1lumb. 76 1047 SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1943 - juhlisg~h bu '.autgority ' ' -~ l _WELLINGTON, TUESDAY, kQGUST 31, 1943 . Writs for Election of ·Members of Parlfoment '·, [L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION \ :.:, To ·ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: GREETING. ·K·, NOW ye that I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New ',. .· ' Zealand, being de~irous that the General Assembly of New Zealand should be holden as soon . as m,ay he, do declare that I have this day signed my Warrant directing the Clerk of the Writs to .>proceed with the election of members of Parliament to serve in the House of Representatives for - · :all the electoral districts within the said Dominion of New _Zealand. · .- Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the ·Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 31st day of August, 1943. · P. FRASER. GoD SAVE THE KING ! A· . Returning .Officers appointed !l~gistrars of Electors appoint;~ ' . T is hereby notified that each of the undermentioned persons . ~ . .. ~- · I ·has-been appointed Returning Officer for the electoral district, T is her~by notified that each of the undermentioned persoµs J:ra;M.\ . the name of which. appears opposite his name :--, I been· appointed Registrar of Electors for the electoral 5U-strip'h;:~; Wilfred Augustine ~owd Auckland Central. · the name of which appears opposite his name :- - : . .••. .. /\ Octavius Harwood Burns Auckland East. ITidward Leslie Adams Auckland Suburbs. John Henry Victor Carr Auckland Centr~L,/:1 Percy Howard Woods Auckland West. · . John Henry Victor Carr Auckland ~ast~ .. ,,Jc Janies Alexander Fyfe Avon. John Henry Victor Carr Auckland Suburbs:.?•' . Hatold,Orlando Barker Awarua. John Henry Victor Carr Auckland West.' ·· ErlE:l Greenaway Tyler .. Bay of Islands. Alfred: Allan Besley Avon. , Marlin Langridge_ Solva Cole_,,, Bay of Plenty~ Frank Bernard Loxley Jameson Buller. Harold Orlando Barker Awarua. · .Richard Gordon Simpson Central Otago. Erle :Gree~away Tyler Bay of IsJands.~ . · Charles J ~lffrey Llan~illan McCree .. Christchurch East.~ Martin Langridge Solva Cole , Bay_ of Plenty.'~ George William Brown . -.,.) Christchuich North. ·F-ra:nk .Bernard Loxley Jameson Buller. Thomas .William Reese Christchurch South. ··;Richard Gordon Simpson . Ce:0:-tral.Otago:_·. Ernest Leslie Egarr Clutha; · >}:; .: Ueorge Stennis Row~ Dunedin. Central. Alfred .Aµan Besle37; Christchurch E!i,"st; tf . Samuel Charles Warren Bush Dunedin North. Alfred ~an· Besley Christclfiirch N 6rtbf}: William Thomas Spelman Dunedin South. Alfred Alla:ri ·Besley . Chri~tchurch, Sorit;~:;. Walter Cyril Fraser Edgar Dunedin· West. Ernest L~slie Egarr Clutha. Herbert George Whyte Eden. Gesseno:x .Alfred Hislop Dunedin Central.:::( J a~es Edward Biggar Egmo:g:t. · John Patterson .. Franklin. Ge~senooc Alfred Hislop Dunedin N o:rth. · Eric George Rhodes .. Gisborne,~ Gessenox Alfred Hislop Dunedin South. Aleh:qder Kelly. Fen;wick GrejLynn. Gesseno~ Alfr,.ed Hislop Dunedin West; Henry Bell- Reid · · Hamilton. Jphn Henry Victor Carr Eden. William Terence Rudman Hauraiki.· James Edward Biggar · .. Egmont, ·· William Melville Will Hawke's Bay. , Victor Joseph Rhodes Hurunui. -GeorgeR,ichardson Onslow Mulholland Franklin. _Fred Derck :Knight Hutt. Eric George Rhodes Gisborne"\ Arthur Evan Dobbie Invercargill. John Henry Victor Carr . , Grey Lynn. _ - William Frederick ]lames 1 Kaiapoi. Hen-ry Bell Reid · Hamilton. : C:q.arles ,Hastings Butcher Kaipara. William Te;ence, Rudman Hauraki, • John Morrison .. Lyttelton. Frederick Stanley Collier Manawatu. William Melville Will Hawke's Bay'.-· ·· Albert John Bennetts Marlborough. George ,Alfred o;~rend Hurumii. Thomas Percival Pairi Marsden. Fred Derek'Knight Hutt. Alban Whitaker · Masterton. · .Arthur Evan Dobbie fuyejca:rgi_¢ Leo Robert Higgins - .. Mataura. Ernest Etheib~rt Eves Kaia-poi. ·/ James Joseph William· Pooley Mid-Clanterbury. James Brown · ·Motueka; - Charles Hastings Butcher tai;ara{ .... William Harte Napier. Alfred Allan Besley Lytteiton.· .. ' . Geoffrey Charles Gordon .. Nelson . Albert John Bennetts Marlbor6ugh.' 1 . Leslie William Louisson •• New Plymouth. ,Thomas Percival Pain Marsden. Frederick Stoop .. Oamaru. Alban Whitaker Arthur Robert White Onehunga. .Leo Robert Higgins Rudolph Arthur Richard Enting OtahuhiI. ./Rarold James Henderson Otaki. J am{)s Joseph William Pooley Albert (}eorge Smith Pahiatua. James Brown· • Jack Tasman Arthur Beaumont Palm~rston North. ' William Harte Charles Frederick Lundy Patea. Geoffrey Charles Gordon .. Hugh Eryan Fraiser­ Rag~an. lleslie William Louisson . Cyril James Young Rangitikei., .Alan-Ross-Collier · Remuera. Frederick Stoop .. ;;. Albert Freeman· Riccarton. .Albert Eu.ward Lawson Onehunga. Frank O'ConnO'r Roskill. Hirold Levett Walqen Otabuhu._ ,;Eric Walter Abercrombie Rotorua. •Harold.James Henderson Otaki. 4,rth.ui Frederic Owen Clarke ' . ' \ ' Stratford. Albert George Smith · John C~asson Harding -Taurangi. Pa'.hia,t~i.' .Stanley Graham Heffernan Temuka. · Jack Tasml:l.n Arthur Beaumont Palmerston Colin Ainslee Mon,tgomerie Thames. "Charles Frederick Lundy Patea;­ Duncan Cecil Ernest Webster Timaru. Walter Abel Trask Raglan. ··•Frank Tru.m.an Ray Waikato. , Cyril'James Young · , William Henry Davy:s Rangitikei. Waimarino. John Henry Victor· Carr · · James Michael Carroll Waipawa. Remuera. - ·James William Holland Wairarapa: Alfred- A_llan Besley Riccarton'. ,: David William Mehdlle Webster Waitaki. Jonn He:rµ-y Victor Carr RoskiJl. · · William Adam Wilson · W aitemata. Eric Walpyr Abe;crombie · Rotor~a. • _. · Leslie Andrew Parlane Waitomo. Arthur Frederic Owen Clarke ·; Frederick William Bailey Stratford. .1 •• Wallace. John Classon Harding Walter Parker Wanganui. Ta,urang~ .. Thomas Cecil Bowker Wellington Central. Stanley Graham Heffernan Temilka. ·Jack Riccarton Deal Wellington East. · Colin Ainslie Montgomerie . Thames.·.- Allan Leslie Tresidder Wellington North. D@e~n Cecil Ernest Webster Timaru. _Percy.Harold·Wylde Wellington South. H{)rl:ert Hawke / D1:i,fydd Strachan Evans ·· W ailiato; Wellington Suburbs. William ~enry Davys Duncan .Alexander Paterson Wellington West. w aim~r:rno·.. William Murray Fraser .. Westland. · James Michael Carroll Waipa~a, P. FRASER. James William Holland Wair~rapa.c. ; Minister-in Charge of Electoral Department. David Will:i:'am Melville Wetster 1 ·,7 Waitaki. ' Wellington, 31st .August, 1943. · _.,,. John Henry Victor Carr . .. W a:ite~ata.< Leslie Andr{)W Parlane · Waitomo. Frederick Wi}liam Bailey Wallace. · , Walter Parker ,Returning Officers for certain Licensin? ·Districts appointed Wangafmi. · Thomas Cecil Bowker Wellington · Thomas Cecil Bowker ,Welling~ri Minister's Office, ' . Wellington, 31st August, 1943. Thomas Cecil Bowker Wellington is hereby notified that each of the undermentioned persons. Thomas ,Cecil B.owker Wellingto~ has be~µ appo\nted Returning Officer for the license district Thomas Cecil Bowker Wellington Su name of which appears opposite his name :-:- . Thom~s Cecil Bowker -Wellington Wilfred Augustine Dowd · · Auckland . Willi~m Murray Fras~r Westland: .i:\llan Leslie Tresidder Wellington; Thomas William Reese Christchurch. Walter fJyril FI'aser Edgar . Dunedin. · P. FRASER, Minister iii Charge-of 'Electoral De:par~w~~~.} P. FRASER, ~-·:~· ~?':. Minister in Charge of Electoral Department'.> W~llington 1 31st A11gust; 19,43. \THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Polling-places wr,;der ·the Electoral Act, 1927, appointed Auckland West Electoral District-'­ Beresford Street, the Public School. Cowan Street, All Saints ·Schoolroom. C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General Gundry Street, the Epiphany Hall. J ervois Road; the Bayfield School. N. pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred upon J ervois Road, St. Stephen's Church Schoolroom.' I me by the Electoral Act, 1927, I, Cyril Louis Norton Kelmarna A venue, the Convent School. Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, Off Ponsonby Road, Leys Institute (principal). - do hereby abolish all existing polling-places, and do hereby Pollen Street, Church of Christ Hall. appoint the places mentioned in the Schedule hereto to be Ponsonby Road, Shop at 210. polling-places for the electoral districts therein specified. Richmond Road, the Ponsonby Manual ·Training School. Union Street, St. Thomas's Par_ish Hall. SCHEDULE Auckland Central 'Electoral District- Avon Electoral District- Bright Street and New North Road co~ner, the .Aldwins Road and Harrow Street corner, 'Fisher's Store, Methodist Hall. · the Garage. _ East Street, the St. Benedict's Hall. Aranui, the Public School, Breeze's Road. E_den Terrace, the Protestant Alliance Friendly Society's Bromley, the Public School. Hall. Cambridge Terrace, the Canterbury Boat-sheds. Hobson Street; the Trades Hall. Cashel Street (No. 345), Marquee on property adjoining Khyber Pass R:oad, th~ St. David's Hall. Sparrow and Co. Lower Albert Street, the Sailors' Mission Hall. Gloucester Street (No. 662), the Garage. Lower Grafton Road, Mrs. J. Murray's Garage. Linwood A venue and Worcester Street corner, Baptist Lower Symonds Street, the St. Andrew's Hall. Qhurch. Pitt Street, the Sunday-school Room, Methodist Church Linwood, Avonside Church Clubroom, Stanmore Road. Building. , Linwood, Oddfellows' Hall, Rolleston Street. ~\Queen Street, the Town Hall (principal). Linwood, Pumping-station, Matheson·'s Road. Wellington Street, the St. James' Hall. Linwood, St. Chad's Sunday School, Buckley's Road. New
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