A Quarterly Journal of Research Volume X, No. 2 April 2004 ISSN 0951-497X Theosophical History: :Occasional Papers A Quarterly Journal of Research Founded by Leslie Price, 1985 (ISBN 1-883279-00-3) Volume X, No. 2 Editor: James A. Santucci April 2004 EDITOR subscription rate for residents in the U.S., Mexico, and Canada is $22.00 (one James A. Santucci year) or $39.00 (two years). California residents, please add $1.71 (7.75%) California State University, Fullerton sales tax onto the $22 rate or $2.95 onto the $39 rate. For residents outside North America, the subscription rate is $26.00 (£18 British Sterling) (one VOLUME I Witness for the Prosecution: Annie Besant’s Testimony on Behalf of H.P. ASSOCIATE EDITORS year) or $47.00 (£31) (two years). Air mail is $40.00 (£26) for Europe and Asia Blavatsky in the N.Y. Sun/Coues Law Case Robert Boyd and $36 for Pan American nations (one year) or $74.00 (£48) for Europe and Asia and $67 for Pan American nations (two years). Single issues are $8.00 Introduction by Michael Gomes † (£5.50). Electronic (PDF) issues are $2.50 (£1.75) each or $10 (£7) for any four John Cooper available issues and $17.00 (£12) for any eight available issues. Subscriptions University of Sydney may also be paid in British sterling. All inquiries should be sent to James VOLUME II Joan Grant: Winged Pharaoh Santucci, Department of Comparative Religion, California State University, John Patrick Deveney P.O. Box 6868, Fullerton, CA 92834-6868 (U.S.A.). Periodicals postage paid at By Jean Overton Fuller New York, NY Fullerton, California 92631-9998. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Theosophical History (c/o James Santucci), Department of Comparative April Hejka-Ekins Religion, California State University, P.O. Box 6868, Fullerton, CA 92834- California State University, Stanislaus VOLUME III Ammonius Saccas and His Eclectic Philosophy as Presented by Alexander 6868. The Editors assume no responsibility for the views expressed by authors Wilder Jerry Hejka-Ekins in Theosophical History. Nautilus Books This periodical is indexed in the ATLA Religion Database, published by By Dr. Jean-Louis Siémons the American Theological Library Association, 250 S. Wacker Dr., 16th Floor, Robert Ellwood Chicago, IL 60606, email: [email protected], world wide web: http://www.atla.com. University of Southern California Theosophical History assumes no responsibility for the views expressed by the VOLUME IV W.T. Brown’s “Scenes in My Life” contributors to the journal. Antoine Faivre Introduction by Michael Gomes École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Joscelyn Godwin VOLUME V Krishnamurti and the World Teacher Project: Some Theosophical Perceptions Colgate University GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS By Govert Schüller Jean-Pierre Laurant The final copy of all manuscripts must be submitted on 8 x 11 inch stock, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris double-spaced, and with margins of at least 1 inches on all sides. Words and phrases intended for italics output should appear in italics in the manuscript. VOLUME VI Astral Projection or Liberation of the Double and the Work of the Early J. Gordon Melton The submitter is encouraged to send the article, communication, or review by Institute for the Study of American Religion attachment to email. The email address is [email protected]. The sub- Theosophical Society University of California, Santa Barbara mitter may also submit a floppy disk of the work in Microsoft Word (any ver- sion). By John Patrick Deveney Leslie Price Bibliographical entries and citations must be placed in footnote format. Former Editor, Theosophical History The citations must be complete. For books, the publisher’s name and the place and date of the publication are required; for journal articles, the volume, num- VOLUME VII Cyril Scott and a Hidden School: Towards the Peeling of an Onion Gregory Tillett ber, and date must be included, should the information be available. University of Western Sydney, Nepean There is no limitation on the length of manuscripts. In general, articles of 30 By Jean Overton Fuller pages or less will be published in full; articles in excess of 30 pages may be Karen-Claire Voss published serially. Fatih University – Istanbul Brief communications, review articles, and book reviews are welcome. VOLUME VIII Franz Hartmann’s Some Fragments of the Secret History of the Theosophical They should be submitted double-spaced. Theosophical History (ISSN 0951-497X) is published quarterly in All correspondence, manuscripts, and subscriptions should be sent to: Society January, April, July, and October by James A. Santucci (Department of Dr. James A. Santucci Introduction by Robert Hütwohl Comparative Religion, California State University, P.O. Box 6868, Fullerton, CA Department of Comparative Religion 92834-6868 U.S.A.) The journal consists of four issues per volume: one vol- California State University, P.O. Box 6868 ume covering a period of one year. The journal’s purpose is to publish contri- Fullerton, CA 92834-6868 (U.S.A.) butions specifically related to the modern Theosophical Movement, from the Fax:714-693-0142 VOLUME IX The Unseen Worlds of Emma Hardinge Britten: Some Chapters in the History time of Madame Helena Blavatsky and others who were responsible in estab- Email: [email protected] of Western Occultism lishing the original Theosophical Society (1875), to all groups that derive their Telephone: 714-278-3727 teachings—directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly—from her or her Website: www.theohistory.org By Robert Mathiesen immediate followers. In addition, the journal is also receptive to related move- ments (including pre-Blavatskyite Theosophy, Spiritualism, Rosicrucianism, Copyright ©2004 by James A. Santucci and the philosophy of Emanuel Swedenborg to give but a few examples) that Composition and Theosophical History logo by Eric Santucci have had an influence on or displayed an affinity to modern Theosophy. The www.ericsantucci.com Contents April 2004 Volume X, Number 2 Editor’s Comments James Santucci.............................................................................1 Article The Life and Works of Mabel Collins Kim Farnell.....................................................................................4 From The Archives The Helen I. Dennis Collection Michael Gomes............................................................................16 Book Review The Pagan Dream of the Renaissance Robert Boyd.................................................................................28 On the cover: Mabel Collins (1911). Picture provided by Kim Farnell. Editor’s Comments ments of her life. She did leave a body of Gomes reported a discovery of a manu- work that has stamped her place in the lit- script by Blavatsky. Since the documents In this Issue erary world, albeit in a minor fashion. in the collection detail the allegation During the years when she was a member against C.W. Leadbeater for teaching mas- of the British Theosophical Society, she turbation to young boys, this highly lthough Mabel Collins (1851 – conduct – described alternately as a “flir- displayed the potential of becoming a charged piece of Theosophical history is 1927) has played a peripheral role tation” by W.B. Yeats and as “Tantric wor- major influence, perhaps as an inspira- effectively reexamined in the light of the in the history of the British ship and black magic” by Vittoria Cremers tional leader, had she chosen to do so. collection by Michael Gomes. A detailed ATheosophical Society, she is certainly one in her unpublished memoirs – involving Indeed, Annie Besant’s influence as a account of the scandal has not appeared in of its more fascinating characters. Mabel, Archibald Keightley and his propagator of Theosophical teachings print since Gregory Tillett’s biography of Remembered today as the author of Light nephew, Bertram Keightley. Collins’ could have been duplicated by Mabel Leadbeater, The Elder Brother (1982), so on the Path, Mabel was a prolific writer of involvement in this type of activity was but Collins had she applied herself in this Michael Gomes’ account is particularly sig- such works as When the Sun Moves a portent of what was to occur in her later direction. Although she left two spiritual nificant since it includes novel research Northward: The Way of Initiation, The life. works (Light on the Path and The Idyll of in this area. Scroll of the Disembodied Man, The In the article appearing in this issue, the White Lotus) that will ensure her noto- Blossom and the Fruit: A True Story of a “The Life and Works of Mabel Collins” by riety, one wanders what she could have The last contribution in this issue is a Black Magician, Through the Gates of Kim Farnell (a modified account of a paper accomplished had kinder circumstances book review by Robert Boyd of Joscelyn Gold: A Fragment of Thought, The originally presented at the London occurred and had she responded to those Godwin’s The Pagan Dream of the Awakening, The Star Sapphire, and The Theosophical History Conference in June opportunities. Renaissance, published by Phanes Press Idyll of the White Lotus, the latter being her 2003), we find in addition to the information We shall know more about Mabel in 2002. first Theosophical work. Introduced to provided above an interesting reference to Collins when Kim Farnell’s One Mystic Theosophical teachings in 1881, she Mabel’s encounter with Robert Donston Vampire: A Biography of Mabel Collins,” * * * became acquainted with H.P. Blavatsky in Stephenson, whom Collins suspected to appears later this year. 1884, who later became Mabel’s guest in be Jack the Ripper, thus involving Mabel, The contributors of the above have all her home, Maycot, after arriving in London though indirectly, in Britain’s most sensa- * * * appeared in Theosophical History in previ- from Ostend in 1887. This was a particu- tional crime of the nineteenth century. On ous issues. Kim Farnell, whose previous larly significant time in the history of the a more sober note, Ms Farnell recounts During the 1994 annual meeting of the contribution, “Walter Richard Old: The Man Society.
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