C Now our feet are standing * The Blessing of the Fields within your gates, O Jerusalem. And Dedication of the Chapel of Saint Fiacre D Jerusalem is built as a city * The Saturday after The Ascension of Our Lord that is at unity with itself; 7 May 2005 C To which the tribes go up, The Chapel of Saint Fiacre the tribes of the LORD, * Sebastopol, California the assembly of Israel, to praise the Name of the LORD. The Rogation Procession is a gift of the French to the universal Church. The D For there are the thrones of judgment, * Rogation Procession normally takes place either on 25 April (Saint Mark's the thrones of the house of David. Day), or on the Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday preceding The Ascension C Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: * of Our Lord, or at other times according to local usage. It was a time of blessing the fields, and fasting. When the practice was adopted into the “May they prosper who love you. Roman Rite, the fasting obligation was dropped, since the processions were D Peace be within your walls * held during Easter. Today we pray the litanies, bless the fields, and and quietness within your towers. participate in something really quite ancient C For my brethren and companions’ sake, * I pray for your prosperity. Today we also set apart and consecrate the Chapel of Saint Fiacre. We set it ORD aside as a holy place of devotion and worship for those who gather here from D Because of the house of the L our God, * time to time. I will seek to do you good.” THE ANNOUNCEMENT AND COLLECT The Dedication of the chapel P. Brothers and sisters: We have come together this day The People gather at the chapel. to bless the fields of this place, but especially to bless this chapel for the worship of almighty God and for APOSTOLIC GREETING the building up of the body of Christ. From this day P. The grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the forward let it be a place for the gathering of the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. people of God, a place for proclaiming the Gospel C. And also with you. through Word and Sacrament, a place for bringing life and hope to us and to all those who gather here. PSALM 122 Laetatus sum The psalm is sung between Deacon and People, using the following psalm P. Let us pray tone: There is silence for a time, then: P. Direct us, O Lord, in all our doings with your most gracious favor and further us in your continual help, that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in you, we may glorify your holy name and finally, by your mercy, obtain everlasting life; through Jesus D I was glad when they said to me, * Christ our Lord. Let us go to the house of the LORD.” C. Amen. 1 2 The perimeter of the chapel is incensed, and the doors are incensed. The THE INTERCESSION doors are opened. A. In peace, let us pray to the Lord. P. Peace be to + this house. C. Lord, have mercy. C. and to all who enter here. A. For the peace from above, and for our salvation, let us pray to the Lord. The ministers enter the chapel. The presiding minister goes to the altar, C. Lord, have mercy. blesses it with incense, traces five crosses on the mensa, and then lays his A. For the peace of the whole world, for the well being hand on the altar: P. Blessed are you, O Lord our God, king of the of the Church of God and for the unity of all. Let us universe. You have nourished your people with the pray to the Lord. heavenly bread in Jesus Christ. Bless and sanctify all C. Lord, have mercy. who receive Christ’s body and blood at this altar A. For this place, these fields, pastures and gardens, for which today we set apart. Give them grace to life in this dwelling, for this chapel, and for all who offer faith and love through out their lives, until at last we here their worship and praise, let us pray to the all behold you face to face at the heavenly altar Lord. where your blessed Mother, the saints, and the C. Lord, have mercy. angels praise you forever; through our Lord Jesus A. Help, save, comfort, and defend us, gracious God. Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the holy C. Amen. Spirit, one God, forever. C. Amen. P. All your works praise you, O God. C. and your faithful servants bless you. The presiding minister goes to the crucifix, blesses it with incense, and says: P. Blessed are you, O Lord our God, king of the P. Blessed are you, O Lord, our God, king of the universe. You have enriched our lives with every universe. You made the whole earth for your glory; good and perfect gift; you have commanded us to all creation praises you. We lift our voices to join the show your splendor to our children and to praise songs of heaven and earth, of things seen and you with lives of love, justice, and joy. Accept this unseen. crucifix which we offer in thanksgiving; may this sign of your Son’s triumph draw us to the one who P. You stretched out the heavens like a curtain; you leads us with a banner of salvation. Bring us all at divided the day from the night; you appointed times length to your perfect kingdom, where you live and and seasons for work and rest, for tearing down and reign with the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and building up, You blessed your people through all forever. generations and guided them in life and death: C. Amen. Abraham and Sarah; Moses and Miriam; Isaiah and all the prophets; Mary, the Mother of God; Ss. Peter, James and John, and all the apostles; and all the saints and witnesses in your Church of ages past, in whom your Spirit spoke and moved. 3. 4. Be with us now and bless the fruits of this land, and it is not like the land of Egypt, from which you have all those who labor and rest in this place. Grant us come, where you sowed your seed and watered it with faith to know your gracious purpose in all things, your feet, like a garden of vegetables; but the land which and continue your blessings to us through the you are going over to possess is a land of hills and valleys, bounty of your creation; through your Son, Jesus which drinks water by the rain from heaven, a land which Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the LORD your God cares for; the eyes of the LORD your the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year to C. Amen. the end of the year. "And if you will obey my commandments which I command you this day, to love The people are blessed with incense. the LORD your God, and to serve God with all your heart D. Let us go in peace. and with all your soul, God will give the rain for your C. Thanks be to God. land in its season, the early rain and the later rain, that you may gather in your grain and your wine and your oil. The Rogation Procession And God will give grass in your fields for your cattle, and Canticles and Litanies are sung as the Procession moves from station to you shall eat and be full. station. The people follow the crucifer up the hill to the first station. The sub deacon begins the Canticle: L. The Word of the Lord. C. Thanks be to God! CANTICLE: Benedicite, omnia opera The minister incenses the enclosure P. Let us pray. There is silence for a time, then: P. O God, our first home was a garden of your own making. Bless + these plants that they may not only be food for our bodies, but a sign of our dependence 1. All you Works of the Lord, ´bless the Lord - * on your wonderful creation, and your love for us. praise him, and magnify ´him for ever. C. Amen. 2. You Angels of the Lord, ´bless the Lord - * praise him, and magnify ´him for ever. The procession moves to the next station. 3. All you powers of the Lord, ´bless the Lord - * 5. You showers and dew, ´bless the Lord -* praise him, and magnify ´him for ever. praise him, and magnify ´him for ever. 4. You sun and moon, ´bless the Lord; * 6. You winds of God, ´bless the Lord;* you stars of heaven, ´bless the Lord : praise him, and magnify ´him for ever. 7. You winter and summer, ´bless the Lord -* STATION I: THE VEGETABLE GARDEN praise him, and magnify ´him for ever. READING: Deuteronomy 11:10-15 For the land which you are entering to take possession of 6. 5. STATION II: THE WILD AREA 10. You nights and days, ´bless the Lord -* You light and darkness, ´bless the Lord; READING: Psalm 145:15-21. 11. You lightnings and clouds, ´bless the Lord -* The eyes of all look to you, praise him, and magnify ´him for ever. and thou give them their food in due season. You open your hand, STATION III: THE ORCHARD and satisfy the desire of every living thing.
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