Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Theses and Dissertations Thesis Collection 1990-06 High Frequency (HF) radio signal amplitude characteristics, HF receiver site performance criteria, and expanding the dynamic range of HF digital new energy receivers by strong signal elimination Lott, Gus K., Jr. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School http://hdl.handle.net/10945/34806 NPS62-90-006 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, ,California DISSERTATION HIGH FREQUENCY (HF) RADIO SIGNAL AMPLITUDE CHARACTERISTICS, HF RECEIVER SITE PERFORMANCE CRITERIA, and EXPANDING THE DYNAMIC RANGE OF HF DIGITAL NEW ENERGY RECEIVERS BY STRONG SIGNAL ELIMINATION by Gus K. lott, Jr. June 1990 Dissertation Supervisor: Stephen Jauregui !)1!tmlmtmOlt tlMm!rJ to tJ.s. eave"ilIE'il Jlcg6iielw olil, 10 piolecl ailicallecl",olog't dU'ie 18S8. Btl,s, refttteste fer litis dOCdiii6i,1 i'lust be ,ele"ed to Sapeihil6iiddiil, 80de «Me, "aial Postg;aduulG Sclleel, MOli'CIG" S,e, 98918 &988 SF 8o'iUiid'ids" PM::; 'zt6lI44,Spawd"d t4aoal \\'&u 'al a a,Sloi,1S eai"i,al'~. 'Nsslal.;gtePl. Be 29S&B &198 .isthe 9aleMBe leclu,sicaf ,.,FO'iciaKe" 6alite., ea,.idiO'. Statio", AlexB •• d.is, VA. !!!eN 8'4!. ,;M.41148 'fl'is dUcO,.Mill W'ilai.,s aliilical data wlrose expo,l is idst,icted by tli6 Arlil! Eurse" SSPItial "at FRIis ee, 1:I.9.e. gec. ii'S1 sl. seq.) 01 tlls Exr;01l ftle!lIi"isllatioli Act 0' 19i'9, as 1tI'I'I0"e!ee!, "Filill ell, W.S.€'I ,0,,,,, 1i!4Q1, III: IIlIiI. 'o'iolatioils of ltrese expo,lla;;s ale subject to 960616 an.iudl pSiiaities. Bissaiiiiiaia iii acco.dullcG "UIi J:SlooisiclI3 of Ofl'4AVIl4Me518.18I, ,eleloliee tii.). BESfRtIefI6ff .fefieE Basbo, b, all, mailloe! Ihal niH plaisllt e!iseloslua II' OOlltellte IIf i'ellelletAlelie,. ef tAli e!e elf""e,.,. Prepared for: Commander Commander (G80/43) (PMW-143/144) Naval Securlty Group Command Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command 3801 Nebraska Ave. Washington, DC 200~-5100 Washington, DC 20393-5213 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY. January 20, 2011 SUBJECT: Change in distribution statement for High Frequency (HF) Radio Signal Amplitude Characteristics, HF receiver Site Performance Criteria, and Expanding the Dynamic Range of HF Digital New Energy Receivers by Strong Signal Elimination – June 1990. 1. Reference: Lott, Gus K., Jr. High Frequency (HF) Radio Signal Amplitude Characteristics, HF receiver Site Performance Criteria, and Expanding the Dynamic Range of HF Digital New Energy Receivers by Strong Signal Elimination. Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, June 1990. UNCLASSIFIED [Distribution authorized to US. Government Agencies only; Critical Technology; June 1990]. 2. Upon consultation with NPS faculty, the School has determined that this thesis may be released to the public and that its distribution is unlimited, effective December 16, 2010. University Librarian Naval Postgraduate School http://www.nps.edu THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLAS SFI ICATION OF THIS PAGE Form Approved REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE OMBNo.0704-0188 la. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 1b. RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS UNCLASSIFIED 2a. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 3. DISTRIBUTION I AVAILABILITY OF REPORT BistributiOfi limited to H.S. Eiouernment 2b. DECLASSIFICATION I DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE (l!;ene!te~ oftl, te p!!'e~eet e'l!'~t~ee~ teeftfte , ¥ , nnn r. ~~ ~ 4. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER{S) S. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER{S) NPS62-90-006 . 6a. NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION 6b. OFFICE SYMBOL 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION (If applicable) Naval Postgraduate School EC Naval Postgraduate School 6c. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 7b. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) Monterey, CA 93943-S100 Monterey, CA 93943-S100 Ba. NAME OF FUNDING ISPONSORING 8b. OFFICE SYM80L 9. PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTifiCATION NUMBER ORGANIZATION (If applicable) SPACETASKS 143-1-89-4SBM-00S and Space and Naval Warfare Svstems Command PMW 143/144 144-2-89-PGS-4SBN-03S Be. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 10. SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS Commander (PMW-143/144) PROGRAM PROJECT TASK WORK UNIT Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command ELEMENT NO. NO. NO. ACCESSION NO. Washington DC 20363 S100 11. TITLE (Include Security Classification) HIGH FREQUENCY (HF) RADIO SIGNAL AMPLITUDE CHARACTERISTICS, HF RECEIVER SITE PERFORMANCE, and EXPANDING THE DYNAMIC RANGE OF HF DIGITAL NEW ENRRr.V RFr.P,TVP,RS RV S'1'RONr. <::TCNAT 12. PERSONAL AUTHOR{S) Lott, Gus K. 13a. TYPE OF REPORT J13b TIME COVERED r4 . DATE OF REPORT (Year, Month, Day) r5. PAGE COUNT Doctoral Dissertation FROM TO 1990, June, 21 2S7 16. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION The views expressed in this dissertation are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S Go ~nt- 17. COSA TI CODES 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) FIELD GROUP SUB-GROUP HF Signals; HF Receiver; Wideband Receiver; Spectrum Survey; HF Signal Amplitude Probability Distribution; Log· normal· Receiver Si rp pprfnrm~n('p· ;:m~l no--rr.-A; n; 1-",1 19. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) The dissertation discusses High Frequency (HF) radio sources. It consolidates data from all available, published HF spectrum surveys. The author conducted a new HF survey using detection of new energy events. The first cumulative probability dist~ibution function for the amplitude of detected non-broadcast HF signals is developed, and the distribution is log-normal. HF receiver site performance quantification is possible using the HF signal distributions. Site performance degredation results from noise, interference, and signal path attenuation. Noise examples are presented in a 3-D format of time, frequency, and amplitude. Graphs are presented that allow estimation of the percentage of HF non-broadcast signals lost as a function of noise and interferece levels. Limitations of HF search receivers using analog-to-digital converters as the receiver front-end are discussed. Derived bounds on A/D converter performance show that today's digital technology does not provide enough dynamic range, sensitivity, or 20. DISTRIBUTION I AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT 21. ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION KlUNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED o SAME AS RPT. o DTIC USERS UNCLASSIFIED 22a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL 22b. TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) 122c. OFFICE SYMBOL Stephen Jauregui (408) 646-2753 EC/Ja DO Form 1473, JUN 86 Previous editions are obsolete. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE SiN 0102-LF-014-6603 UNCLASSIFIED i UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE 3. continued docah,cnl! mas t be i cEeL t cd to Saper intcneicnt, SeaL 943, liao a1 Pos t!)raauatoe Selteel, HOllcerey, e* "3"43 seee or eOlllli£andcr, P?Hl llf3/144 , St'aee efta Ne hal l1a!'fe!'e gyS~9111:S Connnaild, WasirlngL,on, Be 28363 5188 via LIIE Befense 'fecliiiical InfoifitaLioii SeIzter, eamEIOiI Station, Alexandria, VA 22394 6145. liar ding 'Iris dOCUilrEnL contains tecilliical data wllose expol L . is i es tr ie ted b, tIle *rms Export Control *ct (titlE 22, 8.S.e. Sec. 2751 ct. eet):.) er the :S'[IHH~t: Administration Act of 1~7~, as annuEllded, 'fiLlt 59,"'8.8.0., i\~l' 2 l,Ql, eel eeEfu T.TielaLions of tltEsE export lawS are subject to SEVErE criminal penalties. BisseurinaLe tn accordancE wiLlI pruiisiotLs of OPIW/IliS'f 5518.161, refereftee (jj.). Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited 11. continued ELIMINATION 18. continued converter; AID; Electromagneticcompatability; dynamic range; new energy detection; strong signal elimination 19. continued sampling rate. Alternative dynamic range extension methods are examined. A new method of dynamic range extension by removing the strongest signals present is presented. Greater receiver sensitivity results from changing the HF signal environment seen by the AID converter. The new method uses a phase-tracking network and signal reconstruction techniques. SECURITY CLASSIFICAT ION OF T HIS PAGE DO Form 1473, JUN 86 (Reverse) UNCLASSIFIED ii Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited BIEffftlBI:fRet41:1MREB to 1::1.9. 80;eiiIi ilellt Agwcies 0111, to !'.otect etitlOf\J teChllOlo~" "111101999. 9th8r r8E1118ete fsr this IIIs8III'I'Ioftt I'I'IlIet 80 ,efel'l'8l11.1 Slll!oI'iMelllllo .... 91111e 948. tla... aI Pe8t!ralllllate iSReal; USRteray, ~o QiQ4i &000 QF 9111.'111:111110'. PM'll 119/~ H.S"alo alllll tJ81al'Narflll8 S~etelll8 9sI'I'II'I'Ialllll. '}:leehiR.sR. Q9 sea8i i~99 uiatRQ gQfQRIi'Q "Feehllical "'",PI! ,Me II 90llto,. 9at 1101'81. Static I'. ;\leMallllll.ia.VA ~9 1 8116. WMI4.,.8 "Ids dUCO"E'il wi,laiiis teeli,licaf data allOsa 8xpell is lesbicl9d bj tlie Ai,,1S &1'0,1 8s.lftel hJt fAits ee, tles.e. 3uc. 2'01 ell seq.) 0' lite ExpOit JltdiiHiiisbalioii Act of Is,a, as WiiGiided, litle 58, \!J.S.S., ""IS 2481, at. se~. Violatiolls of these el(I'0I'f: lails atC slIbject to !ecele cliliMliai I'Cllaities. BisscII.illato ill 8111,lIIa1'l18 "it" j!lI'8Yi8isRS sf 9PtlAVltlSHj619 ... 81. ref8r81'188 iji.). HIGH FREQUENCY (HF) RADIO SIGNAL AMPLITUDE CHRARCTERISTICS, HF RECEIVER SITE PERFORMANCE CRITERIA, and EXPANDING THE DYNAMIC RANGE OF HF DIGITAL NEW ENERGY RECEIVERS BY STRONG SIGNAL EUMINATION by Gus K. Lott, Jr. Lieutenant Commander. United States Navy B.E.E .• Auburn University, 1976 M.B.A.. Corpus Christi State University, 1979 M.S .• Naval Postgraduate School. 1988 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL June 1990 Author'___________________________________________________________ ___ Gus K. Lott, Jr. Approved by: Glen A. Myers Paul H. Moose Associate Professor of Associate Professor of ElectFical and Comguter Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Hal M. Fredricksen Michael J. Zyda Department Chairman and Associate Professor of Professor of Mathematics Computer Science Stephen Jauregui Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Dissertatic.vl SUDervisor Approved by: ___________________________________________________ John P.
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