OUR CREED: To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds, and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its constitution. UNITED STATES SUBMARINE VETERANS INCORPORTATED PALMETTO BASE NEWSLETTER December 2011 1 Picture of the Month………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...3 Members…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4 Honorary Members……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4 Meeting Attendees………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….5 Old Business….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5 New Business…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6 Good of the Order……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6 Base Contacts…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8 Birthdays……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8 Welcome…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8 Binnacle List……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………,…8 Quote of the Month.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…8 Fernando Igleasis Eternal Patrol…………………………………………………………………………………………………9 Robert Gibbs’ Memorial……………..….…………………..……………………………………………………………………10 Lexington Veteran’s Day Parade………………………………………………………………………………………………12 Columbia Veteran’s Day Parade.………………………………………………………………………………………………13 Dates in American Naval History………………………………………………………………………………………………16 Dates in U.S. Submarine History………………………………………………………………………………………………22 Traditions of the Naval Service………………………………………………………………………………………………..42 Monthly Calendar……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………48 Lost Boats...................................................................................................................................49 Advertising Partners...................................................................................................................53 2 The destroyer tender Yellowstone (AD 27) at Augusta Bay, Sicily, 1950. Ships alongside to starboard: Sea Robin (SS 407) , Torsk (SS 423) , Sea Leopard (SS 483) and Burrfish (SS 312) . To port: John R Pierce (DD 753) , Barton (DD 722) , Shea (DM 30) and in the background Bauer (DM 26) . Source: http://navsource.org/ 3 Brian Steffen Vice CDR : D. W. Eggleston Events Chair : Allen “Buzz” Danielson Jr. VCDR : Randy Browning Fundraising Chair : Jim Null Secretary : George “Scram” Kokolis Liaison : D. W. Eggleston Treasurer : J. P. Watson Committee Chair : Tom O’Brien Chaplain : Bob Miller Ship’s Photographer : Jim Null Chief of the Boat : Jim “Snake” Stark Bereavement Chair : Randy Browning Webmaster : Mark Basnight Kap(SS) 4 Kid(SS) Chair : Don Van Borsch Storekeeper : Brian Steffen Newsletter Editor : Randy Browning Milt Berkey Michael House Tom Paige Steven Black Fernando Iglesias Larry Peay David Castro John Jeffries Tommy Richardson James L. Charbonneau Kenneth Johnson Ted R. Schneeberg Tracy R. Charbonneau Charlie Kerr James P. Scott Lonnie Franklin James N. Kirby Vince Seay Ronald Friend Arnold Kirk Leonard M. Snell Ken Fuhr Ross Kline John Solis Julian Galloway John J. Krause L. E. Spradlin Joseph E. Gawronski Harold R. Lane Jerry Stout Joseph L. Geiger William M. Lindler Thomas N. Thompson Glenn E. Harris Eddie McVicker Jeffro M. Wagner Stoney Hilton Mark Morgan Medal of Honor Recipient, Holland Club, Plankowner, Past District Commander, Past Base Commander, Past Vice Commander, Past Junior Vice Commander, Past Secretary, Past Treasurer, Past Chaplain, Palmetto Base Hall of Fame, Palmetto Silver Star Award Judy Cline Charlie MacKenzie 4 Robert Bradley Mark Morgan Randy Browning John Nesbitt John Comer Jim Null Allen “Buzz” Danielson Larry Peay D. W. Eggleston Ted R. Schneeberg Ken Fuhr John Solis Fernando Iglesias Jim “Snake” Stark Ross Kline Brian Steffen George “Scram” Kokolis Thomas N. Thompson John J. Krause Don Van Borsch Bob Miller Jeffro M. Wagner • Call to Order at 1900 hours by the Base Commander. • Invocation was given by the Base Chaplain. • Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Base Commander. • The Tolling of the Boats was led by Junior Vice Commander and the Chief of the Boat. Member Introduction – 19 members were present and 2 guests were present. • Base Secretary’s Report – Motion to accept minutes as written was accepted. • Treasurer’s Report – $5,554.51 (Kap(SS) 4 Kid(SS): $3,800.00, Float fund: $1,336.34, Operating Fund $418.17) was accepted. • Base Commander informed the members: o the base participated in the Robert Gibbs’ Memorial ceremony o thanked everyone who participated in restoring the Robert Gibbs’ Memorial o the base participated in the Lexington Veteran’s Day parade 5 o the base participated in the Columbia Veteran’s Day parade o although the base conducted a fundraiser at the gun show, participation was poor • Cob informed the members that; o 4 members participated in the fundraiser at the gun show and raised $175.00: Base Commander/Jeffro Wagner raised $135.00 Events Chair/Ken Fuhr raised $40.00 • Events Chair asked the COB for a monetary estimate to complete the float. After discussion, it was tabled until a full inventory of pieces/parts is conducted and a better estimate could be provided. • Vice Commander informed the members that national dues must be paid on or before December 31st. • Mark Morgan informed the membership that over 90 World War II Veterans participated in the last Honor Flight out of Columbia and that it is a VERY rewarding experience. Anyone that can afford to sponsor a veteran should go...if not, at least participate in the sendoff and homecoming. • Events Chair made a motion that the base not participate in the Lexington or Columbia Christmas parades. Membership approved the motion. • Base Photographer informed the membership: o He has a base plaque that a friend created and is for sale for $30.00 o Wreaths across America has started and requested that all that were able to sponsor a wreath o Thanksgiving dinner for the Individual Augmentees (IA) at Camp McGreedy was a big success. o Christmas dinner for the IAs at Camp McGreedy is coming up and needs support from everyone. • Events Chair informed the membership that the next deployment is the 23rd • Kap(SS) for Kid(SS) Chair informed the membership that $80.00 in coats/jackets were donated to the veterans home on behalf of the base. • Base Commander informed the membership that veteran suicides are on the rise and average 1 per day. Look out for those around you, especially during this holiday season. • Junior Vice Commander informed the members that if they have any issues at the VA hospital, don’t engage the staff, contact the patient representative. That is what they are there for. • Base Commander added that you can always contact me for assistance. • COB informed the membership that Mid-Carolina Electric Co-Operative is sponsoring the next Honor Flight. If you know any Mid-Carolina Electric Co-Operative that are World War II veterans, let them know. • Mark Morgan informed the membership that over 90 World War II Veterans participated in the last Honor Flight out of Columbia and that it is a VERY rewarding 6 experience. Anyone that can afford to sponsor a veteran should go...if not, at least participate in the sendoff and homecoming. • Events Chair informed the membership that he and the Base Chaplain recently returned from the Alexander Hamilton reunion and that their COB’s dying wish was to attend. The COB passed away when he returned home. • COB informed the membership that the annual Reservist in Nautical Kinship party is coming up and he’ll give us the specifics at a later date and will have tickets for those who would like to attend. The Reservist in Nautical Kinship started 40 years ago when a LTJG threw a party for his promotion and has morphed into an annual event. Meeting adjourned . Benediction was given by Base Chaplain Bob Miller. Kap(SS) for Kid(SS) Chair won the Depth Charge, $70.00 and donated $40.00 back to the base. 7 Commander : Brian Steffen (803) 897-2480 [email protected] Vice Commander : D.W. Eggleston (803) 932-9390 [email protected] Junior Vice CDR .: Randy Browning (803) 808-7065 [email protected] Secretary : George Kokolis (803) 460-5882 [email protected] Treasurer : J. P. Watson (803) 361-4193 [email protected] COB : Jim Stark (803) 957-7153 [email protected] Chaplain : Bob Miller (803) 603-0538 [email protected] Bereavement: Randy Browning (803) 808-7065 [email protected] Holland Club : D.W. Eggleston (803) 932-9390 [email protected] Storekeeper : Brian Steffen (803) 897-2480 [email protected] Newsletter : Randy Browning (803) 808-7065 [email protected] Ted Schneeberg – December 24th Mark Basnight Julian Galloway Bob Miller’s daughter Tom O’Brien “He that would live in peace and at ease, must not speak all he knows nor judge all he sees.“ Benjamin Franklin Source : http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Benjamin_Franklin/ 8 ETERNAL PATROL FERNANDO RAMON IGLESIAS, ETC(SS), USN(RET) Fernando Ramon Iglesias, 51, passed away Thursday, December 8, 2011. Born in Puerto Rico, he was a son of Fernando and Carmen Olivo Iglesias. He was a member of Leesville UMC, member and secretary of the United Methodist Men, and was a member of the Praise Band. He had retired from the U.S. Navy, was a member and secretary of the United States Submarine Veterans Incorporated, Palmetto Base, in Lexington, SC and was a manager/trainer for QSSI. Surviving are his wife, Joni Taylor
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