Wednesday, May 24, 1995 Technician ~...—c...nm-—u —_~—— Raleigh. North Carolina North Carolina State University‘s Newspaper Since 1920 Volume 75. Number 77 College Cancer costs could Victim increase receives I A proposed tuition surcharge has students degree from NCSL' and other schools up in arms. I A graduate student who BY Ros Barrio died weeks before i' .- also» graduation is remembered with a posthumous diploma in recent sears, students liase heeii accused or not caring ahotit and a scholarship fund. what goes on around them Almost as rt a plague ot apathy spread Br Josiiii I) on ST across N.(‘. State and other N. t tllll\L‘l'slllL‘s ill the state like a (hilt a select numher ot people deadly \irus. reccl\e graduate rli‘glct's trom lltc N (‘ State 1 ni\ersit) School ot Design (in \la_\ I‘. one ot its hest ”They are placing students. Rohelt ('hase. was money before the awarded postliuinousl) a inaster ot architecture degree education of young (‘llase was oill} tire weeks short adults,” ot' earning his degree when he died H . r. a/S'nw April 4 He died of lung cancer. New alumnus Betsy McLean gets a gift from her ~——Shaw'na McCaden. although triends said he was a set) grandaughter (left). Some of the cast of thousands .icti\ e. normally health} none gathered to walk their final steps as NC. State president. N. C. Black smoker. students (top). For some, graduation is a Student Government Thomas (hase accepted the regressive. not progressive. event (above). degree till his son at the School ol' Association Design s coininencenient c‘c'l‘c'lllitlh. May ceremony graduates 2,941 One issue. howesei. has cured It was a wry tine gesture oil the htttillt'l‘ds ill sttltlcilts ol the disease part ot tlle design school to ttttlltt'} recogni/e ltoh in this wa). and the I E. Gordon (iee ilt'lt‘lll‘lillt' what lsliid «it iiatiorl we the North ('aroliila state House l.t|llll} is r‘\llL‘lllL‘l_\ ei'atetul tor it." commends atctolie. he said 'lt l\.lLllsl\lll l'lroinas ('hasc said stamina ot' the v ,. ‘1 xi ,.- t7?‘ ox Karlol s ll.ll.ic lt'l .l it‘\l\ltilliitt til spllll and Senate each passed a hill ( .hasz‘ s piolcssors suggested that ('ld550f199‘. _, g' 0 Me"Linda Joanne., l. rAbel Christopher- ,rwup ._ c“Knin, x ., \itd flit t: rot ‘~t‘ltllt‘l\ are \ou. the requiring a 3‘ percent surchargel 1. tor the degree he aw ai'lled 0 Edgar Garcra Estuplnan. .w' . Robert E lc. Kyles 'i .- 'is t'ldlltidlt“ ”Wk ”1‘ I r”1"”:' 1 ”Hills”;' 1 .’ill] iti“ll posihiiinorish the graduate school Bl JUSHE [hilt st ; . r r» , ,. legs.“ ' \‘ l t , l H Firm l“ HAHN“ '” 1‘ “ itillllill\lt.tll\c‘ hoard made the liiial N, t ' Cheryl Lynn Gautier - Kristin Marie Marshall : ‘i r i I i ‘ R l ‘ I“ H L \t mp” hm'h “M“ m “1mm“ \l‘.-. t \j\ ‘tt (‘hiistos \oc k opoulos i ‘- iv vir" \l illil'w'i'vl‘ ‘ “N s-lt‘ls‘t lts‘ “0 scliooli hlit does not take multiple ':t .id ot the architecture' Balloons. hcach halls Ami ' Heather Kristin. - Harmon. ~. - Amy Lorse' Patterson hailli \\ i the at lli‘lllltt'llH"lllL'tll. he \ltrluor -- \ “l tlls' Uii‘ltet‘.i‘.i\t c ii.'".li' Hctlt. tl"‘l\‘.tcllL‘tl7 lholttas h sh“ .hi I- ‘ ‘34 . til ~ i~ ~ ,, 'i _, L"i , 1 xiii er ucatioii tttt‘L'lattt iii o t .iiti ' "..t""t'l. ll ti ( ‘ltr..\t' tlttd‘ \t‘“l tlIL\Itt is l ‘iit“maH1lie.“‘w all‘ ..l iicarI” 1 I Steven. ..Gerald Humphrey.y 'l‘GrantI h K!Morey 'Stevens , . 2' t lllt' Ic’r:'‘’l l .“i L‘ .tt\‘\i itii.it ill llll \ UimldcmunnSome \(‘_\l students tilt ltltliltL’ i ' i -i idira': l.oir.ili:ttec made iexolutioii graduated \la‘» ll " ‘ ’ -' * d‘” N Hi,“ '1‘”, l“ {ml “Hill mm l S l i \‘ t l’ l K the toruial request to the graduate t artervl-lnles Stadium. lltl‘ "”“W‘ll‘ l"“lt"'\“l l“ J l“‘“ K? n [H L n. ”H L i Tl l ml "‘“Hl "“"Hm‘u‘ufl‘. Null“ ”1‘” l‘ (ll‘tllott (lee llic'siilcnt o’ t in e e the degree. (mmI State l‘iii\eisit\_ told theI would helpI tt-r ir J: i l‘l'.l\t sl. l‘lll "t‘lli't one \peakeitie in:’, lllllhe saidiiiiiiiltc'iitr'tltt'tll “pm“‘ n ‘3‘!“r ”I'm“, HYHL\ls\ ‘1’' ’1‘. lkrliM‘igun‘i'""""‘ Un tin its ma‘si‘ i "r’ If‘c lltlltl it“sr‘ltllI-‘ll. ill whit t: hurldiiig Iii downrowi Ra r t_;_l to CHASEIH'QF‘l r"talltiatcs not lto locus ontx' on the ctollrr‘iilt. i.i,l.,.Il‘ “ v. ..c.. or. t. | short term goals their decrees l " ‘r ‘ ' itl' "t"r,.t.\s“'l ““1. -rts' \\ l ll GPADS‘l I», l‘ ) rCPCJIIhUhIHAlter repeated protests during the past seal. the hill has not heen repealed tint it has not heen t‘ltlt‘fccd Cttltct ()n Ma) 4. hundreds ot students Hunt finds money for troin tlltl\t‘t\lllc‘\ across the state spoke outside the legislatne huilding tor air hour lhe rall) graduate students attracted the attention ot N (‘ \‘enate speaker pro tern Marc I (.‘osernor llunt proposes health insurance it the) are teaching liasnrglit and local media. or research its\tst;iiits. Smeral student body presidents. to add supplemental funds llunt‘s reelirruneildations include a lllL‘llltllllfJ N(‘.\'l"s Sill) John to ills original budget for ill percent increase in tuition ()‘Qtilnn. concerned parents and the l \t s} stein. It’passed. rcttttssliitt to tll‘liKCl the Lost tll otll- prot'essors spoke ahoiit the cilialit) much of the money would ol-state ttlitioii tor graduate students of education hem-lit grad students. throughout the [NC s) stern. It the ()Quriin said the iall_\ \\ its $7 5 illillioii is set aside. l.t)tltl successlul more graduate students could he ”It seems to reall) haw gotten the I“ .ll \s l oust lliuir‘it added to the l.l)tltl w ho already (iosernor's attention. he said receise tuition remissions l'Nt‘t‘hapcl llrll. l'Nt‘r lllL ph-rnv si'il illls li‘ lllC llunt also recommended that St) ~\she\ille. l'N(‘-\\illiirneion and l iri\r'isit\ lil \uitll ('aliilitta iilillloil he hudgeted tor tuition other schools held protests on their \ssteiri l‘litl"t'l iila‘l he less painlul. remissions speciticall) tor l'Nt'r campuses April I" to tight cuts the thanks to wine lt'tt'lll political (‘hapel Hill and NCSI' graduate (leneral .'\ssL'llll‘l_\ wants to make lll.tllt‘tl\r'lltl" lis (imetnoi James students. so that students who now in [NC s_\ stein hudgei llliiit get remissions ma} continue to pa) .-\ petition signed h} hundreds ot current irisiate rates He also NCSl' students lighting the tee liunt icroininended earlier this called increase was de|i\eied to the month at a press conteieuce with tor $6.7 million to he set aside tor it icy. N1wsi’h3/‘3Wwfi’i Speaker ot the llotise in :\[‘l'tl l'l\'(' l'ieadcnt (' l) Spangler that niaior medical insurance tor An Argon/Disilane gas In April. toriner lacult) iirenihers $l5 million in state te\eillies he teaching: and research assisatants mixture caused a small tire ioined the tight \‘(Nl's insested ill the l \t‘ \‘ssteili t)\er l'he goseriior's other hiideet on Centennial campus last Asstlc’lttlltm ot Retired laciili) sent Sl‘ niillioii ot the lt'\L‘lttlt's would recllininendations include week in a Solid State a statement to iiicillheis ot the he earmarked toi graduate students ' Academic enhancement —- Electronics laboratory. (ieneral :\sseinh|s that esplaiiled ‘Now we hate more money" Sl.‘ l iiiilllon to he used tor A technician using the gas Mt) lhc‘ cuts wL‘tr‘ hail lilt lltt' slalt‘ lliliit said at the .\l.l_\ ll press equipment. materials and espaiided line was not informed that a Hilihc‘) ll.t\c lttl tilt'a ol \\lt.il lltt' contcrcnce \\e dldrit see this si\ teaching tacilities. as well as pa} maintenance crew was mediunr and long term llllt‘dil is inoiiths .ti"' liliink [the l N(‘ lttc reases tor tacult) working on the line at the actuall) going to he on this state," System] is when ii should go - Education partnership for time. Since there was no said J Lawrence -\pple. president lllllll \.tl\l lllt‘ illirtli"~ i.tlllt‘ lllllll instuctional technology —— Wit pressure in the line. the gas ot the association end ol the \i‘dl .'L \t lines which million will train lacillt} at Her} mixture ignited and flames Apple also said that the cuts ctltlltl not ill“ liitt‘sccrt “.tltr‘tt llt‘ \ hool ot l ducatiou as well as local shot out of the open line in would hurt Nt'Sl' s reputation as submitted his illt ttltl.ll hirdrrri to lilt' k lil\\ltllllll teachers and the laboratory. one ot the hest research institutions (leneial .-\sscint-l\ in l ('l‘lll.tl\ lhc adiliiiiistralots ill computer Officials confirmed that in the couiitit new loiind iiiories .sill suppleiireiit lt‘sltlltllitlc'\ and applications there was no threat to On March I. more than ltltl his UllL’llLtl hlldeet whit h talls tor - Nonresident tuition increases students or employees in the students troni se\ei.l| ilriisersities a l 7" peiteiit Ilt'slk'J‘k' in spending at North ('arolina School of the building, and that there was held a press conteience iii tiont ot alld 87H lllllllt l‘ tit espaiidou his 5 3 million will he set aside no damage due to the fire.
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