COLUMN ABSTRACT German literature on power trans- Books on power formers is covered from 1888 (first book on transformers published any- where, just three years after patent- transformers in ing transformers), up to most recent publications issued in 2019. The pur- pose of the compilation of published German – Part II books on power transformers is to give a historical summary on the top- ic, which may also be useful to other A bibliography 1920 – 1951 specialists in their research. KEYWORDS 1920 F. Kotschi, Der Transformator bei tiefen Temperaturen, Arbeit zur Er- calculation, construction, design, W. Demuth et al., Die Materialprüfung langung der Würde eines Doktoringe- DIN, historical development, power der Isolierstoffe der Elektrotechnik (The nieurs (The transformer at low ambient testing of electrical engineering insulation temperatures, thesis for doctoral de- transformers, testing, VDE materials), Springer, Berlin, Pages IX+149, gree), self-publishing, Pages 68, 1920 1920 [26, 27] 92 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 8, Issue 1 | 2021 Vitaly GURIN, P. RAMACHANDRAN By the beginning of the 20th century, transformer technology reached a relatively high level of development for that time. Lots of different topics were analysed and published H. Kyser, Die elektrische Kraftuber- This book has survived 15 editions and Pages 702, 1921; Ed. 2.0, Pages 751,1925; tragung, Band 1, Die Motoren, Um- a few reprints. At first it was a guide for Ed. 3.0, Birkhäuser, Basel, Pages 630, former und Transformatoren (The manufacturing windings for electri- 1956 electric power transmission, Volume 1, cal machines and transformers. Then The motors, converters and transform- the book was repeatedly expanded in In this book, a famous engineer, scien- ers), Springer, Berlin, Pages 416, 1920; the direction of increasing the volume tist and chess player, Prof. Milan Wid- Ed. 2.0, Pages 548, 1923; Ed. 3.0, Pages of repairs, adding faults, testing, and mar (1885–1962), outlines the basics 544, 1930 monitoring. At the same time, the title of designing and constructing power of the book was changed, and its cov- transformers. The fundamental princi- F. Raskop, Der Katechismus für die erage naturally expanded. In the bib- ples presented in it remain valid even Ankerwickelei (The Catechism for an- liography, we have combined all avail- today, despite the development of the chor winding), Meusser, Berlin, Pages able publications under the popular theory, great progress in the proper- VIII+145, 1920; Ed. 2.0, 1922; Ed. 3.0, short historical name The Catechism ties of materials, technology, growth 1929; Ed. 4.0, M. Krayn, Berlin, Pages for anchor winding. Other books by in ultimate power and voltage classes, 224, 1933; Ed. 5.0, Pages VII+241, 1937; the author are indicated in the bib- and automation of the design pro- Ed. 6.0, Pages XII+287, 1941; Ed. 8.0, De liography for 1929, 1938 and 1948. cess. The book has withstood many Gruyter, Berlin, Pages XII+299, 1944; editions and has been translated into Ed. 10.0, Pages XI+416, 1951 and Re- many languages. Other books by the print 2019; Ed. 11.0, Pages 472, 1953; 1921 author are indicated in the bibliogra- Ed. 12.0, Pages 516, 1957; Ed. 13.0, Pag- phy for 1927, 1928, 1935, 1940 and es 616, 1964; Ed. 14.0, 1967 and Reprint Milan Vidmar, Die Transformatoren 1945. 2019; Ed. 15.0, Pages 503, 1976 [28, 29] (The transformers), Springer, Berlin, www.transformers-magazine.com 93 COLUMN In 1921, Prof. Milan Widmar published a alternating current machines), Olden- bourg, Munich and Berlin, Pages 86, 1927 book Die Transformatoren which treat de- [32] sign and construction of power transform- 1928 ers. Presented fundamental principles re- main valid even today Gustav Haberland, Elektrotechnische Lehrhefte IV, Transformatoren und Wechselstrommaschinen (Electrotechni- cal instruction book IV, Transformers and AC machines), M. Janecke, Leipzig, Pages F. Unger, M. Kloss, Konstruktien der 1925 174, 1928; Pages 191, 1944; Ed. 8.0, Fach- Dinamomaschinen und Transforma- buchverlag, Leipzig, Pages 206, 1950 toren (Constructions of dynamo ma- Egon Eichwald, Mineralöle (=Technische chines and transformers), Fifth section Fortschrittsberichte Bd. 40) (Mineral Siemens-Schuckert Preislisten Band M p. 361-434 in book: Starkstromtechnik oils (= Technical progress reports Vol. 2 Maschinen und Zubehör Transfor- Pocketbook for Electrotechniker, Vol. I 40)), Steinkopf, Dresden, Pages 151, 1925 matoren (Siemens-Schuckert price lists by E. v. Rziha and J. Seidener, Wilchelm volume M 2 machines and accessories Ernst & Sohn, Ed. 5.0, Berlin, Pages 1926 for transformers), Self-published printing 892, 1921. and art publishing Haberland, Leipzig, Conrad Aron, Der Transformator (The Pages over 300, circa 1928-1936 1922 Transformer), Wilhelm Herbst Verlag, Pages 118, 1926 Milan Vidmar, Wirkungsweise elek- J. Fischer-Hinnen, Theoretisches und trischer Maschinen (Mode of operation praktisches Lehrbuch für Elektrotech- 1927 of electrical machines), Springer, Berlin, niker. Mit besonderer Berücksichti- Pages 223, 1928 gung der Berechnung und Prüfung AEG, Anweisung zur Behandlung der von Maschinen und Transformatoren Transformatoren (Instructions on how Rudolf Wotruba, Adalbert Stifter, Die (Theoretical and practical textbook for to handle the transformers), Verlag AEG, Transformatoren, Theorie, Aufbau und electrical engineers. With special atten- Pages 67, 1927 Berechnung (The transformers, theory, tion to the calculation and testing of structure and calculation), De Gruyter machines and transformers), Raustein, Heinrich Keller, Zur Kenntnis von Trans- Oldenbourg-Verlag, Munich-Berlin, Pag- Zürich, Pages 550, 1922 formatorenöl. Dissertation. (Trans- es 203, 1928 [33, 34] former oil. A Dissertation.), Munich, Walter Spath, Über Durchschlag- Pages 41, 1927 [30, 31] 1929 seigenschaften von Transforma- torenölen. Inauguraldissertation. Normen der Elektrotechnik für Dr. G. Brion, Die elektrische Meßtech- (About electric breakdown properties Maschinen, Transformatoren, Appa- nik II: Die Messungen an elektrischen of transformer oils. Inaugural Disser- rate, DIN Taschenbuch 7 (Electrical en- tation.), Springer, Jena, Pages 347, 1922 gineering standards for machines, trans- formers, apparatus, DIN Taschenbuch 1923 7), VDE, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, Pages 133, 1927; Ed. 2.0, Pages 139, 1928 VDE, Regeln für die Bewertung und Prüfung von Transformatoren (R.E.T. Wilchelm Schafer, Transformatoren, 1923) (Rules for the evaluation and Goschen Collection No. 952 (Transform- testing of transformers (R.E.T. 1923)), ers, Goschen Collection No. 952), Walter Ed. 1.0, Springer, Berlin, Pages 23, 1923 de Gruyter & Co., Berlin - Leipzig, Pages 114, 1927; Ed. 2.0, Berlin, 1949; Ed.3.0, 1924 1957; Ed. 4.0, 1962 A. von Königslöw, Transformatoren Milan Vidmar, Die Transformatoren im und asynchrone Drehstrommotoren, Betrib (The transformers in operation), Ihre Wirkungsweise und Berechnung Springer, Berlin, Pages 310, 1927 (=Bibliothek der gesamten Technik 308) (Transformers and asynchronous Rudolf Wotruba, Der ein- und mehr- three-phase motors, their mode of phasige Wechselstrom: Einführung in operation and calculation (=General das Studium der Transformatoren und technology library 308)), M. Janecke, Wechselstrommaschinen (Single and Leipzig, Pages 172, 1924 multi-phase alternating current: Intro- Figure 1. Milan Vidmar, Die Transformatoren duction to the study of transformers and im Betrib 94 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 8, Issue 1 | 2021 Maschinen, Transformatoren und Gle- Dynamomaschinen, Motoren und mens-Schuckert, Berlin, Pages 207, 1934 ichrichtern (The electrical measurement Transformatoren, Lichtanlagen und technology II: The measurements on elec- Umformerstationen. (Circuit book for 1935 trical machines, transformers and rectifi- DC and AC systems. Dynamo machines, ers), de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, Pages 120, motors and transformers, lighting systems M-Sammelliste 1935. Maschinen, Schal- 1929 and converter stations), J. Springer, Berlin, ter und Transformatoren (M-Collection Pages 160, 1922; Pages 213, 1931 list 1935. Machines and transformers), Friz Raskop, Die Instandsetzungen an Siemens-Schuckert, Berlin, Pages 240, elektrischen Maschinen und Transfor- 1932 1935 matoren, insbesondere die Herstellung von Ankerwicklungen und Transforma- Rudolf Richter, Elektrische Maschinen, Milan Vidmar, Der kupferarme Trans- torenwicklungen (The repair of electrical 3. Band: Die Transformatoren (Electri- formator (The low-copper transformer), machines and transformers, especially the cal machines, volume 3: the transform- Springer, Berlin, Pages 92, 1935 [38] manufacture of armature windings and ers), Springer, Berlin, Pages 321, 1932; transformer windings), Ed.4.0, Meusser, Ed.2.0, Birkhäuser, Basel-Stuttgart, Pag- Paul Werners, Energieübertragung und Berlin, Pages 342, 1929 es 352, 1954; Ed. 3.0, Springer Basel AG, -umwandlung mit Wechselstrom. Ein- Pages 321, 1963 heitliche Theorie der Leitungen, Trans- E. Roller, H. Pricks, Schulversuche zur formatoren und Maschinen (Energy Elektrizitätslehre mit dem zerlegbaren transmission and conversion with alter- Before his death, E. ARNOLD (see the Transformator und Zusatzteilen (School nating current. Uniform theory of lines, year 1902-1904 in our bibliography trials on electricity with the dismantled transformers and machines), Teubner, above), suggested RUDOLF RICHTER transformer and additional parts), Verlag Leipzig-Berlin, Pages 204, 1935 [39] (1877-1957) to become the leader of TH Physikalische Werkstätten AG, Goettin- Karlsruhe. On 1 October
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