Hellenic Plant Protection Journal 10: 84-90, 2017 DOI 10.1515/hppj-2017-0010 SHORT COMMUNICATION A catalogue of the Coleoptera of the G.P. Moazzo Collection in the Goulandris Natural History Museum. Part III (Scarabaeidae) J. Tylianakis1, M. Dimaki2* and V. Perdiou2 Summary This is a detailed list of 223 species (727 specimens) of the family Scarabaeidae, the subfam- ilies Dynastinae (21 species), Melolonthinae (11 species), Rutelinae (29 species), Aphodiinae (104 spe- cies), Cetoniinae (59 species), represented in G.P. Moazzo’s collection at the Goulandris Natural History Museum. All label data for each specimen are given. The aim of this paper is to present this collection as reference data for comparison with recent entomological material. Additional keywords: Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae, Melolonthinae, Rutelinae, Aphodiinae, Cetoniinae Introduction erence information regarding insect speci- mens of Scarabaeidae. The Entomological Collection of the Gou- The material is of historical importance, landris Natural History Museum (GNHM) was with some specimens over 100 years old established in 1973. One particularly signifi - with a wide geographical distribution across cant collection is that of Georgi Polychronis 5 continents (Europe, Africa, Asia, America, Moazzo, which contains insects (Coleoptera Australia). It is published with the informa- in their majority) collected since 1910 (Gou- tion given exactly as it appears on the in- landris, 1977). Moazzo‘s entomological col- dividual labels. In some cases data may be lection of GNHM includes 5500 specimens. missing such as collection date and exact lo- Among them there are 1312 beetle species cality. An eff ort has been made to provide belonging to 58 families (Dimaki and Tyli- the current nomenclature, where possible. anakis 2006; Tylianakis and Dimaki 2006, Di- The specimens are in a very good condition maki et al., 2016). This is part III of the afore- and their identifi cation is still possible. mentioned collection, part I containing the families Carabaeidae, Cicindelidae, and Dy- tiscidae (Dimaki and Tylianakis, 2006) and Materials and methods part II containing part of the Scarabaeidae family (Tylianakis and Dimaki, 2006). The specimens were collected during fi eld- The aim of this paper is to present the work and have all been mounted on pins species of the Scarabaeidae subfamilies Dy- and arranged in unit trays within cabinet nastinae, Melolonthinae, Rutelinae, Aphodi- drawers at the GNHM. A determination label inae and Cetoniinae kept in the entomologi- accompanies each specimen as well as a da- cal collection of GNHM (Moazzo’s collection). tabase number. This number corresponds to The catalogue would be of particular inter- the information of each specimen as well as est for use by entomologists seeking for ref- the current name. The material has been ex- amined and described mainly by G.P. Moaz- zo. 1 Zoology Department, University of Canterbury, Pri- This collection includes material from vate Bag 4800, Christchurch, New Zealand. collectors such as A. Carneri, G. Louvet, B. 2 Goulandris Natural History Museum, 13 Levidou, GR- 145 62 Kifi ssia, Attica, Greece. Alpes, Talbiele, Petroff , Schuster, Winkler, * Corresponding author: [email protected] McMaygiore, Effl atoun and G.P. Moazzo © Benaki Phytopathological Institute Scarabaeidae Collection in Goulandris Natural History Museum 85 himself. Tucuman We followed the systematics of Ratc- Oryctes rhinoceros 2 spm, INDONESIA: Am- liff e and Jameson (2004) and Triplehorn and boine, Iles Moluques, leg. A. Carneri Johnson (2005). Oryctes spp. 5 spm, ARGENTINA: Tucuman Oryctes sp. 2 spm, ITALY, 1950, leg. Gentile Catalogue of Coleoptera, Scarabaei- Oryctes nasicornis 1 spm dae In the list below, we record the species and the Melolonthinae (11 species, 30 spm) relevant metadata: the number of specimens Europtron gracile 4 spm, ALGERIA: Ghardaia, (spm), the place of the collection, and the year leg. A. Chobaut and collector’s name, when available. Haplidia nitidula 7 spm Hoplia coerulea 1 spm, FRANCE: Prats de Dynastinae (21 species, 105 spm) Mollo, leg. Waegner Pentodon dispar (syn. P. algerinum sbsp. Hoplia dubia 5 spm, ITALY: Macarese, Rome, dispar) 23 spm, EGYPT: Alexandria, Victo- 1919, leg. P. Crozet ria?, Mariout, Ramleh, Rond-Point, Roun- Hoplia africanum 4 spm, MOROCCO: Casa- leh, Abou el Chekark, 1917, 1921, 1924, 1929, blanca, leg. Antoine 1935, 1938 leg. Effl atoun Hoplia farinosa 2 spm, AUSTRIA: Graz; Pentodon punctatus 1 spm, ITALY: Gerace Ca- FRANCE: Besançon labria, leg. Schuster Hoplia philanthus 1 spm Pentodon idiota 1 spm, AUSTRIA: Neusiedi Hoplia graminicola 1 spm lake, leg. Schuster Hoplia praticola 1 spm, ALGERIA: Ain Sefra, Pentodon bispinosus 1spm, MOROCCO: Casa- 1923, leg. A. Chobaut blanca, 1919, leg. Antoine Hoplia pubicollis 1 spm, CORSICA: Ajaccio Pentodon sp.1 spm, TURKESTAN: Samarkand Hoplia spp. 3 spm, ALGERIA: Bou-berak; MO- Pentodon sp.1 spm, TURKESTAN: Samarkand ROCCO: Casablanca, leg. A. Chobaut, An- Dyscinetus rugifron 2 spm, ARGENTINA: Bue- toine nos Aires Pachononyx fuscodeneus 2 spm, ARGENTINA: Rutelinae (29 species, 71 spm) Rio Salodo Anisoplia fl avipennis 1 spm Phyllognathus silenus 12 spm, FRANCE: Tou- Anisoplia segetum var. straminea (syn. louse; TURKEY: Adana, Cilicie; SPAIN: Tener- Chaetopteroplia segetum straminae) 1 spm, ife; EGYPT: Mariout, Ramleh, Palais; ALGERIA: TURKEY: Konya, 1899, leg. Korh Bou-Berak, 1921, 1924, 1935, 1953, leg.V.M. Anisoplia segetum (syn. Chaetopteroplia sege- Duchon, Effl atoun, A. Chobaut, Thery, A. tum) 1 spm, IRAN: Kopet-Dagh, Descht, 1902, Carneri leg. F. Hauser Heteronychus parumpunctatus 16 spm, Anisoplia pallidipennis 2 spm, ALGERIA: Ain EGYPT: Alexandria, 1921, 1922, 1924, 1929 Sefra, 1923, leg. A. Chobaut Heteronychus dilatatus 2 spm, ARGENTINA: Anisoplia cyathigera 1 spm, BOSNIA: Sanski- Tucuman most Heteronychus spp. 3 spm, EGYPT: Mariout, Anisoplia biguttata 1 spm, INDONESIA: Java 1933 Breanger Tjigembong, leg. Corporaai Oryctomorphus maculicollis 1 spm, CHILE Anisoplia lata 2 spm, AUSTRIA: Graz, CROA- Oryctomorphus sp. 2 spm, SOUDAN: FRANCE TIA: Pola Istria Temnorrhynchus baal 21 spm, EGYPT: Alex- Anisoplia leucaspis 1 spm, IRAN: Kerman- andria, Victoria?, Mazarita, Mandara Cairo, schah, 1909, leg. F. Hauser Rond Point, Nousha, 1919, 1921, 1923, 1924, Anisoplia agricola 1 spm, GERMANY: Off en- 1932, 1942, leg. A. Carneri bach Phileurus valgus 4 spm, VENEZUELA Anisoplia sp.1 spm, CROATIA: Velezgb, leg. Scaptophilus dasipleurus 2 spm, ARGENTINA: Krauss © Benaki Phytopathological Institute 86 Tylianakis et al. Anisoplia monticola 2 spm, CROATIA: Pola Is- out, Dekhela, Palais, 1919, 1921, 1923, leg. A. tria Carneri Anisoplia syriaca 1 spm, TURKEY: Ephesos Aphodius spp. 5 spm EGYPT: Palais, Alexan- Anisoplia fl avocincta1 spm, ITALY: Emilia, dria, 1923, 1925, leg. A. Carneri 1897, leg. Fiori Aphodius (Bodolius) hydrochoeris 17 spm, Anisoplia graminivora (syn. Anisoplia tempes- EGYPT: Palais, Victoria?, Bulgley, 1919, 1923, tiva) 2 spm, FRANCE: Ste Baume, 1920, leg. leg. A. Carneri, Fleming, M. Gantes A. Chobaut Aphodius (Volinus) hieroglyphicus 10 spm, Anisoplia sabulicola (syn. Brancoplia pumila) EGYPT: Mariout, Dekhela, Rond Point, 1921, 2 spm, EGYPT: Saba Pacha, 1918 1923, 1925 Anisoplia deserticola 4 spm, ALGERIA: Bou Aphodius granarius (syn. Calamosternus gra- Saada, Ain Sefra, 1923, leg. A. Chobaut, Mar- narius) 29 spm, EGYPT: Mariout, Dekhela, tin Rond Point, Cairo, Victoria?, Smouha, Sidi Anisoplia fl oricola4 spm, ALGERIA: Bou-Be- Bishr, Alexandria, ALGERIA: Bou-Berak; RUS- rak; MOROCCO: Casablanca; SPAIN: Valen- SIA: Transcaspia Kisil Arwat, 1898,1920, 1921, cia, leg. Antoine 1923, 1939, 1944, leg. A. Chobaut, F. Hauser Anisoplia austriaca 1 spm, Nd. Tesders? Aphodius varians 9 spm, EGYPT: Mariout, Anisoplia sp. 2 spm, TURKEY: Marmara, leg. Rond Point, Smouha 1920,1923, 1938,1939 Thery Aphodius (Erytus) sp. 29 spm, EGYPT: Mariout, Anisoplia bromicola var. nigra 1 spm, ITALY: Dekhela, Alexandria, Saba Pacha Montaza; Cerchio ALGERIA: Batra; RUSSIA: Transcaspia, 1900, Anisoplia bromicola 1 spm, CROATIA: Velezgb, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1925, leg. F. Hauser leg. Krauss Aphodius (Erytus) brunneus 3 spm, 1919, leg. Anisoplia austriaca var. major 1 spm A. Chobaut Anisoplia tempestiva 1 spm, FRANCE: Ste Aphodius (Erytus) lividus (syn. Labarrus livi- Baume, 1920, leg. A. Chobaut dus) 5 spm, leg. Montaza, 1921, 1922 Anisoplia sabulicola 24 spm, EGYPT: Abou Aphodius (Erytus) leucopterus (syn. Mecyn- kir, Rond Point, Cherbine, Mariout, Smouha, odes leucopterus) 4 spm, EGYPT: Mariout, Nouzha, Alexandria, Sidi Bishu 1919, 1920, 1925, 1944, leg. Garbaniat 1938, 1940, 1943, 1944 Aphodius (Eremazus) sp. 3 spm Pelidnota paraguayensis 1 spm, ARGENTINA: Aphodius (Eremazus) punctatus 2 spm Tucuman Aphodius (Eremazus) sp.1 spm, leg. A. Cho- Pelidnota sp. 1spm, SUDAN baut Blitopertha horticola (syn. Phyllopertha horti- Aphodius (Eremazus) unistriatus 2 spm, cola) 6 spm, FRANCE: Rouen; BOSNIA, 1921 EGYPT: Mariout, leg. A. Chobaut Blitopertha horticola (var. ustulatipennis) 1 Aphodius thermicola 8 spm, ITALY; AUSTRIA; spm, AUSTRIA: Wien MOROCCO: Rabat, 1917, 1922, leg. A. Cho- Blitopertha arenaria (syn. Blitopertha lineola- baut, P. Crozet ta) 1 spm, GREECE: Korinth Aphodius luridus var. nigripes 6 spm, ITALY, Blitopertha hirtella 1 spm, GREECE: Attica 1917, leg. P. Crozet Blitopertha lineolata 1 spm, IRAN: Dagh, Aphodius erraticus 6 spm, FRANCE: Cote D’Or; 1902, leg. F. Hauser ALGERIA: Bou-Berak Aphodius erraticus var. fumigatus 1 spm, ITA- Aphodiinae (103
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