ZgHffl KLM CELEBRATES 50 YEARS sEIIvlcE ro AusTRALIA. On July 5, 1988, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines celebrates the event which makes the company the oldest international airline serving Australia through Kings ford Smith Airport. Fifty years ago, on Tuesday, July 5, 1938, at ¢ 2.42 p.in., PK-AFM, a Ij)ckheed Super Electra of KNILM, KLM's associated Dutch East Indies Company, touched down at ~*J®*F£. xpngsford sinith-Airport. =iiiE In 1934 KLM entered the An official KLM publication London-Melbourne air race, of the day said the new aircraft carrying paying passengers were "roomy, noiseless and and mail to demonstrate that a very fast, being able to cover fast commercial link between the 4,000 miles between Java Australia and Europe was and Sydney in a little more possible. The Douglas DC2 than 20 hours' flying time." won first prize in the handicap The proving flight of the section, and second prize in the new run landed at Sydney on speed section, with an elapsed June 18 with Captain J. Schott time of three days, 18 hours in command, and this was foll- and 17 minutes. Flying time owed on July 5, by the first was 71 hours and 28 minutes at scheduled flight. The Sydney- an average speed of 278km/hr Jakarta fare was £68 and the (170 in.p.h.). Sydney-I.ondon fare was £207 - In 1929 KLM started a about the same as a saloon ship It was the first international regular fortnightly scheduled fare, and included accomm- scheduled service to use service to Jakarta with its odation, meals and tips. An Sydney's airport, and carried Fokker F VIIb aircraft covering early brochure warns that drinks in hotels were extl.a, four crew members, four "except beer and mineral passengers and 20,000 letters :B:e:ist%:::[in28d9aJSY`n88yh]°9u3r8 from Europe. All four pass- this service was operating water" and that cameras had to engers were Dutch officials and twice a week with Douglas DC be sealed in a trunk before the first Australian to travel aircraft and flying time had departure," as in nearly all the with the new service was Mr. been cut to 57 hours spread countries along the route it is over six days. Two years later forbidden to take photographs the DC2 was replaced with the from the air or on the ground. #jnu%3:n}fuMYshs°ecodnedpa;:£t? larger DC3 and there were Each night was spent at a "Kings ford Smith Airport three flights a week. hotel along the route. The officially became an international airport with the arrival of PK-AFM", comm- ented the Sydney Morning Herald. Newspapers of the day reported that the aircraft, piloted by Capt. GL van Messel, arrived "without any fuss" and the speed that mail could be carried from Europe was in fact bigger news than the carriage of passengers. ::,Z:5:,!1Ea.fffiLtft,#drsntffiigohnt Negotiations to start an air service from the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) to Sydney began in 1931. In May of that year KLM operated a ip£:t]earLdamm:i]syiL#tanfr?h= company's president, Dr. Albert Plesman, offered a On February 22, 1938, Aust- itinerary of the trip reads like a ralia's Minister for External page out of another era, with #ghas:hed:::t[cAeTste#3Fh- Affairs, Mr. W. M. Hughes, names long since changed would have given a then- signed a letter granting KLM apearing on the list of stops. and its aLssociated Royal Dutch On the southern flight from i:i=:gnl#ra!iamanailE::5;;:e East Indies Airways permission to open a connecting service sB,:tpasviaer5JfiEa:t:)nBo:,:rannigE! between Jakarta and Sydney, Cloncurry (staying in the old using Lockheed 14 Super Post Office Hotel). I.andings Electra aircraft. Three Super were made at Brisbane, and on Electras, then the fastest the flight north one overnight commercial aeroplane on the stop was made at Darwin. It market, were specially ordered was the stated aim of the for use on the Java-Australia company to decrease regularly line. the time and increase the comfort. "The day is not far distant" said a company publication, "when it will be The company was operating On June 17, 1939 KLM Abol)e: possible to fly between Sydney regular flights connecting celebl.ated 100 flights between The creii) of the first foreign and I.ondon in three or four Amsterdam and Rotterdam airliner to use Sydney's days". with Ij)ndon, Berlin, Vienna, #rnede°nofatnhdesesydhE3g.:eNetnnetoy= Kingsiord Smith Airport (left to r#ot)[GC:%#MF;s:#r%ehma::; Planes travelling between Prague, Budapest, Cologne, time." Flights between Aust- ralia and Europe ceased on Sydney and London were Frankfurt, Milan, Rome, H. Veen and ii)ireless operator February 15, 1942, when the specially arranged for Brussels, Paris, Knocke, 11. F. Verheyeri. long-distance voyages, with Hamburg, Malmo, Doncaster Japanese invaded Indonesia, seating available for only 11 and Liverpool. The oldest and between 1940 (when the Far l`ef t: service was that from Germans invaded Holland) and The cabin of a KNILM Lockheed passengers, a reduction of the 21 carried in Australia and Amsterdam to ljondon, which 1942 the flights continued on ]4. This u)as the height of luxury for traijellers flying to Europe. Pullman chairs fitted was inaugurated on May 17, schedule, but the departure Europe in the 1930's. with Pullman footrests were 1920 and was scheduled on point was Naples. alternative days. On placed in such a way that KLM resumed scheduled Front Page: September 1, 1920 a service to passengers could stretch out services to Sydney in 1951 with Crou)ds turned oil.I lc) welcome and rest full-length. Hamburg was established. the Lockheed Constellation the first scheduled inlemalional Two suitcases, provided free In 1921 KLM had a staff and introduced the Super Con- air seri)ice li)hen it landed al by the company, were placed totalling 101 which had stellation in 1954. Flying time Sydney's Kingsford Smith Airport in the passenger cabin beside swollen to 1,010 in 1936. The was reduced to about 50 hours. (Sydney Morriing Herald photo). the footrests so passengers company then employed 42 Douglas DC8-30 aircraft put into service in 1961 reduced Nex, Page: could have access to their pilots. of whom 17 were Reproductiori of the first issue of luggage during the journey. commanders on the Amst- the Official Organ in Australia erdam-Batavia run, 27 engin- #:fE%ienig:iF4e7tg,3#,or:isu::g and Neu) Zealand of KNll.M and Besides the new I.ondon- eers, 31 wireless operators, in 1973) now fly to Amsterdam KI.M. Sydney service, KLM flights station and technical personnel in 25]/2 hours from Sydney and already formed an extensive numbering 423 and office staff 231/2 from Melbourne. Overleaf: network over Europe in 1938. totalling 482. Extracts from this first issue • ,,I ,--, xp T#'3 H®#¥#I a "fuLH. $6lvIC. givAkTS July t (,qu a) * Fft'HQ #lR[ST€|.S ar*T€#Eur {pap I) a £gfr€!!'ftpffi®F¥S OF (Pup se * Tr*£-TA®LS of `EL#* ~* £xra€ss (fry ,) # ?£4#S,f ,i&#f: rep fayx®P€ (try ,) b f The lntercontinentaLI Air Express July,1938 July,1938 What K.N.I.L.M. ancl ABOUT ANGLO-DUTCH FRIENDSHIP K.L.M. Mean MR. E. ENTHOVEN, Chairman of Directors of K.N.I.L.M., said at a dinner tendered to K.N.I.L.M. (abbreviation for Koninklijke the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, Lord Gowrie, and I.ady Nederlaanch Indische Luchtvaart t:gfi¥gfr::o::.!hgfr:TELleir.:s:e:!cg::Hp3:u::tE3tn:tn¥afus:#+#:ffiiotladt¥ehflpe,:ihm?:gn:flop::vaer3 Maatschappij) means Royal Netherlands "YOUR Excellencies, Ladies and ±nind!;*;;A£¥#aia:::a:I;°p?j)£%:nsK#;]aTE[:Jtg£ Airlines. a R I I T I N a S! Gentlemen," said Mr. Enthoven. "This is an THE Prime Minister, the Rt. tiE:;¥ria;:i:Loiit;hsa::!dfil:ciii::t!liclt:#:gjii:ii¥!i#a: Hon. J. A. Lyons, C.H.,M.P., §£eiiL§Ci¥o::igiiiii:r:;£aN:::::°:%;):¥n::g:gevi3S::ts#o:f says: "I welcome this brackets will not be necessary. ;opr%3;r:rudnj:yth:ff]::tnitsrs;::toffqah: Intercontinental Air Express' ::i:eil;:li#;eA:;:r¥Eh¥u:i,¥T::c:eT:T;eai:%!:I "Is it not ironical that the most modern ;g;s:t;ie;i;`t:#:±s°S;eh|::aifo#:;#a:ns)*a];¥ha:y:S: Wh<?t£:sV:£g£°s¥:£irs°es:ttat;:i:ht:Eritfg#thefirst ii!e;i¥tiii-iit#eeas;:ei:;tt:c::::g:?;gBE:rio;r:i:e:i!j.i infisi:ta:i:j#:1i[ia!rsd;:ag¥et!|::::tie::I:ii|E:::£:ii;::I ¥:stfet:]au::SmE¥g±cr:£q=t:¥]odftehv:rai¥£f[o[inag:; maintained up tg the present time, when our hostile purpose. Between our two countries ::g:mar:nEat#%stefegi:fwfrs;ter::Sghe±rpaasntdhF;:::: !e!T:`Eartf:*srit;e¥c!.:t:c:a:?c:a:%[!er:eu;3:t:hy:::e:; £oFigi::o:¥::ihac::ei::t±Or:p:aa¥[rL¥a:]ioBnesgi::::t`hooen:§: ;:in;::rh:;£5g,r::foa;:i;ojr:e:e:d;oep:eta:o::d#;oeLhE:e:rtc:[£a: another as brothers in the great new ady3RtT[:o:::no#f::nngefpficue;chairservice,I wish fair weather and good flying." i[ai;t¥i:;e:ghfee:T:::i:;Ei::#i:::p:jrrE::s;:¥ :E¥jj:£:{t§;:I:togr§:§d¥¥:es:F::VK,t::n;g#oE;::L¥::u;; lu";i-e-'outed have the same ideals.
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