E680 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 1, 2001 The fact that Vaisakhi Day this year coin- Dr. Aulakh. ‘‘Congressman Rohrabacher was Mr. Struyk’s work at the Christian Health cided with the Jewish celebration of Passover, right when he said that for minorities ‘India Care Center has truly been amazing. He which celebrates the escape from slavery, and might as well be Nazi Germany.’ ’’ Police joined the Center in 1990 as chief financial of- witnesses have confirmed that the police tor- the Christian celebration of Good Friday and tured and murdered the former Jathedar of ficer and moved up to CEO and president in Easter, celebrating the triumph of life over the Akal Takht, Gurdev Singh Kaunke, and 1994. He has created a dynamic and caring death, should underline the importance of human-rights activist Jaswant Singh organization that has served the surrounding freedom, life, and basic human rights for all Khalra. community for many generations. He has in- people. Sikhs ruled Punjab up to 1849 when the spired many with his personal touch in caring American is the hope of the world. It is the British conquered the subcontinent. Sikhs for the elderly. land of freedom. We must take a stand for were equal partners during the transfer of I speak from personal experience. My be- freedom. It is time to stop American aid and power from the British. The Muslim leader loved mother, Margaret Scafati, was cared for Jinnah got Pakistan for his people, the trade with India until it respects basic human Hindu leaders got India, but the Sikh leader- with compassion and professionalism of the rights. Also, it is time to declare our support ship was fooled by the Hindu leadership highest quality. for self-determination for the people of promising that Sikh would have ‘‘the glow of In addition to all of this, he is actively build- Khalistan, Kashmir, Nagalim, and all the other freedom’’ in Northwest India and the Sikhs ing a partnership with the federal government nations seeking their freedom. This would be took their share with India. Sikhism was not to address many issues facing our society. On a great way to celebrate Vaisakhi and Easter, even recognized in the Indian constitution as April 25, 2001, Mr. Struyk joined us in Wash- by doing our part to bring freedom to all the a separate religion, while Islam, Buddhism, ington, D.C. to participate in the first annual people and nations of the subcontinent. Hinduism, etc., were recognized. Discrimina- Faith-Based Summit. Hundreds of faith-based I am including the Council of Khalistan’s tion against the Sikh Nation took place in leaders from across the nation came together every sphere. After the Golden Temple at- press release on Vaisakhi Day in the RECORD tack, the Sikh Nation stepped up its struggle at the Summit. Mr. Struyk is a leader in the for the information of my colleagues. to achieve its God-given right to the free. area and his knowledge and experience was A TIME FOR FREEDOM Tens of thousands of Sikh political prisoners greatly appreciated and of great value. Washington, D.C., April 9, 2001—Citing the are rotting in Indian jails without charge or The Center is a private, non-profit institution, words of Guru Gobind Singh, who said ‘‘Rec- trial. On October 7, 1987, the Sikh Nation de- that was established in 1911 by members of ognize ye all the human race as one,’’ Dr. clared the independence of its homeland, the Reformed and Christian Reformed Church- Gurmit Singh Aulakh, President of the Punjab, Khalistan. No Sikh representative es. The mission of the Center is to provide a Council of Khalistan, extends Happy has ever signed the Indian constitution. The continuum of high quality services consistent Vaisakhi Day wishes to the Sikh Nation, Sikh Nation demands freedom for Khalistan. The government of India has murdered with the Christian principles on which the insti- Happy Easter wishes to the Christian com- tution was founded. Care is provided to those munity, and Happy Passover wishes to the over 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, more than Jewish community. ‘‘It is interesting that 200,000 Christians since 1947, over 70,000 Mus- in need of long term care, mental health care these celebrations and the birthday of Thom- lims in Kashmir since 1988, and tens of thou- and residential living in a compassionate lov- as Jefferson, author of the American Dec- sands of Tamils, Assamese, Manipurls, Daltis ing environment. The Center consists of a 251 laration of Independence, all come together (the aboriginal people of the subcontinent), bed skilled nursing home, a 40 unit supportive at this time,’’ Dr. Aulakh said. The Council and others. The Indian Supreme Court called senior housing complex, a residential living fa- of Khalistan is the organization leading the the Indian government’s murders of Sikhs ‘‘worse than a genocide.’’ Government-allied cility and a psychiatric hospital. The most re- Sikh Nation’s struggle for freedom for its cent construction is the 80 unit Longview as- homeland, Khalistan. Hindu militants have murdered priests, and Vaisakhi Day, which marks the formation raped nuns. Hindu radicals, members of the sisted living facility that includes the new child of the Khalsa Panth by guru Gobind Singh in Bajrang Dal, burned missionary Graham care center. 1699, falls on April 13, which is also Mr. Stewart Staines and his two sons, ages 10 Doug Struyk’s leadership and dedication is Jeferson’s birthday. This year, April 13 is and 8, to death while they surrounded the continuing the well deserved reputation of the also Good Friday in the Christian calendar. victims and chanted ‘‘Victory to Christian Health Care Center as one of the fin- April 15 is Easter. The Jewish holiday of Hannuman,’’ a Hindu god. ‘‘Democracies don’t commit genocide,’’ Dr. est of the kind in our great nation. Our hearts Passover started this past weekend and runs Aulakh said. ‘‘India should stop the repres- and prayers go with him and his dedicated for eight days, concluding this coming week- sion and allow a plebiscite on the future sta- staff. end. tus of Kashmir, Nagaland, and Khalistan,’’ Passover celebrates the Jewish people’s es- f he said. ‘‘Only freedom will bring peace and cape from slavery in Egypt. Good Friday is justice in South Asia.’’ THE GOOD SAMARITAN TAX ACT: the observance of Jesus’s death on the cross, TO AMEND THE INTERNAL REV- followed on Sunday by the Resurrection. It f celebrates not only the resurrection of Jesus, ENUE CODE OF 1986 TO CLARIFY but also the triumph of life over death and TRIBUTE TO DOUG STRUYK THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARI- the resurrection of spirit in every person. TABLE DEDUCTION ALLOWABLE ‘‘The coming-together of these important HON. MARGE ROUKEMA FOR CONTRIBUTIONS OF FOOD occasions is a time to celebrate freedom,’’ OF NEW JERSEY INVENTORY said Dr. Aulakh. ‘‘As the Jewish community IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES celebrates the escape of their ancestors from slavery in Egypt, let us rededicate our ef- Tuesday, May 1, 2001 HON. AMO HOUGHTON OF NEW YORK forts to the cause of freedom for the Sikh Mrs. ROUKEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Nation,’’ he said. ‘‘As Thomas Jefferson to extend our sincere congratulations to Doug wrote, when a government becomes destruc- Tuesday, May 1, 2001 tive of the inalienable rights of any people, Struyk, President and CEO of the Christian ‘it is the right of the people to alter or abol- Health Care Center of Wyckoff, New Jersey. Mr. HOUGHTON. Mr. Speaker, today, I am ish it.’ Guru instructed the Sikh Nation to He is being honored as the Wyckoff Family pleased to join my colleagues from Ohio, oppose tyranny wherever it is found. Let us YMCA’s Man of the Year for 2000 at the nine- TONY HALL, in introducing the ‘‘Good Samari- step up the struggle against the tyranny teenth annual Friends of the Y Banquet to be tan Tax Act’’, a bill that has been introduced that engulfs our own people,’’ he said. ‘‘As held on May 3, 2001. in the two previous Congresses. The purpose Christians celebrate the triumph of life, let Mr. Struyk is receiving this award because is to help meet the demand for food for the us devote ourselves to protecting the life of of his vision and humane leadership of the needy. The economic boom of recent years our Sikh brothers and sisters and the Sikh Christian Health Care Center and in creating a Nation by liberating our homeland, has not eliminated the need to feed the hun- Khalistan, from Indian occupation.’’ state-of-the-art, on-site day care center. The gry. In fact, as more and more citizens are re- Dr. Aulakh called on the Sikhs in Punjab, day care center is operated by the Wyckoff moved from the welfare rolls many turn to Khalistan to observe Vaisakhi as a day of YMCA. We all know that quality childcare is food banks for help. prayer and introspection, not working or vital for working families. When that childcare A recent U.S. Department of Agriculture re- doing business with the Indian government, is available at the workplace it makes it even port indicated that in 1999, 10 percent of but taking a day to go to the Gurdwara and more valuable. Knowing that their children are American households, comprising 31 million celebrate the lives of the Gurus and remem- in a safe, learning, and loving environment al- individuals (including 12 million children), suf- ber their words. He also urged them to pray for freedom for the Sikh Nation and also for lows parents to perform better at home and at fer from hunger.
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