Index A Biddulphiales order and family Achnanthes lanceolata , 206 Biddulphiaceae Achnanthidium minutissima , 206 Hydrosera , 104 Acidophiles , 210 Terpsinoë , 104 Aegagropila , 40 , 50–52 Cocconeis , 111 Algal biofi lm , 207 Coscinodiscophyceae , 102 Alkaliphiles , 210 Cyclotella , 103 Amphipleura pellucida , 206 Fragilariophyceae Anabaena , 2 6 Ctenophora , 104–105 Anteroxanthin/zeaxanthin , 199 Fragilaria , 105 Aphanocapsa , 10–12 Hannaea , 105 Aphanochaete , 38 , 41 Pseudostaurosira , 105 Aphanothece , 10–12 Punctastriata , 106 Arnoldiella , 40 , 51 Stauroforma , 106 Arthrospira , 17 , 18 Staurosira , 106 Ascorbate peroxidase (APX) , 199 Staurosirella , 106 Audouinella , 74 , 75 Tabularia , 107 Audouinella hermannii , 7 4 Ulnaria , 107 Melosiraceae , 103 Melosirales order , 103 B morphology , 104 Bacillariophyta (diatoms) . See Diatoms Naviculales order, family (Bacillariophyta) Catenulaceae , 112 Bacillariophyta phylum , 106–121 Naviculales order, family Cymbellaceae Achnanthales order and family Cymbella , 112 Achnanthidiaceae Cymbopleura , 113 Achnanthidium , 110 Didymosphenia , 113 Karayevia , 110 Encyonema , 113 Planothidium , 111 Encyonopsis , 114 Psammothidium , 111 Reimeria , 114 Bacillariales order and family Naviculales order, family Bacillariaceae Gomphonemataceae Nitzschia , 120 Gomphoneis , 114 Tryblionella , 121 Gomphonema , 115 Bacillariophyceae , 110 Naviculales order, family Naviculaceae Actinella , 109 Amphipleura , 116 Eunotia , 110 Brachysira , 116–117 © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 273 O. Necchi Jr. (ed.), River Algae, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31984-1 274 Index Bacillariophyta phylum (cont.) invasive , 224 Frustulia , 117 mechanisms , 222 Geissleria , 117 metacommunity structure , 222 Gyrosigma , 117 numerous aquatic organisms , 223 Kobayasiella , 117–118 structures and contamination , 223 Luticola , 118 freshwater macroalgae , 221 , 228 Mastogloia , 118 freshwater rhodophyta , 232–236 Navicula , 118 generalist taxa , 229 , 230 Neidium , 118 in-depth surveys , 227 Pinnularia , 119 intensive surveys , 227 Placoneis , 119 macroalgal fl ora , 225 Pleurosigma , 119 microorganisms , 220 Sellaphora , 119–120 nonnative invasives , 231–232 Stauroneis , 120 phylogeography , 220 Naviculales order, family phytoplankton research , 221 Rhoicospheniaceae specialist taxa , 228 , 229 Gomphosphenia , 115 survey research , 225 Rhoicosphenia , 115 taxonomic groups , 226 Rhopalodiales order and family “true” disjunct taxa , 230–231 Rhopalodiaceae unique habitats , 227 Epithemia , 121 Bioindicators (diatoms) Rhopalodia , 121 Asia and Oceania , 257–258 Surirellales order, family Surirellaceae , Europe 121–122 ecological condition , 256 Tabellariales order and family ecological tool , 255 Diatomaceae environmental impact , 255 Diatoma , 107 pollution , 255 Fragilariforma , 108 genetic tools , 260 , 262 Meridion , 108 , 109 river ecosystems , 257 Tabellariales order and family saprobic index (SI) and water quality , 246 Tabellariaceae , 108–109 South/Central America Pleurosira , 103–104 aquatic environments , 260 subclass Coscinodiscophyceae , 102 biotic indices , 259 Balbiania Sirodot , 74–76 eutrophication and organic Bangia , 7 3 , 7 4 pollution , 258 Bangia atropurpurea , 180 saprobic system , 259 Bangiophyceae , 66 streams and rivers , 260 Batrachospermum , 74 , 76–78 water quality , 258 Benthic , 154 USA Benthic algae , 1 , 3 , 69 abnormal valves , 253 Benthic algae stoichiometry , 205–206 ecosystem , 254 Benthic habit , 134 , 137 environmental conditions , 253 Binuclearia , 40 , 52–53 river pollution , 253 Biofi lm fragmentation , 205 sedimentation index , 253 Biogeography, river algae , 222–224 USA rivers , 254 continents , 226 Biotic indices diatom fl oras , 220 fl oristic and faunistic data , 249 dispersal, freshwater organisms pollution effects , 249 airborne , 223 river ecosystems , 249 aquatic organisms , 224 rivers , 251 chlorophytes and cyanobacteria , 222 rivers and streams , 249 heterotrophic and autotrophic saprobic index , 250 organisms , 223 Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria ) , 5 , 6 human transport , 224 coccoid genera , 11 , 16 Index 275 diffi culties with identifi cations , 7 Chemotaxonomic approach , 201 fi lamentous genera without heterocytes , 19 Chlorogloea , 1 0 , 1 3 fi lamentous heterocytous genera , 21 , 25 Chlorophyta , 223 , 226 general orders and main features , 9 Chlorophyta phylum habitats , 7–8 Chlorophyceae class, order Chaetophorales identifi cation , 8–9 Aphanochaete A , 41 lotic cyanobacterial references , 9–31 Chaetonema , 41–42 systematics and taxonomy , 6–7 Chaetophora , 43 Bodanella lauterborni , 145–147 Draparnaldia , 4 3 Boldia , 71–73 Gongrosira , 43 Bostrychia , 86–88 Schizomeris , 4 4 Brown algae (Phaeophyceae) Stigeoclonium , 44 classifi cation , 131–140 Chlorophyceae class, order distribution patterns , 137–139 Chlamydomonadales diversity , 131–140 Tetraspora , 4 5 Ectocarpales, Ectocarpaceae , 141–143 Chlorophyceae class, order Oedogoniales freshwater members , 138 Bulbochaete , 45 freshwater phaeophytes , 139 Oedocladium , 45 , 46 Heribaudiellales, Heribaudiellaceae , Oedogonium , 46 145–147 Chlorophyceae class, order Sphaeropleales in rivers , 139–140 Hydrodictyon , 4 6 light , 137 Microspora , 47 macroscopic appearance , 134 Pediastrum , 4 7 morphology and reproduction , 132–134 Scenedesmus , 47–48 phaeophytes , 130 Trebouxiophyceae class , 49 , 50 plastids , 130 Chlorellales , 49 Ralfsiales, Ralfsiaceae , 147–148 Microthamniales , 50 salinity , 135–136 Prasiolales , 50 Sphacelariales, Sphacelariaceae , 143–144 Ulvophyceae class , 50–53 streams and rivers , 137 Cladophorales order , 50–52 substrata , 134–135 Ulotrichales , 52–53 substrata , 134–135 Ulvales , 53 water quality and nutrients , 136–137 Chroococcus , 10 , 13 Bulbochaete , 3 9 , 4 5 Chroodactylon , 70–72 Chroothece , 71 , 72 Chrysophyceae (golden algae) C chloroplasts , 154 CaCO3 -formaldehyde , 67 freshwater habitats , 154 Caloglossa , 8 8 taxonomy , 154–155 Caloglossa leprieurii , 140 Cladophora , 4 0 , 5 1 Calothrix , 24 , 26–27 , 211 Cladophora glomerata , 174 , 175 , 185 Canonical correspondence analyses (CCA) , Cladophora in Lake Michigan , 135 175 Cladophora networks , 163 Carbonate-bicarbonate buffering system , 210 Clastidium , 10 , 13–14 Carotenoids , 200 , 201 Clastidium setigerum , 185 Carposporophytes , 66 , 74 , 75 Cloniophora , 4 0 , 5 3 Chaetonema , 38 , 41–42 Closteriopsis , 38 , 49 Chaetophora , 40 , 43 Cocconeis placentula , 206 Chaetosphaeridium , 38 , 55–56 Coleochaete , 37 , 38 , 56 Chamaesiphon , 10 , 12–13 , 170 Coleodesmium , 26 , 27 Chamaesiphon fuscus , 175 Complex species , 185–188 Chantransia , 74 Compsopogon , 72 , 73 Chara , 39 , 53–55 Compsopogonophyceae , 66 276 Index Contorta and Hybrida , 7 7 Green algae (Chlorophyta and Streptophyta) Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) . See classifi cation , 37 Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) Phyla Chlorophyta (see Chlorophyta Cyanobacteria identifi cation , 163 phyla ) Cyanocystis , 1 0 , 1 4 Phyla Streptophyta (see Streptophyta Cylindrocystis , 38 , 57–59 phyla ) Cymbella affi nis , 206 collecting and preserving samples , 37 distribution in streams , 38–41 features of taxonomic importance , 36 D phylogenetic scope and Desmidium , 41 , 54 , 57 features , 35–36 Diatom ecological , 251–253 Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) , 102–122 classifi cation system , 98 H collection and processing , 97 Habitat preferences, SBM environmental conditions , 94 from Austria , 186 opaline silica , 94 from southeaster New York State , 187 phylum (see Bacillariophyta phylum ) Hapalosiphon , 2 9 , 3 0 primary production , 94 Harmful algal blooms (HABs) , 6 Stramenopiles , 93 Herbicides , 211 strategies , 95–97 Heribaudiella , 135 structure and features , 94–95 Heribaudiella fl uviatilis , 138 , 145 , 146 taxonomy , 98–101 Heterokontophyta phylum , 155–157 Dichothrix , 2 4 , 2 8 class Chrysophyceae , 158 Dictyosphaerium , 39 , 49 class Xanthophyceae Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) , 210 (= Tribophyceae) , 157 Draparnaldia , 4 0 , 4 3 Bumilleria , 155 , 156 Draparnaldia acuta , 188 Tribonema , 155 Dunaliella , 210 Xanthonema , 156–157 Heterokonts , 155–158 Chrysophyceae , 154 E phylogenetic relationships , 154 Ecoregional scale phylum (see Heterokontophyta phylum ) longitudinal differentiation , 174 sample collection and preservation , 154 river type features , 171 taxonomy , 154–155 spatial drivers for datasets , 175 Xanthophyceae , 153 spatial variability , 175 Heteroleibleinia , 1 7 Ectocarpus , 135 Heteroleiblenia , 2 0 Ectocarpus confervoides , 135 Hildenbrandia , 86 , 87 Ectocarpus subulatus , 140 Hildenbrandia rivularis , 136 Homoeothrix , 17 , 20 , 211 Homoeothrix janthina , 189 F Hyalotheca , 41 , 57 Fischerella , 29 , 30 Hydrodictyon , 3 9 , 4 6 Florideophyceae , 66–67 Hydrogen ion concentration , 210–211 Functional species groups , 188–189 Hydrurus , 190 Hydrurus foetidus , 171 , 174 , 175 G Geitleribactron , 10 , 14 I Geitlerinema , 7 , 18–20 International Code of Botanical Nomenclature Geminella , 40 , 49 (ICBN) , 6 Gloeocapsa , 10 , 14–15 , 211 International Code of Nomenclature of Gongrosira , 39 , 43 Bacteria (ICNB) , 6 Index 277 K Nostochopsis , 29 , 30 Klebsormidium , 40 , 56–57 Nothocladus , 8 0 Kumanoa , 7 8 , 7 9 Nutrient uptake , 203 , 204 Kyliniella , 7 1 O L Oedocladium , 39 , 45 , 46 Leibleinia , 17 , 20–22 Oedogonium , 40 , 46 Lemanea , 68 , 78–80 Oscillatoria , 1 8 , 2 3 Lemanea fl uviatilis , 174 , 188 Leptolyngbya , 18 , 22 Light-harvesting complex (LHC) , 199 P Lyngbya , 7 , 1 8 , 2 2 Paralemanea , 80–81 Pediastrum , 3 9 , 4 7 Petrohua
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