DOCUMENT RESUME ED 440 004 SO 031 335 AUTHOR Oliker, Michael A., Ed.; Blacker, David, Ed.; Cunningham, Craig, Ed.; Stark, Thomas I., Ed. TITLE Proceedings of the Midwest Philosophy of Education Society, 1997-1998. INSTITUTION Midwest Philosophy of Education Society. PUB DATE 1999-00-00 NOTE 399p.; For the 1995-1996 proceedings, see ED 413 282. AVAILABLE FROM Midwest Philosophy of Education Society, 5006 W. Grace St., Chicago, IL 60641-3450 ($20). PUB TYPE Collected Works Proceedings (021) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC16 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Citizenship Education; Critical Thinking; Educational History; *Educational Philosophy; Higher Education; *Recognition (Achievement); *Scholarship IDENTIFIERS Character Education; Dewey (John) ABSTRACT These proceedings are composed of the papers presented at the 1997 and 1998 Annual Meetings of the Midwest Philosophy of Education Society. The 1997-papers include: "The Role of Cognitive Science in Philosophy of Education" (Jerome A. Popp); "On Accountability and Accreditation in Teacher Education: A Plea for Alternatives" (Gary D. Fenstermacher); "Searching for Teacher Education Programs that are Consistent with Democratic Ideals--A Response to Professor Fenstermacher" (Ronald Swartz); "On Anti-Intellectualism in Popular Culture: Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, and Lon Chaney, Jr. Go To College" (Michael A. Oliker); "Character Education in John Dewey" (Holly Salls); "H. G. Wells and the Origins of Progressive Education" (Don G. Smith); "John Dewey's 'Experience and Education' and Museum Education" (Ted Ansbacher); "Breaking the Silence" (Louis Silverstein); "Multiculturalism and the Teaching of Literature" (Allan Johnston); "Waiting: Killing Time? Playtime?" (Walter P. Krolikowski); "RouSseau and the Religious Basis of Political Order" (John M. Fennell); "The Discourse of Natural Instruction in Rousseau's 'Emile'" (Guillemette Johnston); "Hermeneutic Disclosure as Freedom: John Dewey and Paulo Freire on the Non-Representational Nature of Education" (Anthony Petruzzi); and "Models of Educational Democracy" (Walter Feinberg, Belden Fields, and Nicole Roberts). The 1998 papers presented included: "Historical Precedents Concerning the Mission of the University" (John C. Scott); "How We Go On: Values Education and Reinhabitation in Gary Snyder's 'The Practice of the Wild'" (Allan Johnston); "Toward a Progressivist Philosophy of Environmental Education" (Ron Meyers); "Savages, Barbarians, Civilized: A Case of Survival?" (Walter P. Krolikowski); "W. E. B. Du Bois and the Hampton Idea" (Percy L. Moore); "Dewey, Correctional Education, and Offender Habilitation" (Clyde A. Winters); "Nietzsche as Educator" (Kirk Wolf); "Toward A Nietzschean Pedagogy" (Maughn Gregory); "The Theatre of Education: Rousseau's 'Lettre a d'Alembert' and 'Emile'" (Guillemette Johnston); "Educational Implications of H. G. Wells' The Time Machine' and 'The Wonderful Visit'" (Don G. Smith); "The Marriage of Self and World: John Dewey and Stanley Cavell on the Romantics" (David Granger); "Understanding Wisdom: Its Nature and Development" (David B. Annis); "Socrates and Aristotle's Contribution to the Character Education Movement: Can Character and Virtue Be Taught?" (Madonna Murphy); "On Some Positions in Ray Boisvert's Recent Book" (Howard Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. G. Callaway); "John Dewey's Educational Theory and the Challenge of American Racism" (Steve Fishman and Lucille McCarthy); "John Dewey, Democracy and Education, and What We May Expect from Schools" (Joop W. A. Berding and Siebren Miedema); "Boisvert and the Levels of Deweyan Engagement" (Alan G. Phillips, Jr.); "Dewey Now: Lived Experience versus Scientific Method" (Raymond D. Boisvert); "Bloom and His Critics: Nihilism and 'True Education'" (Jon M. Fennell); and "Cognition, Dewey, and the Organization of Teacher Education in Small Schools" (Clyde A. Winters and Cynthia K. Valenciano). The volume concludes with memorials to Arthur Brown, Harry S. Broudy, C. J. B. MacMillian, and Frederick L. Will, six appendices, and an index.(BT) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. Proceedings of the Midwest Philosophy of Education Society: 1997-1998 PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY tnidaasid_Olject. TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 1 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This do-ailment has been reproducedas received from the person or organization originating it. Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. 2 Proceedings of the Midwest Philosophy of Education Society: 1997-1998 EDITOR Michael A. Oliker, Loyola University Chicago ASSISTANT EDITORS David Blacker, University of Delaware Craig Cunningham, Northeastern Illinois University & University of Chicago Thomas I. Stark, Emeritus, Harold Washington College MANAGING EDITOR Molly O'Halloran, Chicago, Illinois CHICAGO, ILLINOIS: THE SOCIETY, 1999. 3 Contents Letter from the Mayor vi Preface and Acknowledgments vii PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS JEROME A. PoPP, SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY The Role of Cognitive Science in Philosophy of Education 1997 ANNUAL MEETING GARY D. FENSTERMACHER, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR 16 On Accountability and Accreditation in Teacher Education: A Plea for Alternatives RONALD SWARTZ, OAKLAND UNIVERSITY 23 Searching for Teacher Education Programs that are Consistent with Democratic Ideate A Response to Professor Fenstermacher MICHAEL A. OLIKER, LOYOLA UNIVERSITY CHICAGO 27 On Anti-Intellectualism in Popular Culture: Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, and Lon Chaney, Jr. Go To College HOLLY SALLS, THE WILLOWS ACADEMY 35 Character Education in John Dewey DON G. SMITH, EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY 44 H. G. Wells and the Origins of Progressive Education TED ANSBACHER, SCIENCE SERVICES 51 John Dewey's Experience and Education and Museum Education LOUIS SILVERSTEIN, COLUMBIA COLLEGE 60 Breaking the Silence ALLAN JOHNSTON, DEPAUL UNIVERSITY 67 Multiculturalism and the Teaching of Literature WALTER P. KROLIKOWSKI, S.J., LOYOLA UNIVERSITY CHICAGO 78 Waiting: Killing Time? Playtime? JON M. FENNELL, INDEPENDENT SCHOLAR, NAI'ERVILLE, ILLINOIS 88 Rousseau and the Religious Basis of Political Order GUILLEMETTE JOHNSTON, DEPAUL UNIVERSITY 100 The Discourse of Natural Instruction in Rousseau's Emile iii ANTHONY PETRUZZI, BENTLEY COLLEGE 110 Hermeneutic Disclosure as Freedom: John Dewey and Paulo Freireon the Non-Representational Nature of Education WALTER FEINBERG, BELDEN FIELDS, & NICOLE ROBERTS, UNIVERSITYOF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 122 Models of Educational Democracy 1998 ANNUAL MEETING JOHN C. SCOTT, INDEPENDENT SCHOLAR, ARCHBOLD, OHIO 134 Historical Precedents Concerning the Mission of the University ALLAN JOHNSTON, DEPAUL UNIVERSITY 139 How We Go On: Values Education and Reinhabitation in Gary Snyders The Practice of the Wild RON MEYERS, OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY 149 Toward a Progressivist Philosophy of Environmental Education WALTER P. KROLIKOWSKI, S.J., LOYOLA UNIVERSITY CHICAGO 165 Savages, Barbarians, Civilized: A Case of Survival? PERCY L. MOORE, WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY 177 W E. B. Du Bois and the Hampton Idea CLYDE A WINTERS, UTHMAN DAN FOLIO INSTITUTE 186 Dewey, Correctional Education, and Offender Habilitation KIRK WOLF, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS 195 Nietzsche as Educator MAUGHN GREGORY, MONTCLAIR STATE UNIVERSITY 202 Toward A Nietzschean Pedagogy GUILLEMETTE JOHNSTON, DEPAUL UNIVERSITY 214 The Theatre of Education: Rousseau's Lettrea d'Alembert and Emile DON G. SMITH, EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY 227 Educational Implications of H. G. Wells'The Time Machine and The Wonderful Visit DAVID GRANGER, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 233 The Marriage of Self arid World: John Dewey and Stanley Cavellon the Romantics DAVID B. ANNIS, BALL STAVE UNIVERSITY 249 Understanding Wisdom: Its Nature and Development MADONNA MURPHY, UNIVERSITY OF ST. FRANCIS 257 Socrates and Aristotle's Contribution to the Character Education Movement: Can Character and Virtue Be Taught? iv Contents 5 HOWARD G. CALLAWAY, UNIVERSITY OF MAINZ, GERMANY 265 On Some Positions in Ray Boisvert:s Recent Book STEVE FISHMAN, U. OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHARLOTTE, & LUCILLE MCCARTHY, U. OF MARYLAND, BALTIMORE COUNTY 273 John Deweys Educational Theory and the Challenge of American Racism JOOP W. A. BERDING & SIEBREN MIEDEMA, FREE UNIVERSITY AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS 278 John Dewey, Democracy and Education, and What We May Expect... from Schools ALAN G. PHILLIPS, JR., U. OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 288 Boisvert and the Levels of Deweyan Engagement RAYMOND D. BOISVERT, SIENA COLLEGE 295 Dewey Now: Lived Experience versus Scientific Method JON M. FENNELL, INDEPENDENT SCHOLAR, NAPERVILLE, ILLINOIS 301 Bloom and His Critics: Nihilism and "True Education" CLYDE A WINTERS, UTHMAN DAN FOLIO INSTITUTE, LOYOLA U. CHICAGO & CYNTHIA K. VALENCIANO, CHICAGO STATE UNIVERSITY 316 Cognition, Dewey, and the Organization of Teacher Education in Small Schools 1998 MEMORIAL SESSION ON ARTHUR BROWN Robert P Craig 325 Ronald M Swartz 333 ON HARRY S. BROUDY Ronald D. Szoke 347 John M Wozniak 355 ON C. J. B. MACMILLAN Jon M Fennell 356 ON FREDERICK L. WILL James D. Wallace 359 ON DYING AND DEATH Louis Silverstein 364 MEMORIAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES 367 APPENDICES A. ANNUAL MEETING PROGRAM 1997 372 B. ANNUAL MEETING PROGRAM 1998 374
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