WESTERN VIRGINIA REGIONAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 2014 STANDARDS ENGINEERING SERVICES 601 S JEFFERSON STREET ROANOKE, VA 24011 (540) 283-2948 WATER & SEWER DEPT 1300 TIDEWATER STREET SALEM, VA 24153 (540) 375-3029 PUBLIC WORKS 804 THIRD STREET VINTON, VA 24179 (540) 983-0646 WESTERN VIRGINIA REGIONAL STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER AND SEWER Table of Contents Request for Waiver, Modification, or Field Change Form Utility Acceptance Certificate Design Standards Water DSW-1 Water Systems…………………………………………………………....... pp 1-10 Design Standards Sanitary Sewer DSS-1 Sanitary Sewer Systems…………………………………………….…….. pp 11-20 DSS-2 Sanitary Sewer Lift Station………………………………………………… pp 21-38 DSS-3 FOG Policy…………………………………………………………………... pp 39-54 Construction Specifications CS-1 General Water and Sewer……………………………………………........ pp 55-62 CS-2 Water Distribution Piping…………………………………………………... pp 63-76 CS-3 Sanitary Sewer Collection Piping…………………………………………. pp 77-90 CS-4 Sanitary Sewer Closed Circuit Television Inspection ………………….. pp 91-100 CS-5 Clearing and Grubbing…………………………………………………….. pp 101-104 CS-6 Rock Excavation ………………………………………………………....... pp 105-108 CS-7 Stream and/or Highway Crossings ………………………………………. pp 109-112 CS-8 Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Methodology………………………. pp 113-120 CS-9 Seeding and Mulching …………………………………………………….. pp 121-126 Water Detail Drawings Sewer Detail Drawings General Water and Sewer Detail Drawings 2014 REQUEST FOR WAIVER, MODIFICATION, OR FIELD CHANGE WESTERN VIRGINIA REGIONAL STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER AND SEWER Item/Standard: Water and Sewer Section Number: Project: Station/Location: Project Inspector: Project Engineer: Person Making Request: Name & Title Company Name Telephone Number Justification/Reason for Request: Participating Utility Inspector Comments: Participating Utility Department Comments: APPROVED DISAPPROVED Participating Utility Representative 2014 Western Virginia Water Authority UTILITY ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the following described improvements have been constructed in accordance with the Western Virginia Water Authority Design and Construction Standards. The contractor, developer and surety remain bound by the terms of any applicable agreement(s), and/or (performance, payment, maintenance) guarantee(s). SUBDIVISION/PROJECT: DEVELOPER: CONTRACTOR: DESIGN FIRM/ENGINEER: Project Type: Approximate Lots Served: Plan Number: Approval Date: DEQ (If Applicable): Construction Start Date: WATER: Pressure Test: Bacteriological Test: Tracer Wire Continuity Test: (Non-metallic pipe only) SEWER: Line Pressure Test: MH Test: Camera Inspection: Date of Receipt: As- Builts: Easements Recorded: DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: If Punch List is attached, this list of items shall be completed or corrected prior to Final Acceptance. This list may not be all-inclusive, and the failure to include any items on such list does not alter the responsibility of the Contractor to complete all Work in accordance with applicable Agreement(s). Upon Substantial Completion, the Authority may begin use of the accepted water/sewer improvements, however maintenance will remain the responsibility of the Developer/Contractor until Final Acceptance is issued by the Authority. Punch List Items Complete: Maintenance Guarantee Received: DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE: Water Main (length): (8”) (other) Value: $ Water Services (number): (1”) (other) Value: $ Water Hydrants (number): Value: $ Sewer Gravity Main (length): (8”) (Other) Value: $ Sewer Pressure Main (length): ( “) Value: $ Sewer Manholes (number): Value: $ Sewer Services (number): (4”) (6”) Value: $ Other Utility Improvements Accepted: Value: $ Inspector: WVWA Project Manager: C: Contractor, Developer, T Lane, N Carroll, Y Doolittle (WO), B Hutchison & N Clouse (ENG), T Lawfield Project File*, Design Engineer* Building Dept. of Locality*, VDOT*, Fire Marshal of Locality* (*if applicable) Rev:1/1/14 DSW-1 DESIGN STANDARDS FOR WATER SYSTEMS 1.1 GENERAL A. The following standards and specifications represent the minimum requirements for all public water systems within the service area of the Participating Utility, hereinafter “Participating Utility” or “owner”. Before construction is commenced, plans and specifications shall be reviewed and approved by the appropriate participating utility, and all construction shall be in accordance with the approved construction documents. B. Systems shall be designed to meet or exceed Virginia Department of Health Office of Drinking Water, Water Works Regulations, latest edition. C. Water mains shall be located within public rights-of-way or waterline easements, and shall be located no closer than five feet (5’) from the edge of the easement or right-of-way line unless otherwise approved by the Participating Utility. D. Water supply systems, as described above, shall be designed by a Professional Engineer, licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia whose seal and signature shall be placed on each plan sheet. A Land Surveyor licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia may design such portions of a water supply system as provided by the Code of Virginia, Title 54, Section 54-17.1, 3(b). E. The Western Virginia Regional Standards and Specifications for Water and Sewer (Standards) shall be followed unless specified deviation therefore is authorized, in writing, by the Participating Utility. Deviations require use of the Request for Waiver, Modification or Field Change Form. When such deviations affect fire protection, approval by the Fire Marshal of the local jurisdiction shall also be obtained. Unless otherwise stated, all standards referenced in this Section shall refer to the latest revision or revised edition of the referenced manual. F. For agreements between the Participating Utility and the Contractor, the term “Participating Utility” shall substitute for “Owner” in all cases. 2.1 MINIMUM WATER MAIN SIZES A. Generally, the minimum water main size is twelve inches (12”) when located along a primary or other major roadway. Eight inch (8”) mains may be used elsewhere, but only when interconnected in a grid system no more than one- thousand-five-hundred feet (1,500’) apart. Six inch (6”) mains may be used in dead end or cul-de-sacs beyond the last fire hydrant, if the block is less than six- hundred feet (600') in length. For streets with cul-de-sacs or dead ends beyond the last fire hydrant, in which all adjacent properties are evaluated and it is determined that the water line cannot and will not be extended in the future, two inch (2”) pipe may be used for the last three-hundred feet (300’) when approved by the Participating Utility. The type of services installed along the two inch (2”) pipe must be evaluated to guarantee adequate flow to meet all existing and future demands at these services. Two-inch lines are not allowed in the City of Salem or Town of Vinton Design Standard - Water Systems 1/1/14 Page 1 of 126 B. Fire hydrants shall not be installed on lines less than six inches (6”) in diameter. Unless specifically approved otherwise by the Fire Marshal, no plantings or erection of other obstructions shall be made within a four-foot (4') radius of any fire hydrant, or at any location that would restrict access to the fire hydrant from the street. The ground surface within this same radius shall be level. 2.2 FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS The following are general minimum design guidelines. Specific requirements shall be determined by the Jurisdictional Fire Marshal’s Office. A. In residential areas, hydrants shall be located at street intersections and at intermediate locations where necessary, as determined by the Fire Marshal's Office. In no case shall the distance between fire hydrants, measured along the centerline of accessible streets, be greater than one-thousand feet (1,000'). B. Within one-hundred feet (100') of any standpipe or sprinkler system fire- department connection, where those systems are required in buildings. C. As required by the following schedule as given by use group, the distance shall be measured to the most remote part of the structure the hydrant will serve. Industrial buildings 250 feet School buildings 300 feet Commercial, Churches & Office Buildings 350 feet Apartments, Multi-family & Townhouses 250 feet Single family detached dwellings 500 feet* * Measured along centerline of street to the center of front property line for single- family detached dwellings only. D. All hydrants shall be a minimum of fifty feet (50') away from buildings other than single-family detached dwellings. The location of all new and existing hydrants that are to serve the property shall be shown on the plans. 2.3 WATER SYSTEM DESIGN Water systems shall be designed to adequately supply normal and peak demands for all customers, maintaining a static pressure of not less than twenty-five (25) pounds per square inch at all points of delivery, and shall have adequate capacity to deliver not less than the fire flows listed below, for a minimum of two hours, with a residual pressure of not less than twenty (20) pounds per square inch at the service connection based on the greater of maximum hour or maximum day plus applicable fire flows. In those cases where the existing source of supply cannot deliver fire flows at adequate pressures, the design engineer shall submit a request for waiver. Fire flows shall be analyzed and presented separately, and pipes shall be sized to meet the calculated requirements of simultaneous peak domestic and fire flow. The Participating Utility can require higher design pressure
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