5 The Naughtiest Nurse • 177 Notes 1. Melinda Rogers, “Man Misses Birth of His Child after Fondling Nurse, Police Say,” Salt Lake Tribune (October 9, 2009), http://tinyurl.com/lo5azqk; TAN, “Today’s Childbirth Class Topic: Resisting the Urge to Grab Your L&D Nurse’s Breasts!” (October 12, 2009), http://tinyurl.com/lvjbzrt. 2. Teresa Masterson, “Nothing Says ‘Thank You’ Like a Tush Grab or Two: Man Says He Was Trying to Show Gratitude but Faces Assault Charge for Groping Nurse Twice,” MSNBC (December 2, 2010); TAN, “You’re a Nurse, Right?” (December 2, 2010), http://tinyurl.com/mff95n3. 3. Tammy McGuire, Debbie Dougherty, and Joshua Atkinson, “Paradoxing the Dialectic: The Impact of Patients’ Sexual Harassment in the Discursive Construction of Nurses’ Caregiving Roles,” Management Communication Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2006): 416–450, http://tinyurl.com/y9c92lc; Mildred L. Culp, “Patients Harassing Nurses? Oh, Yes! How Nurses, Administrators and Society Can Respond,” Nursing in Virginia Magazine (Spring 2006), http://tinyurl.com/ lkotkyp; John Rossheim, “How Nurses Can Fight Sexual Harassment,” Monster (March 2006), http://tinyurl.com/yh4ozv3. 4. Y. Hibino, Y. Hitomi, Y. Kambayashi, and H. Nakamura, “Exploring Factors Associated with the Incidence of Sexual Harassment of Hospital Nurses by Patients,” Journal of Nursing Scholarship 41, no. 2 (2009): 124–131, http://tinyurl. com/ yzok6cb. 5. New York Daily News, “Pakistani Nurses Vulnerable to Sexual Harassment” (August 5, 2012), http://tinyurl.com/klwqa3c; TAN, “Thanking the Nurse” (August 5, 2012), http://tinyurl.com/pmfs55o. 6. Nicole Bode, “Flushing Hospital Nurse Gets $15 Million Award in Sexual Harassment Suit,” New York Daily News (February 23, 2009), http://tinyurl.com/ ljjagx7. 7. Ethan Sacks, “Dutch Nurses Need Public Service Campaign, Stat! Don’t Have to Perform Sexual Acts for Patients,” New York Daily News (March 12, 2010), 178 • SAVInG LIVes http:// tinyurl.com/mgfq6sb; TAN, “Drawing the Line” (March 12, 2010), http://tinyurl. com/lksyatf. 8. Associated Press, “Inappropriate Patient Behavior Tough on Nurses: Sexual Harassment a Widespread Problem, Health Officials Say,” MSNBC (December 15, 2005), http://tinyurl.com/kora4ym; CFNA, “AP: ‘Inappropriate Patient Behavior Tough on Nurses,’ ” TAN (December 15, 2005), http://tinyurl.com/mgnjmd9. 9. Agence France-Presse, “Nurses and Firemen Top Fantasy Poll,” The Age (August 24, 2006), http://tinyurl.com/k8vcx7e; CFNA, “Nurses Are No. 1. In Male Sexual Fantasies,” TAN (August 24, 2006), http://tinyurl.com/n4pyw25. 10. Dan Bilefsky, “If Plastic Surgery Won’t Convince You, What Will?” New York Times (May 24, 2009), http://tinyurl.com/kcel3mx; TAN, “We Are Offering Free Breasts” (July 14, 2009), http://tinyurl.com/m6mrtyh. 11. Kelly Ripa, Live with Regis and Kelly (March 12 and 15, 2007); CFNA, “Kelly Ripa Is Your Sponge Bath Nursey in Her Little Nursey Costume! Did We Mention She Was a Nursey? With a Sponge? Ooh! She Missed a Spot over Here!,” TAN (March 15, 2007), http://tinyurl.com/n8d7xct. 12. CFNA, “Skechers Pulls Christina Aguilera ‘Nurse’ Ad after Receiving More than 3,000 Letters from Nursing Supporters,” TAN (August 17, 2004), http://tinyurl. com/lfz2ebb. 13. Getty Images, “Christina Aguilera Celebrated as a Sexy Nurse with Jordan Bratman in Las Vegas in 2005” (2005), http://tinyurl.com/msf8c7g. 14. CFNA, “Italian Nurses Are Better-Looking . These [U.S.] Ones Scare Me a Bit. Don’t Even Think About Leaving Me Alone at Night with One of Them,” TAN (December 22, 2006), http://tinyurl.com/lp66x2w. 15. Nick Pisa, “Nurses Attack Silvio Berlusconi over Striptease,” Evening Standard (January 20, 2011), http://tinyurl.com/lbxx59e; TAN, “Neverland” (January 23, 2011), http://tinyurl.com/kb5ea6q. 16. The Times, “Racists Hit Drive for Nurses” (August 24, 2004); CFNA, “At Least They’ve Avoided that Angel Stereotype: Asian Nurses Confront Racist Abuse and Views That Their Profession Is ‘On a Par with Prostitution,’ ” TAN (August 24, 2004), http://tinyurl.com/l335jpg. 17. Ashfaq Yusufzai, “Pakistan: Nurses Get Little Training or Respect,” Inter Press Service (June 3, 2006), http://tinyurl.com/mfnodp2; CFNA, “ ‘Colleagues at the Hospital Think I Am a Prostitute,’ ” TAN (June 4, 2006), http://tinyurl.com/ l2wsshs. 18. Dame Helen Mirren, Late Show with David Letterman, “Season 17, Episode 152” (June 14, 2010); TAN, “Nursing at the Love Ranch” (June 14, 2010), http:// tinyurl.com/lzolweq. 19. TAN, “Busch Gardens Teaches Kids about Nurses” (October 2011), http://tinyurl. com/lw2arck. 5 The Naughtiest Nurse • 179 20. Phil McGraw, “Anatomy of an Affair,”Dr. Phil (November 18, 2004), CFNA, “Kicking Dr. Phil’s Ass to the Curb,” TAN (November 18, 2004), http://tinyurl. com/mxj9d2r. 21. Albawaba, “Nurses Union Demands Ghada Abd Al Riziq’s Drama Be Stopped” (August 16, 2010), http://tinyurl.com/lzd3rrf; TAN, “Bad Reputation” (August 16, 2010), http://tinyurl.com/khes382. 22. Mark Chappell, Shaun Pye, and Alan Connor, writers, based on the short stories of Mikhail Bulgakov, Alex Hardcastle, director, “Season 1, Episode 3” and “Season 1, Episode 4,” A Young Doctor’s Notebook, Ovation/Sky Arts (December 20 and 27, 2012), http://tinyurl.com/n2cbe6o and http://tinyurl.com/k4ebqe3. 23. Emily Pirie, personal email (April 20, 2008). 24. US Census Bureau, “Men in Nursing Occupations: American Community Survey Highlight Report” (February 2013), http://tinyurl. com/mjxgvue. 25. Peter Glick, Sadie Weber, Cathryn Johnson, and Heather Branstiter, “Evaluations of Sexy Women in Low and High Status Jobs,” Psychology of Women Quarterly 29, no. 4 (December 2005): 389–395, http://tinyurl.com/kzhz5gu; Eric Noe, “Can Sexy Women Climb the Corporate Ladder? A New Study Suggests that Bold, Revealing Clothing May Keep You from Getting a Promotion,” ABC News (December 2, 2005), http://tinyurl.com/y937x4a. 26. Melissa L. Wookey, Nell A. Graves, and J. Corey Butler, “Effects of a Sexy Appearance on Perceived Competence of Women,” The Journal of Social Psychology 148, no. 2 (2009): 116–118. 27. Mónica Romero-Sánchez, Mercedes Durán, Hugo Carretero-Dios, Jesús L. Megías, and Miguel Moya, “Exposure to Sexist Humor and Rape Proclivity: The Moderator Effect of Aversiveness Ratings,” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 25, no. 12 (December 2010): 2339–2350, http://tinyurl.com/n8jc37a. 28. Gil Greengross, “Humor Sapiens: The Laughing Ape and Other Insights into the Nature of Funny,” Psychology Today (July 18, 2011), http://tinyurl.com/kr5br2k. 29. Thomas E. Ford and Mark A. Ferguson, “Social Consequences of Disparagement Humor: A Prejudiced Norm Theory,” Personality and Social Psychology Review 8, no. 1 (2004): 79–94, http://tinyurl.com/9gwl48f. 30. G. Tendayi Viki, Manuela Thomae, Amy Cullen, and Hannah Fernandez, “The Effect of Sexist Humor and Type of Rape on Men’s Self-Reported Rape Proclivity and Victim Blame,” Current Research in Social Psychology 13, no. 10 (2007): 122–132, http://tinyurl.com/bqkdjas. 31. Science Daily, “Sexist Humor No Laughing Matter, Psychologist Says” (November 7, 2007), http://tinyurl.com/yg7p8r8. 32. Thomas E. Ford, Christie F. Boxer, Jacob Armstrong, and Jessica R. Edel, “More than ‘Just a Joke’: The Prejudice-Releasing Function of Sexist Humor,”Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34, no. 2 (February 2008): 159–170, http://tinyurl. com/6j9fmb5. 180 • SAVInG LIVes 33. TAN, “Just How Undervalued and Underfunded Is Nursing?,” accessed January 31, 2014, http://tinyurl.com/k7m4wep. 34. Richard Prince, “Nurse Paintings,” exhibit at the Barbara Gladstone Gallery (New York: September 20–October 25, 2003); CFNA, “Nurse Paintings,” TAN (September 28, 2003), http://tinyurl.com/k8fkgev. 35. Sonic Youth, Sonic Nurse, Geffen/Interscope (2004), http://tinyurl.com/8tua6bb; CFNA, “Sonic Youth, ‘Sonic Nurse,’ ” TAN (July 12, 2004), http://tinyurl.com/ kzgl476. 36. CFNA, “Coor Slight,” TAN (December 2006), http://tinyurl.com/l8wmgwp. 37. CFNA, “What the World Needs Now Is Inspiring Soulful Love Dolls,” TAN (October 12, 2007), http://tinyurl.com/lq2vnj2. 38. CFNA, “Your Ultimate Recovery Team,” TAN (August 2008), http://tinyurl. com/nxgj7p2. 39. CFNA, “X Games,” TAN (October 15, 2006), http://tinyurl.com/mg4qhzl. 40. CFNA, “Tagged: Gillette Pulls Lusty-Nurse Fever Ad,” TAN (October 3, 2005), http://tinyurl.com/k85zjmw. 41. CFNA, “Don’t You Think I’m So Sexy—I’m Just So Fresh, So Clean,” TAN (September 27, 2007), http://tinyurl.com/mue2geq. 42. Joan Coello, “Sexy Doctors and Nurses Serve up McDonald’s in Taiwan!” RocketNews24 (January 6, 2014), http://tinyurl.com/l4z5f58. 43. TAN, “It’s the Cure, Baby! Naughty Nursing with Hooters” (March 31, 2011), http://tinyurl.com/3rlpacq. 44. Carey Polis, “John Alleman Dead: Heart Attack Grill Unofficial Spokesman Dies from Heart Attack,” Huffington Post (February 12, 2013), http://tinyurl.com/ axp7whx; Courtney Hutchison, “Hefty Heart Attack Grill Spokesman Dies at 29,” ABC News (March 4, 2011), http://tinyurl.com/49x5cxm. 45. Heart Attack Grill, accessed March 30, 2014, www.heartattackgrill.com; CFNA, “Worth Dying For,” TAN (October 2008), http://tinyurl.com/c5ouw9m. 46. Good Hurt Nightclub, “About,” accessed March 30, 2014,http://tinyurl.com/ nl46hc9; CFNA, “I Feel So Good I’m Gonna Break Somebody’s Heart Tonight,” TAN (August 15, 2007), http://tinyurl.com/l7l5d9g. 47. City Steam Brewery Café, “City Steam: The Naughty Nurse,” accessed March 27, 2014, http://tinyurl.com/lwjppb7. 48. TAN, “A Bad Case of Loving Nurses” (February 28, 2012), http://tinyurl. com/7lzjjxz. 49. Virgin Mobile, “Think Hatke,” YouTube video, accessed March 30, 2014, http:// tinyurl.com/pxrkg4w; TAN, “Not So Hatke” (October 2009), http://tinyurl. com/n5whptp. 50. Tyler Hamilton, “Nurses Plan Boycott of Virgin Mobile over Ads That ‘Demean’ Profession: Shown Wearing Short Skirts and Stilettos. Demand Branson Publicly Apologize,” Toronto Star (March 5, 2005); CFNA, “Virgin Mobile’s Merry Pranksters,” TAN (March 5, 2005), http://tinyurl.com/lsluapl. 5 The Naughtiest Nurse • 181 51. Skechers, “Christina Aguilera Ad Campaign,” adland.tv, accessed March 30, 2014, http://tinyurl.com/n6dvdh; CFNA, “Inject Me,” TAN (August 2004), http:// tinyurl.com/konqwjc.
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