SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 1913. 46 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, AUTOISTS TO MEET Local Motorists Plan to Hold Rally PIGGINS TRUCK HOLDS WORK BEGINS ON NEW NEW EMPIRE MODEL HIGH PLACE ON COAST HOME FOR MERCEDES MAKES ITS APPEARANCE AT BANQUET BOARD State Association to Renew Activity Mercer raceabout (upper left), one of the attractive 1914 models; R. C. Neighbors, sales manager of the Site for Local Assembling Rene J. Marx Company Ex- Latest Car From Indiana (upper right); National car Effort to Be Made to Revive '"Hupp Motor company, who is at present a guest in the dtp Fred Cross at wheel of Plant for Racine Wagon to pects to Be in Geary Street Factory Shows Many Up in United States mint (lower). Interest in the State front of Be Announced Soon Quarters in 90 Days to Date Refinements Association Manager Mclaughlin of the Inter- After some little delay In perfecting The firs>t of the 1013 Empire touring state Motors company, coast distributer the plans for the new building in Geary cars has been received by the Osen- Plans below Van avenue to McFarland company. latest Boosters' Committee of the Practical Piggins and Durable street Ness that is Auto Th* I>ayton trucks and the Interstate and be the future home of the famous Mer- model from this factory in a most in- for Lat- reports Big Celebration Great Western pleasure cars, cedes car actual work on the structure teresting car, and undoubtedly will he that President McNab of the Piggins ter Part of May been in was begun this week and Rene J. Marx, one of the most popular makes of th" company of Racine, who has , McFarland, just week seeking an head of the Rene J. Marx company. Inc.. season. Mr. who has the city for the last returned front the eastern factory. In available site for the erection of a coast distributers of the popular Ger- de- speaking of the car. says: "The model The plan launched at a recent meet. huge assembling plant, has about man car, believes that within 90 days five passenger re- site, how- be new quar- 11" touring car is a !npr of California State Automo- cided upon the location. The his firm will housed in the f fined addition to the model '23' Empire tjie being as a secret until the ters. Mr. Marx, however, is losing no \u25a0sociaiion tn bring, out a large eVer, ie held I touring car, and, in my mind, wPI final transfer of the property is made. time in interesting the local motorists prove to be one the most popular membership by hold- already I of percentage ot its The list of Piggins truck owners in in the Mercedes and he has Icars this season. The price of the Em- ing n mammoth banquet and thus re- this part of the country is steadily in- taken several orders for cars, the chas- pire 1s not increased in spite of the new interest in tlie organization bids creasing, and the factory officials be- ses of which are now en route from the fact that the company has incorporated not be long before German factories. The bodies are to be score of the new well be successfully carried out. j lieve that tt will a refinements in Jo number in use will exceed that of built to order in America, chassis and has added many new fea- been the While no definite date has net. It the middle western states, where the tures." haa been decided b; the rnmmittle in were and STIDEBAKER BOWLERS ENTER tberiag during vehicles first introduced rhatj; such a marked success. corporation's five >'E\V ABBOTT OWNERS the of M«y, only proved The Studebaker man lattor part and not congress \u25a0will be to attend, team has entered the national A. G. Sommerville, sales manager of the members urged in ;il! in the mo- MUCH FAVOR at Toledo and will roll all divisions. the Thomas Flyer company, distribu- but people interested MOONS WIN been doing consistent tor ear world are to be invited. The team has ters of the Abbott-Detroit line, reports Westphal called the new Moon models, which were work in the Detroit Manufacturers' delivery of a 44-50 deinitonneau to K. Chairman H. W. The Messier, foreman of and a t'rst meeting of the general committee placed on display last week by the league. Arthur CL Hueter 30-40 touring car t> plant department, is the Loveland, \u25a0\V"dn it and appointed chair- Dillon-Ooodwin company, northern one rear.axle Colonel H. D. both of this city. men of committee* on publicity, ar- California distributer of the line, have captain. i rangements, reception and invitation. hit a popular chord in local motoring The entire membership of the various circles and the firm's showroom was committees is not complete because crowded throughout the week with it la particularly desired to include the interested motorists anxious to inspect more prominent automobillstfl of the the car and enjoy a demonstration. The interior cities to act with those from self-starting and lighting sys- FEDERALS FOR SAJi JOSE electric San Francisco. tems proved most interesting featnres, al- Cat company has The Stat" Automobile association g The Standard Motor and the fact the company adopted the ready has more than l!,000 active mem- Federal trucks to and center control was Tehachapi. delivered three more left hand drtve upon. bers in the section north of freely and favorably commented and the membership is increasing F. H. Holmes of San Jose. daily. The benefits «nd advantages to be I derived by affiliation with this assooia- ] tlon are such that it is anticipated that j ajority of the automobile owners j of the northern section of the state Sincerity is Built Right will coon ally themselves with the or- ganization which haa already been so successful in bettering conditions af- > Into the fecting autoists! The special purposes for which the association is designed are the promo- tion of sane and reasonable laws for the protection of the autoiets and the PHAETON IS NEWEST CAR OWNER EVOLVES public alike, and particularly the Im- provements of streets and highways und proper regulations for their uee and upkeep. OF HUDSON IDEA banq,uet SIX for TYPE NEW Unquestionably »the EQUIPMENT which preparation is now being made will bring together a large proportion of the present membership and other 9 persons with kindred interests, and the S. G. Chapman Gives Some Lozier Buyer Has Speed- America s First Car gathering will attract the attention of Lozier "LIGHTSIX" Touring Car. $3250. every business man around the bay Details of Latest De- ometer in Tonneau So He j!l and in the interior of the state. It has long been known that the troit Product Can Regulate Speed section of California north of Tehach- api affords to the touring autoist the MrK\ Jll I Thirty Minutes in a most beautiful and attractive scenery 1913 season has been marked by A decidedly new Idea- in motor oar { world, it is confidently be- The fcr the and variety designed equipment by a recent lieved that the improvement of road the great of models waa evolved conditions will bring a swarm of by the makers of standard motor cars. purchaser of a Lozler Six, who ordered travelers whose tours about the state The latest to be presented to the pub Mo the speedometer placed on the rear of t\-ill produce a revenue for every busi- is the Hudson six phaeton, a large, the front seat, facing the occupants of man and farmer and materially beautiful, six cylinder car of graceful the tonneau. The owner of the car, he value of every asset held body design, with almost limitless a Montreal man, employes a chauffeur rher. power. and always rides In the rear seat. The Automobile association already In speaking of the new production of He has his own Ideas as to what \u25a0cured notable benefits in the way the Hudson factory, 8. Q. Chapman speed should be maintained In city of bettering road conditions ajid ferry says: "The Hudson phaeton is easily traffic and therefore had the indicator one of the moet can that It could constantly eervice in and about San Francisco, attractive placed where be your car you will and proposes to extent the gx>od work has appeared this season. Its graceful tinder his watchful gaze. As a re- at it from your view point, in choosing throughout the beautiful valleys of flush elded body, the breed sweeping eult the chauffeur is forced to depend consider several things which are more important to you than the ?? California and the San Joa- lines of the rear of the car, and the either upon instinct or hints from his LOOKING for thirty minutes no one manner they factory, or how many thousands of cars he builds, HI Ride in the Lozier "LIGHTSIX" and artistic with which all employer for a knowledge of the oar's size of a manufacturer's say anything that would either increase or lessen your Arrangements are now being made blend make it a most beautiful model. pace. In placing the speedometer in may equipment. could or how many talking points he have in J\u03b2! admiration of this car. association and the ad- "Prom a mecha-nioal viewpoint the the tonneau a epeclal tube over six completely equipped in new aix cylinder car represents , six length was used, owing to The Haynes factory (new plant built and HI of its plan in every organlza- feet In the riding cylinder perfection.
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