• 1 Panui Etita " Comments from the Editor IE II-UKA - 2 Nga Reta The Ngai Tahu Magazine Have your say RaumatilSummer 1996 4 Signing the Heads of Agreement ..•_..... Resolving the 147year old grievance Editor: a 6 Koukourarata GABRIELLE HURIA A village steeped in the history of Ngai Tahu whakapapa Contributors: GABRIELLE HURIA 7 Onuku Marae TE MAIRE TAU CHARLES CROFTS Tukutuku panels for Onuku's wharenui VICTOR ROGER 8 The Fastest Fingers at Tuahiwi MOANATIPA Nga mihi 0 te wa kia koutou. Welcome once again to Te Karaka. Tuahiwi weavers preparing for the TAHU POTIKI • 8' 8' commemorations at Waitangi ALLAN GROVES E poua This issue notes the historic signing of the Heads of Agreement 9 Maire Kipa & The Ngai Tahu Health SUZANNE ELLISON Takato mai ra Resource Centre JENNY RENDALL Takato mai ra i runga i te Pari Atua ki te tonga at Parliament on October 5 1996. There is still a lot of work for Takato mai ra i runga i te kaika ariki a Ngati A community centre devised to achieve SANDRA BARR :::s Ruahikihiki raua ko Ngati Rakimoa a better health outcome for Maori DONALD COUCH the negotiating teams to develop the Heads into a Deed. Takato mai ra i raro i te horomakaraia 10 Ataarangi Classes K.G. BROAD However, the fact that Ngai Tahu is actually negotiating with the no te Whenua Hou ki te Tuahiwi Colourful teaching methods of te reo MATIU PAYNE s:: No reira e koro Maori a success ANAKE GOODALL Crown is a milestone in our history and a step closer to fulfilling e moe i waenganui ate ariki tapu 11 Tangaroa's Children at Wairewa MURIEL JOHNSTONE Nga ariki i whakamau ai the dreams of our tipuna. ~ Learning the methods of eeling JIMMY HILLS te mana aTe Waipounamu 14 For the Future of Tuna SIR TIPENE O'REGAN E te wairua, Ngai Tahu Representatives now part of I draw your attention to the press release (page 46) from the Haere the Eel Management Committee Design: Haere ki te rerenga wairua 0 16 Oraka-Aparima Visual Art Exhibition YELLOW PENCIL World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), in support of the Heads of Te Waipounamu ki OlOreinga Ko te taonga tOluru tanei 0 to tipuna, Artworks from Oraka Aparima whanau Printing: Agreement. It is heartening to receive recognition from a ara Te Ruahikihiki tae noa ki ona uri kia 18 He Purakau mo te Timatanga LIAISE ON PRINT worldwide organisation that understands the special relationship Hine Haka raua ko Te Wera A comtemporary performance of an No reira kia hikoi koe i runga i te ara i takahia e te age-old story of the world's origins Publisher: of tangata whenua to the environment. wahine 22 Book Reviews by Donald Couch NGAI TAHU PUBLICATIONS LTD i hohouia te rongo i te wa 0 te Kai Huaka. No raira no ka kohatu 0 OtOreinga kia maanu atu The Natural Resource Management PO Box 13046 This positive relationship is a light at the end of the tunnel, ra to waka i runga i te whare hukahuka a Tangaroa Plan, and Te Whakatau Kaupapa Christchurch following some of the hostile reactions by a few local Kia rere atu ra to waka i runga i te Tai 0 Mahaanui 24 Doctorate Recipients Phone: 03-366 4344 Kei uta ra 0 whanauka 0 Ngati Huikai, Fax: 03-365 4424 Ropata Wahawaha Stirling and Harry environmentalists that Ngai Tahu have encountered. Ngati Wheke me Ngai Tu Ahuriri. Evison, both doctorate recipients Contributions and letters to the Kei a Ngai Tu Ahuriri to whanauka me nga 26 He Apakura whanau a Makei Te Kura. Editor should be sent to: In these changing times, it is even more important that Ngai Apakura, or waiata, used to explain the E tangi ana ratou mo te wehenga. TE KARAKA origins of death or comfort the grieving Tahu remains steadfast to the principles of kaitiaki and E mau tonu ana ratou te whanaungatanga i The Editor waenganui a Waitaha me Murihuku. 28 Taonga Marks Consecration Ngai Tahu Group Management guardianship that we have always held. By doing so, we continue A gift ofpounamu is presented to the Kia rere atu ra to waka ki te Tai 0 Marokura, te PO Box 13 046 kaika a Ngati Kurii me to puna a Ngati Ruahikihiki. new Kumara Anglican church Christchurch our customary rights and teach our children to carry nga mahi 0 No reira e koro, haere, heare, kaere atu ra ki 0 29 Dallas Meade tipuna e tatari ana. An impressive career in Rugby League ©1995 The entire contents of Te Karaka are nga tipuna into the new millennium. Haere i runga i te ara whanui ki te kapunipuni 30 What Did You Do in The War, Koro? copyright and may not be reproduced in any wairua 0 Hine Titama. form either in part or in whole without the written The topic for a school essay competition This is the last issue of Te Karaka for 1996. Next year we hope Oira Ki Te Mahaanui a Maui Ki Te Ao Marama! permission of the publisher. All letters addressed Ka huri nga whakaaro ki te ao taka 32 Koa Mantell & The Social Challenge to Te Karaka will be a.ssumed intended for to bring you the special edition of Te Karaka, detailing the Deed, Ete whanau pani 33 The Old Tauihu Rears it's Head publication unless clearly marked "Not for e tangi ana i roto i te whare pouri 0 The discovery ofan ancient canoe prow Publication". as well as the following two issues. TOtakahinahina 38 Still Playing After All These Years Opinions expressed in Te Karaka are those of Kia piki mai ra koutou i runga i te karaka a nga Once again, the editorial team thank you for your letters and Strumming to the tune of Rangi Ellison the writers and are not necessarily endorsed by ruahine 0 Ngati Rakiamoa Te Runanga 0 Ngai Tahu. No reira haeremaii runga i nga karaka 41 Family Literacy: A Personal support. ki Te Ao Marama Reflection - as told by Kelvin Broad Ma nga ihi 0 te ra me te aroha 0 te iwi e 43 Te Putea Matauraka 95/96 Report Ka rere atu matou whakaro aroha whakamahana 44 Whaikorero: The Tauparapara .. Haea te ata The ritualised act of Public Speaking ki a tatau katoa ma te tau hou. Ka korihi te manu Ka waiora te ngutu 46 Ngai Tahu and Conservation Issue 5 published December 1996 Ka tangi te umuere - he awatea 48 Tamariki Ma © Ngai Tahu Publications Limited ISSN no. 1173/6011 RaumatilSummer 1996 TE KARAKA 1 I Maybe we take it for granted as I did therefore To the Editor being away from home has made me ;ealise just With two requests for information about South ~IWHEELER_ how lucky I am. Island schools, in the very welcome and much Consulting Li1nited I am 23 years old, have just accepted my appreciated Te Karaka Winter 1996 magazine. Maoridom and am therefore willing to learn more. NGAI TAHU DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION I hope you will accept and publish my poem, DEVELOPING THE SOCIAL BENEFITS I have always had my family (the most precious written after I returned home in February 1996. thing anyone can ask for) and now will listen and I shall be contacting both Catherine Gudgeon ~ take more notice than having the attitude of ... GENERAL MANAGER 1 and Judith Simon regarding Te Wai Pounamu another boring meeting. Mo tatou, a, mo ka uri a muri ake nei School/College and Little River Maori School. Marama Connell, A lot of thanks is due to Te Karaka magazine as For us and our children after us when I look in it and see the faces of family and Yours are you there'? friends and am unable to translate the Maori Dawn Fewre (Skipper) • LOCATION: CHRISTCHURCH writings, it just makes me think I am not going to This is a crucial role on the path to To the Editor be another statistic, of a Maori not knowing his/ A Special Thank You. developing Ngai Tahu Whanui and ensuring her own culture and language. To speak the I got your address from the Te Karaka Ngai Our friends are treasures of delight the targeted delivery of real benefits. language would be a great bonus. Tahu magazine that is sent to me from New When we meet after years apart The focus of this position will be to assist Zealand, as I am one of the beneficiaries. I I feel it is very important to know who you are And relive our lives together the iwi through the next phase of its growth, am hoping you will be able to place an and where it all began. So therefore it is better Sharing pleasures deep from the heart. from a social and cultural perspective. The advertisement in your magazine for my sister late than never. You never know, after showing Recalling school days gay and carefree Corporation is tasked to effectivelymanage Marama whom I have not seen or heard from my Ngai Tahu family here in Australia their own the distribution function to Ngai Tahu magazine maybe they too will want to know Friendships with friends long gone for nearly 30 years. My mother and father beneficiaries and Papatipu ROnanga on more, as we all have little knowledge and the The laughter and the chatter died and our sister and brother have all died, behalf of Te ROnanga a Ngai Tahu. Of time when we were young and strong. so I don't know who else to contact.
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