Jo uoqrelord eq1ro; dynqnuodser ,fio1np1s 1q1r73 roJ relsrurl1l eq1 ssr6 (y xrpueddlT) .epls trv oqt Jo d€Z uorpes eql lnoq8norql sralp \ pu? spupl IIe uo ?uneJ pue BJoUJo uorpalord eql ro; elqrsuodsersl (I{TVJ) panrs8euel4l puu-I pu? uorlp ;osuoC 'pv 'serceds ;o luautrrudaq aql uope rosuoC eJlpIr.A\ aql repun Jennuupuu lupld mouaSrpm s.s1u1g oql Jo rropeuesuoc eql roJ srseq eaqelspal pue saullapmf eqt apraord eg6l+g6f) py paua6zuey4l .(9g6I-096I) pu"'I pu? uoDe rasuo3 ptr? pV uolle^iesuoC agp1r11 ,,{Eaprlg uorlsa.resuoJerls eqtr '"JoU s.el?ls eql {ollsap puB ualpeql ol anrnJuorem eplJrqJsrlel?EruuJslpm '$JJo,trppoJ'semsseJd 'esses'p pue uoneoJter pup slsad 'Eurze-6 .spaaa Jrloxa ,seu6ar arrg euos .ureuar €urreap pue1 panuquoJ uorluleEaamouaErpur eql Jo spr1er dpo oraq,n suo6a-r 8urpunorms pue .,(predoat lloqpeqa eqt ur dle8rel pepJperuor eru seraadsere11 tn sraqlo fuew 1o par,r,ms eql paceld puz sarcedseuos ;o uorlJulue oql pesn€r s?q lueuruoJrlue erp Jo uorluJllpour pue uopela8arr 'srelles go Eurrzelo aarsuelxg uzadomg Jo sarlunrB 3ql Jo esn"Jeq eJ"J ertroraq e,req ,$rroferu eqf l"Iqsq pelrutsar ryeads e .rog lueua.rnber neqt Jo esn"Jeq erer ere sluqd euos q8noqqy 'poqrJrsepunlo peJe^o)srprmu?rueJ '(8g6I sercadsgggT pepnrgse uV qqa-f pue s6Errg) lse,r-q1noseql ol peplr1sar Em.eqaseql;o luat rad 'setlods peyd €8 pauatesrql ro aJur Jo Ielol u?llerlsnv ogl Jo (lu3r rad gy) geq lsourp

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